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So I find that whenever I travel I just buy a 6 pack of socks there.

As an example in Thailand, a 6 pack of socks is 100 baht. Which is 3 US dollars.

A 12 pack of socks is about 5 US dollars. In other countries, up to about 10 US dollars.

Basically when I break it down here's how I see it:

Underwear is a non-negotiable. And for me - it's per day. But they are the lightest weight. So it's no problem carrying it. ie Pair of Thieves is very lightweight.

For tshirts, I find that I usually can wear a tshirt about 2-3 times before swapping. So I pack about 4-7 shirts. Often just about 4 tshirts.

For pants, I only need about 1 or 2 and they last the whole trip.

But socks are kinda in that realm where I need to swap out everyday. But they take a chunk of weight. At least when weighing it. And for shits and giggles, yes, I've tried Darntough but they still smell after a few days.

So what I've been doing lately is just buying a 6 pack of socks there.

This allows me to carry much less in my bag and I have so much more socks to use throughout the trip. I personally cannot use socks more than 1 day, not even with Darntoughs.

And I suppose the question is what do you with the socks when you're done with them. If I like the brand I bring it home. If I don't, I just leave it there. Does anyone else do this?

And while unrelated I find with this method I don't have to do laundry at all --> Shirts, I can use it about 2-3 days. And I bring shirts accordingly. With underwear I bring per day but they weigh nothing. But socks, I just buy a 6 pack there.

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Posted by10 hours ago

Stripe™️ is great. Everybody loves Stripe™️. It is powerful, flexible, reliable, and easy to start. It integrates with everything, even with my smart toaster. They have a fancy website and a handsome founder—pure joy.

But there is a cohort of people who can't enjoy it. I'm talking about people from these countries: 🇦🇷 Argentina, 🇨🇱 Chile, 🇨🇳 China, 🇨🇴 Colombia, 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇮🇱 Israel, 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan, 🇰🇼 Kuwait, 🇵🇪 Peru, 🇵🇭 Philippines, 🇶🇦 Qatar, 🇷🇺 Russia, 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia, 🇰🇷 South Korea, 🇹🇼 Taiwan, 🇹🇷 Turkey, 🇺🇦 Ukraine, 🇺🇾 Uruguay, 🇻🇪 Venezuela, 🇻🇳 Vietnam.

That is approximately 2.56 billion people (thx ChatGPT)!

So what

So I made a website that aggregates all the payment service providers other than Stripe™️ in one place: It is intended for small indie makers like myself and the people ‎r/SideProject.


The main goal is to show other options for people from these countries. I do not them to be sad they can't use the most popular payment service. It is not a problem. There are dozens of competitors to choose from!

I also want to promote the Stripe™️ competitors because it has too huge % of the market. And the monopoly can make things bad.

The data

I listed the payment services I used in my SaaS building experience. But I worked with only 6 of them. So I used the power of GPT4 and Reddit to add more items. I hope that you will also help me to organize the list. There could be mistakes and incorrect data. Please feel free to commit changes in the comments here. I will apply them all.

Disclaimer: The project "" is not affiliated with Stripe™️®©. STRIPE is a trademark of STRIPE, INC. Please do not sue me., my side-projectI store the data in Google Sheets
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Posted by7 hours ago
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Hello everyone,

In March 2023, I created my developer account and successfully published a bill-splitting app. Things were going well until I received emails from individuals who expressed interest in having their apps published through my account, offering $10 per week in return. Intrigued, I agreed to publish a basic game they provided, thinking it was harmless as it did not request any sensitive permissions or user information.

To my surprise, the app was not approved due to policy violations, specifically the Repetitive Policy. While disappointed, I accepted this outcome and decided to refrain from uploading similar apps in the future. However, today I received an email informing me that my account has been terminated for life.

As a 19-year-old Computer Science Engineering student with a passion for app development, this ban seems excessively harsh for a single mistake, especially considering that the app in question was not even published. I believe in the principles of fairness and redemption, and I am reaching out to our community for support.

I understand the importance of maintaining integrity in the app development ecosystem, but a lifetime ban for a single error seems disproportionate. I am willing to learn from this experience, rectify any mistakes, and continue contributing positively to the developer community.

Please share your thoughts, advice, or experiences if you have faced a similar situation. Your support means the world to me, and together, we can advocate for a fair resolution.

Thank you for standing with me in this challenging time.

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Posted by2 hours ago

I’ve been lurking on this subreddit for a long while and seeing people pushing out 10 ChatGPt wrappers per day, built over a weekend and making 5-10k in sales in the first few days triggered a lot of FOMO in me.

But since I’m still skeptical about using AI tools for myself, I did not join the bandwagon. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried different tools and still use ChatGPT for some minor things, but for more important things it feels like they’re not “there” yet. Might get there in a few years, but for now I’m sticking with doing things the old way.

I’ve been out of the game for a while, my previous startup took my full attention for about 5 years, finally managed to exit jan 2023 and have been taking it slow with a regular day job this year to recharge my batteries. For the past couple of months I’ve been thinking about trying to bootstrap a new project to have something on the side of my day job, but had a tough time trying to decide on something. I did not want to join the AI hype train, as I still think after this is over people will move to the next thing and a lot of these tools will have failed. I remember the NFT crypto mania of 2020-2021 and saw how hard that one crashed. Sure, AI is a different thing and it’s here to stay, but with tools that bring actual value to people.

So for now I’m not building an AI tool which I know won’t be sexy, but I think the idea has some potential. At least I’ll get to sharpen my builder skills again, I have gotten a bit rusty over the years. Trying out some new tech that I’ve always wanted to take for a spin and enjoying the heck out of writting code again.

Will I be able to launch this thing and get some user attention while surrounded by all of these AI tools? I sure hope so. Any other makers in the same spot? What are your thoughts, will you ride the AI hype train or wait it out?

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I am scammed and got my Play Developer account banned

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Posted by7 hours ago
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I am scammed and got my Play Developer account banned

Hello everyone,

In March 2023, I created my developer account and successfully published a bill-splitting app. Things were going well until I received emails from individuals who expressed interest in having their apps published through my account, offering $10 per week in return. Intrigued, I agreed to publish a basic game they provided, thinking it was harmless as it did not request any sensitive permissions or user information.

To my surprise, the app was not approved due to policy violations, specifically the Repetitive Policy. While disappointed, I accepted this outcome and decided to refrain from uploading similar apps in the future. However, today I received an email informing me that my account has been terminated for life.

As a 19-year-old Computer Science Engineering student with a passion for app development, this ban seems excessively harsh for a single mistake, especially considering that the app in question was not even published. I believe in the principles of fairness and redemption, and I am reaching out to our community for support.

I understand the importance of maintaining integrity in the app development ecosystem, but a lifetime ban for a single error seems disproportionate. I am willing to learn from this experience, rectify any mistakes, and continue contributing positively to the developer community.

Please share your thoughts, advice, or experiences if you have faced a similar situation. Your support means the world to me, and together, we can advocate for a fair resolution.

Thank you for standing with me in this challenging time.

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ModModerator Achievement · 3 hr. ago · Stickied comment

Please don't give advice about circumventing Google Play developer bans here. This post has run its course and there's not much anyone except Google themselves can do to reverse OP's ban. Locking.

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level 1

You didn't think it was suspicious someone was going to pay you $10 a week to publish an app when it's a $25 one-time fee to open one themselves?

Rule #1 in life. If it's sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Scammers thrive off people who ignore this.

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level 1

In Google's eyes, you and the guys who were paying you are the same, hence the ban. Those guys offered me $25 weekly and $100 upfront but I refused.

Going forward, your identity is permanently banned, but there is a way you can open a new developer account. Get a new credit/debit card to pay the registration fee, if you used your id for identity verification, you'll have to look for another id to use (should match the payment card). Don't upload apps from the banned acc to the new acc. Basically, you have to start afresh. Also, don't use chrome. In fact, uninstall Google chrome from your machine. Don't worry about IP address, just use a fresh browser.

Good luck

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level 2

OP, take this advice with an entire bottle of salt. Google is very good at tracking (obviously), they have a lot of data and could easily cross reference things and get any new associated account packed up.

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level 3

True, i also accept!

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level 4

Just a get a new PC and wifi connection to be sure or if not new factory reset never connect old account with new one, avoid using old account on same wifi if possible get rid of banned account all together you'll be fine

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level 3

The problem with this tracking is the many false positives the bots produce. Even a false positive rate of just 0.01 is quite significant when you consider there are millions of Android developers. Google is moving towards id verification for all accounts for a reason. Get a new id for verification, new payment method, set your os to change Mac address daily, new clean browser (one that blocks or spoofs fingerprinting) and no chrome and you are set.

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level 4

Wouldn't ID verification just stop the relatively harmless people (like op) while being ineffective against the worst scammers/bad actors.

I think the worst ones could easily pay people to use their ID and get around the restriction that way. Or find leaked/hacked ID information online. But the people like OP who made a mistake but probably wouldn't do it again are the ones who are restricted the most.

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Have you seen someone doing? And can I dm you?

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Can torr browser help?

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I think google doesn’t like tor. And they will not even approve a fresh account coming from tor.

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level 1

I feel sorry for you… but also let this serve as a warning to others… never publish other people’s apps under your account - it’s just not worth the risk.

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· 7 hr. ago · edited 7 hr. ago

Welp, you've made a critical mistake. Even though it may appear as a small one from you, to Google, some bad actors are attempting to use another account to publish an app they've most likely rejected. The bad folks chose to break their policy by creating or using others accts, so any account put to use is now associated with them and will be terminated.

There are many similar posts in this sub. I think you maybe out of luck here.

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I mean there is no way?

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You could offer someone else 10 dollars a month to publish your apps for you....

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No legal or advisable way, no. No way in which you may not eventually get caught and have to start over again.

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Almost certainly not.

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I don't have any info about getting your google account back. But you should ask yourself, what is your goal as a Mobile App Developer?

The only thing you're banned from is the Play Store.

- Research deployment to the Amazon AppStore or Samsung Galaxy app store.

- There are alternate app stores, like F-Droid. You can't charge there, but you can put 'Support' banners in the source code and open up a donations profile.

- Switch to iOS

Another idea would be to join a company that develops mobile apps.

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Can i register my own company?

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If you did, then tried to upload your old apps, you would get banned again for being 'connected' to a banned account.

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Googles policies are the way they are to precisely ban and block things like this.

This is (another) example of the system working as designed. You published apps that broke policies AND you published apps that you had no actual link to in the first place.

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level 2

Any way to accept my mistake and prove that i myself is not scammer and won’t be let anyone use me in future.

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level 3

Bluntly again.

Why would google spend the time doing this? Its easier to ban and move on. Literally everyone who gets banned would claim they are innocent whether they are or not - what does Google really benefit from spending resources investigating and monitoring all this?

They aren't struggling with PlayStore revenue, or volume of apps, banning accounts that have shown to break policies isn't 'costing' them currently.

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level 4

Truly accept that! Just don’t want to stop my plans.

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level 5

Then you need to accept that you are banned for life, and need to find something else to do.

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You are a scammer. You participated willingly in a scam.

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You tried to help scam people for money, ignorance is no excuse, would of taken you 2 seconds of research to find out that’s scam… why study computer science if you can’t google your fucked

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On a side note, if you ever find yourself in an airport with somebody offering you money to take their luggage with you, just don't .

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Come on, do you live in a fairytale world where everyone is nice?

Yes the ban is harsh but everything is automated, and a lot of bans are even mistakes, which is super unfair. In this case you had it coming.

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· 5 hr. ago · edited 5 hr. ago

It is extremely harsh for an individual to get a lifetime ban for a single infraction, but you have to look at the costs and benefits on either side:

Google letting a scammer into its walled garden is potentially extremely serious, as they may rip off thousands or millions of Google's users and generate bad PR that scares users and developers off its platform.

Banning one dumb kid essentially costs them nothing, because there are tens of thousands of other developers positively falling over themselves to keep building apps for android. The chances you personally will come up with the Next Big Thing that makes them even a noticeable amount of money on their platform is essentially zero, and even if you did, and proved it on iOS or some other platform, they could always just choose to make an exception and let you back in in that case.

The problem is that you're moving in a world where you're essentially worthless, and that's hard to square with our intuitions that individuals are important, which is why every developer who gets banned from Google (or redditor kicked out of a subreddit, or customer stuck in some tech support call-centre voice mailbox system in India) gets so upset about being treated like a nameless, worthless grain of sand when they feel like an important, significant human being who should be afforded a minimum level of consideration and respect.

Put simply, you're not. Not to these systems and organisations. Unless you're the CEO of Facebook or an app developer with a recognisable brand and millions of users and PR influence.

Outside of those scenarios you aren't a person to Google. You aren't even a thing - you're nothing but stuff flowing through their machine... and nobody gives the slightest shit if a random droplet of water or grain of corn drops out of the chute or gets caught in the wheels, so - though it sucks to be us corn-kernels - if you want to play in Google's system, you need to recognise the fact that that's your station, and act accordingly.

... and that means playing 1000% by the letter of the rules, staying well clear of any edge-cases or ambiguities, keeping your nose clean, never coming to anyone's attention and generally keeping your head down so your entire account isn't summarily executed by some automated script because (from Google's point of view) "who gives a shit, better safe than sorry, lol".

The nice thing is that precisely because you matter so little to them, they probably won't put any real effort into tracking you as long as your completely sever any link between the old account and any new one you create, so try waiting a while, use a different browser (ideally a different machine), re-sign-up with a different card tied to a different account under a different variant of your name (initials/middle names can help), a different mailing address, etc... and unless you do anything stupid to link this new account to the old one or come to their attention again, they'll probably never notice.

You'll 100% always be on borrowed time though, and if at any point in the future you do anything to link the two or even if just their detection heuristics change, at any point you may suddenly be retroactively banned and loose access to your new account, apps, any money they still owe you, etc... both for the original offence and now for ban-evasion.

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level 1

That was a critical mistake to make indeed... I'm sorry for you.

You have to understand that this is a very serious offense. Publishing an app you know nothing about can be very dangerous, what if it comes with malware, allows doing something illegal, or scam users in one way or another. Even if it looks good to you, an app can easily change its behavior later on. As the publisher you could even be held liable in court.

You can try appealing the decision and explaining the situation. But it's rare that Google reinstates accounts in such cases.

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They replied that they wont. I want to accept my mistake and make google assure that this wont be happening in future. Any way?

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Unfortunately not. You've been banned for life. There is nothing you can do about it now, you broke their terms of service.

If you ever thought about self-publishing apps on the Google play app store, then you might want to start thinking of a new career path my friend, and you only have yourself to blame. Those who play with fire always get burnt.

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level 3

Not possible unfortunately, I'm sorry.

The only way is to create a new company with its own Google account, and never do anything that can be linked to your previous account: change IP address, computer, bank account and credit card, and never ever connect to your banned Google account again to avoid Google finding that the two accounts are related.

You really have to be that careful, Google is very good at tracking down related accounts.

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Bro you can reach out Google Play and Google on Twitter, they might personally help you.

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Please tell me this is satire.

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· 4 hr. ago
Android Developer

Sorry state of seeking free money. For the 10+ years of apps development and growing stricter policies to safeguard user data o all stores, you still fell for it. Nothing comes free bro. Sorry for you!

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Well deserved

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I'm surprised by how many people defend Google in this case. This is absolutely overuse of power. Google is not judicial institution to have power to PERMANENTLY banish a PERSON. OP should be allowed to open new Console account with the same real life ID. They may ask for new e-mail, or an additional identification method. But this, permanent ban with a threat of future ban by association, is practically challenging soverignity of a nation.

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No person on Reddit can help you. Your Android career as a self-published developer is put on hold until either your death or the death of Google's monopoly.

Realize that everyone everywhere is trying to scam you and go into iOS career.

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But any app that is not available on ansroid won’t scale

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Wow!! Where did you get TV that info? iOS is where the money is

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I accept but any community based app requires android (i live in india where 85%+ people use android). Even my bill split app was not getting used due to this. I my 15 friend group only 3 of them has iphone.

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Why is people saying such things, he can definitely open another Google account, using his mom dad brother or any friends ID. And why nobody suggesting appeal? Is appeal not possible in account termination case?

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Because he's a scammer. He obviously didn't care about the TOS that he agreed to, for the low price of $10, so they'd probably do anything illegal for money. Nobody wants that kind of person in the market.

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I feel pity for you. Make some noise in the horrible site X. Maybe someone from Google will notice.

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They're gonna be 1 voice among the thousands of (often unfairly) banned devs. Their case isn't even an AI mistake, it's justified (from Google's point of view).

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Open company if you believe in your app

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Hm, account ban just for repetitive policy rejection? That seems excessive. Or they found something else bad and therefore proceeded to account ban.

Either way, you've learned a lesson. Don't trust others easily, always verify.

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Switch to IOS development career, the pay for these iOS jobs is typically way higher than Android devs. Well first thing to consider before becoming one is getting a macbook.

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That's funny and here Google is making profit off everyone.

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It doesn't end there

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One thing you can do is to change your pc, never connect to the same network you used for your previous account. Ask your parents if they allow you to create a developer account with their ID. Never ever associate your info with that account. Don't upload your previous account apps to this new account. And then pray to God that Google somehow don't find out that it's you. You should also change github account if you can just to be on a safe side. Idk if it'll work but ig it's the only way.

Edit:- Don't even mail to that new account using your account.

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level 2

And that will also get you banned lol

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Oh well! You are lucky! Other people end up in jail for just smoking a joint and they have to live with that their whole life.

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