Who is exempt from Australia's international coronavirus travel ban?

While Australia is restricting citizens and permanent residents from overseas travel, there are some notable exceptions.

By Brandon Loo, April 6 2020
Who is exempt from Australia's international coronavirus travel ban?

Australia's Department of Home Affairs is now restricting Australian citizens and permanent residents from leaving the country, under a ruling in effect since 25 March, 2020.

This 'curve-flattening' measure is designed to stem the spread of the coronavirus abroad and prevent travellers from bringing it back to Australia, potentially sparking new cases.

However, there are still certain scenarios where overseas travel is required, and exemptions from the travel ban may apply.

General exemptions to leaving Australia

Australia's legislation cites some general exemptions to the travel restrictions:

  • Anyone who is normally a resident of a country other than Australia (i.e. tourists)
  • Crew members of aircraft and vessels
  • Workers associated with the safety of aircraft and vessels, even if they are not operating that particular flight or cruise
  • A person who is engaged in the day-to-day operations of inbound and outbound freight
  • A person who needs to travel for essential work at an offshore facility
  • A person who is travelling on official government business (including the Australian Defence Force)

Essentially, these provisions allow tourists and non-residents to leave Australia, while also enabling transport, freight and government business to continue without interruption. If you fit in this category, you don't need to apply for an exemption.

Special exemptions to leaving Australia

Australian citizens and permanent residents to request approval to travel overseas if they can demonstrate 'a compelling reason for needing to leave Australian territory'.

The Department of Home Affairs lists these examples:

  • A person travelling as part of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak, including providing aid
  • A person whose travel is essential for the conduct of critical industries and business
  • A person receiving urgent medical care not available in Australia
  • A person who is travelling on urgent and unavoidable personal business
  • Travel on compassionate or humanitarian grounds
  • Travel that is in the national interest

These suggestions cover most foreseeable scenarios ranging from work to personal reasons, but keep in mind that all applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis so there is no guarantee of an exemption.

How to request special exemption to leave Australia

To apply for an exemption to leave Australia, you need to submit a written application.

After you've read the rules, checked you're not already covered by a general exemption, and certain you need to travel, head to the dedicated COVID-19 enquiry form.

Tick the boxes to say you've read the Department's privacy and security statements, then select "I am an Australian citizen or permanent resident and need to travel outside of Australia" from the next list.

Click this image to enlarge it
Click this image to enlarge it

Next, you'll need to select what 'reason for exemption' fits you the best, as well as provide a detailed explanation of why you need to travel.

The form finishes off by asking for your passport details, proposed travel arrangements, contact details and a place to upload supporting evidence.

Click this image to enlarge it
Click this image to enlarge it

Click 'submit' to lodge your application. No timeframe is mentioned for when they'll get back to you, so try to submit your application as early as possible.

Note that upon returning to Australia you'll be required to be quarantined for 14 days in a hotel arranged and paid for by the Federal Government. This hotel will be located in your arrival city, not your final destination.

Brandon Loo

Based in Perth, Brandon enjoys tucking into local delicacies, discovering new cocktails, and making aeroplane food look good on camera.

Can international transit passengers still route via Sydney? We are UK holidaymakers due to fly Auckland - Sydney on Air NZ with hand baggage only hoping to remain airside to join same day BA0016 to London. In business class Does anyone have recent experience of similar?

Hi PL, go to the Home Affairs COVID-19 enquiry page and select 'I want to transit through Australia'. There is a lengthy form to fill out, but you can request an exemption that way.


Today I got the approval to departure Australia from ABF to go to Pakistan. I put the departure port Sydney in my exemption but unfortunately I lost my ticket. Now I want to depart from Melbourne because that was just the ticket in next month. I was wondering if you could tell me can I depart from Melbourne?

Thanks & Regards,


Arezoo: Exemptions are valid only from the international departure port nominated as part of the application process (the email you've received from Border Force should outline this). You'll either need to depart from Sydney as approved, or submit a new application for Melbourne. An exemption for one airport doesn't work in another.

Hi Chris, I just received approval for travelling outside Australia. Unfortunately I have to change flight dates. My approval letter does not say that I do not need to reapply if dates change. Does it mean I need to reapply with a new date or the date change is allowed for all authorised requests? Also, I stated I was moving overseas indefinitely. Do you know if I am liable if I come back in a month or two to take a job offer? Appreciate any help?


I saw your comment and wanted to ask, how did you get approved? did you have a flight and visa ready?

I'm currently trying to leave Australia indefinitely and visa stations have just reopened. I'm applied for exemption but its pointless because I don't really have any visa details, or a flight date because I don't want to purchase and I cannot leave.

Can I ask how long it took to secure your approval? I am looking to travel outside of Australia indefinitely too but have not yet received visa.


Could you please advise if you re-apply for changing airport in the end? Cos I'm still waiting for my approval but my next flight will be in a different airport.

Thanks in advance

Hi Arezoo,

Can you tell us what was your reasoning and what documents you did provide?


Do you know about a citizen of New Zealand trying to leave Australia to go to the United States? Is the Australian government is that strict? Spent maybe about 6 months outside of Australia traveling South America. Not sure exactly how long to be considered non resident. Or what is required for a compassion exemption. thanks!!

Hi, my wife is a new zealand citizen and she is stuck in new zealand. The trans tasman travel is rumored to start in September. We got married just 3 months ago and have booked in for marriage registration on 22 july. We tried applying for the exepmtion before but got rejected. We did not have legal marriage registration as we got married overseas. I am not a Australian citizen/pr. I am on a temporary work visa. She needs to gwt here asap for our visa purpose. We have applied th expemption again attaching our wedding pics and invitation card as supporting documents. Please let us know if anyone is having similar travel problem and how do we resolve this ?

It took 4/5 attempts to finally get a last minute response. We purposely put our intended travel date for last friday and heard no response, so we kept calling home affairs and finally reached someone who cared after 2 hours of being on hold. It was sad to hear that the supervisor didnt care about our case but we eventually got a hold of the most patient and caring representative on the phone who put our application on URGENT. Then within a few hours my fiance got the email of his exemption. This process was more mentally draining than the K1 process but dont give up! I wish you all the best!

As in proof, we included both of our birth certificates, our US social security cards (he got one while studying abroad in the US awhile back), termination of lease, resignation of his job, wedding deposits, joint bank accounts, and links to the USCIS website to provide further information.

hope this helps!

Hi there

I have a similar kind of situation where my fiance is a PR of Australia and his request to come to our own marriage was denied three times so far telling that's not compassionate. we are under so much of pain at the moment. could you please let me know how you contact ABF via phone? also what re the documents you attached and how didi you write the request in the online form?

Thanks a lot. Your reply is much appreciated

Hi Djbridge12

I have a similar kind of situation where my fiance is a PR of Australia and his request to come to our own marriage was denied three times so far telling that's not compassionate. we are under so much pain at the moment. could you please let me know how you contact ABF via phone? also what re the documents you attached and how did you write the request in the online form?

Thanks a lot. Your reply is much appreciated


I am a Permanent Resident of Australia as well. My wedding was supposed to take place in July but we cancelled it and now its happening in December 2020 and i have to travel overseas in December. May i know what documents have you submitted and what reason have you provided? 

Thanks in advance and Your reply is much appreciated!

Hi Manny,

My wedding was supposed to happen in April but we postponed it to December 2020. Did you get exemption for leaving Australia? if then, can you please advise what documents have you provided?

Thanks is advance.

Thanks Brandon. I submitted the exemption form for transit and will post the results here to help others.

Please let me know how that goes

I am in Wellington NZ, and i need to get to London UK which atm looks like i will have to travel via Sydney

hey mate! Have you heard back?

Anyone who is normally a resident of a country other than Australia (i.e. tourists)

I'm an Australian citizen who flew out of Melbourne on 29th March to the UK, where I'm normally resident. At the airport an immigration officer explained to me that the definition of "not resident" was anyone who, in the last 12 months prior to departure date, had spent more days outside Australia than in. If you've spent the majority of your time in Australia then an exemption is needed. He spent a long time on the phone to an office checking my status. (I made it by nine days.)

Thanks- this is useful! I'm an Australian who usually lives in UK, arrived in Melbourne just over a month ago but need to get home to UK when I can. I was wondering how this works, so it seems they just check at the airport. It would be nice to know that you could be 100% sure about them letting you leave before getting to the airport, although I would meet those conditions. Any other advice gratefully received!

Thanks for sharing! Great information

Has any Australian Citizen succeeded in getting an Exemption to leave Australia yet? I'm a dual Aussie/British citizen and I'm seeking permission to head back to the UK for the duration of the crisis - I've filled out the online form requesting permission to leave for compassionate reasons (my family is all in the UK and I'm pretty worried about them) - and so far just got a response saying 'insufficient information in your request, please resubmit with more detail'.

Anyone managed to get an Exemption for leaving Australia?

Just stay put!
The last thing needed at the moment, is more people travelling around to wherever they feel is best for them. Here in HK it's kicked off again because of people doing exactly like what you've outlined.
They left HK because they thought it wasn't safe and went to Europe. Then they didn't want to be in Europe anymore so they headed back to HK. Some of them unknowingly brought the virus back which has no caused a second wave in HK.
Don't be selfish. Just stay put!

The people you are referencing must be HK residents/citizens because foreigners can't enter HK at the moment. In Asia, foreigners are currently persona non-grata except for a few limited exceptions. This should be clearly emphasized. Even foreign family members of local citizens can't get back to certain countries at the moment. Japan and the Philippines reportedly allow them, but Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and China do not.

that sucks dude! Im needing to transit via Sydney (going Wellington NZ to London UK, sadly bc of NZ's rules i cant go via Auckland which sucks bc AKL to London is availble with heaps of flight by Qatar Airways)

If you have trouble finding a flight to London (BA is suspending their service from 9th april to 22nd april) then try transit via Auckland, NZ

Ive submitted a form to be able to transit through Aus - waiting to hear back.

I am in a similar situation to you i.e. dual citizen with some family over in the UK. I was just wondering what evidence you provided which granted you the exemption?

Hi, Did you receive a response yet?

I too am a dual citizen but had already made all arrangements to move back to the UK months before any of this. I left my job and house here.

I have applied 3 times and the last 2 times they have not even bothered to respond to me.

Any information you have I'd be grateful for.



Thank you for your post - I am in a similar position (French & Australian) living in Australia - I am trying to fly to Europe to spend 5 months and stay with my mother 83, widow. I applied for exemption of travel (this week) on humanitarian ground. Would love to hear if other people have been knocked back and why ?

We had a seat on BA Sydney-London but were needing to connect from S Island New Zealand. Using the Australian link recommended by Brandon, we were eventually able to get an exemption to transit through Sydney airport. Unfortunately, NZ regulations did not permit us to move internally to Auckland international airport so we had to cancel all flights. There are no international flights from S Island, so we are stuck. But there are worse places to be......

I have an Australian passport and another European passport,

can i fly to Europe because i have a house there and bills to pay

that must be done in Europe, cannot use internet bank?

I wonder.

If you have copies of bills (digital copies) for your place in Europe you can present those as part of your request for an exemption. Also, I would imagine if you have a European passport, just present that and say "I'm from Europe and I'm going home". Should be enough IMHO.

I'm an Aus citizen but resident of the UK. Came here on a holiday for 3 weeks and am flying back out on Friday. What do I need to show at the airport that I'm a UK resident (non resident in Aus)?

The border force link says I don't need to apply for an exemption.

Show your Australian passport (assuming you entered the country on one) to immigration/border force. They will check that you have been out of the country for the majority of the last 12 months.

The Home Affairs website now says you must have been outside the country for the majority of the last 12 to 24 months. That makes it much more confusing. What's wrong with a simple clear-cut rule?

Thanks! I was printing out my council tax statements etc. just as proof that I live in the UK but it sounds like I won't be needing those documents.

Hi Sidn, how did you go leaving? Did you have to provide any proof of residency in the UK? I'm in the same boat. I live in Norway and have to get back before my residency permit is null en void for being outside the country for too long.

My husband is stuck in Europe. Left Sydney on 2nd March with Qatar. Qatar is still flying Doha/Sydney., but how does he get to Doha from Belgrade?

Hello - Has anyone heard back yet regarding getting an exemption ? I appreciate they are busy but been waiting approx 4 days now - just wondering how long they usually taken per application ?

Mine eventually came through, it took over a week. They are clear that you can change your date of departure though, just not the port. Good luck!

Thanks! i would be transiting - mine has come through also but they didnt say anything about changing port of entry

anyways goodluck !

I am an Aus/UK joint citizen, in process of returning to the Uk. My house has been sold, my belongings shipped, and now I am stuck. I applied for an exemption to the travel ban on Aussies leaving Australia on 2 April, and now, over 2 weeks later, I have heard nothing back Does this match other people's experience who may be in a similar position? I applied under the compassionate category and sent proof of fuel citizenship, hose sale, good shipment, house in the UK etc etc.


I'm in the same situation. I received a response, the first time, within 4 business days but it was denied. I have reapplied twice since and have had no response for the last 4 weeks.

According to someone above they received an exemption and hadn't even been planning to relocate prior to this.

I can't seem to get any information on what to do next! I am just going to keep applying I suppose....

If you wouldn't mind posting if you get out that would be helpful!


Hey Georgie

From my understanding of reading comments on this thread , they are responding to people in order of how soon your flight is. So if your flight is in three days time you're likely to hear before someone whose flight is in a months time. You could try put an earlier dates flight number and change it later to see if you get approved.

Hi Sarah, Yes the first time was 4 days before the flight and I received the no response 9 hours before the flight was due to leave. I immediately put in another form for that same flight but with more supporting documents and had no response.

I then put in a 3rd form for a travel date 2 weeks away which was 6th May and still now 8th May I have had no response. It is very strange. There seems to be no order.

Thank you for your thoughts. I am desperate for more advice.

Have you tried calling home affairs ? I was able to get through to them a week ago and they were helpful regarding my query.

Yes I have phoned them 3 times now but they are unable to help with these applications at all they tell me. The last time I called (which was yesterday) they were more aware of what the requested information is on the form but only what we can already see on the website.

They seem sure that the department is managing each application on the intended flight date too and can't understand why I haven't received a response but cannot actually help further than that.


thanks for your comments. Could you please share the phone number for home affairs?

Can i ask what your special circumstances were? I'm trying to gain an exemption and would be interested to know what gets approved as mine is a very difficult situation. Thanks in advance

How long is the exemption valid? Can we say we are leaving on 14 July and leave 30 July?

I helped a customer of mine get to Europe with an exemption on Friday, they actually only gave a verbal "approval" they received nothing physical like an email or anything, but he was able to checkin and Border Force had his exception approval in their system so he was cleared through, not ideal to not have it in writing, maybe they are ironing out the kinks, but seems to be working in some way.

Which process did your customer follow to get the verbal approval?

I just failed to get on a flight in Sydney, the exemption had not come through; I submitted the request last week. There doesn't seem to be any way to check on the application status to see if there has been a problem.

I will find out and let you know.

Can you tell me how you were able to help your customer get an exepmtion? I have been waiting for over 2 weeks.

So, I have a situation.. Im a kiwi living in Australia and have a 2 year youth mobility visa lined up for the UK which I have to be there to pick up between April 25th - May 25th. As I'm 31 now I cannot get this chance there for an O.E. again.

My original flights for end of April were cancelled leaving myself and my girl friend (who lives in England)... Well... Lost in the wind. Still waiting for an official word on the visa front but I am looking at flights toward the end of May.

TBH, its essential travel to me and I don't want to lose the girl nor the chance to live there.

I wanted to put this scenario out there to others for feedback before I email ahead. Any words are welcome..

hey mate - sorry to hear about your complex situation

Im a Kiwi, My partner is also back in the UK (she's british) and im in Wellington NZ (got stuck here while visiting parents (im also on the tier 5 visa)), and due to the alert level 4 lockdown in NZ i cant get from Wellington to Auckland to get an international flight :(

I have been approved an exemption to transit australia but the next wellington to sydney direct isnt for a while and would be looking to get a another flight on the iteninry from Sydney to LHR

Anyways onto you...

i think there is a way for you mate (i fully understand you need to go pick up your BRP in that required time u mentioned) -- https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/international-travel-document-news/1580226297.htm -- check out this link, it outlines the current border rules everywhere

For Australia:

"This does not apply to nationals of Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Isl., Micronesia (Federated States), Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa (American), Solomon Isl., Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu when they are transiting through Australia to their home country."

You hold a NZ passport right? So my understanding is that you can leave australia and 'go home' to NZ and surely the Australian border control cant stop that. With a NZ passport you're fully entitled to return home.

But due to NZ rules, you will be in quarantine in Auckland for 2 weeks (you wont be able to get anywhere else in NZ during lockdown - and sadly you wont count as essential travel in NZ to be able to go anywhere domestically )

And then get an international flight out of Auckland with Air NZ to LAX, United airlines from LAX to LHR.

Alternatively Auckland to London with Qatar airlines (stop over in Doha)

Try look into that mate. Do not leave AKL bc trying to get back to Auckland will be a nightmare (trust me, experiencing it right now)

Maybe see if u can get a travel agent to sort out a iteninry that goes Aus --> AKL, NZ --> London, UK so you can just fully transit in nz and dont have to deal with quarantine in AKL. (Double check this tho lol)

Also i think it would be best you contact the UK Govt via phone call (it'll cost $$ but itll be worth it) https://www.gov.uk/

Also contact the NZ embassy in London to let them know whats going on https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/countries-and-regions/europe/united-kingdom/new-zealand-high-commission/

Goodluck mate

Bob, I'm sorry to hear of your situation.. Certainly a rough hand dealt to us and I've gotten no where with a response from the authorities.. I appreciate that there's a lot in the mix though the anxiety levels increase daily.

I'll put in for an exemption to leave Australia for the UK this week.. God willing I can get traction.. there is word that some information will be released from home office in the week or two about tier 5'ers in this position that were are..

I do hope you are able to make it to Auckland and subsequently onto the UK asap.

I created a FB group "kiwis for the UK 2020" a few weeks back. Pretty much a group for people in our situations re the visas and sharing (what little) information and experience we can to help each other through. Feel free to join.

Hi All

Australian Passport holder with British Citizenship and a Hong Kong ID as well. Was slated to fly to HK on 17/04 due to a pregnant wife there who is going to give birth soon, but flight got cancelled and made another booking on 10/04.

Lodged the first application for an exemption to travel on original date of 17/04 on 01/04 (plenty of time) and then subsequently lodged another application for travel on 10/04 on 07/04 (again plenty of notice per their guidelines) due to change in travel plans. So far haven't heard anything back for either of the applications.

Has anyone had any luck by pleading their case at the airport if by any chance I do not hear back in time by 10/04? And what is this 'verbal approval' one post contributor above is speaking of? I spoke to the rep at the Home Affairs Dep't (phone 13 18 81) and the lady said they do not give verbal approvals...

Any advice/help will be greatly appreciated!

Hi Harj, I was due to travel on Monday 6th, but my Exemption didn't come through. I went to the airport anyways. I was not able to fly, there is no one there to plead your case to.

Basically the process at the airport is as follows:

* You need to show your Passport and Itinerary at the entrance to get into Departures.

* Prior to getting to the Check In desk, you will be stopped by the Australian Border Force. If you don't have an Exemption Certificate in hand, they will go make a phone call for you to check the database. The database is simply a list of names, passport numbers, and departure ports for those who are approved to travel. If you are not on it, it is game over. They have no way of checking on your application.

* They are kind enough to let you wait in case it DOES come in prior to your flight closing (1hr before take off) - I did this, sat and waited in the off chance it would turn up. It did not, so I was able to get my flight moved at the Service Desk there (WAY easier than calling your airline at present) before heading home.

3 hrs later.... my Exemption came through - and I managed to get rebooked on to the 7th.

When you have an exemption in hand, the process is as follows:

* Show it to borders, they will fill out a form for you, get it signed by a manager, then you can go to check in.

* At check in they check this form against your travel details, then make a phone call to Immigration for formal approval. This took about 20 mins.

* Once you have this, you get to go to Passport Control, where they will check it all through one last time, and you will then be allowed through to security and to board.

So all up it adds quite a bit to check in.

One thing to note - the DATE of departure does not matter, just the PORT - so if you get an Exemption for the 17th, you can use it on the 10th - and vice-versa.

I believe they are trying to prioritise approvals based on your date of departure, so if you've put a date of the 17th in I expect it would be bottom of the pile.

Having been through this, it is a frustrating process and there is literally NO ONE you can talk to about the status of it, even at the airport. Its a brand new process and the guys on the ground don't have any more info than we do.

You really just have to wait I'm afraid - but they DO come through.

Thank you so much for the insight, appreciate it! My application response still has not come through that I submitted a couple days ago for travel on 10/04. I have managed to also get re-booked on the 13/04...so if it does turn up late which seems to be the case, i have alternate arrangements.

Fingers crossed!

Just out of curiosity, how long before departure did you submit your application?

Hi smgduncan, I just received my approval but i am worried about privacy. From your experience, there is any possibility for the officers in charge to know about the exact reasons for which you are granted an exemption? I would like to keep this private and I wouldn't want any comment from a particularly friendy officer. I am thinking to just omit my request from the bottom part of the authorisation reply to keep it more reserved. Did any of the forms you filled state or required that precise reasons needed to be included? Or did they jut go under the vague caterories (such as 'compassionate grounds')? I would greatly appreciate any help from you or anybody else.

When we left at the airport there was no discussion of the reason. We were sat on a bench about 10 metres away from the desk while they did their checks and signed a form. We were then told we were good to go. That's it.

what was your outcome?

Just for general info: we have just come from NZ through Sydney to London, changing from Air NZ to BA at Sydney. The issues: Get an exemption from Aus border force home page before you travel. This could take up to a week or more and you will need to submit e-tickets for both the in and out journey and copies of your passport. The good thing is that the exemptions seem to be granted for the duration of your visa, so flights can slip once you have the exemption by email. The airline at the first point of departure will nevertheless have to ring Aus to get verbal auth to board you on the day. Even with the exemption, we were initially denied exit from NZ because we were transferring Air NZ to BA. They were looking for code share straight through transit to avoid having to clear immigration to collect baggage. When we explained that we only had hand baggage, clearance to board was granted (we had taken the precaution of sending our hold baggage home in advance by DHL). Once at Sydney, you are met on the plane by helpful border force officials. Those entering Aus are taken off into Govt quarantine. Int transit pax are escorted through a health check (temperature only) and through transit security to the departure gates, where they pick up boarding passes. A difficult process with many hurdles, but it can work if you stick at it.

Hi there,

I have an international flight leaving Adelaide via Melbourne next Thursday (16 April). For the exemption form shall I put the departure port as Adelaide or Melbourne?

Hi all,

I am an AUS Citizen, who's been living in the UK for 3.5 years now. I was first on 2 yr work visa, then 1.5 years on a Sponsorship Visa. I moved cities to be with my partner, and as such, decided I would cancel my sponsorship visa and return to AUS to apply for Ancestry Visa (for which I am eligible).

I returned to AUS 23rd February, and submitted ancestry visa application/did biometrics on 26th Feb. Since then, I have has multiple delayed emails from VFS and serious problems getting any information, or in touch with anyone there. Turns out the Manilla office (where visa's are processed...) closed shop and as such all visa processing are delayed.

SO, whilst I would be considered 'resident' as I've been out of AUS for more time than in over the last 12 months, I am unsure if they will let me enter the country on a tourist visa (while I await processing of my ancestry) or without a visa.

I am desperate to return to the UK, where I live with my partner for plethora of reasons. He has just lost his job, has 2 children whom I adore and who adore and miss me, he devastatingly has depressive tendencies and the time apart has been incredibly difficult on us both during these unprecedented times. I have a job lined up and waiting for me too.

Further to this, whilst I have been staying with my mother in Sydney, she has been forced to close her business and sell her house due to COVID, and is struggling somewhere she can afford for her+her partner, and myself.

My question is - given my ancestry visa is in process, would I be allowed to return to the UK? I have been advised by VFS I do not need to be in AUS to pick up my visa once it comes through, that I could courier my passport back when it's ready and my mother or contact could take it into the office to have the visa stuck in, and then courier it back to me.

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know whether obtaining employment in another country (USA) is grounds for an exemption, or has anyone been granted an exemption on these grounds?


Hi Kristie,

I had submitted a letter for exemption last week for this exact reason. Australian citizen accepted a full time job pending visa. Target departure date in June. I thought it might be best to seek exemption as my new employer has spent money on business immigration lawyer starting the visa. Will keep you posted on my results

Thanks so much for that Kue, and good luck!

Hi Kirstie, was jus reading the forum and curious if you did get exemption. If yes, let me know the docs to be provided for taking up a job overseas

Cheers, Sydney boy

Hi kue, please keep us posted your result for exemption. The docs required for overseas job will be useful. Thanks Baggy

Hi Kue8. Can you please tell me how you went with your exemption application? I have a business in USA and want to return there for work in June. Thanks.

Hi sydneyboy and BMO.

I have not had any response yet i had applied Monday last week.

Documents - email of job offer/contract, for USA H1b visa approval, lca, accomodation

Cheers thanks Kue. All the best . Do let us know the result . Also advise if they request for a departure date and air ticket/ itenary.

HI kue, did u get your exemption?

Negative I have not heard any response at all from any unclassified emails. Maybe because June 1 is still some time away

Good luck. Hopefully before your departure date

any updates? i've applied for travel for June 27 but I applied in March! no reply yet! it's been a month!

I doubt they are entertaining exemptions so far in advance since they have to prioritize people leaving soon. BTW Emirates and other airlines, such as THAI, Singapore Airlines and Etihad have started releasing their revised schedules, which include flights to Australia, starting July 1. This is a good sign.

Although schedules are dynamic and could be further adjusted, I personally believe the CEOs of major airlines have been briefed by high level government officials as to when they can expect to restart operations, which is why they have released schedules for July. The problem is, most people think everything that happens in the world is a series of random coincidences that policymakers and governments try to deal with. It's not like that at all; government is very much in control, even if doesn't appear that way to the rest of the population.

Not sure you'd get a reply. The travel restrictions only apply (at this stage) until 18 June, so there is no restriction from 27 June travel, so at this stage nothing to exempt you from. IIRC When the emergency was declared for three months it was foreshadowed that it might need to be extended. Nothing like maximum uncertainty.

Hi Kue8,

I am in a similar situation like you, albeit I am only a permanent resident here in Australia. My multi-round interview process began in December 2019 and supposed to start my new employment in April and now delayed by two months. I am planning to fly to the USA from Melbourne on June 2nd (fingers crossed). I am about to apply for an exemption. I look forward to knowing your exemption request outcomes.


Hello, I received an email back from Unclassified this weekend. I was rejected as I need to raise a new ticket with the following. If you have all your documents in order I say to apply two weeks before departure as I dont believe they record the actual time stamps

Please provide confirmation that the offer of employment still stands.

·If intending to relocate long-term to the United States, please also provide supporting evidence such as a copy of the cessation of tenancy agreement, evidence of sale or lease of own property or confirmation of resignation or approved leave from employer.

Documents need to be in English or accompanied by an accredited translation.

You will now need to submit a new webform request for consideration with all supporting documentation including documents previously provided. Please include a statement that this is second request for exemption. To submit a new request go to: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/departmental-forms/online-forms/covid19-enquiry-form

I'm planning to travel to the UK on the 24th. I'm a dual UK Australian national. My fiancé and partner lives in the UK. I can't find any reference to dual nationals being allowed to leave. Can they stop me returning to my home country? I've even downloaded the bio security document and searched it. There's no mention of being able to stop people leaving Australia.

I've applied for an exemption but do I actually need to? At what point do I delay my flight? If anyone is in a similar situation please share your story. Successful or not.


Hi filjohns

I am in the same boat (dual UK and Aussie Citizen). The rule is that as long as you have an Aussie passport, you are classed as an Aussie Citizen and have to abide by the travel restriction rules.

If you can show you have lived out of Australia longer than in Australia, you can leave as you will be classed as a person that ordinarily resides abroad (one of the exemptions you need not apply an exemption for).

Otherwise, you will need to apply for an exemption with a compelling enough reason. They definitely process them based on intended travel dates. I got my approval 1 hour before the flight was to depart...so no way I could make it in time. I then had to delay my flight and get booked onto another departure slot.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Harj

Thanks for the reply. Interestingly this is my second application. The first one was rejected within 4 hours. With the standard reply of you haven't given enough info. Initially I requested under personal business. You can't amend a current application so I started a new one with compassionate reasons. It's now been 6 days since my application. Obviously I stand no chance of realistically challenging the law but you almost wonder if the restriction of your civil liberties. I primarily consider myself British and I want to visit my country where my fiance lives. On return I'm quite aware that I have to be quarantined. Which is adhering to all requirements. Happy to pay for the hotel too.

Hi, Can I ask what you provided to receive approval?

Actually I have got an exemption to travel outside Australia . I'm living in Melbourne going to San Francisco via Sydney . Do I need exemption to travel domestic aswell as they approved already from Sydney. Coz I have like 15 hour stay in Sydney. Hotel staff said check with authorities first

Hi - just wanted to ask on the situation you mentioned since I am in the same boat. I have the 15 hour layover in Sydney before going San Fran with exemption. Have you already travelled or did you figure out any issues with domestic travel to Sydney and having the long-layover. Qantas told me that for the long layover I may need to be quarantined overnight in Sydney, but not sure if that is true?



hi all,

Not sure this will help anyone's situation uniquely, but thought I would share my experience for anyone in a similar boat.

I applied for leave from AUS on compassionate grounds - I am Aus citizen, but reside in the Uk. I've been apart from my partner of 3 years for 2 months. He has young children and depression and I am desperate to be back with him. I was granted approval within an hour. I have never seen a government work this quickly! This needs to be taken to the airport when you depart, and you will not be allowed out of AUS without a travel exemption.

I am now working out how if I will get let back into the UK. I had only returned to Aus to apply for a UK ancestry visa which has now taken 49 days, and still awaiting (due to global office closures of VFS). I've spoken to an immigration lawyer who says I should be let into the country on a tourist visa. The Uk currently has no restrictions for incoming 'tourists'. I will then wait for my ancestry visa to come through, which I will automatically super-cede the tourist visa once it does. I have been advised by VFS I can courier my passport back to Sydney when the visa vignette is ready, provide an authorisation letter to a friend or relative who can then pick up the vignette on my behalf, and then courier my passport back to the Uk. This is only possible as I have my passport in hand.

A warning for anyone trying o enter the UK on these grounds ... you will need to show: proof of accommodation/tenancy (my partner has written a letter on my behalf), proof of funds (lawyer suggests £5k sufficient), be able to prove you've been living in the Uk for more than 6 months of the last 12 months (= resident for tax paying purpose); proof of medical registration in the Uk. Any proof of employment is also desirable.

Hope this helps anyone else in these tricky times x

Hi Kate,

Hoping you can clarify for me.. when you are saying anyone trying to enter the UK on these grounds are you meaning just a UK Tourist Visa? Should there be more than usual supporting documents? I am an Australian Citizen trying to get over to my partner in the UK and looking at my options.. it looks like I won't be able to apply for the youth mobility visa at the moment with everything on hold so if I was to get an exemption (a very big if) to travel based on compassionate grounds, I would be trying to go for the tourist visa for the 6 months.. but have never lived there?? I work from home so could show proof of this but a medical registration in the UK and proof of living there would not be something I'd be able to give, based on your dealings do you think they are turning tourists away?

Really appreciate any advice you have :) x

Hi Bianka,

I was just wanting to see how you went with your application? I am in a very similar situation. My partner is a UK citizen and i am seeking to leave on compassionate grounds (on a tourist visa) i was wanting to know what evidence you have submitted on your application ? my GP and psychologist have both advised they are happy to provide me with a medical certificate re my mental health and depression. I am despratly wanting to go and be with my partner :(

Hey @amandacini

I actually haven't applied for the exemption yet but plan to do so once I get my UK visa approved. I saw your comment below, I think you should apply for the 2 year Youth Mobility Visa if you can? These are still being processed and you would have a better chance at a travel exemption than with a tourist visa I feel as you would need to come back to Australia after 6 months on the tourist visa and the DFO would know that and might be reluctant to allow you to leave.

I completely understand how hard it is being away from your partner, this is causing so much stress to a lot of people. I think applying with evidence of your relationship and proof you will have a place to live once you arrive, any evidence that you will be leaving your life here like resigning from your job or ending your lease etc but definitely having your GP provide the medical certificate would help.

I am hoping to apply soon so I can fill you in on how I go xx

Hi Kate,

We have similar situation. my fiance is in the US, and I havent seen her for over 5 months. I was supposed to visit her in March right after ban came into effect. She is divorced / single mother for 2 children. She also suffers depression which worsen during COVID 19 pandemic. she also needs to go through a medical procedure. I submitted a letter from a dr. stating her hardship, her imaging results, pictures, my personal statement.

I received rejection. they are looking for proof of relationship (such as birth and or marriage certificate), letter from medical professional, hospital records, evidence that no other family in country can provide the level of support.

can you help shine some light and give ideas from your own experience?

Or anyone else?

It will be much appreciated,

Hi everyone,

does anyone know if ceased employment and expiry of rental lease (landlords selling the place) are sufficient reasons to ask for exemption to travel outside Australia?

I am dual Italian/Australian and I would seek exemption for my child (dual as well) and wife (AUS citizen) to travel to Australia and go and stay indefinitely with my parents who live in Italy.

They are in their 70s with some health issues, have been affected by lockdown and would benefit/require support from us as they have no other close family members in Italy.

Since 2012 I have lived and worked in Australia and spent a total of about 24 months in Italy on separate occasions.

I would appreciate any help or feedback.



Of course I meant: "... I would seek exemption for myself, my child (dual as well) and wife (AUS citizen) ...".

Hi all - has anyone requested an exemption from Australian government to go back to their home country and come back again? A bit of background: I am from the U.S. and go home to America often, every 3/4 months but live in Melbourne with my fiance. I basically go back and forth several times a year to my home. I am on the partner (820) visa waiting for the permanent (801) due this August. On the 820 visa, am I classed as an Australian permanent resident? Therefore I need an exemption? or as a U.S. citizen with no Aussie passport, am I allowed to leave without an exemption? I was supposed to be in the U.S. right now, and while my trip will need to be postponed clearly, I have serious concerns about my family in America and would like to know what my options are to go back and see them. Happy to quarantine on both sides if that's what I have to do to protect myself and everybody, I'm just wondering if anyone has had that experience of filling out the exemption (if necessary for me, I still can't figure out/get confirmation if I am classed as an Australian perm resident for that reason and therefore the ban applies to me or not). In filling out the exemption I would put that I need to follow appropriate quarantine before visiting my immediate family who I may not get the chance to see before they pass and other urgent personal business at home, but eventually I'd need to come back and follow quarantine provided I can find a flight from United etc. Anyone have any insight on this? Thanks in advance!

I'm currently sat in Sydney airport having missed my flight, waiting to be picked up as my application has been rejected and I'm not allowed to leave Australia. I have PR but have a business in the UK. I also travel back a couple of times a year. The business is in trouble but apparently that isn't enough to let me leave to the country I am a citizen of & pay taxes in. Absolutely ridiculous situation!

That is ridiculous, given you are a citizen of the UK. Perhaps you should try demonstrating that you live there and most of your income comes from your business in the UK.

Has anyone applied for exemption to go on an overseas business trip? I own a company in America, and I really need to go back there by July at the latest.

Yes, I have business interests in Asia and have applied for exemption. Was approved within a few days. But you'll have to spend two weeks in quarantine at a hotel, covered by the govt, on your return.

AsiaBizTraveller, Awesome! Can you please tell me if you applied under Urgent and Unavoidable Personal Business? Or Critical Business? And what evidence did you submit? Thank you so much!

@bmo. I applied under unavoidable personal business, they finally accepted once I sent historical financial statements to show why I needed to travel at this time (the business is seasonal) as well as a letter from another director in the biz saying I was required to return. I'm halfway through the journey in Doha (Qatar airways flight Syd to LHR). The first flight was packed, so make sure you get some masks etc as no chance for social distancing. Good luck!

BMO, he won't be allowed into any Asian country unless he holds a work permit, is a diplomat or there's a rare Asian country allowing foreigners in ATM. The only ones that might, are Japan and South Korea, but with conditions. He may be a citizen of the Asian country where he does business, which may allow him entry.

Almost all countries are requiring everyone to do a 14-day quarantine when entering their country. I think it's ridiculous to contemplate any business travel right now. I have a business to run but I am certainly not prepared to do 28-days of quarantine (14 in each country) to conduct a trip that can really wait for a few weeks. Not to mention, currently being in Asia and a foreigner, they simply aren't going to let me enter no matter how essential my business may be...except upon the approval of the prime minister, which I don't see happening.

@AsiaBizTraveller, but will any Asian country let you in at the moment? I can tell you, few will. Thailand is closed unless you're a diplomat or hold a Thai work permit. Singapore is closed to non-residents; non-citizens normally resident in Singapore need special permission to return. Both countries require a 14-day quarantine for all persons entering.

Malaysia is closed too - basically no foreigners allowed in, business interests or not. China is closed - no foreigners except diplomats being allowed in. Even foreigners with work permits - no. Ditto for Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. Cambodia probably as well. If you were allowed to enter Cambodia, you'd need insurance to the tune of US$50000 and a medical certificate certifying covid-19 negative status.

I have a business in Asia and I can't even travel from Thailand to Myanmar, not even by road. Like me, you'll just have to wait until the borders re-open. Perhaps in a month's time or so.

BMO, by July you should be able to return. Being America, their entry requirements aren't as erroneous as Asian countries are, with less emphasis on restricting foreigners. Are you an American citizen? If so, you stand a much better chance of being allowed back soon, but if you can wait until July, chances are, you'll be able to travel again by then, so I would wait.

TheFreqFlyer I am Australian but own a company in America, and work there 6 months of the year. I won't have problems being let into America. I'm more worried about whether or not I will be allowed to leave Australia in July after our Minister For Tourism said that International travel could be banned for 12 months. My company won't survive that long if I can't go back.

July is still a long way away. I am not a clairvoyant, but I am relatively sure that you'll be able to travel again by then.

Good that the USA will take you back; I didn't think it would be a problem if you have some kind of residency status. I presume you're a Green Card holder (permanent resident)? Thank goodness your business isn't in China, which is not letting any foreigners back in, irrespective of their residency status (single exception seems to be diplomats).

Is this the case though? government says travel ban will be in place until 2021. despite the biosecurity act only liable for 3 months

Everyone seems to be reading from the same script. Emirates and several other airlines have recently released their flight schedules, with services to return on July 1. This includes flights to Australia, which will be increased over the course of 2-3 months. This signals to me that flights will likely go ahead then, even if there is a possibility that the schedules may be revised again.

A lot of what's reported in the media is fear mongering. Hearing someone say the borders will only re-open in a year certainly sounds scary now, but if you calm down and put things into perspective, I think you'll probably realize that travel should return in the next couple of months. Besides, they're already starting to relax some restrictions in several countries including Australia, but also Vietnam and Europe.

yeah, what you're saying makes perfect sense. even the possibility is a little scary though!

Hi,I am hoping that you can advise me.I am anAustralian citizen married to an American.What are my chances of successfully getting an exemption to travel to the USA?

Hi guys

International student currently stuck in india. Just wanna know if i can get an exemption to travel to australia bcoz of some medical reasons. evidence is there for last two months?? not able to get treatment here

Hi Skangsshj, this article is about getting an exemption to leave Australia. If you're an Australian citizen or permanent resident overseas, you don't need an exemption to come back home.

However, leaving India is the hard part with basically zero flights, so you should check with the Australian High Commission in India for your options.

Kiwi living in Australia with a tier 5 youth mobility visa lined up to start April/May. My original flights for end of April were cancelled.

I applied for an exemption under personal grounds last night (16th April) and had an email the next morning (17th) confirming my travel is authorized from Brisbane to the UK anytime I choose from now so long as the port stays the same.

I wasn't long winded in my request.. kept it to the point, succinct and about me.

On what basis did you receive your exemption? Did You have any personal circumstances that fell under the exemptions ?

What was your reasoning for the exemption MikeyJ?

Good afternoon,

We are french citizen but permanent resident in Australia. We have applied for the exemption on the 9th of April, for flights leaving on the 25th.

Does anyone have an idea on how long the process takes? I could not find anyway to follow the application progress, despite the receipt number given after the form submission.

For those who succeeded, did you receive a confirmation email?

Thank you for your help

Al I can say is I applied last night and had an EMAIL from Australian Government this morning CONFIRMING my exemption.

I thought of going under *compassionate* but went under the checked box of *personal urgency* I think it was.. anyway.. Give it some days I say. It's Friday on a short week.

BUT to answer your question yes, there was an email response

Hey Mikey,

what was the reason you gave you needed to leave in the further description and the documents you attached? Also, when were your planned flights? It appears they might be processing travel in the near future first. Looking to head back to our house in the French countryside where we have no rent and very few bills to pay...

how did it go? did you get it granted?

Has anyone tried multiple applications for exemption? I applied over 2 weeks ago for a compassionate exemption because I am in the middle of moving to the UK, with a 22 May flight date. But I am now wondering about submitting a new application as a person on urgent and unavoidable personal business. However, I am worried this may simply disrupt the earlier application.

I get a feeling they are processing applications near the intended departure date. It would be nice to have an early exemption but seeing the peoples previous records on here are in the same month..

Hi Kue8, is your flight still 1 June (tomorrow)? Did you manage to get your exemption approved by ABF?

Hi Euges116,

Sorry I never replied back.. In short no. Once in a life time job offer was unable to get a E-3 Visa appointment and stamp so the hospital had rescinded the job offer due to covid. Wish everyone the best


I am a greek/australian citizen.

I have been doing long distance with my partner the last 6 months while he finishes his masters in Denmark, and I finish my degree. The plan was for me to move to Denmark in June but I can only apply for my danish residence in Denmark.

I am hoping to reunite with him in a couple of months. I suspect this border restraint will still be in place by that time. I am looking to apply for the exception on compassionate grounds, however I am aware that I don't have official documentation like a joint bank account or shared rental history. Has anyone had any luck applying on compassionate grounds where there isn't a lot of official documentation. I was thinking of getting witness statements of my relationship from parents/friends but im not sure if this is enough.


It might not be. Don't make assumptions. No one knows the exact timeline of when things will return to normal, though it's unlikely to take more than a few weeks.

Don't make any plans too far in the future. Re-evaluate the situation in a month's time and you'll probably find it possible to travel again by June. Make those travel plans shortly before departure, provided you are certain at the time, that travel is possible.

Hi Annal12345,

I am a Danish PR and my partner is Australian citizen. We did long distance for 6 months but I came to Australia on a research visa on the 13th of March(2days before the lockdown) and we live together for 4 months now. My visa will expire in September and I will have to go back to Denmark for defending my MSc thesis anyway.

We are hoping she will get the travel exemption so she could come live with me in Denmark and we are looking to apply for compassionate grounds. However, we only have 6 months' shared rental history and we could also get a lot of statements of relationship from her parents/our friends.

Do you have any suggestions on what other documents we could get to strenghten our application?

We would very much appreciate some help!

Hi Ilie,

I received my approval 2 weeks ago after one try (I was surprised after reading everyone else's experience)! I would suggest you apply on the grounds that you will both be out of the country indefinitely.

- both your passport details

- Submit documentation relevant to your Masters, your danish CPR and other documents that establish your residency.

- Does she have a visa? What can she use to prove she has a right to be in Denmark

- provide your rental history in this recent place, also provide something that indicates that you have severed this lease, I provided a letter from my real estate agent saying I was leaving my place on a certain date.

- if relevant provide a document from either of your employer's stating that you have finished your employment in Australia

- In a word doc, you could have some photos of the two of you

- maybe flights you've taken together

Best of luck

Hope this helps: > https://www.philembassy.org.au/latest/advisory/public-advisory-for-australian-dual-citizens-and-permanent-residents

17 April 2020 – The Philippine Embassy in Canberra has received the following advice from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on travel restrictions for Australian dual citizens and permanent residents:

“Australian citizens and permanent residents cannot travel overseas due to COVID-19 restrictions. Dual nationals, or foreign nationals with permanent residency status in Australia, need to secure an exemption from the ABF Commissioner before they can leave Australia, even if using the passport of their other nationality.

Individuals can apply online for an exemption on the Department of Home Affairs website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/departmental-forms/online-forms/covid19-enquiry-form.

Applications should include as much detailed information and supporting documentation as possible. For example, individuals should include proof that they do not usually reside in Australia through evidence of working arrangements, school/university enrolments or property ownership.

The application should include other compelling and compassionate grounds as appropriate, including details on the reasons compelling the individual to travel – for example, care for elderly parents who live overseas, other family circumstances or medical issues. “

Filipino citizens who also hold Australian citizenship and Filipino permanent residents in Australia who may be affected by the above restriction are requested to direct their queries to the Australian Department of Home Affairs. END

Hi I applied for exemption last night through the criteria of unavoidable personal business. I have to get to the USA urgently to support my girlfriend (USA resident) and her family through this time. I attached a personal letter from her and a personal letter from me explaining and begging the Australian government to approve my exemption. Both letters are detailed and explain the severity of our situation due to Both our mental health's are collapsing and I'm extremely worried. She urgently needs my support. However I submitted the form and attached both letters yet within an hour I got an email saying unclassified and need to provide sufficient documentation.... I then reapplied under compassionate human grounds and I got rejected again within in hour. This is extremely cruel that I have been knocked back. I don't know what to do I have never been so stressed out? Would be a huge help if someone can help me. Both emails i received are exactly the same and I have a feeling it's computer generated. I don't even think anyone is reading our letters. Do I need further documents. Some one please help me. Thank you!

Try obtaining a doctor's letter or some sort of medical evidence to substantiate your claim re: mental health.

I feel for you, really do. The stress of things if needed to get overseas right now is huge for so many.

For me, I proposed my travel dates and airline. I've attached copies of my passport and entry clearance to the overseas port in the files box.

Hi MikeyJ, congratulations on your exemption approval!

If I understood well, you did not have a flight booked when you applied for exemption.

Did you just state you were looking to book for a specifc date?

It would be greatly helpful if you could let me know.

Thanks in advance

Question. Does the USA allow Australian travelers not ordinarily resident there to enter the country ATM? On the IATA website, it's very vague, seeming to imply it may be possible, but no specific instructions. They should be more specific - can an ESTA be used at the present time (assuming Australia allows you to depart)?

My concern is that even if the Australian government approves your request, you may not be granted entry by the US authorities. If you can wait for another few weeks, travel should be permitted as usual again.

Keep in mind that many countries are even more "cruel" - many (most?) Asian countries are not allowing foreign residents (expats) to return to their families (who are usually local citizens), except if they have a work permit although those currently in these countries are allowed to leave. In general, there is a much greater distinction being made between foreigners and locals in Asia. Basically, only local citizens (and diplomats) can return to these countries at this time. Whereas in Australia's and America's case, foreign residents or foreign nationals who are married to local citizens, are being allowed in, even if they don't live there.

I am a permanent Australian resident by the way. Thanks

Thanks guys, do you think a witness letter from her mother would help? Mikey did you take photos of your passport and entrance visa?

I'm no expert mate but I'd include everything you have from a photocopy of your passport to travel docs (entry clearance, visas).. a witness letter, maybe, sure, why not?

Only other thing I can think of is keep in mind what port you actually go international from.. I was to fly from Brisbane to UK but now has a transit in Sydney then to UK.. I applied for a second exemption so I can leave the Sydney airport.

It would be extremely helpful if people that got an exemption to leave Australia to detail what specific reasons they gave for needing to leave Australia and what supporting documents were attached. We have a house in the french countryside where we have no bills to pay and no need to live off government support as we do now since we both lost our jobs. Plus my wife's parents need support and live close to our house there. Just would be really helpful to know if other people in a similar situation got an exemption and the specifics as to how they got such an exemption...

Does anyone with dual citizenship question the legality of the Australian government requiring dual citizens to justify and provide documentation for returning to the other country of citizenship. Does it not raise issues of Australia impeding on another country's sovereignty by preventing those citizens from going to that country?

yes I hear you. Find it pretty strange that that isn't automatically an exception. I would understand if they would force you to pay for the costs of 14 day quarantine if you wanted to come back before all restrictions were lifted. This way mostly stopping people getting in/out of the country at will... Nonetheless, it is a bit odd we're not allowed to leave...

Yes I agree! It would be totally fair that we should have to pay for the cost of quarantine if we are leaving the country at this time. I am going to write letters to my MP and the Minister for Immigration, it feels like a huge oversight.

Esp as there is NO such authority in the Migration Act. They are relying on the Biosecurity Act and it is highly debately if that provides sufficient legal authority to impose such a ban. Looks like it might be ultra vires (beyond legal authority).

The order is only in place for four week from 25 March 2020. May be extended or dropped then.

its already been extended- evidenced by the fact that its already been over 4 weeks and its still in effect. It can also be extended fro 3 months at a time indefinitely. so if they wanted to keep this going for a year they can, especially if they deem COVID as a threat to public health

Jayce, businesses are starting to open up now and airline schedules for July are being released. I predict it should be possible to travel overseas again come early July. Of course, as more information comes to light it will become easier to predict, but at this stage that's what it looks like. There is some light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope youre right! honestly during these times that's all we can rely on. I do also think that the Australian people wont really stand for an extended period like this.

Hey Fred888

I don't think that the Migration Act is the relevant legislation. The Biosecurity Act, maybe.

But Australia's a party to the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (1966), even though Australia hasn't bothered to incorporate it into an act of parliament. There's a provision in the ICCPR that allows this measure, c.f. my post further up in this thread. It appears as if they do have the legal authority by international treaty law

When UN treaties, to which a state is a party, allow for something, it's rather difficult to make the case that the state is acting ultra vires.

"Does anyone with dual citizenship question the legality of the Australian government requiring dual citizens to justify and provide documentation for returning to the other country of citizenship. Does it not raise issues of Australia impeding on another country's sovereignty by preventing those citizens from going to that country?"

It's more of a rights issue than a sovereignty issue. Not that renders this any less important. Imo, human rights are of greater importance than sovereignty (although many people and most states disagree with me). But even though this is contentious in terms of civil rights, the government is acting within a framework permissible by international law, in my opinion. And I'm no fan of Peter Dutton, to put it mildly.

The government has Art. XII(3) of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (1966) on their side. On the one hand, Art. XII(2) reads:

(2) Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.

However, this is qualified by Art. XII(3):

(3) The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant.

A pandemic constitutes a 'public health' emergency and, thereby, activates that provision.

In principle, though, I agree that every human being should be free to travel, without let or hindrance, as per this treaty and also as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

Before applying for an exemption to leave Australia, first make sure the country you want to travel to will allow you in. Some western nations may allow foreigners to enter, including those that aren't ordinarily resident, while others are only allowing residents back.

However, many (probably most) developing countries are not allowing foreigners to enter. Depending on the country, even residents and citizens are facing difficulty returning. Most countries will require a 14-day quarantine upon entry. I believe America doesn't do this though this may have changed.

Right now you'd have to be desperate to travel. Especially if you're a business traveler who then wants to return to Australia afterwards. I would think most of us would have built this into our contingency plans. I know I have. I have designated a contact as an interim on-site manager to manage things for my business in Asia, until such time as travel becomes possible again. It is what it is, but I know that right now, almost no foreigners are being allowed to enter with the exception of diplomats and work permit holders, and in some countries moving around within the country is next to impossible.

It's a different matter if you're resident in another country, such as the USA or the UK, and want to return to be with your family. In such cases, you may be allowed to return and should be allowed (from an ethical standpoint), but for business and leisure travelers, now is not the time, unfortunately.

All I can add is that I wrote what I needed to write and kept it succinct as to why I needed to fly. I didn't waffle on. Stated my need, dates I was looking at flying and the ports I would leave and enter. This was my last chance at a youth mobility visa as I am now 31 and my plans had been in the mix for sometime. My flights are in a months time. I included a photocopy of my passport and my entry clearance..

I had no coach for this. I just started my case and that's the best I can offer you. Supply evidence and be sure you actually can go to where you intend to before writing..

thanks a lot for the info mate... We'll try to get ourselves sorted first before making an application..

Did you receive an exemption?

Hi there!

I'm just wondering if I would still be able to fly to Montreal from Sydney on the 5th of July of this year. My purpose for going is to be with my family until mid September (nothing touristic). Despite all that is going on I have been really hoping that my mother and myself will be able to still go ahead. I have read in a few places that the Canadian border is closed until the 30th of June of this year (hopefully that date won't change fingers crossed) , now it's more a matter if our Australian border will allow us to leave. I'd appreciate it anyone has any information that they could offer me. Cheers!

Too early to say. Wait and see.


Just wanted to give you an update. We have been granted the exemption today after applying on the 9th of April, for a flight on the 25th.

We applied under " conduct of business for critical industries" as my husband has been offered a job in agriculture/food processing industry in France.

We submitted the following documents:


proof of marriage/relationship

employer letter explaining why the return of my husband was critical

proof of PR

flight tickets

proof of end of lease here

resignation letter for me

We received an email this morning saying the permission was granted, but no formal document attached.

Hope this helps,

great, thanks for the info, very helpful

Hey everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for me, I'm an Australian citizen with a partner in the UK and desperately trying to find out if there are options of me getting over there now with an exemption. I can see people have been applying on compassionate grounds although I feel we don't have too much evidence of a relationship as we don't own anything together but plan to still try. I would be planning to stay for as long as possible (I work remotely) we just want to be back together, the talk of this travel ban lasting longer than 6 months is really exhausting and horrible to hear.

My main concern is if I was approved an exemption, is the UK allowing people in on just a tourist visa? I obviously can't apply for the youth mobility scheme while everything is on hold, that was my plan this month. I just want to see if anyone has arrived in the UK on the tourist visa without having evidence of previously living in the country? I would be living with my partner and staying put whilst on the tourist visa until everything settles and I can continue with the original plans of applying for a working visa.

Any advice or comments are welcome, I'm really just needing a glimmer of hope right now.

Hi Bianka,

I am sorry to hear about you're situation. I have a similar problem to you, my partner is living in Denmark and I don't have any documentation to prove the relationship. Can you let me know how you go if you apply?


Hi Bianka,

I am a Danish PR and my partner is Australian citizen. We did long distance for 6 months but I came to Australia on a research visa on the 13th of March(2days before the lockdown) and we live together for 4 months now. My visa will expire in September and I will have to go back to Denmark for defending my MSc thesis anyway.

We are hoping she will get the travel exemption so she could come live with me in Denmark and we are looking to apply for compassionate grounds. However, we only have 6 months' shared rental history and we could also get a lot of statements of relationship from her parents/our friends. We could also get depression documentation from the doctor

How did your situation turn out?Did you make it to UK?

We would very much appreciate some help!

Hey guys, I got knocked back 3 times trying to get my exemption approved with 2 personal letters from her and myself stating depression being seperated from my partner in the us. My doctor wrote a letter directed to Home affairs stating that they should allow me to be approved for exemption due to my depression. But I still haven't heard back if it's approved or not approved. Hope this helps.....

Hi Kyle!

please let me know if this works out for you. I'm in a very similar situation and with the talks of the travel ban being in place until 2021, I am quite distressed.

Thank you for sharing!

Having just got back to the UK via an exemption due to business requirements, I would suggest staying in Australia.

Everything is closed here (apart from supermarkets), there are no restrictions/mandatory isolation requirements for people entering the country, therefore, I don't see how the UK is going to get a grip of the situation any time soon. Closing all businesses but allowing anyone to enter the country (if they can get on a flight) is not going to slow the infection rate.

The flight from Syd - Doha was full and Doha - LHR half full. You would be putting yourself and whoever you live with in the UK at greater risk in my opinion. I would have stayed in a hotel upon entry if it was an option, but they are even closed to all but health care workers.

I am actually in a very difficult and uncertain position. As I have previously stated, I have travel plans to Canada on the 6th of July. Though I have been given advice to wait and see for what the outcome will be closer to the date, I am uncertain if I should apply for travel permission. Another problem that came to my attention is that grandparents are not included as immediate family unfortunately, which makes the likelihood of obtaining travel consent very unlikely to me, though I need to go this July as there is no one to attend to my grandmothers health issues and declining health. I have read that Airlines will be re operating flights from the end of may all the way until the end of June however on the other hand the Australian government seems to be giving another message that overseas travel will not be permitted until 2021. Thoughts?

Wait and see looks like the right advice. At this stage the travel ban runs out on 18 June, so there is nothing now banning you from travel on 6 July, which also means you can't be exempted- there is nothing ATM to exempt you from. Of course it's likely the emergency and the ban will be extended, but for how long is anyone's guess.

I doubt it will be extended further. There are lots of indications that normal travel will resume early July. Of course, time will tell, but I'm confident that's the way it will be. Airlines aren't going to go to the trouble of releasing schedules and then a few weeks later issue new schedules and do the same several times over. They know they'll be able to fly come July 1, hence the schedules coming out in recent days.

Excuse me if I rant for a while! I can't believe the total lack of communication forthcoming from Home Affairs. I spoke to someone on Monday who at least made the effort to reassure me that although they were very busy, applications were proceeding, they were being prioritised by compassionate grounds and flight date, and that I should hopefully hear something soon. Today I spoke to a young lady who was adamant that they had no idea of processing times and there was no way of finding out any information, and I should just wait and hope - 3 business days before I'm due to fly! I'm a dual citizen trying to get back to the UK as my elderly mother is unwell and isolated on her own. I've resigned from work, given up my apartment & shipped my belongings back to the UK with no plans to return to Aus. Given that the whole idea of travel restriction is to stop people bringing the virus back when they return, what would be the point of stopping someone flying if they're not coming back? I'd be happy to leave my Aus passport at the border, or even renounce my citizenship if that's what it took to travel, but apparently that would take even longer than this woeful process (I applied on the 8th). So I'm just forced to wait, unable to change my flight date in case I finally get approval in the next few days, but risking hefty change/higher price costs if I change dates less than 3 days from my flight date. For all I know my application could just be lost, but there's no way of finding out. The whole process seems to have been poorly thought out, from the initial lack of email confirmation, no detail given as to what supporting documentation might be needed, to the lack of contact no./email for queries, the presumably inadequate number of people working on it causing the slow processing times.... I know there are many people suffering worse problems right now, but this is causing a lot of people enormous amounts of stress for no good reason. If I can't fly next week I'll be trapped in Australia with no job & nowhere to live & I'll be joining the queue outside Centrelink, which I don't think benefits anyone. It's time someone looked into this process, I've written to my MP as a start, perhaps some media attention is required...

Hope you all stay well & travel soon....

That sounds about on par for Dept of Home Affairs. The most incompetent dept in Australia. No surprise with that moron Peter Dutton in charge.

Im in a very similar situation to you. My husband and I are PR's but UKCitizens..with a British passport. We just want to get home to my Mum who is 90....! I really hope you can get back! I havent applied yet..as we want to go in June. Please let me know how you go!

Hi, why you don't apply? Because processing will take more than 1 week and if you get the approval that is valid for 3 months. I applied and I got the approval 2 days ago after 10 days.



Kaycee, I am in exactly the same position. Applied 2 April. Sydney house sold, contents shipped, nowhere to live, UK as well as Aus passport, one way Qatar ticket 19 May, UK customs clearance, medical certificate, all documented, still no response. Did you find a number to call and the right prompts to actually speak to someone at Home Affairs? The movers known is so frustrating!

Hi Richard, the number on the main home affairs website just led to some options which weren't relevant, and the number I found for the Melbourne immigration dept gave only generalised information. Not much help either way, you might almost suspect it was designed to be as difficult as possible to discourage people from trying...

Hi, Do you guys think Border Force Officers process documents on holidays and weekends?

I have applied for exemption on Sunday, 19th, intending flight on Monday, 27th.

Still, nothing hear from them. Wondering they work on weekdays 9to5.

Hi, I very much doubt it - It's my understanding it's the Home Affairs/ Dept of Immigration who process the applications and Border Force just apply the regulations at the border. I applied on the 8th to fly on the 28th and likewise, crickets..... let us know how you get on

Hi kayceemelb, OK, they are in different departments, hope granted soon each other. I am in Adelaide, so wanted to be granted before I head to Sydney Airport. I change my flight date if I don't receive an exemption by Monday morning.

Have you received exemption approval yet?

Hi, I have received an e-mail this afternoon saying "authorised". I am a PR holder from Japan, applied under the compassionate or humanitarian ground. My father is seriously ill. I have been coming and going between Japan and Australia for a couple of years. Actually, I have my residence certificate and health insurance card in Japan. I submitted my father's medical certificate from the hospital, a copy of my family register to prove my parent-child relationship, a copy of my Japanese residence certificate and my Japanese health insurance card.

Hi YO. How long ago did you apply? And when is your flight date? I applied 2 April to fly 19 May, but no response so far, so interested to know. Thanks.

Hi richardd, I have applied on Sunday 19th Apr, and my flight date is tomorrow from Sydney, ABF seems to make exemptions according to the applicant's departure date.

YO, when did you get your approval? Just one day in advance, or longer? And how did they inform you? Via email? Well done, and safe travels!

richardd, I've received the approval around 2pm today, via email, just one day in advance, my flight is 9pm tomorrow.

thanks, good luck!

Hi Yo

Would it be possible to know what the medical certificate said? Was very detailed in relation to your father circumstances? I am in the same situation than you and applying soon. Many thanks

Hey guys!

It's been very interesting reading all these different comments and about people's different experiences. I'd just like to share my dilemma as well and see what you all think. I was going to apply for canadian citizenship this year as my partner is canadian and now pregnant with our first child, I made the decision to pack up and move to Vancouver. Now due to the global situation I've been forced to put everything on hold for the time being. I bought tickets for the 22nd of June (my partner is due to give birth in mid- late July) and I had planned to stay for 3 months until the end of September due to work commitments. I had applied for travel consent based on compassionate grounds and explained the circumstances in full, unfortunately I was knocked back and told that I needed “supporting evidence”. I can't begin to explain the frustration and stress that I'm going through let alone trying to provide sources of evidence amongst everything that is going on and at the same time I don't want to stress my pregnant partner. I really do not know what I can do or what evidence it is that they are seeking. Would you suppose that by that time we will be permitted to fly internationally or am I going to have no choice but to go back and forth trying to find supporting evidence to obtain permission?

Thanks guys!

Gather more supporting evidence and wait until late May/early June to re-submit, since that flight is still nearly 2 months away. BTW normal flight schedules, though on a reduced frequency, are showing up starting on July 1. If you can move your flight to early July, that may work out in your favour.

Willismw. Perhapd provide proof of your partner's citizenship, evidence of the relationship, medical certificate of pregnancy, invitation from your partner that she has invited you to join her, one way flight if not planning to return to Aus. Have you sold your house or terminated a lease? If so, show proof. Show this is not a holiday! I have done all of that in my case, a bit different to uours, still waiting on a decision, but hopeful. Hope this helps.

richardd. Thank you for all those helpful suggestions, I am going to try to provide all that evidence as best I can, though I really do wish that I had a marriage certificate between me and my partner because I feel maybe that would of been to our advantage in our current situation, never the less it's going to be a hassle that I will have to put my partner through in order to get things done. I have not yet sold my home as I had planned to come back to put all my affairs in order after my partner has given birth and when things have settled down in terms of this virus to apply for Canadian citizenship. A friend of mine that is an employee at the airport had mentioned to me that there is a chance that travel to the States and Canada will be allowed by June, though once again I will mention that I do not want to take the risk if travel is still not permitted at the time that I will need to travel.

Good luck William!

Hey there William,

I myself am suppose to be going to canada but on July 6 to attend to my elderly grandmother, though she isn't deemed to be immediate family unfortunately. I found it interesting you mentioned that you were told that we would be allowed to travel from Australia to the states/canada by June because from what I heard was similarly the same but 1st July (we're hoping that is) but in your case you need to travel in June so that wouldn't be helpful to you either way. There are too many different sources of information that we're hearing in regards to international travel, I don't know what to think anymore. I hope they will approve your application

armen.greg. Sorry to hear that you are facing issues traveling, I know it can be very stressful for any given individual. In your case unfortunately it would most certainly be more difficult to be granted travel permission, though for your sake and for the sake of others that require essential overseas travel I hope that the borders do open up for by June- July. I can only say to you that I was only told by a friend who works at Sydney Airport that possibly travel to the states and canada will be allowed by June however there has been no guarantee as such (others here may be able to provide you with further information). Regardless, I have already started compiling all the evidence required for my case and hopefully all will go well. I wish you the best of luck too!

that would be amazing to be able to travel by June, but the government seems to say nothing until 2021! hope your friend is right!

July 1 is likely. Check airline schedules, most international flights are tentatively resuming then.

Fyi, the exemption to travel is not dated and states the date is irrelevant, only the departure port must stay the same.

If the department is looking at applications by nearest departure date as seems to be the case, plus applications are not linked, so if you are rejected you have to start again. One could argue that applying for a date sooner than the intended date could give one more time to know the outcome before travelling.

This is not my recommendation, just an observation. Good luck all.

The only problem with that, Ewar is that the application asks for flight details and date. In my case, having sold my Sydney house and waiting to fly 19 May one way to London, I am staying with my sister near Goondawindi, Qld. So I need time to get to Sydney to get my flight and get a friend to sell my NSW regd car! I need a few days' notice, not 24 hours as seems to be happening with the approval process. And what happens if I then get knocked back? So now it seems I will have to apply again and hope the Dept of Home AffairsI will give me a decision with more notice.

Exactly my point. What is to stop you from applying again for travel on May 1st? It doesn't ask you to show you have booked a ticket, just the flight you would take and from where you will depart as this can't be changed. The exemption simply unblocks your passport from travel restrictions.

The exemption specifically states "You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change, unless the departure airport changes."

Ewar thank you, very helpful comments. I wonder if I apply again, if I have to refer to the earlier case reference they give you ( not having had any response, let alone a rejection), or if you just start all over again from scratch. I don't suppose you have the answer to that!

Hi everyone, this has been a helpful thread, and hoping we all hear back soon!

I'm a dual Aus/US citizen and my husband has been granted legal permanent resident status in the US. We need to travel by July to ensure his visa doesn't expire. We are due to travel end of June. I've put in our travel exemption form end of March, and have yet to hear. It's now been 1 month. It's really frustrating to not be able to follow up at all especially since this is a migration case, not just a quick trip over and back. From reading this, I'm starting to think they could tell us with a matter of hours notice- which is obviously not feasible to rent out house, sell car, quit job....! has anyone who is permanently migrating been granted theirs? if so, what was the time frame? I applied under compassionate reasons as I couldn't find any other category to really fit and used evidence of my passport, his green card, and the fact that my family still live in the US and we could be closer to my elderly parents. hopefully we all hear soon

Please let me know when you get the exemption.

I'm in a similar situation, an AU citizen with US green card. I am currently in AU but if I stay out of the US for more than 6 months, border protection can question my intention of living in the US. I have to be in the US before July to avoid the situation.

will do. when have you applied? and when is your flight? there seems to be no way to follow up, no one will give any answers

Having originally appled 2 April for a flight 22 May and heard nothing, I re-applied today, indicating a flight 30 April to permanently migrate to the UK, house sold, goods shipped, still car to sell. We shall see!

Hi richardd and stephanie918,

Thank you for sharing your details.

I had a situation and I'm currently waiting for my new passport (hopefully I get it this week).

I guess I'll follow Richard's advice, apply for an exemption three days before the flight, and then change the flight for a later date. We don't need to apply for a new exemption if there is any change in flight dates provided your port of departure remains the same.

kmahajan, surely US border protection would understand why you couldn't return earlier? And aren't they extending the normal period you can remain outside the country before the green card is cancelled in light of this situation?

Even Thailand, a country that was very slow to grant extensions is allowing PR holders an extra year to return. Normally they only allow a 1-year absence before the permit is cancelled. Unlike the USA, they don't question PR holders why they spend a lot of time abroad.

Stephanie, I applied originally 2 April, and heard nothing, my flight then was 22 May. I have now today applied again, with a 30 April flight date, so we shall see if that works a lot uicker, being a much closer date. Fingers crossed!

i like that strategy! I wonder if the double up in the system will screw anything up? hopefully not. let us know if this strategy works

I'll post when I hear back re my application, maybe not for another 2 days.

We are in a similar situation. My Aus husband just received his green card and it expires in July. I am a US citizen. We applied for the exemption saying we are permanently moving to the US and were denied within 3 days. We've reapplied with more information including the fact that I'd been there for 9 months waiting for my husband's green card application. When covid hit I came back to Aus since we knew the application would be significantly delayed. I was accepted into a uni program so also provided that in the second attempt. Waiting to hear back but we purchased our flights already, included stat decs, documents with my US address on them including a drivers license, W2, US bank statement and a college acceptance letter. They said our case did not meet the requirements and was assessed under each exemption the first time, so we hope with this extra info, we will be approved. 

I've been reading others migrating to another country have been approved so I think it depends on the agent reviewing your case. It's pretty crazy being a US citizen and Aus permanent resident, that I can't go back to the US. If we are denied again we are going to look into seeing if the US embassy can help. I doubt it but still. 

Good luck! Let me know how you go. What documents did you provide? 

Hey Richard, my flight is on the 30th. But still haven't heard if I'm approved yet. I applied on the 22nd. Let me know if or when yours get approved. Cheers

what grounds did you apply under? business? migrating? i'm starting to think they must be approving business at the 11th hour....??

I applied under the compassionate category, but noted in my comments that I thought I might also qualify under urgent business.

Fingers crossed for you, and forbid both! I expect you will hear on 29th.

Congrats Richard and thank you for sharing all the details.

Wish you the best for future.

I have secured my permission to leave! After applying 2 April for a flight 22 May and getting no answer, today 27 April I applied for 30 April, and it has been approved the same day. I applied on compassionate grounds, and in my submission siad I felt I qulaified on urgent business grounds. I don't know whaich one worked. I am moving to the UK, one way. I sent proff of sale of house, that my furniture has been moved, that I have bought a house in the UK, that I have a medical certificate, and stated that since selling the house I have nowhere in Australia to live. Hope this info helps some other applicants out there. Here is an extact from the approval:

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is authorised. Your departing port has been notified of this decision.

You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change, unless the departure airport changes.

Richard, I'm so happy to hear you got your exemption through.

I'm an AU/ Irish citizen, set to move back to Ireland in July / August in a very similar situation to you. A close family member is ill, so I've secured a new job in to move us all back home. It would be very stressful to put everything in place for the move, giving up my job and flat, if travel is not a sure thing. I suspect that things will be quite different by July, but this is very reassuring!

Nice mate! I fly out on the 30th too but still haven't heard anything. You recon I should reapply ??? Stressing hard haha

Kylemull, you could try again if you think you can beef up your case with attachments which verify your statements, and you have a strong case. Good luck!

also did you mention your previous application? or mention why you might need to "change" it?

No I did not refer to my earlier application.

last question :) seeing as your one way ticket is mid may, did you attach that in your new application given you said you're now leaving in April? or did you just mention that you bought a one way ticket. i could attach my one way, but it does saay June so that could contradict

No I mentioned I had a one way ticket, but did not submit ticket this time. I just said I planned to fly 30 April and showed airline and flight details identical to my booking on 19 May.

did you end up getting an exemption?

awesome Richardd! that's great, I'll re apply. did you add additional information in your second application? i'm thinking I could add more proof. i'll apply tomorrow

great news for you! so when are you actually traveling now?

Stephanie, just try to present strong arguments and back them up with proof as attachments. I fly Qatar 19 May. Good luck!

thanks so much, i'll give it a shot. i'm so happy for you!

Anyone gone/going to Thailand ? I'm a citizen of the country and have booked for JUNE 12th on compassionate grounds Thai airports will be cloed, or that i wont get authorised to leave

John, Thai airports will be closed to inbound flights other than repatriation flights until May 31. At this stage, I doubt the closure will be extended beyond this date, since flight schedules are starting to show limited flights to/from Thailand from June 1. However, most flights won't resume until July 1, which is when flight schedules more or less return to normal, though with reduced frequencies. Being a citizen of Thailand makes things easier for you, since you'll be allowed back in any time, but a 14 day quarantine awaits you between now and May 31, not sure about what will happen on June 12.


I did see an earlier post about the situation I'm in but I wanted to know whether anyone else is in a similar situation also. I am an Australian citizen currently in Australia but am needing to go back to the US. I have been studying in the US for the past 4 years on a F1 visa. I have spent more time in the US than Australia in the past 12 months. Does this mean I wouldn't need to apply for an exemption?

If you have spent more than 6 of the past 12 months outside Australia, you should not need a permit. If in doubt, you could always apply, explain your circumstances, provide as much supporting documentation as you can to make the decision easy for them, and that should work. You should know though, as I found out in my situation, they process applications only a day or two or three before the date you put in the your application that you want to fly. If you try it a month ahead of your planned departure date, you won't get a reply (at least as it is working now) until just before your stated exit date. You can put in any date, it must be from the same airport gateway, for instance Sydney or wherever you will fly from. You hve to put in the flight number, and state your destinatio. But you don't have to actually book or take that flight on that day. Hope this helps.

Thanks so much for your help!

change in airline shouldn't matter, should it? just a change in departure port..?

Can't say for sure, I changed as little as possible.


Hi guys,

I'm an Australian citizen but trying to get back to Canada as I have a work permit. The only flights available stop in the USA. Are we allowed to enter the USA for a connecting flight?

I'm not 100% sure, but my understanding is that the USA does not have the same concept of 'transits' that the rest of the world does. All arriving international passengers have to clear customs and immigration before going onto another flight. Therefore, you may have issues with this arrangement.

Does anyone know how I can word this situation so it may be considered for exemption, I met by bf 19 months ago.. his USA military I'm Aussie we met in Korea twice last year relationship is long distance, haven't seen him in 10 months was going to travel to USA for a month in May to determine if I'm going to move there see how I like it or stay here before he gets deployed again in July.... it's time sensitive and sort of detrimental to the survival of the relationship. They have asked me to resubmit with evidence... besides his military ID, tickets from last year.. messages and daily call logs... what other evidence do you think would help?


I'm in a similar position with not having any strong evidence so you'll have to let me know how you go.. would be very interested

Good luck!

I suggest getting him or perhaps even his parents if possible/appropriate to invite you, and state exactly where you would stay. Could you go for longer? It might help show greater commitment.

How would he invite me? Formal letter on a military memo?. I cant stay longer due to work commitments here. Just finished my nursing degree and doing my transition program that was the plan then go over there perminatly when he came back from deployment but this 3 weeks was crutial to see if I even like the place and If it would all work out.

I suggest a letter addressed to the Dept of Home Affairs stating the relationship, the circumstances, and that he is inviting you to stay, and giving the address. Just a suggestion!

That is hardly to fall under compassionate or urgent grounds. Just wait awhile.

Hi Richard - I have also received an exemption with the same wording that you posted above.

On my email it still had the word 'unclassified' at the top - was this the same for you?


No, my letter said Official Use Only at the top. I can't see any use of the word unclassified on mine. May not be significant.

Ok thanks, hopefully my exemption has still been processed appropriately

congrats Jas7, when are you flying and when did you apply?

thanks Stephanie - i applied on April 9th originally for a May 2nd flight however my flight is now May 5th

that's great, it just confirms that they basically don't approve you until 2-5 days before the flight! that's frustrating!

are you able to share on what basis you received exemption?

The exemption was granted on compassionate grounds - I am from the UK originally but now have an Australian passport as well. All my family still live in the UK so this was my reasoning.

did they ask for proof of family in the UK? when I applied they originally said no and that I should show proof of family (slightly difficult, but ok...)

Yes I sent proof - passports, driving licences etc for parents and grandparents

That's great news Jas7 - I am happy for you :)

Can I ask you if you had to state that you were the carer of one or more of you relatives or just visiting them is sufficient?

Do you also have to declare that you will not come back to live in Australia.

I am in a similar situation (intending to fly to Italy in June) and would appreciate any help

Many thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide

i just got an email saying I needed to provide more evidence. So do make sure you all add everything you can

m.bianchi - I didn't say I was a carer but said that I was going back to give support to my family. I said that I was moving back to the UK indefinitely and also provided a letter from my employer in Australia confirming that I had resigned.

My initial application was not accepted as they asked for evidence that I had also ended my tenancy in Australia - so I provided an email that I sent to my housemate giving 4 weeks that I intended to leave (this was just a casual rental agreement so I had no official lease documents).

I said that I didn't intend on returning to Australia until next year at the earliest - although I'm fairly sure I'd still gain access to the country without too much trouble if I did come back before as I have an Australian passport.

Hope this helps and good luck!

It helps indeed - thaks heaps jas7!

I will be able to show similar evidence and hopefully will have similar luck


Hi all - this thread has given me a slight bit of hope! If anyone can give me some advice I would very much appreciate it.

UK national, girlfriend in Aus, I have a working holiday visa, planned to arrive in April. Have had my application to enter for compassionate reasons rejected. Im devastated, been suffering from depression for years and met her 18 months ago which changed my life. Going to try again but wondering...

Any suggestions for relationship proof when not married/live together? I sent photos, dated messages. Is a written letter for each of us valid idea?

Thoughts on more likely for Aus citizen to leave than foreigner to arrive? She has a Polish passport and would not be needing to return short term.

Feel like i'm clutching at straws but any advice, similar comparisons would be so helpful. Thanks!

I think a written invitation from your partner might help. They will want to know where you will stay. Will you remain in one place? How long for? A doctor's certificate might hrlp. They don't want people coming from overseas, travelling around and possibly bringing the virus with them. It could be easier to do it in reverse, your partner going one way to Poland, on compassionate grounds, to support you, showing copy of the passport. They like to see lots of supporting evidence. Good luck!

In your case did you add a medical certificate pertaining to clearance from the virus ?


Thanks for you advice richardd - when you say medical certificate are you referring to an actual covid free test?!

No Taylgh, I had a letter from my doctor supporting my move for medical reasons, specific to me.

Hi all. I'm an Australian citizen who lives in Australia and wish to try and get to the US to visit my wife (US citizen) and help her look after my stepson.

I'd be travelling on a current ESTA so would have to return in 90 days. Has anybody managed to get an exemption to travel if they are returning to Australia? It seems on here that people who are getting them are not returning to Australia and only flying one way?


Hi all, I did got my exemption granted on 19th April as dad passed away. But now have to change the departing airport to Sydney. The new flight is on 4th May, I sent the request online again three days ago, didn't received any reply yet. Anyone have similar situation can share what I can do now?

Has anyone here received an exemption to travel purely on the basis of one way travel ? I am an Australian resident and recently received by tier 5 visa for the UK. I have not previously resided in the UK. However, I have quit my job, terminated my lease and have a one way flight out. Wondering if evidence of intending to move overseas permanently is considered for exemption?

Sarah, my exemption was approved based on one way travel to the UK, having sold my house here, shipped my belongings, having a place to go to in the UK, and having 2 passports. It was approved the same day I appied. I specified a flight 3 days after I applied, but in fact will fly later. It would probably help if you could evidence the intention to stay there, through work, family or other reason. But worth applying and seeing what happens. If you want a quick response, give a travel date close to your application date. You are not obliged to travel on the date you specify.

That's great to know Richard. Did you have any evidence of family living there or of employment ? Or was it approved purely on the basis of employment termination and sale/ purchase of home ?

I am retired, but did not mention that. I simply said I was moving, had sold my house, bought one over there, had a one way ticket, had moved my furniture, and had a UK passport, with each fact supported by documentary evidence.

Would be interested in knowing the same! Have a tier-4 visa and am an international student in the UK... I have no home in Australia while all of my possessions are still in my home in the UK. No intention to come back to Australia for another 5ish years at least.

They have asked for proof how long I intend to stay and the tickets, however the flight was cancelled so I am trying to get new flights but my length of stay depends on the new flights I get? I have confirmation of the old flights do you think that would do?

I say try with the old flights- once you get an exemption the date of departure doesn't matter! its flexible because of all the canceled flights!

pls update if you do end up getting an exemption! I'm in a similar situation

Hi everybody just need some advice please ..... before I rant about how unreasonable home affairs are in their decisions....,

Just wondering Kylemull or LMSully if you have had any luck with your exemptions ?

My daughter in very similar situation partner US military just returned from Okinawa Japan currently in quarantine waiting for discharge on 5/5. She has been in a long distance relationship with very limited evidence bar letters gifts phone records text messages flowers sent accommodation receipt , evidence of one bank transfer , flights that's it! He has recently had major back surgery and pre covid she was flying over on 30/4 to be reunited and help him with his rehabilitation with his back. This is crucial as he doesn't have any support from being away in military for past 4 years. Will stay with his parents but they are relocating . She was going over to make plans to move permanently find a house open a bank account etc..... she has provided letter from his parents inviting her and requesting her help with him ( she is a registered nurse) letter from us as parents , including a Stat Dec confirming their relationship from me as evidence , which can I say being a legal document thought would of carried a lot of weight. Saying she would stay away 6 months so hopefully things with have settled with pandemic. She also needs to comeback to finalise life here and apply for appropriate visa to stay more permanent etc! This person will be her forever person I have no doubt , but honestly the mental anguish they are placing on them both with genuine reasons to be reunited is cruel unfair and really has my back up! She will not be holidaying she stated she would be his carer he can't drive on the medications he's on , his parents work full time he's an only child no one else . Seems unless we can provide marriage certificate or defacto no chance and let me tell you if they could get married over the phone they would just to fix this !!!! Would appreciate any suggestions. And we tried to provide as much information as we could including my text with him my phone conversations and the file is saying it's too big and won't send!!! Help! Any advice would be so grateful !!! I'm think we need to go further legally but not sure how!!!!

Hi all, give some update. I got the email about departure airport being updated and the exemption still valid.

What I can conclude from my two experiences dealing with them as follow.

Don't panic if they didn't give any response or just reply say you are are not sufficient information, as your intended departure day is not recent. They may just ignore your request as your departure day is not close and they may grant the exemption only two day before departure,as someone else post mentioned here.

If your departure getting close and no one response yet, then have to keep sending request online with more support document or update with the reason to show you got to leave more urgently. Just keeping send request everyday, use stronger wording for every request until they reply you. They will just ignore you if you repeat your request in same manner. I did have to send them request at least three times to get the response. And someone call me later, answer my queries. I followed her instructions and got reply few days later.

Another I would like to share is you can send request anytime and can try send each request in difference time, because may be now they are working at home. As the time they sent me the approval, one is on 8pm and one on early morning. Another reason is may be if you send your request in difference time, it will turn up received by different people. And how fast they process your request may depend on who read your request. No one give me any response at all when I submit the form on first three day on day time. But when I did it on early morning, I got the approval an hour later right away, which skip the email said your request being forword to ABF....Or just may be they think my departure day is close enough.

I just want to share my experience, as I did got a lot useful information from here as well. Hope that can help anyone feel anxious about the exemption application as I did before. I am writing this post on the flight to Sydney. All the case are difference, but should keep trying as situation on whole world are changing too. Wish all can see your love one sooner.

LMSully can you advise what documentation you supplied ? Thank you

Just a quick question — is the exemption email just a generic email or does it also state the reason for exemption?

Hi there,

could anybody please share their opininion/experience on wether the DHA expects flights to be already booked before applying for an exemption?

Also is there a number to call to get in touch with DHA?

Many thanks in advance to whoever can assist


I got the approval from ABF and no they did not mention my reason. Also there is no any contact number so you can just keep requesting online and repeat your reasons.

With thanks & Regards,


I got approval without having flights booked. (Obviously I was waiting for approval before I forked out for the flights.) I nominated my intended flight number and date. As it turns out approval came too late for that flight so I booked and caught the next one a few days later.

To answer a couplebof questions, the exemption email does not state a reason for the exemption. When I applied the form asked for flight details. I had not yet booked, but put in airline, destination, date and time as 3 days forward. I got my approval the same day, but don't in fact fly until 2 weeks from today. I tried calling Dept of Home Affairs in advance, but all the prompts relate to inward not outbound travel enquiries.

Hi richardd, I just got an exemption for a fligth on the 19th which I haven't booked yet. I will need more time to get my trip organised so I will travel on a different date. However, I am concerned because it lacked the statement:

This is what I got a reply saying "I require further evidence that supports the applicants original submission including evidence of the ticket purchased and length of intended stay noting there is potential quarantine requirements in the USA." So I emailed my tickets and accommodation then got declined. Does anyone know if i can apply again/what evidence are they looking for? Why ask for this then decline the application?

I think a month is just not enough time to be considered for an exemption

You can apply again !

just saw that Qantas plans to extend their cancellation of international flights until at least end of July now....I applied for an exemption to leave on Qantas in June, so there goes that!

United are still flying Sydney to San Fran everyday maybe check them out !

I'll look, thanks. i just looked to fly to LA and it's 5k!

Hi Stephanie,

Were you able to receive an exemption?

I have yet to find out. plan to travel june 1, so i'd assume I won't find out until May 31....

Just saw you were previously rejected, were you able to provide resignation from a job etc.

I am in a similar situation that need to move to UK to secure permanent residency and have some family there.

I'm not sure if this was directed at me, but I didn't resign from my job, as I wanted to be sure I could leave before doing so. Imagine resigning then finding out I can't leave and then i'm out a job in this economy. I know they'd like to see that, but I feel it's too big a risk. I did submit quotes to move the house, dog, and emails from a rental agency about renting out our house

Hi stephanie, I can see from Qantas site there is still flight (QF7) from Sydney to Dallas in June. Also United airline operates flight from Sydney to San Francisco (UA870). Don't know if they will be cancelled or not.

thank you! yes I saw there's some from Sydney. I live in Melbourne, and have applied for an exemption from MElbourne. I don't mind flying via Sydney but then have to apply for another exemption and as our is a permanent migration, it's a bit risky to sell the house, move out and then go to sydney to find out last minute whether we get the exemption. It'd be much easier to stay local, but this is getting difficult- which I suspect is what they want anyway

Staphanie918, In an ideal scenario, I also wouldn't want to fly overseas during the pandemic but unfortunately, the USA is where I found my dream job. look forward to your outcomes as I am planning the same route as yours.

I agree. certainly not ideal. if we don't go we lose permanent residency, so we really need to get there. when are you thinking of going TheScientist?

Would you consider buying a Flexi flight and putting in an earlier date to get approval fast and then once you get approval you can push it back?

thank you, yes, I definitely would, i'm just getting concerned as i need to be there by mid July and if Qantas has pushed back their flights, i'm afraid all airlines will. United is currently charging 5k one way!

You don't have to actually buy a ticket. Just look up a flight say 3 days ahead on your route. The response comes promptly that day. If approved, it says you can take any flight on any date so long as you don't change the approved departure airport. That's what I did, and it worked for me.

June 1st or 2nd Stephanie, fingers crossed! My employment start date is June 5th.. But I have to quarantine for 14 days before I could report to work (if successful flying to LA).

ooh so exciting, congrats on the job! we need everything to line up, don't we!

Does anyone know what evidence of potential quarintine requirements in the USA would be?, also my dates have now changed from my initial ticket purchase because the flight was cancelled so how do I provide evidence of my intended stay? I'm waiting for my refund before I purchase tickets again, also awaiting the exemption approval before I try buy flights again as they won't be issuing refunds anymore for cancellations.

LMSully, please visit the Centre for Disease Control's website for quarantine requirements in the USA. It is going to be home quarantine for 14 days in most counties. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/after-travel-precautions.html

Also, public health website of your intended local USA county. In my case, it is Los Angeles http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/coronavirus/docs/about/FAQ.pdf I know this site isn't secure.. Your arriving airport website at the U.S. should also have such information available.

I know of an Australian citizen who gained an exemption.

They, apparently, furnished ABF with a note from their employer abroad which explained that they were urgently required back at work. They also gave the ABF note from the embassy of that country stating that they'd have free passage into that country.

Do we think that studying a 2 year course overseas will be a valid enough reason?


I reckon a 2 year course sounds fairly compelling (especially if you can get lots of paperwork). Actually, somebody else said that they secured an exemption on the grounds with a student visa abroad. But probably you'd want to liaise with the embassy of the country you're studying in and get written confirmation that you'll be let into the country.

Imo, applying for the exemption with evidence of that written confirmation, evidence of visa/passport and maybe evidence of enrollment would give you a really solid case.


So it's kinda obvious to the ABF that your life is already firmly established in that country.

I am also in the process/was in the process of obtaining a M1 Student VISA for study in USA, for 1-3 years. The consulate page says their not doing any appointments or anything for 60 days from Apr 22 (so ends appx Jun 22?): "Routine visas services have been suspended at U.S. posts worldwide, but as resources allow, Embassies and Consulates will continue to provide emergency and mission critical visa services for applicants who are not subject to this presidential proclamation. The full text of the presidential proclamation is available on the White House"


So somehow I need to get the interview for the M1 Visa, plus get an exemption to travel outside of Australia it seems??

I would have thought long-term students/student visas (12+months) would be allowed being that their not travelling in and out of the country, merely just leaving for a long time to sudy?

I'm a world citizen and one of my passports is Australia so I do go there a couple of times a year. My right. After reading all these posts I can't believe what a draconian police prison state Australia has become. How can the citizens tolerate such a situation that you cannot leave a country unless some stuck up corrupt official may or may not give you authority. Really Australia. What have you become. Perhaps you were already like this but now you can flex your self centred petty little convict rules under the guise of an emergency rule. Australia is fxxd in this respect and will surely come to regret its draconian decision.

It's pretty insane isn't it. Although each country is doing things a bit differently...it's very autocratic in Asia right now - temperature checks and compulsory mask wearing laws to enter supermarkets. Some places are fining people who don't wear masks. I don't think Australia has quite gone that far...but you never know. The tracking app is totally dystopian. At least it's not mandatory...yet.

Go Robin, you'd better go! Australia's policy has worked, unlike so many other western countries. Less than 100 deaths here so far, and only around 7,000 cases. I also have two passports, need to travel, and there is a process to allow this. If you don't like Australia, you don't have to come. Resorting to insulting the country simply shows petty mindedness.

Yes richardd, I understand that a country has a right to make restrictions about who they should allow into their country. I was referring to the stupidity of the country for preventing people from leaving if they want to, even if they are Australian. What on earth could possibly be wrong with that? Seriously a nanny state.


"I was referring to the stupidity of the country for preventing people from leaving if they want to, even if they are Australian."

They have that right to do so during extraordinary circumstances, such as a global pandemic, according to international law. There's a provision for it in Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966).

GoRobin, I am not a world citizen like you but have lived in four different continents for study/work. I can't stress enough how nicely and diligently Australia is handling the crisis. I sacrificed my previous job overseas and fled back to Australia two months ago as I believe in this country. Australia is protecting its citizens, and only if we all can live longer, we can continue to just fly around the globe as we wish. Our taxpayer's money could be put to better use!

I deeply regret that I have to leave once again (as I thought, the pandemic will be sort of controlled in two-months) and equally ashamed of being a biomedical scientist myself to request the border force for a travel exemption during a pandemic. Of course, for compassionate reasons, people should be allowed to leave Australia. Otherwise, wherever we are on this planet, whichever passport we hold, it is better if we stay put.

Thank you everyone for sharing your details. 

I received my exemption today in my second attempt. In my first attempt, I submitted documents proving relation with my family in the US. My birth certificate, US driving licence (mine and my parents) proving residence at the same address, US green card, and Australian passport. It got rejected stating it requires further documentation. For the second time, I attached termination of the house lease agreement, job resignation, job acceptance, car sale, airplane ticket along with the documents I submitted for the first time.

From my experience, submit as many documents as you can proving that you do not intend to return to Australia anytime soon. And with my research, I believe Sydney to San Fransico is your best bet to reach the US. Once you're in SFO, arrange your further travel. We can't expect airlines to be fully functional in this calamity.

Good luck to everyone.

Congrats on your approval kmahajan! Could you plz provide more details of your timelines, i.e. the date when you made your 1st

congratulations! just wondering what airline you're thinking as I saw flights on United which were quite expensive, is there aanother option?

Hi Brendan and others,

I have read a number of posts where it refers to not needing an exemption to leave if you have been out of Australia for more than 6 months of the last 12 months but does anyone know where this is actually documented in the government guidelines or the best contact details to get this confirmed by the right Australian government department?

Cheers all and stay well :-)

Hey wapl,

I don't think it's written in fine writing anywhere however it's stated on the online form right before you submit the exception form. If you qualify you basically head to the airport and border force will ensure you meet the condition. You can always apply for an exception anyways and see what happens.

Hope that helps.

Yes I'd like to know too Wap1. I live in the UK but would like to know if I need to take any particular evidence with me to the airport, besides my passport, since I don't need an exemption certificate apparently.

Hi Guys, I have been reading all the posts and thought I'll give some insight into how I got my exception approval.

I am a dual Australian and UK citizen, moving to the uk for family reasons in June. I firstly applied for the exception however got declined as they needed more information. In particular, my current residence and if I have it on rent/sold, and a quote or invoice of freight that I may have as I'm moving. My ticket is a one way ticket. I then reapplied and included 16 attachments and an essay basically stating my claim to move to the United Kingdom. I particularly stated I am moving indefinitely and have no intentions to return. My tentative return date on the form was sometime in 2026.

My attachments included passports, marriage certificates, quote from DHL, rental statements and corresponding attachments which boosted my chances of getting an approval. A few things I would note to take into consideration:

Your intended travel date is just a date, this can be changed after you get the approval. Be as clear as you can and back this up by referencing it to your attachments. If you state something but don't have the proof, you will get declined. The approvals team work 7 days as I received my approval on a Sunday morning, approx 3 days before my intended travel date. You have 3 months to travel once you get your approval so put your date of travel earlier so that you get the approval/request for more info sooner than becoming stressed prior to your booked flight.

Hope the above helps and good luck with your own applications. Thought I'll share my story and try and give hope that you can get the approval.

Take care and safe travels.

thanks so much for the tips. I'm in the same boat, but moving to the US. I was initially declined and told they need more info, so hoping to hear soon, but it's so ridiculous that they let you know so close to a flight. it is good that the date is flexible, it's just so stressful! so thank you

Thank you so much for your information. I have got approval yesterday as well. Following your advice. I think there should not be an issue for people requesting to fly for relocating purpose. I have put intended flight date a few weeks before the flight date I intended so I can hear from the government sooner. I put 12th of July as intended flight date and they got back to me on 12th of July around noon......

hi all

very stressed with all this travel ban.

I am a temporary visa holder and my husband is a temporary resident over there. We have a marriage certificate as well. The day my visa was issued, the travel ban was placed the next day so I missed it by 24 hrs. we applied for exemption and I dont knkw why but they first granted us the permit. applied for booking a ticket and they said that it was an error, we werent granted the permit. have been trying again, im alone here in my country, on borderline depression, attached a medical certificate from my psychologiat requesting for exemption, but this is the third time ive been rejected. Cant really take it anymore with no idea of when this ban will be lifted. Any help?

FarDer, sounds a difficult situation. Would need much more info to be able to suggest a way through. What countries are involved? Are you wanting to travel one way out of Australia? If you want to join your husband overseas you need to clearly state your objective and your justification, backing up your arguments with documents that support your claim. Have you sold your residence here or finished a lease to prove you are leaving? Resigned from work? Shipped possessions?Got a job at the other end? Can prove an address at the other end? A statement from your husband with his comments? One way flight? These are the sorts of info they will be looking for. Hope that helps.


so i was denied an exemption to leave initially to provide more info, I did and they sent me an email saying my travel was not authorised. can i apply again with more documentation?



Yes you can. You can reapply but put more information in this time so that your application has more reasoning.

Good luck

Hi all, my wife is here on a work holiday visa which expires in a couple of weeks, she is expecting in less than a couple months and must leave to her home country. I am an Australian citizen and working here and have organised to take off work for 5 months with a Statement of Service provided by work. Have put in an application showing marriage certificate, letter from doctor showing the expected due date and explaining my wife's visa is expiring and that I would like to be with her for the birth of our child. Our case has been rejected with a request for further documentation. Not quite sure what they are asking for and was really surprised that this alone was insufficient for compassionate grounds. My intention would be to eventually return to Australia as this is where I am employed and have an income, however I don't need to return for a good few months by which time hopefully things will be much more controlled. We're really stressed, does anyone have tips on how to get around this?

Harry12345: Have you provided proof of flights? Proof that you will go for at least 5 months? Proof that your work has agreed to this? It could be they are looking for you to stay away for more than 5 months. Proof that whichever country you are going to will let you in? Proof of her foreign citizenship? Proof of where you will live while overseas? Proof maybe that you will leave your Australian address for that long ( do you own and will let while you are away? or have you given up a lease? Proof that you have shipped belongings, if indeed you have? Maybe a letter from her family addressed to the Dept confirming what you say, and stating where you will live. I suspect these are the sort of proof items they will be looking for. I suggest you do everything you can to make it difficult for them to say no. Good luck!

Hi richardd, thanks for the tips, ideas, and encouragement - really helpful and will send through more documentation as you have suggested that will hopefully further build my case and make it difficult for them to say no!

Hello everyone,

Just wanting to share my experience in case it is helpful and see if anyone has any advice. I am currently waiting to hear back on receiving my exemption to leave the country to visit my partner in Scotland. He and I have been separated since December and I am applying on compassionate grounds as I suffered a very big trauma in January / February and have not seen him since (my ticket to UK late March was cancelled due to COVID-19). I have received two "please supply more info" requests from Dept Home Affairs and sent last tranche of documentation through at 4am Friday morning. I have given them travel date of tomorrow night, but actually am not travelling until Thursday, so if I hear tomorrow morning I will be OK to go on Thursday. Does anyone have opinion about whether this is usual / unusual? I sent another follow up request this morning at 4am, urging them to get back to me as travel date is tomorrow. Interestingly, both times I received request for more info that came within 24 hours (the second time within 4 hours). But now I have heard nothing since Friday. I wonder if this means they are seriously considering case and it might be granted? My request is genuine and sincere - there is no other reason I would want to travel to UK at the moment except to urgently see my partner whom I rely on entirely. The separation is having horrific impact on my mental health and on his. Does anyone have any advice or tips? Also, if I can help anyone else with info regarding application process please let me know.

Thanks for posting Lisa B! This is really helpful as I am in a similar situation with my partner stuck in the UK and suffering really poor mental health over the indefinite separation. I've got my fingers crossed for you getting your exemption - please let us know how you go :)

Any luck hearing back Lisa B ? My daughter put exemption in Friday for travel yesterday heard nothing at all ! Not sure what's going on !

In response to previous comments about UK and their restriction (or lack of) for overseas travellors, just a reminder that the UK is considering quarantine for new arrivals from places other than Ireland and France so that may be another hurdle in addition to seeking an exemption to depart from Australian (air)ports

Yes, with new quarantine restriction we now have to provide a private address for self-isolation for two week period. It is still OK to enter UK if you have that private address then it is OK to enter.

Yes that's a hurdle. Will need to see the detail.

It's looking like I'm going to need to travel in a few months to the UK. Four weeks in quarantine may not be much fun but if it means the travel can happen it's worth it.

Have people been approved to attend the wedding of an immediate family member that lives overseas? Would that fall under compassionate grounds?

Hi all, been reading all of these posts and sincerely wishing everyone the best of luck with their exemptions.

I'm under a big deal of stress myself- my partner of a year and I have been doing long distance between the US & AUS. He's in Melbourne finishing his masters while I am in the US at the moment. I had plans of being in AUS very soon, and he back in the US soon after that until we figure out where we'd like to be permanently post his graduation. We have not been together since Christmas.

My stress levels are very high and unfortunately I do not have great mental health to begin with, and I'm afraid it's worsening. Not being able to know when we can be together again and the indefinite border closure is maddening and I'm frankly at a loss of what do to.

Like so many have previously started, I have not much documentation to prove our relationship. And I'm hoping to come to Aus, not the other way around, but it's sounding near impossible.

Would dearly appreciate ideas/advice if any. Quite the times we're living in friends :(

Have people had much luck applying on compassionate grounds? I'm a dual citizen (Germany/Australia) and my mum is terminally ill. My partner and I had planned to visit her in Germany in July and stay for 3 months. We booked our tickets late last year for Jul-Oct and we're hoping to still be able to leave. I can work remotely and my partner will quit his job. We will keep our lease here in Aus. If boarders aren't open in Oct we can keep staying with my mum.

Any thoughts on how successful our case would be?

I can imagine so many people in being in these kinds of situations and the stress/anxiety it would cause especially if our borders are closed for extended periods of time. I'm really hoping the government in a few months time would at least drop the restrictions to a do not travel advice similar to NZ where if you really need to leave you may leave as long as you self quarantine upon arrival.

A few things I would consider would be a medical letter from your mums doctor explaining she is terminally ill and requires your support. Also, if your husband is going to continue working remotely, perhaps a letter from his employer recommending he go overseas and supporting him to work remotely. Show some lease documents to show you have your ppty on rent. I would apply for urgent business case instead as it's quite urgent. Hope the above helps.

Good luck

Hi guy,

I have a question regarding applying for this exemption.

I am an Australian citizen with an Australian passport however I also have Cambodian passport as I just got my citizen this year. I have applied for an exemption under unavoidable personal problems because my grandpa in Cambodia is very ill and I have some personal problems here that I can't live here anymore. I have provided them the medical certificate and relevant document as much as possible, however, I still got reject said not enough evidence. I am not planning to come back and live here also. Can you guys give me some advice please what should I do and what else do I need to provide?

I need help please

Please lodge a new request and provide more information to support your request. Including, for example:

·Proof of relationship such as birth and/or marriage certificates

·Letter from a medical professional, hospital records

·Evidence that no other family in country can provide the level of support

·Statement on when the individual intends to return to Australia

In a similar situation to you, dual citizen(aus/thai), my mom is ill and i need to go to Thailand..

Can i ask you, when do you plan on flying? it seems like all of june is impossible to fly now

Our flights were booked for 6th July. Hopefully it all works out! Good luck to you and keep us posted if you go ahead with the exemption.

@ Poodsie

Don't mean to stress you but you did check your booking is still current, valid and unchanged, considering it was booked last year?

Considering alot of airlines have dropped international flights to Australia, I will not assume anything is still OK just because you haven't been contacted about the flights, even if the airline you are using is still flying or restarting flights as they may change ports depending on demands (if they fly to mulitple Australian cities)

XWu, at this point yes, the flight is still on. Hopefully it stays that way!

Hi Podsie, did you get the exemption?

Hi Kajuina, I haven't actually applied yet. I've been following this thread for a while now and it looks like almost everybody applying for it is leaving for good and provides details of house sale/lease termination etc. That's not the case for us. Right now, I'm hoping that something will change come 18 June and they change the ban to an advice or at least make exceptions for dual citizens so they can go see their families. If nothing changes in June when the 3 month ban is up then I'll consider applying. Are you in a similar situation?

Hi Poodsie, I do not have much hope on Australia lifting the travel ban for double nationals. I believe they will extend it until mid September. Yes I am in a similar position and planning to apply for exemption early July. Good luck

I would get a letter from your grandfathers medical doctor stating his condition and that they require you to be there. Prove to the gov that your grandfather is your grandfather. Maybe show your mum/dads birth certificate which shows your grandfathers name? You need to show them how you are related to your grandfather.. if you are a dual citizen, stat you have no intention of returning as you are a citizen.. hope the above helps,

Good luck

Thank you but I just don't understand what they mean by evidence that no other family can provide the level of support and prove of relationship since I'm single and have give them the birth certificate as well

Hi Rose,

I got approve without any evidence so you can apply and then send them request. I hope you can get the approval.


Hi Rose

Did you manage to get the exemption?

Initially plan to travel on the 12th which is tomorrow however I haven't get my exemption yet I change it to 23rd

you still haven't received an outcome and you wrote that you were due to fly today? that's awful by them

Hi my husband and I are both permanent residents of Australia. My husband...for 50 years. Myself for a week! We decided to return to the UK to live...after waiting for my PR visa for over 3 years..and 2 weeks ago being told it would still take about 18 months. Then bang! Ladt week it came. Ironic. Were both British citizens..with British passports. We want to leave by the end of June...and we have no intention of coming back here to live. Can anyone tell me how best to go about this? Do we still need exemptions? Please help!

hi, yes, anyone planning to leave Australia (whether permanent or not) needs to apply for an exemption. A few tips here is that you'd find on here are to include as much evidence of anything you say, and being mindful they likely will approve/deny the day before your flight, so some people have put forward a sooner date. i'm not advising that, just saying that has been done to give you more time

Hi thanks for that. Do you have to book a flight first then? How on earth can that work? The last thing anyone needs..is to get the flight...but then find youve been refused the exemtion hey? This is ridiculous. I could understand it if I wanted to come back to Australia..but I dont!

You don't need to book your flight. You just need to provide what flight you may take (flight number), and an intended date of travel. Once you get your approval, you can book your ticket. A change of date is okay but if you change your departure port from Australia, you will have to reapply.

I do'nt think you need to book but they will ask for a flight number when you apply. it's totally unrealistic they way they've set this up, as I think sometimes they want proof you've quit jobs, sold houses, etc- but there's no chance i'm quitting my job until i know I can go!

Hi all,

Thank you for all your tips. My dad is currently in Singapore - potentially might have cancer but is waiting on scan and biopsy to confirm his diagnosis. I applied for exemption but was denied as I had insufficient documentary evidence. I included a memo from the hospital but it wasn't enough.

In the email, I was told to provide;

·Proof of relationship such as birth and/or marriage certificates

·Letter from a medical professional, hospital records - medical reports that verify the condition

·Medical evidence that supports your family member's deteriorating health and your requirement to be with them.

·Evidence that no other family in country can provide the level of support

·Statement on when the individual intends to return to Australia

I do understand that perhaps, I might need to wait for the official diagnosis from the scans but what more do I need to prove my relationship with my dad when I have provided them with my birth certificate?

And in regards to the returning to Australia - I did mention I was intending on staying there for 6 months given that I am a citizen of Singapore. Is that not enough? Do I need a stat dec? I showed them my leave entitlements (with long service leave and annual leave), I have enough to cover that time.

It's frustrating times indeed especially when we are all trying to head back to see family and planning to stay in our native country for long. Please share some tips if you have - I would really like to be home to support my parents through this difficult time. Thank you

That's terrible. If you look at this article below it seems like a lot of people are facing similar problems with no transparency or consistency from the home affairs department .


Sarahmarsh - Even worse is what Asian governments are doing - splitting up foreign-local families by not permitting entry to the foreign spouse. About the only Asian country I could find that is currently permitting foreign spouses of citizens to enter is Malaysia. Apparently Japan is no longer allowing it now (they did at the beginning).

However, that is to be expected. Foreigners are treated as walking ATMs in Asian countries. You can't expect much compassion from third world countries that struggle to provide the basic necessities to their own citizens.

Australian Government is doing exactly the same! I'm an Aus citizen, in a relationship with an overseas partner for 3 years and almost 7 months pregnant with our first child. I have some health concerns requiring me to give birth here (I usually reside mostly in his country) so quickly flew home before borders closed. They wont let him in Australia for a a few months for the birth. We are potentially facing years apart now! Baby wont be born with automatic citizenship/residency to my partners country - it will need to be applied for there, in person, which we cant do unless the Australian government decides to grant my baby a travel exemption. We had already applied for him to travel with me on a tourist visa back in february, before the pandemic 'hit', and I travelled home at the end of March. We are still yet to hear anything, and to me, these compassionate grounds don't feel so compassionate.

I just got my exemption approved today on compassionate ground to rejoin my partner in the Philippines. I suggest when they say provide those documents as they outlined, provide them - NOT ONE LESS

Congratulations! Could you advise what documents you included ? Are you moving permanently ?

what information did you provide exactly ??

Hello SitiAbdul

Seems like you and I are in a similar situation, the difference being that my Dad lives in the UK. I put in my application for an exemption on 3 May, I was given an enquiry number, but haven't anything since. Can I please ask you how long it was between when you applied and then received the email requesting further documentary evidence? I don't know whether I should be following up my application, or how to do this. Thanks for any advice.

Hi EH,

I was lucky in a way that I got a reply email with the above within 2 hours of application.

I was asked in the email to reapply with more documents as requested - given that my dad's diagnosis is still pending his scans and such, I'm waiting till those are back before reapplying again.

As per advised here, I put my flying date within 3 days of application - that could be a reason why I got a reply that quick.

I reckon as others have mentioned - perhaps try applying again with a departure date within 3 days of your application? That could expedite their reply. I don't know if there is a way to follow up the application - cos in the email, I was told to submit a new request anyway but state in it that it was second request for exemption.

Hello SitiAbdul

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll give it a go!

Does anyone have any thoughts about the return to Australia quarantine? We are planning a permanent migration to the US, but were hoping if we came back to visit family in the next year that we wouldn't still be subject to the 14 day hotel quaratine (mainly because we have two toddlers, and I can't imagine anything worse). I'm also curious what will happen in phase 3 with the introduction to international student arrival in Australia- will all of those students be put up in hotels paid for by the Aus government?

I have applied for an exemption 3 times under compassionate grounds. I am also a dual Australian Filipino citizen. My partner who is 4 months pregnant was in the Philippines and while I dodge the lockdowns and restrictions there when I returned back to Australia on 10 March, she was left alone with no company, no one to support her. Thus I applied to go back to the country and to be reunited with her with the hope that I can see my child being born in 2020, in my arms and not in some kind of a Zoom or Facebook Messanger birthing experience.

When I first applied, I have only given the statement of the problem, requesting for exemption on compassionate grounds. I have mentioned that I will return back in September, hopefully everything would all be ok COVID wise in Australia by that time.

Then comes that dreaded “insufficient document please reapply email response”. The next time I applied I have provided some documents such as proof of our relationship and recommendation from my doctor/psychologist for me to travel on compassionate grounds because it is now affecting my mental health. I got rejected again but this time Border Force have given me some pretty helpful guide as to the kind of OMG materials that I need to will provide > 1. evidence that supports the applicant is in a de- facto relationship 2. medical evidence from a psychologist (or similar) as to the mental stress being managed by the applicant's girlfriend 3. any other support of friends or family members for the applicant's girlfriend 4. evidence of being an ordinarily resident in another country, evidence of any permanent residence in Philippines (ie tenancy agreement, utility bills, Permanent residency card, employment information or other relevant documents to support your need to return to your home) and so on….

I have provided all of the above OMG documents except one > the medical proof that my partner is pregnant…. Given under strict lockdown conditions, it is difficult for her to even seek a doctor to provide medical help and I have noted it in my statement hoping they will be compassionate enough to undestand). At this stage, with crossed fingers, I have decided to lodge it again and I hope that one gets through…

Then comes their reply ....Please lodge a new request and provide more information about > Medical records/documentation to prove that your de facto partner is currently pregnant (with certified translation if required). OMG, I only need this one! and it seems like they are true to their word and are reading on the list of documents that I need to provide. Just that one last document!

Having the last hurdle to my application, I have instructed my partner to get to the doctor as soon as possible to get a medical certificate at whatever cost. We got one and it's time to reapply…

Like winning a lotto, we got it this time....

congratulations! what was your time frame from first submission to getting approval? when do you plan to fly?

Thanks to everyone who has responded to my questions! Im going to try and see how I go. Do they actually listen to your pleas? We only want to go home to UK. We have a house to stay in UK..and have no intention of coming back to Australia to live! Will this make a diffrrence do you think?

I can't say from experience as I've already been asked once for additional information, and am awaiting that outcome. However, it sounds like sometimes they ask for proof of the fact that you're not coming back (renting/selling house, quitting job, etc), it seems being a dual citizen isn't just enough, and from my experience, they'll also want proof of your mom being there (i've sent copies of license and bills in their names in my case). good luck!

Since We want to go home..on our british passports..as were both still UK citizens...would that make a difference? My entire family is in UK... including my 90 year old mum...Ill do whatever it takes to get there... but what documents can i send to help?

Hello everyone, I've learned loads from following this thread, so thanks to everyone who's made contributions. I'm a dual national UK/Australia and I've applied for an exemption to travel to the UK in June for 6 months on compassionate grounds and submitted lots of supporting evidence (thanks to info from here). I applied about 10 days ago and have heard nothing since. No surprises there, but how long until I receive an email from them to request further information? Should I follow up? Do they wait until 3 days before you fly to advise that you haven't provided sufficient evidence, or do I hear earlier? Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Hey there, I am from Czech Republic and my partner is an Aussie. He left Prague in the end of March to get to Noosa. We ve been together for 9 months now - is there any chance that I could get to him? What visa should I apply? Can I apply any in this situation? I ll be very thankful for any advice. All the best, A.

Hey, just an update - I got declined for the first time, but second time I got it! I just changed the "Please explain why you need to travel to Australia now:" part and that was all. Yey!


What visa did/will you apply for? What evidence did you approve?

Yes congratulations!

Please do let us know exactly what you submitted - was the application based on your relationship with your Australian partner?

Congratulations! I cant imagine how you must be feeling! I'd love to hear your advice also - what information did you include in your application? I'm Australian and usually reside overseas with my (non-australian) partner of 3 years - and we are trying to get him to Australia in time for the birth of our first child in 2 months! Grateful for any advice!

Can you please give information on how you got approved and on what grounds did you apply? Would be great to get more information as I am in the same boat

Hi all,

I've been keeping an eye on this forum for a while and now decided to take part as well as I saw news about possibility of Australia letting in international students from July.

I am an Estonian and spent the last year in Australia on working holiday visa. Because of the virus I decided to go home in March (one month before my visa ended) and had to leave my partner here who is Australian. In June it will be our one year anniversary. I was planning to go back to Australia to get a Diploma of Nursing.

Although nothing is certain yet, I would like to ask your opinions if they will grant student visas at this time and let them in to start their first course? Would it be reasonable for me to start planning my studies etc?

Thank you.


Unfortunately, July is looking a bit optimistic, according to a Sydney Morning Herald article dated 21 May ('Universities propose ''secure corridor'' for international students', if you wish to read it). There's also an article in The Australian (behind a paywall) which I haven't looked at. Maybe somebody else here has read it or has inside information??

Having said that... There's a lot of pressure on the government to let in international students (at least from COVID-safe places). There are people here fighting for your cause (and for their own financial interests).

The Group of 8 Universities have proposed to the Federal Government and state governments that a system of ''secure corridors'' be introduced. This would involve students from COVID-safe countries flying in and being put in self-funded quarantine. According to the article, this could happen for the first semester of 2021.

So not as soon as soon as you or I would hope, I'm afraid. I, for one, am very sympathetic to your cause (not least because it's not fun to be separated from a loved one). I work as an ESL teacher. If they don't eventually let in students, I stand to be made redundant. I'll survive that, but I'd prefer to have a job.

I'll keep you posted if I hear anything at work about an easing of restrictions. My bosses must be very anxious about it, too.

Hi! I am an Australian Citizen but lived in Canada for the past year and have come back to Australia about 2 months ago almost but needing to go back. I have a Canadian work visa and a job over there. Does this make me a resident? I also have a Canadian drivers license, I don't know if that means anything in proving I live there.

Hi joshybob, i am on the same boat as you. I am Australian citizen with Brazilian permanent resident since 2014. I have arrived at Sydney since 26th of Jan 2020, cos my father had Major brain surgery. I have been looking after him til April. Basically when 'scotmo' announced the travel ban, perhaps i thought it would not effect us dual nationals. But the reality of this bureaucracy has got all of us grounded without travelling. My first travel permission form has been rejected, and now i am applying for another one with compassion ground. ( Hopefully they would get it approved this time). I have left my wife behind since late January, its a desperate situation to us as well! Personally i think the government should let go of these whom has another passport and residency status in another country (while they only have a single ticket to leave)! Its overreacting by this Federal government!

Hi joshybob, i am on the same boat as you. I am Australian citizen with Brazilian permanent resident since 2014. I have arrived at Sydney since 26th of Jan 2020, cos my father had Major brain surgery. I have been looking after him til April. Basically when 'scotmo' announced the travel ban, perhaps i thought it would not effect us dual nationals. But the reality of this bureaucracy has got all of us grounded without travelling. My first travel permission form has been rejected, and now i am applying for another one with compassion ground. ( Hopefully they would Hi joshybob, i am on the same boat as you. I am Australian citizen with Brazilian permanent resident since 2014. I have arrived at Sydney since 26th of Jan 2020, cos my father had Major brain surgery. I have been looking after him til April. Basically when 'scotmo' announced the travel ban, perhaps i thought it would not effect us dual nationals. But the reality of this bureaucracy has got all of us grounded without travelling. My first travel permission form has been rejected, and now i am applying for another one with compassion ground. ( Hopefully they would get it approved this time). I have left my wife behind since late January, its a desperate situation to us as well! Personally i think the government should let go of these whom has another passport and residency status in another country (while they only have a single ticket to leave)! Its overreacting by this Federal government! get it approved this time). I have left my wife behind since late January, its a desperate situation to us as well! Personally i think the government should let go of these whom has another passport and residency status in another country (while they only have a single ticket to leave)! Its overreacting by this Federal government!

The government website says if you normally reside elsewhere you are allowed to leave Australia, without having to apply for a special exemption .

That was my understanding at the 1st place too. But i went to Sydney airport yesterday to inquiry more info about this case. Of course each individual would have different answers to it. So the answer was for ' ordinary person normally reside elsewhere you are allowed to leave Australia, without having to apply for a special exemption ' - it has be a foreign national without perminant residency or citizeship at Australia. Therefore if u have a residency visa or Australian passport, consequently u would be grounded from oversea travel and subject to travel permission to leave the country! So no travel permission, not even allow to do the check in (that's what i have been told yesterday at the airport). I am waiting for the 2nd travel permission to get approved ( fingers acrossed) and besides i will have to push back my travel date again. Rumor are saying that oversea. Travel ban will be eased by July ( hopefully)

Hi Leandro happyman

How did you go with your travels? i received the same answer as you from ABF - can you please give an update regarding your plans ?? did you leave Australia ? was everything ok?

On Home Affairs Website under Australians it says you can leave if are ‘ordinarily resident' in another country. Called Home Affairs who says I have to assess what's on website and suggested I check their definition of ‘ordinarily resident' in immi.homeaffairs.gov.auwebsite under feedback, then definitions. Ultimately decision is made by border officer at airport. I take this to mean I can leave as I am Australian, but also UK citizen and I can take proof I live in UK. But stressful that they can't give me a definite answer.

@KS123, happyman and joshybob

Your concerns about being "normally a resident in another country" is certainly intriguing, and I suspect the last thing anyone needs is to be turned back by borderforce folks who should know the rules better.

Relying on discretion as a lucky dip on the day may be challenging when you are already stressed by uncertainty with flights and travel arrangements

I suspect the BF officers will question less if you got that piece of exemption paper, but i wonder anyone reading this forum actually got those papers by applying for it even if they are technically exempted anyway?

Hi, I am a dual AUS/ITA who applied for exemption to travel to Italy to attend my elderly mother. I have also attached evidence of termination of employment and end of lease. I would like to travel with my wife and daughter. I received requests of more documentation. Some have left me puzzled:

Hi, I am a dual AUS/ITA who applied for exemption to travel to Italy to attend my elderly mother. I have also attached evidence of termination of employment and end of lease. I would like to travel with my wife and daughter. I received requests of more documentation. Some have left me puzzled:

1. Proof of relationship such as birth and/or marriage certificates in relation to evidencing your family and yourself and your relationship to your mother (I have provided my own and my daughter's birth certificate and my marriage certificate!

2. Evidence that all applicants/family members are required to travel

Hi guy,

I have resubmit for my application again yesterday morning but until now I haven't receive anything back yet. My last attempt they reply within 15 hours but it was not approve as they require more documents. However, this time it been almost 2 days now. On the application I put intend flight date on the 23rd. Do you think they will get back to us on time before the flight date if it approve or not so we can submit a new one? I'm really curious

Hi there, what's your actual flight date? I haven't heard from them on my second attempt since Tuesday, was hoping I'd receive it by Today....

It's on the 23rd of May which is a week away. How about you? When are you intend to flight?

I've recieved two denials now :( I won't be able to see my partner for a minimum of 18 months now. So pissed off

Wait, after received 2 denial, you can't apply again? Have to wait for 18months is it? There is a limitation of applying?

Hi - Can you explain what exactly happened? Would really appreciate it as I am in the same boat

Anybody know If there is a limitation of applying for exemption if you get rejected 2-3 times. And anyway or contact number that we can contact them please. I need help

You can apply more than that. I applied more than 5 times and I got it. I just want to know is this approval engh for entering into another country where the international travel restriction in placed?


Congratulations, May I ask did you just send the same request and same reason over and over again? Like keep sending them request?

Thanks Rose, yes I sent the same request and after few rejections. Although I did not upload any evidence at all, I got the approval the day before yesterday.

Goog luck,


congratulations. when did you say your flight was?

Hey all

I am an Australian citizen. I live 50/50 between USA and Aus. Flew home in March and was only supposed to visit Melbourne for 3 weeks. Partner is now stuck in the USA. He is an American citizen. Been together for more than 12 months. Any idea how I can get him to Australia? If not, I will have to apply to travel to the USA. Can't believe how much of a mommy state Australia has become. I don't need another mother! Really not happy with how a democratic country like Australia is handling this travel ban. Fair enough I understand 14 day quarantine measures, but we as human beings should be allowed to travel to see our loved ones.

I applied for commpatinat ground because my partner is in Pakistan and he is unwell so I said to my exemptions I have to go then I rejected from ABF because I did not have any evidence to upload and I tried to apply again and I did not receive any reply from them for more than 1 week and every day I kept requesting.

Fortunately I got the approval before yesterday.

Good luck,


That is great! What evidence did you provide ?

I did not provide any evidence such as document! I just told them my partner is hospitalized and no one is there to help me with documentation.

I hope everything go well for you as well. Thanks

I received this email and I hope it can help others and you .

Thank you for your application for discretion of the recent travel restrictions placed on Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents for departure of Australia.

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and a delegate of the ABF Commissioner has determined that your request to depart Australia is authorised. Your departing port has been notified of this decision. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes.

You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change.

My application got approved in a rather strange exemption criteria!

Good morning/evening,

 Thank you for your application for discretion of the recent travel restrictions placed on Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents for departure of Australia.

Your request has been assessed as meeting the following exemption criteria:

  • ·Not an Australian permanent resident or citizen

A discretion from a delegate of the ABF Commissioner is not required in this instance. Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change.

Please note that anyone leaving Australia should be aware that a number of countries are implementing their own border restrictions in response to COVID-19 and the international air network is reducing in capacity. Your ability to enter another country or return to Australia may be severely impacted. All travel restrictions including those for entering Australia are under constant review by the Australian Government and may be subject to change at short notice.

Thank you

Seems to me if this particular ABF official has made a mistake on my case! How do i apply for a travel exemption as none Citizen or perminente resident? It doesn't make any sense ???


Are you an Australian citizen or a PR? If you are not, then you do not require permission to leave Australia and may return to your home country

I am a permanent resident of Australia.

Hi all. i had previously posted in this thread and couldnt follow so im posting again. i have a temporary resident visa and im a pakistani national. my husband is also a temporary resident in Australia and we are married with a legit marriage certificate.

i was all planned to leave my country and join my husband on 19 march but it turned out that there was a typing error in my passport, whichdid not allow me to board my flight. error was rectified in 24 hrs but the travel ban was placed the Next day and all means to go to my husband were banned.

we have been applying for exemption since 2 months and have been rejected each time. I think we have launched the request 3/4 times. my mental health is not good to begin with, i have a nedical certificate from my doctor endorsing my stressed mental state but its all in vain.

had quitted my job but have a home here so cant show that im homeless. i want to ask is it not compassionate enough that we have to be together, my husband lives alone in Tasmania and he is not coping well at all. we are willing to pay for quarantine period as well. dont know how else to make my application compassionate enough or are we not eligible for exemption? cant take it in how long we have to wait more; it all so distressing. please help.

Hi FarDer,

I hope everything go well for you. I would like to ask you about some information. I am in Australia and my partner is in Pakistan. I got permission from Australian Border Force to travel to Pakistan.

I am not Pakistani citizen I was wondering if you could tell me can I enter to Pakistan.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



You can enter Pakistan but you may have to check the flights because not all airlines are operative atm. Currently the gov is operating to bring back Pakistani nationals stranded overseas. So you would need to schedule accordingly.

I hope that helped. Thanks.

Thanks FarDer,

But as I know all Pakistani citizens are entering into Pakistan. Is there any restrictions on non-citizens?


Im not very sure of that. I would advise you to contact PTA or check it with the airport. We don't have as strict policies but yes, international flights are not operative. I believe if you are able to board a flight, you will not be restricted except for the isolation and screening. There is no fuss of the exemption thing. But kindly do check it with the officials because again Im not very sure.

You may check this link out, if it helps. https://www.piac.com.pk/travel-updates-and-information

Thank you.

Hello Far Dar - I am an Australian citizen and my partner is in the USA. I have applied for him to come here so I am waiting for his visa status result. From this point, I will then apply for exemption. In your case I believe that because your husband is not an Australian citizen however is in Tasmania, it may be a bit more difficult. Do you have a job in Australia? Do you have ties to the country? Joint lease or finances?

Department of Home Affairs states the following:

You can travel to Australia if you are an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, an immediate family member of an Australian citizen or permanent resident or are a New Zealand citizen usually resident in Australia. If you are an immediate family member holding a temporary visa you will need to provide us with evidence of your relationship.

No, I don't have a job there but we do have a joint account.

" If you are an immediate family member holding a temporary visa you will need to provide us with evidence of your relationship." if this is the case, we've been applying with our marriage certificate, the address of my husband's house in Tasmania. What else do they need for evidence?

Should I apply with the joint account proof? Or with pictures of us? WIll that be enough?

FarDer, Those evidences are not enough if your husband is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

Good luck

Your husband has more chances of probably returning to you in Pakistan than you coming to Australia.

I wish you the best with your case

Hi fillystar and and australiacanberra1991- i am Australian citizen with permanent residence at Brazil. That's why i am in puzzle now with their exemption criteria, i think the particular case officer made an error by addressing me as none Citizen or PR whom doesn't need to apply the travelling permission!! I think this current government is overeating for this travel ban !!

Hi Leandro

Are you trying to return to Brazil? Okay, you are an Aus Citizen so I can see why you would be confused and don't want to go airport unless you know what is going on. What exactly did you apply for when you lodged the enquiry? What did you tell them? Evidence?

Hi fillystar, i have lodged 2 applications for the travel exemption since this month. 1st one got rejected by insufficient evidence, and 2nd got approved by some funny exemption criteria that doesn't really reflect to my case lol so i applied under compassion and humanitarian ground ( since I left my wife behind at Brazil). On my application that has attached - flights booking, aus passport front page, marriage certificate, oversea identify, foreign address proof. Honestly what a drama for all these travellers! They simply just wanted return their oversea address without even coming back. :-(

Hi, I have been trying to post something, but whatever I type in gets truncated to a few lines! Can the admin help please?

Hello fellow (intending) travellers - Just applied for exemption on compassionate grounds - semi-retired with 2 passports Australian and French. I spend 5 months in Europe each year but live in Australia - trying to get there to spend time with my mother 83, widow.

Booked a ticket 19/06 returning 7/11 - Has anyone been knocked back on compassionate grounds ?

Thank you for any insight and good luck to all !

Hi folks! I got it! Unfortunately I have to change flight dates. I have a few questions for people here. My approval letter does not say that I do not need to reapply if dates change. Does anybody know if that means I need to reapply with a new date or the date change is allowed for all authorised requests? Also, I stated I was moving overseas indefinitely. Does anybody know if I am liable if I come back in a month or two to take a job offer? Does anybody know whether any of the people at the airport responsible for checking my exemption would know about the exact reason why I was approved to leave? I would appreciate any help

Hi M. Bianchi,

I don't know why is like that! But be careful don't change your port! It doesn't matter if you change your flight details.

Good luck

hi m.bianchi

I think once you get the letter, all is fine after that from what i have read.

Can I ask what grounds you applied on? What evidence did you provide? Are you on Aus citizen? thanks

I applied on compassionate grounds. Showed my two passports (AUS/ITA), end of employment email, end of lease email, invitation from my father to live with them and utility bill showing my parents reside at the address stated.

Hope this helps

Hi. I just got turned down on first application. They want to see my end of tenancy..which i didnt want to do until they said i had my exemption! But anyway...i know for sure that i cant go on the date i asked for. So...do you have to inform them of change of date? Did you find out?

Hi you don't need to book a ticket just give them a flight number! You don't need to re-apply if your flight details changed. Also the exemption approval is valid just for three months.

Hi Australia.canberra1991, where did you get the info that the approval is valid for 3 months? I got the exemption but the email title states the travel date. Was wondering if I postpone my flight 2 weeks, is it still valid in the same port? Thanks!

congrats jenny! that's great! we've applied for June 1, but no news. hopefully soon. I think as long as the port is the same it's fine, but i'm not the authority

Thank you stephanie. I think I will re-apply 3 days before the actual flight just in case. Will keep everyone posted in the forum.

Jennyxoxo did it matter that the date you put on your form wasnt the date you fly?

Hi folks, I just received my approval but i am worried about privacy. From your experience, there is any possibility for the officers in charge to know about the exact reasons for which you are granted an exemption? I would like to keep this private and I wouldn't want any comment from a particularly friendy officer. I am thinking to just omit my request from the bottom part of the authorisation reply to keep it more reserved. Did any of the forms you filled state or required that precise reasons needed to be included? Or did they jut go under the vague caterories (such as 'compassionate grounds')? I would greatly appreciate any help from you or anybody else who has left with an exemption in hand... Thanks!

congrats! what date are you flying?


If you have any question you can call to this number 1800 020 080 it will help.

Good luck

Thanks Australia.canberra. However, this is the Coronavirus helpline. It doesn't sound relevant. Did you get any useful information from there related to the way approved exemptions are handled?

Did you read this where we apply online for exemption? Oh I got confused what does it mean? I think my thought was wrong

complete this form if you are planning to travel within the next 3 months. Requests to travel outside of 3 months will not be considered. Check the website regularly as travel restrictions are subject to change.

Is anyone else thinking its wrong..to expect you to give up your tenancy..before youre granted an exemption?

I received this email why they said I don'tneed to re-apply ???

Thank you for your application for discretion of the recent travel restrictions placed on Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents for departure of Australia.

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and a delegate of the ABF Commissioner has determined that your request to depart Australia is authorised. Your departing port has been notified of this decision. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes.

You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change.

HI Australia.canberra1991, I got the same email but WITHOUT "You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change."

Hi Jenny, Why they said like this?

I am confused too. Don't know if I need to re-apply when I am actually flying in two weeks. Three days is not just enough to pack stuff, travel interstate, find accommodation overseas etc. Need at least two weeks!

Yes, Jenny you are right! That is not enough time also I just got the flight number and I didn't book the ticket. If we buy the ticket we will lose it if they reject us.

It's very CONFUSING!

It seems these ABF personnels gives different exemption criteria just based on their own decision. Of course it's first time such scenario happened to their career though. But it seems more people getting the travel authorisation from this Forum. That's pretty good though.

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share our experience. Got granted an exemption this afternoon (seems they work weekends too, one thing less to worry) but had our times when we thought, we would never be able to leave Australia ever again...

We usually live half year in Australia and half year in Europe and are dual citizens to CH/AUS. All my work committments are based in Switzerland - nothing in Oz. Plus we have all our close relatives in CH and our own home there. First I thought we don't have to apply for an exemption at all because a) booked a one way flight and b) the HA website states to me clearly:
"You will not need to apply for an exemption if you are: ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia"

However, because we had to book flights from BNE to SYD and then onwards to DOH, I thought its too risky to just think we'll be fine and actually end up having to self isolate for 14 days with two little kids when forced back to QLD because of denial to leave AUS at SYD ARP. So called HA and even an Airport ABF Office to hear their side of the interpretation. How they see it: if you are an Australian Citizen or PR: you must have an exemption, unless you work in one of their listed jobs.

Our little advice:

1st: never give up your good spirit. If you have a legit reason to leave, you will most likely be able to! There are some sad stories to tell I am sure but there are as well some happy stories, but they get not told that often. Thats why we thought we share our experience.

2nd: you will most likely have to go through multiple attempts. It took us 3 requests. We never got denied, but always got requested to provide further evidence/information - they don't make it easy for a reason. So prepare all information possible to support your request. Read through their legislative papers too:
Legislative Instrument: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2020L00306/9b837f4b-f8f2-4889-82c4-dd2b54e769dd
Explanatory Statement: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2020L00306/35bef2e1-51c3-404c-a544-fa05d6c90764

3rd: state in your second and subsequent requests your previous requests. So they see that you mean it seriously and actually read their messages (because it is stated in their response to mention your second request etc.)

4th: Allow a couple of days for it. I thought it will be a matter of 2 days max. Nop, took us almost 6 days! No idea on how the departure date effects their response time but as we have departure date 18/5/20 (I know, I was quite optimistic... :D), they might have come back quicker to us then they would have done otherwise with later travel dates.

Best of luck to everyone and keep up a good vibe!

thanks for the tips! we've applied (originally March 30 application) got a reply the next day for further info. Then got a reply april 30 (yes, a WHOLE MONTH) laater asking for even further info. I've submitted that two weeks ago with a flight date of June 1. So we're in a 2 week window and hoping to hear. It's a permanent move with proof of a visa with an expiry date (for the US), so I'm not sure how we can get denied given we are permanently leaving. That said, it seems to be up to the person on the day. Just hoping we get enough notice as 2 weeks as it is is not enough time to quit my job and pack a house aand 2 kids up! thank you for sharing your story, nice to hear good news :)


Your post has given me hope. Thank you. I think my case may be similar to yours, I split my time between France & Aus, I'm a PR here and work here,my husband isn't, he is on a tourist visa and is currently on a bridging visa since we got stuck past his exit date. We had flights leaving April 4th which got cancelled, we are usually back in France now but because we have been stuck without a flight I have now been here over 6 months (which isn't normal behavior) so it will look like I spend more time here. I am going to apply to leave but what evidence should I provide that France is my 'normal' home? Last year I only spent 3 months in Aus and the rest in France, it's just bad luck I've just gone over the 6 month mark this year.

Any help with suggestions of evidence would be most appreciated.

Hi everyone!

This forum has definitely given me some hope in getting my partner over. He is Australian and I am British (Gibraltar). The plan was him to come visit me in September and then move over in December, but because of Covid it seems that the only way we can see each other will be if he just flies here on a one way ticket. He can only stay in my country for 3 months without a visa, so our plan was to get married at the end of the year.

In this case would he apply under 'urgent personal business' or 'compassionate grounds'? Do you think there is a good chance of the travel exemption being accepted and what evidence do you suggest we should give?

Thank you

Hi Gianamarie

Just provide as much information as you can showing your relationship is genuine and continuing. Does he have a job in Aus? Has. heleft his job and lease? Of course you will need to make it look like he is leaving Aus indefinitely as immigration dont want travellers coming and going to stop the spread of the virus. So get him to provide as much info as possible.

I have read so many posts on here. I am so saddened to see how everyone is struggling to be united with their loved ones. Like a piece of our freedom and human rights have been taken away in an instant. I understand Aus is protecting us - but I also feel like we do not have a clear systematic process of leaving and everything is very unclear confusing and mentally exhausting

Does anyone know how can I contact them? I'm really devastated to know the answer if it approve or not because my flight is in 2 days and I haven't heard anything back from them yet.

you can call this number, but it's fairly general. I usually press the number relating to citizenship...From within Australia

Telephone: 131 881

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Does anyone know can I enter into a country where travel restriction is in place? With this permission from ABF I'm very worried about it.

Hi guys. Does anyone know how long the exemption is valid for? Also do we have to travel on the date stated in the exemption? (The intended travel date we put in in our application) Thank you!

Hi Stella, May I ask did you get your exemption approve? When did you get it approve and when did you put the application? I been waiting for mine now.

did you get your reply?

Not certain, but I think they may be cracking down on people putting down false dates of intended travel to prioritise their case and then travelling at a later date, and closing the window of the authorised travel exemption. Worth checking though.

Exactly what im concerned about! They turned down my first application..asking for proof of end of tenancy. But how dare i do that...if they refuse me..ive no home!

My application is dated for departure on May 28th.. Telephone call to dept I was told pay for travel and closer to date permit will be sent ... they have a pile of applications.

so you sent an exemption request with the travel date May 28 and when you called they told you to book that date and then closer to MAy 28 they would send you the exemption? My application is June 1, and I've heard they won't reply until the day before (or sometimes day of of AFTER), but how are you expected (in my case) to quit a job, end a lease/sell a house when you could be denied?

I applied for and exemption last week to fly Monday 19th May. Received an email a few hours later saying I need to provide more evidence that I'm a resident. I quickly submitted more evidence but have not heard back before my intended travel date which was yesterday. I just called them and they said I don't need to submit another form and if I get approved it will be applicable to whichever is my travel date.... that's great but now I have no indication how long I'll have to wait... And I might end up waiting a month and getting rejected.

That happened to me too. The approval letter did arrived though on the day i am supposed to travel. Good thing is that I have not booked the ticket yet and now the next challenge is to find available flights

How long did you wait for the approval letter?


Did you receive letter or email?


Hi Homey.... so the exemption comes as an open date to travel? Do you have to tell them if the date of travel is different to the one you put on your application?

Yes it is an open date. I submitted with all supporting attachments about 2 days before the intended travel date. Approval arrived on the same travel date.

can I ask whether your exemption was time sensitive? i'm wondering if they even consiider the fact that some people need to know and travel by a certain date or whether they don't bother thinking about that and just go at their own pace

are you kidding me? they just assume you can just wait an undetermined amount of time? in our case, the exemption is time sensitive, so if that happens to us, there's no point in getting the exemption! is your reason time sensitive?

Hi all

Please help - does anyone know if the Department is sill processing offshore visitor visas subclass 600 for immediate family members who are currently overseas. I am an Australia citizen and I am trying to get my de facto partner here but his ETA has expired and he currently can not apply for one due to travel ban!! Please help!!

Absolute joke that dual passport holders/dual nationals need to apply for special permissions to leave the country.... Can understand restrictions on entering the country, but leaving!?!!? It's unconstitutional and almost seems illegal!

Wanted to ask, has anyone who is a dual passport holder just rocked up to the airport on the day of their flight without submitting the covid form and shown border force evidence upon passing through passport control?

^ Mate i am equally as frustrated, i cannot understand restrictions on leaving the country as a dual citizen, and there is no indication of it lifting any time soon

I am an international student in the US with dual Australian and Canadian citizenship. Would I be considered normally resident outside of the country?

If you are dual citizen, one of which is Australian, you like the rest of us will still have to apply for exemption to be allowed to leave Australia at the moment. i.e. you have to prove that you are normally a resident of the other country...

Hello everyone ! I was wondering if anyone was able to secure exemption without being forced to quit their job if they need to leave to care for elderly parents ?

I have spoken to home affairs, even if you have dual citizenship or permanent residence in another country you still need to apply for an exemptions.

There is no given timeframe and homeaffairs do not give updates of your application. They process applications by departure date.

When I spoke to a lady from home affairs over the phone and said I'm a dual passport holder but live overseas, she was adamant that, just like the website says, I don't need to apply for exemption... So who knows... Obviously safer to apply and get approval but... It does quite clearly say before filling out the Covid form:

If you meet the following criteria you do not need to apply for an exemption:

  • people ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia

Hi merlinuxp

Yes, I agree with you - that's what website says, so I have held off applying for an exemption I don't need, as I live in UK and am able to provide documents to prove it. I've had 2 slightly less helpful conversations with Home Affairs who wouldn't give me a 100% guarantee as say Border force officer makes final decision . I don't want to apply for something it says I don't need, and ‘ muddy the waters' eg. Have the stress of waiting for a response and maybe being rejected!

Hi guys, in that case all of us with dual nationals or permenant resident of another country should be able to travel to oversea now. At Sydney airport, i have been told that aussie citizen and PR needed to apply for the travel exemption. What confuse situation that ABF putting us through !!!

Wait so what do you mean, dual citizens don't have to apply?

It's impossible to find a definitive answer on this. But that's what the below link implies:


Although I'm guessing you should then be prepared to prove your residence overseas at the airport... But what this involves, again, haven't been able to get a straight answer.

Hi everyone!

Lots of confusion regarding this one!! I know for a fact! If you have dual - does not matter - you hold an Australian citizenship - therefore you must still apply for an exemption regardless of dual - if you are on Aussie soil - you hold an Aus passport - you must apply for an exemption - if you have lived outside of Australia longer than 6 months in past 12 months - you may still have to apply and prove your principal place of residence

Dualnational and permanent resident have to apply. That's what i have been told.

hI guy, my exemption does come through but my departing port is in Sydney however, I'm currently in Melbourne. Am I allowed to travel to Sydney right now, just to catch another flight to oversea? I wasn't clear about state closer. Please help me

There's no ban on flying between Melbourne and Sydney, although in theory it's supposed to be only for "essential travel". But if you have been cleared to leave the country from Sydney then I'd think that your MEL-SYD flight would likewise be "essential" and in the same category as your exemption was granted.

congratulations! can I ask if you got the exemption long before your flight? I think if you're flying out of Sydney you're okay to fly TO sydney with no quarantine period either

Hi, I got exemption this morning and my flight is on the 23rd May from Sydney airport. Right now there no available flight to sydney therefore I either have to take train or bus over there in order to catch the flight on the 23rd at 8:30pm. There it is okay for me to travel to Sydney right with no quarantine period?

i'd check this https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/travel-and-transport-advice to be sure, but I think it's okay. when did you apply for your exemption? I first applied end of March, then a month later got a request for more evidence, and submitted that late april to travel June 1. hopefully I find out before 2-3 days before!

Hi Rose

Glad you got your exemption. May I ask what evidence and documents did you provide? Hope you made it to Sydney on time for your flight

Please...can someone tell me for certain...if I give them a date i would like to fly back to UK....will I only be able to fly on that date? Or is the exemption OK to use on another day? And do I need to tell them first?

Hi Mirfield1955

Give them a date - book your flight - give as much evidence as you can - the exemption is valid for 3 months - do not change port because you have to apply for another exemption - just write them letters and explain everything to them in as much detail as possible - stat decs help too! Tell them you wish to return home and have no intention of returning to Autstralia anytime soon. State why you must go back to the UK. Please keep up posted. I would like to know how it goes for you!!

I have asked this before but I wanted to see if all those who recently got an exemption received one for the same reason I am seeking an exemption.

Has any Australian citizen received an exemption to move overseas with evidence that it is one way travel with no intention of returning in the near future for a country where you have a temporary visa. I am looking to move to the UK on a two year work visa which I have received. I have quit my job, terminated my lease. I undertand some people received exemptions but they had family members abroad to back their case. Given I don't have any immediate family in the UK I am wondering if I can still put forward a case for the move? I have already quit my job pre covid and ended my lease and don't want to put my life on hold given we don't know when borders will actually happen if it goes in to next year especially. Any help will be great especially from those who recently received exemptions. Thanks.


You are fine. Just prove everything you can. Show you have no intention of returning. Show them your two year visa. You can most certainly still put forward a case. Send them job termination - shipping luggage proof - job if you have found one or two year. Compile all your evidence for your move to the UK - then take action and apply. And you can keep applying until they allow you. They should because it is unconstitutional

Thanks for your reply. Do you know if anyone who has received exemption on this basis? Logic tells me they should say yes because I am not coming back and potentially infecting people. But I just don't know what their criteria is and if they don't deem it as “compassionate grounds”.

Hi Sarahmarsh, I am in the same situation as you - quited the job pre covid-19, terminted lease and will be working on a 2-year non-immigrate visa in the US. I don't have families there neither. I applied under the category "People who are travelling on urgent and unavoidable personal business". I was approved the travel exemption with the documenets (1) job offer

That's great to know Jenny! Can you please explain what other documents you had? Your text cut off after job offer. Unfortunately I don't have a job yet but hopefully that is fine if I can show I can financially support myself without needing to return.

...with the documenets (1) job offer (2) letter from employer explaining my qualification is essential to the work (3) termination of lease (4) cessation of job.

Thanks. Do you work in an area considered critical industry ?

It is a research based position in a hospital, but nothing related to COVID. But did you say that you have got a 2 year working visa in UK? It should be useful to demonstrate you won't be back to Aus in a good period of time.

Jenny, I'm jealous of you right now. Working in America! How did you get that gig? Did your employer apply for the special 2-year work visa that only Australians are eligible for, similar to the H1B visa? Haven't heard of many US employers who would know how to apply for such a visa or go to the trouble of hiring someone from abroad, but congratulations!

Greetings fillystar

I am curious as to where you found out that the exemption is valid for 3 months ? What was your source ?
Regards JBM

Mirfield 1955

Also there is so much helpful info on this forum = you can always scroll up and read other people's experiences. they are more concerned about the port of departure and you not coming back to oz anytime soon. you can change your date. best you go on home affairs website and read as much as you can before taking action. take notes and write down exactly what you need to do to get an exemption and just be prepared.

i applied for exemption last tues (12/5) and got a respond on thursday (14/5) asking for more doucments, i re-submitted my 2nd application on the same day but have not heard from them yet. i am applying for exemption to travel to Hong Kong from Sydney as schools are resuming mid-June and needing to take my nephew back. I currently hold Aus passport and HK ID and flying date is 5/6. wonder how long they'll take to response for 2nd application since it only took them 2 days for the 1st application.

Have been waiting almost 2 weeks for a response to my second application and still waiting! First one also took only 3 days for a response to come through.

it took a full month for a reply to my first attempt. i resubmitted right away after that and it's two weeks into my second attempt and no word. obviously they don't rush

I am still waiting for my 3rd exemption to be approved and my travel date is 8th of June. By the look of it. I might have to change the travel date. :-(

I'd like to know, if Scott Morrison is really scared of lots people move away from Australia due to this pandemic situation??

Perhaps, but there are several things you have to take into account:

1) people can't move abroad during the current time - unless they're a citizen of the country they're headed to and already made arrangements to move before the pandemic started
2) most countries aren't letting anyone in except their own citizens. Most western countries are generous enough to allow permanent residents and spouses/children of local citizens in, while most developing countries do not.
3) Australia isn't all that bad. There is still a reasonable amount of freedom. Consider all the countries which have curfews, mandatory mask wearing laws when outside (breaches can result not only in fines, but beatings if not jail terms), temperature checks wherever you go, bars and beaches are closed until further notice and a ban on gatherings of more than 2-4 people. Some countries/jurisdictions have banned alcohol. This is still the case in several Latin American countries, as well as numerous Asian/African ones. Australia does seem a much better place to be right now.

Hi all!

From my understanding and what I have read - you do not necessarily need to be a citizen in another country in order to leave per se. If you can show substantial evidence that you have no intention to return to Australia anytime soon and that your relocation is long term, these are still grounds in which you are eligible to apply for an exemption. A job offer, a visa, all those sorts of things are acceptable! I am in the process of applying for my move to the USA and do not have a green card however I have a property there and a visa!

You do not have to be a citizen of another country in order to be granted permission to leave Australia!!

Has anyone had recent success with moving overseas? I was due to move to the US on March 24th - already have a J1 visa that allows me to work for 3 years, a job offer and recently got an offer for housing. We postponed my move only a week beforehand so I had already quit my job and ended my lease in Melbourne. I applied for the exemption a week ago but haven't heard anything yet!

Hi Rachel, i'm the same but different visa (permanent immigration) June 1 is the departure date, i applied March 30 but got an email asking for more info April 30, submitted my second try on april 30, still haven't heard. hoping it soon as June 1 isn't far away and in our cases, finding out last minute isn't easy when you have to organize a full move! I haven't yet quit my job as I was afraid if they'd say no, I would've quit for no reason...but there seems to be cases on this site where they've asked for proof of that, which I think is ridiculous to assume everyone can quit with no assurance. Hopefully we all hear soon

Rachel89, I am trying to travel to the USA on a J1 visa as well. I applied for an exemption two weeks ago and have not yet received any replies. I booked my flights on June 2nd, but Qantas had canceled it after I applied for an exemption. Good luck to you!

Ok thanks! Consoling to know others are in the same boat. Please let me know if you hear anything and good luck to you too!

Hi TheScientist, have you tried the united airline? They seem to operate daily flights between Aus and USA. I haven't booked yet, but am thinking to book with United airline departing early June.

Hey Jennyxoxo, I felt United is way too expensive and it takes ~40 hr to each LA from Melbourne. I am eyeing Qantas in July via New Zealand if I hear from the Border Force by then. Qantas still flies every Friday until June 5th to LA, but I have pushed my employment start date to July now.

Just checking the United airline, one-way ticket from Syd to LA is $AU 1500, 19 hrs in June. Maybe you could apply the departure port at Syd. Traveling domestically is much easier. It's still unclear when Qantas will resume its business.

Thank you Jennyxoxo, I am not intending to travel to Sydney (but will consider if that will the only remaining option). It seems Virgin Australia flies to LAX from the mid of June, not sure how true that would be.

I'm in the same boat. Have also considered air nz so maybe look at that. My departure port that I applied for is melb and no way do I want to have to apply again just to make it sydney

any luck on yours yet? nothing on mine. I'd assume we'd hear around the same time

I just received my approval! The documentation I uploaded was (1) photo of Visa and accompanying documents (2) Job offer letter (3) Housing offer letter (4) Receipt for original one-way flight that was cancelled in March. I work in medical research, not related to Covid but I argued that it was a critical industry. I didn't include letters for job and lease termination in Melbourne, I was preparing to submit again with these documents based on the advice in this forum but I guess the documentation I had for the other side was enough. Good luck everyone! Stay optimistic :)

Congratulations Rachel89, such a relief! I have pretty much uploaded the same documents (including a letter from my hiring PI, visa, one-way travel ticket, and employment letter that highlights my health insurance offered) as yours except for a housing letter and also that I intend to travel back to Australia in April 2021 to visit family. I also argued that my medical research is critical and perhaps related to Covid indirectly, have not heard from them yet. I will wait for one more week.

Awesome! Congrats! Can I ask when you submitted and what the flight date is?

Congrats Rachel!! Can I ask if your approval email states if your flight changes you don't need to apply the exemption again? Some ppl in the forum said they received the statement

Hi Jenny, yep my email says I don't need to reapply if the flight details change. It also doesn't give an expiry date for the exemption so I assume once you get it you're exempt for the duration of the ban...

I originally submitted an application for July travel date last week but hadn't received a reply. I needed to know if I had exemption urgently as I had to respond to a job offer in Melbourne. So I submitted another application last night for travel on 26/5 and it was approved next day! I would say just submit a date earlier than you want to travel so you get a reply sooner. It's so essential to figuring out the next few months of your life!

what do you think will happen if Aus opens up to NZ? if i get an exemption to leave to NZ could i leave to the US from NZ?

I had that thought too. If Au lets people travel to NZ, dual nationals could enter and leave NZ on their birth passport. Potentially a back door to get out home. It's crazy that it's come to this.

I'm hoping that this may be a viable loophole as well considering NZ only has a "do not travel" advisory as opposed to a total ban on international travel.

It will be one of the first things I'll be checking if the Australian/NZ borders open to each other.

Wow, this is such an encouraging thread, its good to know we are not alone. Our situation is complicated, even pre-COVID. My husband Mat is a dual citizen of AU/USA and I'm Australian. We have children in both countries from previous marriages (2 boys in the US and 4 boys in AU) and so neither of us can move countries permanently- but we've made our marriage work for many years, normally he comes to Australia 1 week per month and I go to the US 1 week per month also. So we are together half the time... UNTIL NOW :(

We haven't seen each other since February, but Mat is flying out this Sunday to Australia and will sit out the 14 day quarantine before spending 1 week at home with me and the boys. But him taking 3 full weeks out is something that he cant really repeat with his work. I need to find a way to get to the USA.

What do you all think would be my best bet for an exemption? I normally travel on an ESTA, I have a home and business in the US, and a husband! I am desperate to reunite all my six boys, and have the freedom to see my husband more often than once this year! But I fear my chances are low on compassionate grounds, I could try business?

I'm deeply concerned our international borders won't open until next year- I know airlines are allowing us to book flights in July etc, but I imagine this is a revenue strategy for best case scenario. I am all for protecting the community, but if we were willing to quarantine (even if we paid for it) on return, I don't know why the government should be so militant. Hoping for a miracle...

hi christina

i am in the same boat and about to apply for my exemption - need to travel to the USA as i have a home there - also my partner is there - did you have to apply an exemption fo your husband to travel to oz? if so, what visa? is he a resident of Aus? ill update you

HI filly star, no my husband did not have to apply for an exemption as he is an Aussie citizen. So that's the good news - he should be ok to get in or so I'm told from the million times Ive called Home Affairs.

What I don't know is if he will require an exemption to leave the country as he is normally a resident of the USA... so hard to work all this out !

Hi Cristina, thank you for sharing. It's awful, isn't it, and I am in a similar situation. My partner is in UK and I am here and I haven't seen him since December. I was knocked back on compassionate grounds a few weeks ago and I am trying again on both compassionate grounds and for business. I am an exporter and all my income comes from clients in UK and US and so am hopeful I will be allowed out of the country on business grounds. I will let you know outcome of my application. So glad you will be seeing your husband soon.

Thank you - yes it is awful to be separated for so long. Let me know how you go and hopefully we can get an exemption to leave. I just can't believe it has come to this. Banning citizens for leaving the country seems unconstitutional.

Has anyone here received a response for exemption approval more than 48 hrs before their flight?

Hi guy, I suppose to flight yesterday at Sydney airport. Already at the airport and the ABF check through my exemption but I haven't get to the passport control point yet. I'm not allow to flight because I don't have covid-19 test certificate. Luckily there is an alternative flight on the 30th and I have re-book for it. I just want to ask if I need to re-apple for an exemption or not they check my name however I haven't went though passport control yet.

I didn't know we need a Covid 19 certificate?!!! I'm not sure on the exemption but I'd say it's still ok if it's the same port

can you please explain whether or not you need a covid test certificate?? im sure this isn't a requirement to leave ??? can you give more details about this??

Hello - I am now in USA - My advice to you with what I saw yesterday when i flew from Sydney, re apply again with the paper to make sure, or take a chance and go to the airport on the 30th with the paper and explain your case. once an exemption they cant take it back from you. I think you will be fine.I was thinking of you - do you have an update ?? apply and upload the exemption - or just go to the airport and explain to border everything - they should let you through

Only for my country. It depend on the country requirements

thank you - i think your exemption is fine because you have not left Australia - so do not worry - did you receive exemption first go?

I have applied 3 time and got reject. I re-apply for the last time on 14th May and it got approve on the 20th. My flight yesterday and I did went to airport as well but the airline not allow me to flight due to no health certificate. So yeah I'm just worry if I need to re-apply as I change my flight to the 30th instead and waiting for my test result

may I ask what country and grounds you applied? did they send you a confirmation email each time? i am glad you received it finally !

Rose, you will be fine. Just get the covid clearance for your country and then you can board. i do not see why you would need to re apply again. you have not left the country so it has not gone through the system. you will use the same exemption letter. all the best !!

Hi Rose

What an adventure you are having! Hope you can catch flight on the 30. I understand you applied on compassionate grounds because a relative is sick. I understand they sent you a list of documents to provide. What documents did you end giving them? Many thanks and good luck

Hi all

When you submit the exemption - they give you a enquiry reference number - can someone tell me whether they send an email as well to confirm they received your enquiry? or no email? I just hope I put the correct email in the form - i got an enquiry number once I submitted it - however i did not get any email yet - is this normal protocol? Can someone please tell me ??

Unfortunately it's useless! And with no way to follow up it's so stressful. Good luck to everyone

Hi fillystar,

You will not recive any acknowledge email. I called them last week and they have told me that the reference number is for them (we can not check the status of our exemption...)

I applied 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for their answer... I theoretically fly to Europe on the 4th of June. This situation is quite upsetting.

All the best,

Thank you Laions

I have never felt so much stress and pressue before - like I am fighting for my freedom. squeezing every bit of evidence I can to fly back to the USA. it has been unbelievably stressful times for me - im sure everyone! now the anxiousness of waiting for a response :(

So, I've been looking at this forum in hopes of getting my exemption accepted. It came through today at 5:30 pm, very unexpected as its late afternoon on a Sunday.

I thought I'd share my experience. I am an Australian citizen. I applied twice. First time I was knocked back on account of needing more documentation, I received that response within 4 hours of applying. They asked for cessation of lease, proof of relationship, job offer and proof our stuff has been shipped. I applied under personal business. My partner moved to HK roughly 2 months ago to commence work, and it's been planned since September last year I was moving with him. I have a 12 month working holiday visa.
I supplied 27 documents the second time I applied.

I provided all my visa documentation, my birth certificate and passport, proof of relationship including lease, cessation of lease, my partners passport and work visa, and a letter written by him aswell. I don't have work there yet, so I supplied his work documentations plus my bank balance to prove we can support ourselves financially, plus a TEFL course I commenced in January to help secure employment when I finally get there. I included documentation stating our stuff will be shipped at a later date, plus photos of our belongings all packed up ready to go. To prove that the relocation was planned pre-covid. I included documentation of when my car was sold, a letter from my employer giving me leave for 12 months, and the original one-way flight that was booked that I had to cancel.

It took 2 and a half weeks to hear back from home affairs. Hope this helps somebody!

That's awesome Courtneysj, Congrats!! Thanks for the detailed info. Can I ask when is your flight?


Hi fillystar, what does the ABF reply tells you this time? I applied for my 3rd travelling exemption since a week ago, so far no news. And my traveling date is coming up soon by the 8th of June! I guess without a travel authorisation, perhaps i will have to change the date of flight for latter! Its a frustrated situation for everyone here!

Hi Leandrop and everyone else who may need help!!!!

Please read as I really want to help people out there!!

Firstly I have been monitoring this daily for the past two weeks. I would like you all to know I received my exemption today on my first go!

I attached 20 documents and I applied under compassionate and humanitarian grounds.

A little about my situation. My fiance is American and I am Australia citizen. I moved to the USA last October. I flew back in to Melbourne this year to visit my father in March 2020. I came here solo he stayed there. Two days after arriving the borders shut. I have been separated from my fiance since then. I am still on an ESTA and waiting for my spouse visa green card to process. My partner and I recently purchased land in New Mexico. I attached the contract of sale, closing of the land date which is next month, proof i sold my home here last year, proof of our relationship more than 12 months, proof we stay in touch while apart, joint financial commitments, lease between my fiance and I in New Mexico, my passport, his passport, proof i shipped my stuff there last year, proof my flight plans got interrupted due to covid, an invitation letter from my fiance, support letters from his family and a stat dec from my mother and the list goes on! I applied yesterday and I got approved this morning while on Video call with my fiance - we jumped up for joy! I have to drive to Sydney in the next few days just to board my flight as there is no flights from Melb to Syd at the moment.

the email i received is : Your request has been assessed as meeting the following exemption criteria - ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia

I also advised i plan to return in 12 months time and will comply with qarantine

I am thankful ABF got back to me - my advice - attach AS MUCH EVIDENCE as you can first round! ABF dont wanna see people traveling with vacation intention - they dont want people going on holidays.

Please, if you need help, ask me anything i want to help you all !!!!

Hi, fillystar

May I ask when is your flight? And congratulations on your exemption

Hi Rose

My flight is this Thursday - thank you - how has yours been ?

My flight is on the 30th at Sydney airport as well I just re-book it. Are you be able to help me to ask the ABF team when you are there if I need to re-apply for my case please? Because I try to get to the airport however, they do not allow me in because I do not fly on the day. they only allow you inside the airport if you're flying on the day that you show up which shows them the ticket.

Hi Leandro

My email is this - unclassified it says - "A discretion from a delegate of the ABF Commissioner is not required in this instance" "your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia".

I guess this means I am able to leave the country - they still gave me my reference and receipt number in the email and I will show them that when I board.

I moved to the USA last year. I am still waiting for my residency there. I will be traveling on an ESTA. I only came to Melbourne in March intended 3 week visit to see family - I got stuck here! Anyway ill be heading back to my life this weekend. Feel free to ask me anything


My partner lives in the US, same as you. I moved last year but I was mainly on an esta and travelling and resetting while finishing up my last semester in uni and applying to jobs. What's the process that you've taken to get a green card? We looked into it but it looked like you can't get married on an esta and the fiancé visa takes 6 months and we have to be apart?

Hey Jayce123

I have an immigration attorney working on my case. I also attached this to ABF. We applied for the K1 last year. We were here in Aus while doing that. I have travelled to US twice with pending K1 and show US customs ties to my country but they have never asked me but take those documents in case I usually fly to Houston. If my case does not work. We will get married there and then return to Aus. He currently has a pending visa with Aus too! Also, he is eligible for exemption to travel here being an immediate family but we need to be there for land settlement. We have tried to cover all basis. It has been very complex. I am hoping for best outcome. Have you tried to apply?

not yet but considering it! are you still staying in the US on an ESTA then? do you have to leave to reset it every 3 months?

Some info for others to clear up any confusion

Australian citizens who are not ordinarily resident in Australia are considered foreign persons under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975.

Crazy law. Shows you how little value Australian citizenship is. In countries such as Thailand the attitude is the complete opposite. Foreigners have few rights and none to own land, except in very limited circumstances such as being on an investor visa, even when they are married to a local and have resided in the country for decades. ONLY Thai citizenship solves that problem. A Thai citizen who has lived abroad for decades could come back to the country tomorrow and retain all the same rights as a Thai who has never left the country while foreign residents face several restrictions.

I find it disgusting that an Australian citizen can be treated this way in their own country. Australia should take a book out of Thailand and learn how to properly treat their own. Seems foreigners are treated better in Australia than Aussies.

I'm still panic if I should re-apply for another exemption or not even though I haven't boarded the flight or scan my passport at the check-in or passport control. Just because I don't have a COVID test that my country requires I have to change the flight. Only the ABF team wrote to me down a paper at the entrance before check-in that I am actually in the exemption list. I don't know if that paper actually went through the system or not. I called department of home affairs, they're not really sure even though they said it should be fine. I just want the actual answer. Been missing flight 3 times. I'm really stress and panic as I don't want to miss my flight again because on the 30th is the last flight that available to my country.

I understand. Did you check in ? I think it should be fine. They did not scan your passport - I would go ahead and take each email they have sent you - make sure you get that test - or reapply right now adding this information - But yes it is best to gather that answer. What happened when you checked in? did the airline ask you anything ? read this, it may help you


Nah Fillystar, I didn't check-in. I was lining up when my turn they ask for COVID certificate they did not allow me to check-in or do anything at all because I don't have a COVID test that my country requires.

because you flight Sydney before me that's why I'm asking for your help after your exemption check at the airport approve and they write you a paper if you could ask them for me if I need to re-apply or not because I haven't departed the country yet only get those letter paper from them. I would be really appreciated and thankful because the department of home affairs giving me an unclear answer.

I want to exit Australia to teach English overseas. Has anyone else been approved an exemption for overseas work that isn't a critical industry?

Hi everyone - the route my partner is planning on taking if our travel exemption is approved is

Brisbane - Sydney - Doha - London

Does he need to apply for a travel exemption to leave from Brisbane, or when applying for the exemption should he put Sydney as the departure port? If the connection is in Doha do you think he will have any trouble leaving from there?


I think the exemption comes from Sydney as that's the exiting Australia port. you can call to double check, but i'm 99% sure. Not sure on the Doha part...

Hello everyone - Being increasingly concerned about my mother's mental health (82, widow who lives alone), I have re-applied for exemption yesterday to move my trip forward by 2 weeks to fly on 1st June.

My mother is becoming desperate to see me as i normally spend 5 months in Europe each year and refuses to contact someone re her rapidly deteriorating mental health.

Does anyone know if it is worth contacting a lawyer to help with exemption as I am extremely worried and torn at the idea of not being with her to help ?

Thank you and good luck to all

Hello Byronbay,

I understand your messages were from some time ago. I am in a similar situation and my flight is tomorrow. Can you please tell me whether you ended up receiving exemption and if so when did you actually receive it. Thank you.

Hi, I'm desperate for some advice if anyone can help… my partner and I are dual citizens both Australian and of Germany (him) and UK (me). He spends roughly 8 months a year working (consulting) in Europe and 4 months a year in Australia, our business is Australian and we are tax residents here. However we have been residing in Germany since June last year and have an on-going contract (until the end of the year) to provide services to a german client there. We got caught here when they closed the borders and are living in our Australian residence. If we can't return there to live, then we lose our contract and our income. My question is… do we have to apply for an exemption to return? We had return flights but the return segment of the flight back to Europe was cancelled and now we need to purchase another one.I would like to know if I need to buy the ticket first or apply for exemption first or perhaps I don't need to apply for exemption cos we were living there before? If we don't need exemption, then does anyone know HOW we prove we were living there and what would we need to take to the airport? Our apartment contract in Germany is in German. Does this then need translation?! OMG so much unknown!I tried ringing both the 131881 number and the coronavirus hotline, neither were any help (the 131881 number doesn't seem to contact any selections for this type of assistance). I even wrote an email asking for advice, directly to Mr Dutton!! Of course I haven't received a reply LOL! Any advice or help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated thank you!

has anyone had any experience changing their departure port? we had a flight date of June 1 out of MElbourne, but now looking like we might have to change to Sydney. I have yet to hear back on the exemption, but if I have to VERY last minute (as if this isn't late enough!) change it, i'm wondering how fast they act

Hi Stephanie, I am in the same predicament - scheduled flight for June 2nd.

1st rejection came in days.

Immediately sent over more evidence on relocation

It's been 4 weeks and no news.

No feedback, no updates, no way to follow up

It's amazing how they think it's doable to let people know so late ... ! I've been waiting a month and it's my second application, the first took a month for a reply as well... I started this March 30 I order to be prepared but obviously that hasn't paid off. So frustrating

Hi Stephanie, don't give up yet. Having almost everything sorted to go to the US myself, I understand your frustration Let's hope to receive a positive response from the border force sooner than late. Most people have been receiving a response ~three days prior to the travel date, so let's see. Take care!

Hi Stephanie,

I know and this is stressful and I want you to know you are not alone. I have been checking my emails hourly and been re checking junk mail over again to make sure it wasn't routed to spam for whatever reasons.

This is really at their ABF's discretion.

I am sure people who have legitimate reasons to leave Australia will also be prepared to agree to self quarantine at their cost, of that is deem necessary to travel. Let it be our decision rather than someone who does not know our family situation, financial stress or relationships overseas.

Whatever it is, this has severely caused trauma to many people's life and I hope you get your exemption soon...

Hello all,

After weeks and weeks of waiting (No need to tell you about the anxiety and checking emails hourly) I finally got my exempt approved. I thought I would share a couple of things that might help you.

Give as many evidences as you can. I gave about 20: GP certificates, psychologist certificate, email exchanges, stat Dec, birth certificate, passport, letter for work etc.

I wrote a detailed summary as to why I should leave and each claim was supported with evidences. I said I needed to leave because of my mental health, a job interview request, a contract to show I was selling my apartment, a sick family member, i resigned from work. It might be good to try to demonstrate that you were looking at moving overseas before covid. It also might help to show you are not planning to come back any time soon. You can call the home affairs, citizenship services and explain you have been waiting for a long time. They can place your case as urgent but will not guarantee anything. If you have new evidences you want to add, you can apply again but be sure to reference your previous number. There is no need to book your flightbefore they grant you permission. Might help to get a quicker response but I don't know, it does say on the webpage not to book your flight until you get approved. Good luck everyone.

Hello Amelia, thank you very much for your help and congratulations. I am awaiting a decision on my exemption (second attempt, I was rejected a couple of weeks ago). My partner is in the UK (UK citizen). Could you tell me which phone number you used to contact Home Affairs? I would like to talk to them about the processing time for my case. Thank you for your help.

131 881 I selected the option 4"citizenship". If someone refuses to help, call again later. I got two really helpful, caring and nice peopl

thank you, I appreciate it :)

Hi all,

I just got my exempt approved. It took me weeks and weeks of waiting. So I thought I would share a few things:

- provide as many evidences as you can. I gave like 20: birth certificate, passport, gp certificates, psychologist report, letter of resignation, contract for my apartment to be sold, stat dec etc

- be clear and detailed in your summary application. I wrote like a 1000 words. I had headings to be clear and each claim was referring to an evidence.

- try to prove why you and not someone else needs to go overseas to take care of x family member or try to prove you wanted to go overseas before covid and try to prove you are not intending to come back any time soon

- my reasons were I had planned to leave before covid to take care of a sick family member and work overseas. I had resigned from my job, I had a job interview request overseas, I was selling my apartment, my mental health was seriously declining, a family member is sick were what I needed to demonstrate.

- I don't reckon you need to book your flight. It says on the webpage, you should wait till approval. If you get no response, you can give them a cal and if you fall on someone understanding they may put you under urgent to be processed but no guarantee of course. You might want to talk to a migration agent to provide you with suggestions.

I know the experience is awful, if it helps, Qatar is still flying and flights from Australia are not empty. I have also talked to people who were on a flight from hk and Korea with less than 10 people on it.. thank you Qatar

I was wondering if someone could answer this question. I'm hoping to fly overseas for a job (healthcare worker) with my wife and two young children. My children and I are dual citizens but my wife is Australian.

For the exemption query, does everyone if each family member has to apply for a separate travel exemption? My children are 3 years and 5 months old!

I put my whole family on mine (including 2 kids under 4), because there's a space to add family members on the application


There is little information regarding the procedures but what I have encountered is, there is a tab where you respond who will be travelling with you. Their names and passport number inclusive.

I would expect that approval is a blanket one.

How would you be able to apply for a 3 month old and how would they be able to connect these applications if you were to submit seperately.

I just got my exemption today on my second attempt. I'd share what doco I provided and hope it helps some of you.
My situation is I am a dual citizen (HK and Australian). I moved back to HK in JAN but then I came back at the start of MAY and now I want to go back to HK again. I didnt know I had to apply for an exemption until I was denied from travelling at the airport 2 days ago, because I considered myself as a HK resident already and I also thought I have a HK passport so they would let me go. But then the ABF officers at the airport said my time IN Aus is more than my time OUT of Aus over the last 12 months so I still need an exemption. So I changed my flight from 25 MAY to 29 MAY.

I immediately applied for the exemption same day I got denied from the travel. I only provided my HK passport, HK ID, mobile bill in Chinese and my employment certificate letter to prove that I quitted my job in Aus back in JAN.The next day morning at 9am, I got an email from immi saying my application rejected due to insufficient evidence to prove that I ordinarily resident in HK.

So yesterday, I spent my entire day in the hotel preparing for the evidence. I provided rental contract in HK with 2 year lease term, Gas bill under my name, gym membership I signed up for a year, 2-year post paid mobile plan contract (in Chinese tho cause it will take 4 business days to send through an english copy), my bank statement in HK, my employment termination letter from Aus and my one way ticket to HK on 29 MAY.

This afternoon at 2pm, I resubmitted my application and got a response back less than 2 hours!

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your application for discretion of the recent travel restrictions placed on Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents for departure of Australia.

Your request has been assessed as meeting the following exemption criteria:

·Ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia

A discretion from a delegate of the ABF Commissioner is not required in this instance.

Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change.

It appears that Home Affairs will give you a rejection or ask you for information pretty quickly, but they will only approve you a few days (sometimes a few hours) before your actual day of flight. My flight is next Friday (5 June)... still waiting. I was asked for more information when I first applied end of April. I quickly resubmitted with more documentation... I have since re-submitted twice, including once this week, still nothing. But my flight is still 8 days away... hope I hear soon. If this were the US, people would sue the government for a) forcing Americans to stay inside the country, and b) restricting movement of foreign citizens.


I agree. My flight is June 1, and still nothing. It does seem to be the day or two before, if not on the day. I have also heard of things getting approved after the flight date...so no specific time line. Hope you hear soon.

I've been reading your responses in the last two days and crying. We are stuck in Australia. We are PRs of Australia and citizens of USA and Bulgaria. We are trying to return to USA for good but my husband will travel first now and myself and the kids later in August. So the ABF keeps denying my husband an exempt. We have provided every document we have under the sun to prove that he is not coming back. It is still not good enough for them. What else can we do to leave? Can we surrender our PRs? There is no formal process to appeal the denials - just re-apply which is a pure nonsenese because I why do I keep putting the same information expecting different result?

I'm so sorry to hear, this certainly is so stressful for us all. It doesn't feel fair to lock people in a country. Do they tell you specifically what to include? i've heard someone else who kept getting directed back to the generic docs (even though they submitted everything asked for). In the end I think they ended up submitting about 40-50 documents and a 1000 word statement...i can't say what they'd want as I don't have my exemption either. Have you tried to call them? i don't know the answer, i'm sorry this is so hard. Keep persisting, what date did you use for your husbands flight?

OMG!!! We got the approval just now!!!

They did not say anything about the denials, no reasons and no documents which they were looking for - just the generic ones which we already have included.

I know the definition of madness is to expect different results when you keep doing the same thing, but apparently that's what the definition of ABF's process is too.

I've changed my husband flight's date after reading here and moved it to the 30th of May - that's when I finally heard back from them. Initially I have put his real flight date June 9th and waited for three weeks with no response from them.

Keep applying with the same documents, or maybe start with less so you can include some once they deny you the first time.

congratulations!! that's great news!!! they must just want persistence! :)

Has anyone had any experience leaving Australia for a family emergency and returning in a few weeks on a temporary visa? I'm losing hope. I have been here for 3 years, have a lease etc.

what ever is occurring is not a process, it is creating mental health issues for a great number of people.

The government should remove the outbound ban on the 25th of June and start enforcing paid quarantine instead. If needed, move it to detention centres which will sort out who really needs to travel.

A Level 4 Travel advisory is what NZ have. We have citizens who live overseas that can come back for one month and leave straight away without having to go through this process.

Yes, a high number of covid-19 cases are coming from inbound flights, but that is because there is compulsory testing.

The understanding is 80% of people in the community are asymptomatic. If we had antibody test's that would give the correct information and how many people have actually had covid-19

Does anyone know if they (ABF) really check the flight? For instance I intend to fly QF93 from MEL to LAX on 5 June. Qantas only operates this flight every Friday. If I put in an earlier day (say Monday 1 June) on the exemption application, when Qantas doesn't fly on this day, wouldn't ABF know and deny me? Any thoughts from other people who have put in earlier (fake?) dates would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure... my flight was June 1 on qantas. I have yet to hear, and obviously don't know if this will affect it. Will keep you updated

Ms Pauline Hanson has demanded Queensland's Labor government reopen the state's borders by Thursday afternoon, or face legal action in the High Court. The One Nation senator is accusing Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk of “destroying people's lives” and livelihoods, and branding the border closures unconstitutional.

Guys, please call or send her an email describing your experiences. This is a violation of human rights and freedom to leave the country. It potentially can ruin people's lives, livelihoods and put them in enormous emotional stress.

A Current Affair or 60 Minutes on Channel 9 is also a good program with journalist that would be interested in your story.

We all understand the quarantine requirements when entering the country but we should not be banned or restricted when leaving it.

I agree what Hewnix wrote:

The restriction on departures violates human rights treaties to which Australia is a party. The Attorney General's own website currently states:

>The freedom to leave a country pertains to both short-term, long-term and permanent departures. It cannot be made dependent on establishing a purpose or reason for leaving. (Source)

This right is not enshrined in Commonwealth laws but does exist in International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

I support the inbound quarantine system strongly but do not believe the right to depart the country, particularly if you are not an Australian citizen but are a PR, should be restricted on any longer than an emergency basis.

I totally agree with you - but is anyone going to challenge the international travel ban? it all sounds so hopeless looking at the news.


The ICCPR has provision which allows govts to implements a restriction on the right to leave one's own country during a public health emergency. C.f. Art. 12(3). The govt has the ICCPR on their side.

ABF could be more efficient and be more compassionate, here and there, but not human rights violations have occurred, in this instance.

Surely this total ban has now become an infringement of basic human rights for freedom of movement? a strict quarantine on return paid for by the individual would be the most sensible way forward... would it not?

how long does everyone think this ban will last? there are so many differing news reports its scary to think it could go on indefinitely!


"Surely this total ban has now become an infringement of basic human rights for freedom of movement?"

For it to be an infringement of basic human rights to freedom of movement (and freedom to leave one's own country) you first need to establish that these are human rights which can't be restricted for ordinary citizens.

Is there an Australian statutory law giving ordinary Australian citizens an absolute right to leave Australia or to freedom of movement? No, there's not.

From the Attorney-General's website: "There is no Commonwealth legislation enshrining the right to freedom of movement. Numerous laws effectively restrict the right on grounds which are set out in the laws."

In the absence of the right to freedom of movement (including out of Australia) in Australian statutory law, we can check established international principles of human rights law. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is the key treaty in that respect.

There's "Article 12(2):

Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own."

But it's qualified by...

The above mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant."

So, nobody has a unrestricted right to freedom of movement or an unrestricted right to leave their country, in the first place. Ergo, it's not a violation of human rights.

sq or qf, yes I think the 'freedom of movement' right is largely enshrined in laws governing each sovereign state. This means, the Australian government (or state governments for that matter) could potentially be held in breach of violating freedom of movement locally, but an Australian has no automatic right to travel to a foreign country. That's because it is dependent upon that country allowing a foreign national access.

However, article 12(2) makes a good point about not being restricted from leaving, but I would also argue in addition to that, one should consider the restrictions on freedom in other countries compared to Australia at the present time. One guy ordinarily resident in HK mentioned he received an exemption to fly there, good for him, but I would rather be in Australia, where there is currently more freedom.


Leaving aside the idea of freedom of movement between states and territories, as it has inter-jurisdictional complexity...

Article 12(2) of the ICCPR is qualified by Article 12(3):

"3. The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant."

The implication is that the right to leave one's own country is not absolute and can be curtailed with sufficient reason - e.g. a global pandemic.

Good point, but pretty much all countries remain closed so it isn't just Australia violating human rights and freedom of movement but the entire world. Also, Australia remains a better place to be in than most other countries, despite some restrictions, during this crisis. For one, masks are voluntary and temperature screening is rarely performed. Many Asian countries look like something out of a sci-fi movie right now, be grateful for being in Australia right now.

How long do people think they are going to maintain this ban? the news suggests everything from months to years, surely this is a violation of rights?

Hi all

I received an approval to leave under compassionate grounds to America traveling on an ESTA. I have written many of my experiences in the past few weeks if you want to go back and look to gather more info about my case.

So basically in a nut shell of what occurred today:

I drove from Melbourne Sydney (hired car with Budget) Melb airport was a ghost town and there were no flights from Melbourne to Sydney took me 9 hours. United Airlines is currently the only airline flying from Sydney to SFO which is the flight I caught. (UA870).

I stayed overnight in Sydney, luckily I had a friend who lives nearby in Botany.

Once I got inside of T1 International departures, there was a queue of travellers waiting to show their exemption letter and passport. There was about 6-7 ABF workers signing each person off for that day of their flight and there is a slight bit of questioning involved; they have a list of travellers for that day (you would've assigned yourself to this list based on your travel date when you submitted your enquiry). I gave the ABF my passport and showed him the exemption letter on my email. He filled in a form which had the inquiry number and passport on it so everything coincides.

He then went and checked it again with another ABF guy on his laptop (it is a very controlled process).

I then checked into my flight with UA. The lady from UA also wanted to see the exemption letter ABF gave me. I handed to them. I then proceeded inside to Customs. They did my passport departure clearance and kept the form (finally this is the point where they keep the exemption form).

I have now arrived in to SFO.

This has been by far one of the most stressful experiences of my life. I want to share my experience so people are aware, can be prepared and get to where they need to get to whether it be with their loved ones, opportunities, relocation, new job offer, etc.

Last week I was pulling my hair out and this week I was packing to get on to a plane; so there is hope and never give up. Just be persistent. Stay positive fellow travellers. You got this! Happy to answer questions too to help.

Thanks for all the info. So glad you made it. The date I put in my exemption request is June 1 but that flight no longer exists. So now we are looking at not going until august as that's when flying seems to recommence. Will it be a problem that my exemption request says June but we may not be going til aug...? I'm nervous they will have us on a June 1 list

This is what they say on the approval:

It must've cut off

Hi, Thank you for sharing your experience. Well done, you made it out!

there is no border restriction in place so we can fly or drive to Sydney from Melbourne?

Hi fillystar, did you receive extra scrutiny at the US Border? Also, did US Border Control want to see the exemption?

Thank you so much for your positive vibes Fillystar! So happy for you !

You keep us hanging in there ! Would love some advice my daughter has been knocked back 5 times last 2 times no reason just not authorised. She was booked to go to LA 30/4/20 to be reunited with her partner and care for him as he's recovering from major back surgery 3 months ago and has experienced some setbacks. Borders shutting ruined that ! He has just been discharged from marines so there relationship has predominantly been long distance as he was stationed in Japan. We supplied original flight, visa, evidence of relationship , invitation and confirmation from his parents , letter from her parents, letter from dr confirming relationship and declining mental health , his medical records , character references for him , Accommodation receipts , bank transfers , copy of passport drivers license his father is attorney copy of that! So many documents it wouldn't accept them all !!! She was not holidaying staying and quarantining at his parents the whole time information confirming that. Advice no one else can look after him only child. Parents work full time !

She's now thinking she needs to resign from her job and say she's trying to go more permanently do you think that would help ?

I cannot express the despair she's not eating not functioning let alone her partner stranded alone .

Would love any advice Fillystar gratefully !!!

fillystar thank you for all the amazing advice!

so happy your back with your partner. I'm in your shoes too! I'm Australian and my partners American. how did u manage to travel on an ESTA and prove you were a resident?

My fiancé is also applying to travel to the US on an ESTA due to our declining mental health and to be with me due to my grandmothers terminal cancer so he will be here for less than three months. So you are saying when you applied, you told them you would only be in the US for three month and planned on returning?

Hi fillyStar,

Glad to hear that.

Did you need a COVID test certification for the U.S.?

How was your flight from Sydney to SFO? Crowded or half-capacity or ...?

How about the SFO airport? I know it's one of the crowdest airports but how about now (in the middle of the pandemic)?


i finally got the approval to travel!!!!! after 3 attempts...
i have my intended flying date today and got approved this mornging at 7am!

Has anything changed across the 3 attempts?

their kept requesting for more documents including birth cert to prove my relationship to my nephew etc.

Hi 6on2,

In an earlier post you said your fly date is 5 June. So did you put in a "fake" earlier date for today 29 may? Or did you actually change your flight to today?

hi euges116,

i did change the date, but then with all the back and forth emails requesting documents from ABF i have now booked 8th June to depart. its kinda ridiculous that they only tell you the outcome on the day of flying.
my advice is provide them as much documents as you can to prove the need of the trip and jst hope the application falls at the right person at the right time for an easy approval

Congrats! So is there a timeframe you have to fly within listed on the exemption? I've heard people say 3 months?

it doesnt really say how long the exemption is valid for nor an expiry on it. it only mentioned that i do no need to re-apply if flight details change.

Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes.

Thank you

part missing sorz...thats whats in the email

Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes.

For sanity sake,

ABF provide clearance the day of the flight itself?

So what is the point of us applying for exemption weeks before hand.

How does ABF expect us people to prepare, pack, resign from our jobs, relocate, give care to elder, planning for flights without an approval in principal for this time to happen, until the very day itself?

This is a complete disregard for people, their lives and livelihood. The receiving/inbound countries should have the right of way to decide who to enter rather than the outbound country decide who should leave.

this copy and paste thing is annoying lol
missing part of the message:

You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change.

I thought based on previous comments the exemption is tied to departing ports but not departing dates or flight (ie can fly from the same airport with different dates or airline)


I applied for exemption 3 times, they were sending refusal emails, 4th time i managed to attach all documents together

Birth certificate, my mothers doctors letter, family friends letter, sisters letter, Permanent residency in india, Indian driving license, i applied yesterday night with complete documents with 5th June travel date , so when can i expect a result,

i gave melbourne as departure port, if i get another flight from sydney, should i apply for another exemption?

If you change your port of exit (Melbourne to Sydney) you have to apply again with the new information. If you only change your flight date then you will be OK.

Hi rumi79 i and wondering if you would be able to assist me .
I will be flying out 2-3 months AFTER the date i submitted for my departure date . Do you know if there is a expiration date on when you fly out ? My departure port is still the same though .
I have copied & pasted my post that i made earlier today for you to read if that is okay .
Regards JBM

"I applied for the online " Request for travel " on May 6th for a flight out of Australia to the United States on June 12th 2020
I received Authorisation to fly out today (June 11th )from Home Affairs today ,via email.

I booked my flight the same day as i applied for the "Request to Travel " The flight was from Sydney To Manila , with a connecting flight to JFK New York for June 12th .
On May 21st , the first leg of the flight was cancelled , and on the 27th of May the connecting flight cancelled too.
So i will not be flying out on the 12th June obviously .
Due to my circumstances i am now looking at flying out to the US in the month of August or September .
Does anybody know if there is a certain time period in which i must fly out ? After all i was granted to leave at a certain time ????? Beneath i have posted a copy & paste portion of the email i received pertaining to this .
It does not specify time periods per see .
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help , much appreciated

Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change. "

erichuman - did you get your exemption yet for your 2 June flight?

I am no ABF expert as i am also one of those waiting patiently, but i have been reading the thread closely regarding the successful cases.

1) Put in a date earlier than you need

2) State clearly the departure port

3) Compassionate reasons take up 3/4 of its approved exemptions

4) Evidence to be submitted should prove the various reasons:

Prove that you are not planning to return in the near term

Prove that you are not going for a vacation

Prove with letters, statements, doctors report, cessation of lease, sold property

All said -The receiving/inbound countries have the right of way to decide who to enter rather than the outbound country decide who should leave.

Hi Brandon,

This was a great read, but I'm super nervous with everything happening at the moment. VFS has reopened as of yesterday and from entering my details I can apply for a visa right now and pay to get my app. But this is a difficult situation, because if I do attend my appointment and happen to get my visa approved what will happen to my Vignette (30days timer) considering the Australian citizen banned? How will I be able to get my visa if I cannot enter the uk. Its difficult, I'm hoping there will be full exemption for Citizen who want to leave this country indefinitely, to move to the UK. Exemption fits my situation but how is this going to assist anyone if they are told on the same day. wouldn't I need to be prepared? if I purchase a plane ticket and spend 1,000s but I cannot guarantee I will be exempt it seems a bit gut wrenching. This has been so unclear from the start as I have not purchased my visa as I have no exemption to leave but need a flight number to apply. My boyfriend and I have been separated for 3 months due to this as he is a British citizen who returned home. He was interrogated and half the line were told to go home. its a very unsettling time and the government haven't assisted people like myself.

Where do I go from here?


How many times did people apply until they get exempted? I have a flight next Friday (5 June) and have applied three times. Nothing. Was wondering if I should apply again, or if this would annoy them...

My flight is June 1. No reply for me either

Hi Stephanie918,I have been following your comments,congrats on your exemption.On what grounds did you apply for the USA are you a US resident or visa holder?

We applied total of four times. They approved the third application and denied the first and the second. I am a little worried that I may get another denial of the last application and then I will end up with an approval and a denial, and don't know what to do.

stephanie918 - I believe you said you had to change your flight. But in any case, I hope you get your approval *before June 1* - today or tomorrow!

Yes, I will have to change it again. My qantas flight is now not running so will have to get another but I would hope they will still approve in the next few days. Thank you! Fingers crossed for us all

Nothing for me. 1st June travel too.

This is madness

Same here... 1st of June ticket to Europe but no response from ABF. This process is testing my boundaries, it's been quite frustrating because of the uncertainty. Let's hope for the best!

Hello Stephanie918 - I am in the same boat - Applied for 1st June but no answer...

I called Emigration yesterday to confirm that if exemption is not granted before flight, the exemption is still valid after new travel arrangements have been made - a very "green" staff member read a paragraph saying there was no need to reply to exemption if flight details happen to change - very frustrating to be left in limbo with no way to check progress of application. I have also written to Peter Dutton's office, no answer.

Also, i previously got a request for more info very early on a Sunday morning (which means there is still hope receiving something this week-end). Good luck to you and to all...

Hi, I do think if we get it that it doesn't seem to matter if flight details change. I guess that's why they don't seem to care if they issue it last minute. But it's such a pain for refunds, credits, rebooking, etc. We are planning a permanent move, so there's no way we can do it in their time frame. I'm sorry you haven't heard back either, or from Peter Dutton. I don't think the general public are even aware that we can't leave, none of my friends are aware and are horrified when I tell them we (and they) can't leave! this must be illegal. good luck to you too!

Ha - do you know who will make some noise about this? Not Dutton or your local MP, but Tony Abbott or Malcolm Turnbull. They love media attention, this will give them attention and they are fighting for a good cause anyways!

So true

Good idea ! I will get onto it now.


On 3 April the government announced a special partnership to bring Australians home with Australia's two major international airlines, Qantas and Virgin Australia – the International Aviation Network.

During April, Qantas and Virgin offered commercial flights from four key international cities: London, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Auckland. These locations were chosen to provide access to the largest number of overseas Australians possible.

On 8 May, the government announced it has committed an additional $50 million to continue its network of international flights to help Australians return home. Additional commercial flights are now scheduled to depart London and Los Angeles until early June.

We, PR need to get home too.

very true. does anyone have any idea whether they will extend these flights past early June?

Difficult to work out the rational thinking behind the decision process in granting (or not) an exemption. Very frustrating indeed.

stephanie918, erichuman, Laions, byronbay,

Please keep all of us posted if you guys do indeed get approved (or denied? - hope not) before, or even after the 1st of June.

Definitely will you too

Still no news from ABF for my 1st of June flight... I'll keep you posted whenever I get an answer.

what is the contact number in immigration to follow up the abf travel exemption?

Has anyone actually been rejected? I would NOT consider a response from ABF asking for more documentation to be a rejection e-mail. I have yet to read (above) about a true rejection e-mail.

And, this thread is getting long and thus slow. For the final time, folks, once you get your approval, you can change your flight and dates, just not the port (airport). Please stop spamming this thread with these queries.

For those of you following, I Just got my email approval! Flight date of tomorrow June 1. Thank you for all the support have my fingers crossed for you all

Wow, Stephanie, that's wonderful news. I am happy for you! Atleast now you can plan your travel/life peacefully. I had listed my travel date as June 2nd, so I will come to know my situation tomorrow then.

Hi all,

I've also got my authorisation approved today afternoon! My flight date is also tomorrow.

All the best

stephanie918 - congrats! I hope everyone else whose flight is tomorrow, hope it all works out for them too!

Hey Stephanie 918, this is great news! And very heartening. I am waiting to hear and my flight date is 2 June. This is my second application, I was turned down on compassionate grounds last time, this time I am applying on work grounds (I am an export consultant and my clients in UK have written letters on my behalf) and compassionate grounds (so that I can see my partner whom I have been separated from since December). So I guess I hope to receive notification by 2pm tomorrow. Last time I received my refusal 36 hours before my flight took off, so I have my fingers crossed this time it will be a green light. Safe journey!

Lisa B - can you clarify if you really got a "denial"? Or did you just get a message asking for more documents, asking for you to submit again? I haven't read, in the comments above, anything about a "true denial", as in "they are not letting you out of the country." It's always asking for more information. If you can clarify what was the "denial" you got, it can help calm everyone's minds, including my own.

I definitely received a denial. Here is the wording: "Thank you for your application for discretion of the recent travel restrictions placed on Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents for departure of Australia. The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and a delegate of the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is not authorised. Your departing port has been notified of this decision."

It was terrible to receive, especially after disclosing a lot of personal details about a harrowing family trauma I suffered in January, which meant that I really do need to see my partner who is a UK citizen and in lockdown in Edinburgh. I supplied letter from my psychologist and medical certificate as to my psychological state and that my partner is only person who can provide support I need. It was truly terrible to be refused permission to travel to see my partner. I have since received advice from immigration lawyer who believes the criteria are getting easier and easier all the time as time passes, and thinks I have good chance for my flight this week. But I also am applying as an exporter this time (100% of my income comes from overseas, I do not have any Australian clients) and my clients are saying they need to see me and that I need to be in the UK for work, so I hoping that will help.

I wish everyone else on this thread the very best of luck.

Good luck! I am in a similar situation (work wise), and I can't imagine how hard it is to have that on top of the personal problems. Take care!

@Lisa B

That's gutting. Sorry to hear of your experience. Here's hoping you get your exemption pronto.

try contacting your local MP, they cannot guarantee the exempt but can help

Lisa B - that sucks. Thanks for clarifying! Hope it all works out on your end.

Hi all - 've been reading this thread but first time post.

It seems like that if you haven't heard back at all, it's actually a good sign. It seems like, if they reject you, they will do so quickly. And if they want more information they will let you know and ask you for more documents quickly within a few days. But if they approve, it's only a few days before your flight.

So take heart! If you haven't heard back yet at all, it is actually a good sign!

Congrats Stephanie! This must be a big relief..

I have not received mine..

I sincerely hope, everyone manage to get to where they need to get to.

thank you. it's a relief, but now means I have to find another flight and organize myself quickly. I hope you hear todaay

Very happy for those approved to travel tomorrow - Still waiting on my approval (for tomorrow).... Incredibly stressful !

Same here. Travel date 1 June and no news at all. Have submitted 6 requests since April and only received one response one week after my first attempt asking for more info. So frustrating.

I will say this about the ABF -- they do seem to be working on weekends, including Sundays. So they are working hard, at least working 24/7!

Hi KNL2016 - how's it going? Any luck hearing back from ABF?

Hi KNL2016,

I'm curious, did you write on the subsequent requests that this is your 2nd or 3rd request?? Or submitted separately?

Hi erichuman, any luck with getting approved for your flight tmr?

Crazy times we find ourselves in! Reading through the thread and seems there are varying circumstances for all but a reasonable exemption success rate. Though it seems mainly for compassionate reasons.

I have applied to leave Aus on the grounds of 'urgent personal business' as I am dual British/Australian citizen hoping to relocate to the UK. I accepted an intra company transfer in Feb and was due to fly last week of march before 5H1T hit the fan.

Have provided evidence of both AUS/UK Passports

End of lease agreement here in Aus and have been staying in temporary accom since March

Details of job transfer and acceptance of new role based in London, UK

Detailed letter stating I am a dual citizen (therefor no visa/repatriation circus) and my contract is for a minimum of 2 years with no intention of returning to Aus within the next 2-3 years!

Fingers crossed common sense prevails and i'm finally granted an exit of this nanny country.

awollaston - when is your flight? You've applied for exemption already I presume?

Hi Gracie,

Technically, I am planning on flying out late June. However, the pattern that's emerged on this thread is that most are receiving their exemption 1-2 days before if not on the day of travel, but being then allowed to re book travel without the need to re apply for exemption (so long as it's within 3 months of receiveing exemption)

I have therefor applied a flight number and travel date within this week, in the hope of fast tracking the rejection/further information/approval process so that I can move forward with my plans. As opposed to applying to travel end of June and sitting here for a month without an outcome...

Hi Everyone,I am an Australian Citizen married to an American Citizen.What are my chances of receiving an exemption to travel to the USA on my ESTA visa as my Green card application was placed on hold.And any other documents besides the ones stated that I could submit to strengthen my case?Any advise would be much appreciated.

Hi Jody.

Being in the same situation I'm also interested in any advice. I haven't applied for an exemption yet as it seems that they are only issuing them to people who can prove they will not be returning to Australia. As you know being on an ESTA means that we have to return within 90 days.

hmm it's tricky that it's an ESTA. if you have a compassionate reason for going to the US, maybe try that route. They seem to want to make sure you're not coming back to Australia anytime soon.

Application rejected - having to care for a 82 yo mother, widow who lives alone, whose mental health has been declining by the day (with now very disturbing thoughts) isn't a valid enough reason for ABF - sad times we live in. Will keep trying.

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is not authorised. Your departing port has been notified of this decision.

The ABF Delegate has stated that:

Applicant has not demonstrated an urgent need for travel. The medical evidence needs to be more precise and explain why the travel is necessary. Discretionary travel is only considered for exceptional reasons”

No one knows what's going on in Australia and people I talk to are all surprised and shocked how ridiculous this process here is. Some people found out about this it at the airport and were denied boarding their flights. I have to prove my relationship to my mother and that I need to look after her???The sooner we contact the media the sooner something may change.

Current Affairs channel 9 /a-current-affair/tell-us-your-story

oh my gosh, I can't believe this. I'm so sorry to hear, what do you think you'll do? this is completely unfair that these decisions are made in the hands of people who don't know the full story.

I cannot believe it, this is INSANE.

I have come back from the airport yesterday evening and been denied permission to fly back to Italy. I currently hold a temporary partner visa (subclass 820) and Customs have informed me that I am considered a permanent resident and require permission to leave therefore to tick this option. It is clearly stated EVERYWHERE that my visa is not a permanent visa but a temporary one so I do not even need to show this travel exemption!!

I originally checked the form yesterday and wanted to follow all required procedures however did not apply because it was for permanent residents/citizens leaving and my visa is not classified as either. I clicked on the spouse option and it said I was exempt from travel restrictions. I booked the flight on 30/5/20 to fly on 31/5/20 as my grandfather's lung tumour became aggressive and his health has deteriorated significantly therefore it was advised that I come back as soon as possible. I am reading lots of comments where applications have been rejected and I am very worried :(

The airline has re-booked my flight to Tuesday (2 June 2020) while I obtain the required permissions however I am worried they won't give me an answer today or tomorrow.

All is Incredibly stressful !


You received the rejection today for a flight scheduled today?


Who else is waiting for June 1 exemptions?

I have been moving my flights daily.

So sorry to hear of your rejection Byron Bay. I hope you will apply again with more medical evidence. Had they asked you before for more evidence? Or was first you heard of them needing more evidence the actual rejection? My flight date is tomorrow, and I am still waiting. This is my second attempt (first attempt rejected in May after they asked for more evidence 3 times). I hope you manage, sending good wishes

I got a travel exemption for departure from Brisbane airport however all flights are cancelled and no way to leave from Brisbane. I applied another exemption from Sydney airport on May 11 however no answer over 3 weeks. My flight is on June 6 and quite stressed.

Hi all,

I got the answer yesterday evening around 6.30pm for flight today !

I was asked to provide my birth certificate + evidence that my mother needed me - Unfortunately she didn't want to talk to her GP about her mental health (not easy for older people) and he just said that having me with her would be beneficial.

My ex-husband who is also a GP wrote a supporting letter and my GP in Sydney did the same.

I re-applied last night for a flight on 4th June emphasizing my mother's rapidly declining mental health (dark thoughts) and only intend to come back at the earliest after Christmas and most probably early January.

I have even offered to contribute to cost of quarantine. I am now contacting Human Rights Lawyer. Will keep you posted. Good luck to all.

Hello Byronbay , i was reading your case her and I am very surprised rather shocked how Australia is violating the right to leave a country ! I would definitely understand they could make it extremely hard to return back but I don't get the rational behind making it so difficult to leave on compassionate grounds . That is really shocking. The very fact that we need to show them evidence why we need to leave is really demeaning !!!


" I am very surprised rather shocked how Australia is violating the right to leave a country ! I would definitely understand they could make it extremely hard to return back but I don't get the rational behind making it so difficult to leave on compassionate grounds "

From a human rights perspective, it works the other way around. Much easier to stop people from leaving than from coming back.

In federal legislation, there's no such thing as the ''right to leave''. In the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, there's no such thing as an unrestricted right for ordinary citizens to leave their country. Art 12(2) of the ICCPR enshrines the right to leave. Then Art 12(3) says that Art 12(1) and Art 12(2)can be restricted during a public health emergency, among other things.

At face value, merely stopping somebody from leaving the country during a pandemic doesn't constitute a breach of human rights.

What many folks have been dealing with is a bureaucratic nightmare, but not a case of human rights abuses. Infuriating and, in some cases, merits strong criticism of the ABF and the Federal Government. It's abundantly clear that @byronbay and numerous others should have been allowed to leave.

Hello EB81BA,

I very much question the rational thinking behind it all and especially the arbitrary and inconsistent nature of their decisions.

I have now contacted :

- Mr Peter Dutton - Mr Alan Tudge - Mr David Coleman - Mr Jason Wood - Mr Malcolm Turnbull - Mr Anthony Albanese - Australian Lawyers for Human Rights - Channel 9 current Affairs - No news as yet.

With mental health issues on the increase around the world, why create unnecessary distress ? What is the problem if returning Australian citizens/PR comply with quarantine measures at the time/get tested etc ? I understand prohibiting overseas holidays but what about the huge number of people who care for families overseas ?

Good luck to everyone.

Byronbay and all stranded including myself,

Compassionate , care giving, relocation, family move are all uniquely pressing circumstances that no one can fully comprehend.

Who can tune in this and help? I am at loss really.

Good Luck Byronbay and everyone , I am in a similar position as well and have been reject 2 times before and missed my flight. I have reapplied for a 7 June flight with more medical evidence from doctors, but given the stories I am reading here and their irrational behavior , they can always give surprising decisions as it seems they don't really care about personal situations and feelings

I guess making as much noise as possible - I have given the list of people i have contacted - Let's think outside the square to be heard !

I cannot believe it, this is INSANE.

I have come back from the airport yesterday evening and been denied permission to fly back to Italy. I currently hold a temporary partner visa (subclass 820) and Customs have informed me that I am considered a permanent resident and require permission to leave therefore to tick this option. It is clearly stated EVERYWHERE that my visa is not a permanent visa but a temporary one so I do not even need to show this travel exemption!!

I originally checked the form yesterday and wanted to follow all required procedures however did not apply because it was for permanent residents/citizens leaving and my visa is not classified as either. I clicked on the spouse option and it said I was exempt from travel restrictions. I booked the flight on 30/5/20 to fly on 31/5/20 as my grandfather's lung tumour became aggressive and his health has deteriorated significantly therefore it was advised that I come back as soon as possible. I am reading lots of comments where applications have been rejected and I am very worried :(

The airline has re-booked my flight to Tuesday (2 June 2020) while I obtain the required permissions however I am worried they won't give me an answer today or tomorrow.

All is Incredibly stressful !


That was terrible to have to go through! I am sorry this has happened! I can't imagine your anxiety you have to go through. ... this is madness.

I hope you manage to leave asap..

Wanted to update my situation.

I'm a dual citizen, AU and EU passport holder. I was constantly in two minds whether I should apply for exemption or not based on what it says on the home affairs website (that ordinarily residents elsewhere need not apply) and based on what people were saying, that dual residents best apply anyway.... I ended up applying for the exemption, sent copies of my EU passport, national ID card, a recent bill from my apartment and car insurance renewal from April... you would think this is pretty conclusive that I live overseas, but nope next day received an email saying I need to provide more evidence... This freaked me out and I rushed to put together a new package of evidence, this time with several apartment bills, relationship with fiancee (several pages of photo history and comments), rental agreement as a landlord of an investment property i'm renting out, bank statement and car insurance renewal.... (Ridiculous that all of this needs to be sent, since when is a passport not enough!?)

After sending I waited a week with no reply back, I read some 'horror' stories here and in other forums that people had applied for exemption only to receive a reply a month later saying to provide more evidence *facepalm*. I couldn't wait that long to return home so I decided to purchase a flight, flying out in 4 days on a Monday. If I don't receive a reply or exemption by then, I will try plead my case on the basis of what it says on the home affairs website, that "ordinarily residents in a country other than Australia" don't need to apply for an exemption.

Sunday 3pm, 30 hours before my flight, bang, email came through from Home Affairs saying that my application to travel has been authorised. Huge relief...

At the airport (Perth) there was a line going to the ABF, which everyone had to line up to prior to lining up for check-in and luggage drop. Here you either let them know you already had an exemption which they confirmed in their system, or if not... you would need to provide evidence and convince them you are resident somewhere else. (Also, for the case of the EU, I couldn't fly into my country directly and had to transit through Germany... be sure to have a bus ticket or evidence of another mode of transport that you can show to the ABF that you are transiting, you will also need to show this in the country you land for them to let you out of the airport)

Based on my above experience, I would recommend trying to apply for exemption regardless, best to get approval before fly-out date, rather than on the day at the airport. BUT also have the flight booked, otherwise looks like if you don't have a flight book then you will be bottom of the pile of applications and could end up waiting weeks or months for a reply...
Worst case if you don't receive a reply, you show up at the airport and plead your case there with the same evidence you would have sent through applying for the exemption... If you get knocked back at this stage the airline should be able to change your flight free of charge (find out from your airline first...).

I've now returned home, the whole experience was one big mindf*ck. It shouldn't be this hard, a 2nd passport should be enough, but it is how it is... just have to focus on doing what needs to be done to get out. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE AND DON'T GIVE UP!

congratulations and thank you for sharing! we just got approved for a June 1 flight which is today, but we've had to reschedule the whole plan until August. The exemption doesn't have an expiry date, did you get questioned by ABF? We can justify it, but I'd assume once you have it approved, it shouldn't matter as the case has already been looked at.

Once exemption has been approved, the ABF at the airport don't ask any further questions, they just confirm on their system and give you a piece of paper to take with you to check-in to show the airline.


I'm an Australian citizen who has been living in the UK for the last 12 months. i traveled home three months ago while my job temporally closed, however my job is now about to start up again and i am looking of ways to try and get back to the UK. I am currently on a teir 5 youth mobility visa that doesn't expire until the 18th of march 2021. I am currently receiving furlough pay. Is there any way I can travel back without getting an exemption? would I count as a resident is I have spend more time in the UK in the last 12 months than I have in Australia?

My son is in the same predicament. He was working in the UK (on a tier 5 youth mobility visa) but had to come home when the school he was working at closed because of the virus. He is on a 12 month contract which concludes in January 2021. His school has requested he return to work in August. I assume he will have to apply for an exemption. Has anyone else had a similar experience - an Australian citizen who needs to travel overseas for employment purposes? Have you been successful with your application?


I called the embassy about a week ago and they said if you have lived in the UK for longer than you have been in Australia in the last 12 months then you are considered a resident. So that means you do not need an exemption! If you can prove at the airport that you are living in the UK then they will let you through. That means you should bring bank statements, current address in the UK, phone bills ect

The best thing to do is call the embassy.

Hope that helps.

Hello everyone, I am delighted to let you know I was just approved 10 minutes ago to travel tomorrow. I am actually travelling on Saturday (put a dummy itinerary in for tomorrow). This is my second time trying, was knocked back in Mid May. So keep trying! I am thrilled. I have not seen my partner since December and I have been through a significant family trauma since then. Thank you for all the information and support. All best wishes, Lisa B

congrats Lisa! I haven't seen my partner since Feb and hoping he'll be able to fly to UK Sept/Oct, who knows there is a slim chance borders could open by then.

Can I ask what documents you provided for the exemption? and did you apply under compassionate grounds?

Just wanted to see what you think my chances are. Dual AU/HK resident currently in Sydney. Have been here for 7 years. I have a job offer in HK which I accepted. However, I do not (longer) have any family there, but the job brings me back.

I sent to ABF: 1) offer of employment, 2) copy of AU passport and HK ID card, 3) resignation confirmation from Sydney job, 4) I own an apt in Sydney and will rent it out so I have the service agreement with the rental company, 5) copy of notice that I ended my health cover with HCF, 6) service agreement with moving company showing one-way removal of my furniture and personal effects, 7) hotel booking for one whole month in HK while I find a new place to live, 8) flight tickets showing one-way flight to HK.

I applied once under "urgent personal business" the first time. They asked for more info. I sent these details back. It's been one month now (flight in two weeks) so I resubmitted under "compassionate grounds" yesterday again, with the same info as the 2nd time. The documents I attached should be evidence that this is a one-way move back to HK, no?

Similar situation here. Trying to leave for HK as well. The only difference is I don't have a job offer yet. In other words, you are luckier than I and I can't think of any reason why they would not approve your request. Have just submitted my 7th request today as they have been silent and I cannot just keep deferring my trip indefinitely. Good luck to us!

@Lisa B congratulations!! ive been watching this post and you have a very similar situation i have so im excited to see someone get exempted! I havent seen my partner since mid march, I financially rely on him part time and he had to go home to be with his unwell elderly grandparents. Our plan was to always move to the united kingdom. Visa stations just reopened so im going for my visa application next tuesday. What documents did you send to ABF for exemption? I once had a response saying not enough details supplied. It would help immensely as i hope to surprise my partner in england. His parents have written a letter for my stay etc. Would love to know what youve written/documents you supplied to aid me!!

Thank you,


lisa b i am in similar situation, what documents did you submit?

A quick 20-minute test instead of a 14-day quarantine is being considered by some countries, so could it be coming to Australia?

Very Happy for you Lisa B !

The issue with ABF is obviously people who enter Australia (which is totally legitimate) but, as Adi is pointing out, there are many ways to know if an incomer is potentially infectious or not. So where is the problem ?

Hi Everyone,

My requested travel date was 1st June. There was no rejection, no further ask for information, just no response. No approval either.

Has anyone in this thread every encountered approval coming through after the requested date?

Should i send out one again?


I did see someone else on this thread a while back say that they didn't hear on their date, and they called and were told that basically they will get to it when they get to it! but you definitely have a confirmation number? (not that the reference matters, but you're sure it was submitted)? i'd do another??

My situation is the same, and my requested travel date is today. I have not received any notifications (approval/rejection/extra information) from the ABF so far. I initially applied for an exemption during the first week of May. I am planning to apply again.

Anyone whose flight is today - any luck getting approval (yesterday I assume)? Anyone whose flight is tomorrow - any luck getting approval today?

hi Graciewang,

My flight was yesterday......No approval/no rejection...

I am literally living out of suitcases and waiting for the exemption to come through.

My situation is a relocation AND will not be returning for the next 12 months. My heart sank when nothing came through by close of the day yesterday. This means to me, the response to exemption request do not come through by your requested flight departure date even though you have submitted weeks ago.

I have sent 7 requests so far and had to keep pushing back my departure date (last one on 1 June and now moved to 5 June) yet still no response. They just don't seem to care!

wasn't your flight meant to be June 1? still nothing? have you called them?

Ahhhh so frustrating isn't it!

This thread is the most useful info I have found so far. My partner and I are are meant to be in the UK already, she is a British citizen about to end her 3rd Visa (student) and my Tier 5 has already started. Literally no emails back from CIH regarding 30 Day vignette and I have applied 3 times to leave, first one I got knocked back straight away, 2nd time no response and 3rd still no response.

My flight is on the 12th June, it's shocking how last minute they like to leave it, it's almost torture. My partner is extremely anxious with everything and just wants to get back home to her family but it would be extremely difficult if we had to quarantine separately!

In hindsight I should have made the flight date earlier than the actual date to leave a bit of breathing room, but looking at this thread it seems I will receive an answer at the bloody airport!!

hey everyone,

I will start off by saying how heartbreaking most of the stories on here are and that i wish the best of luck for everyone! i have been reading the comments since this article was created and am staying upto date everyday in hope to find someone in the same position as me has been approved.

I am trying to get an exemption to leave Australia to go to the Philippines to be with my girlfriend in which i do not intend to return. I submitted the exemption application on the 26th of May and got a response on the 29th. i didnt exactly get declined but was told to "provide more information to support my request". I got a lawyer to write out my letter which turned out amazing and provided 32 pages of evidence. This morning i gathered more evidence of which ABF asked for in the email and sent off everything once again plus the new additional evidence.

I was just wondering if anyone here has just kept submitting the same thing over and over and if they eventually got approved? i read somewhere that they like to see persistance to show you really need to go.

Hi person123,

Would you be able to refer me which lawyer or lawfirm you used?

Person123, I will take a stab here over your predicament..

ABF would go by departure dates and then by facts of your request.

If you are not exempted, the short answer is they are probably not convinced with your fact, yet. I am way past my intended departure date. So, i will really wait to see if things happen rather than sending the same thing over again. This is your choice really. I will stay with the ref case number and await for decision. They need to respond eventually whether an approval or not. We just have to keep moving the dates.

If you have 32 pages of evidence - you probably have a strong compelling urgent and unavoidable need to travel, so it is good.

As again, please make sure you select the correct departure port.

Hi Stephanie, I did try to call but none of the options in 13188 lead to what we needed to know.


This is creating a lot of stress.. I can empathise with everyone in here going through this and waiting for an exemption for events that are urgent and critical in other situations.

Plan your life ahead !

Have gone through an agent to submit our application. She has also noticed recent delays in processing requests. We're flying with the whole family the 8th and submitted about a week ago. By the sound of it we would need to change our flights as they are now not even processing before departure date. Quite a disgrace, but nothing anyone that has dealt with immigration in Australia hasn't seen before... Keep us posted!

erichuman - I can believe what the ABF is doing to you! I hope it all goes well. Keep us updated!!!!

ABF is flooded with unauthorised, non-urgent, non-critical request to travel amidst urgent, critical and desperate appeals for exemptions.

I do not recommend re sending your request, if your circumstances has not changed. Trust the process will take its course and you will receive your notification in due course. Once you have a case ref. That should suffice. i did manage to speak to some helpful staff at home affairs and they mentioned we will either get approve or rejected eventually. No need to keep re-sending.

It is stressful, it is uneasy, it is frustrating. I know.

To all who are applying for exemption: please ask yourself if you really need to travel out.

AND, if you do.

Please ensure you send all evidence that can help build your request. The information is the key to their approval.

Do get as much information as much as possible before you submit. That would help relieve the backlogs.


Thanks for the information erichuman, very useful!

Hi everyone,

Been following this thread for a while now and really appreciate all the information. I'm trying to travel on compassionate grounds and have provided proof of relationship (grandfather), new job offer indicating I won't be returning anytime soon as well as medical certificates. Due to the delicate nature of my situation, it's quite hard to obtain more evidence. However, still yet to hear back despite submitting a week in advance with a travel date for tomorrow.

I noticed earlier on in the thread someone mentioned that Australia might potentially lift the travel ban on June 18th when the current Bio-security act expires and perhaps adopt a Do not travel stance like New Zealand. Not trying to spread false hope (I know how dangerous that can be) but I noticed that they extended the ban to September only for cruise ships). Does anyone reckon if this is still a possibility especially considering so much talk about travel bubbles and some countries potentially opening up mid June- early July?

Hi All,

It is great to read this thread especially as it is so hard to get any answer from immigration on the phone. I now have a 2nd application in to travel to UK, I am a UK citizen. The first one was for travel at end of June but i wanted to change to travel on June 11th. I applied for the second time on Thursday 28th May. I have not yet heard anything. Is the general consensus that no news is good news or have others had applications refused at the "11th hour". I have heard of them being granted very late so wondering if it is the same for rejections? My situation is that I have recently had to leave my family home due to domestic violence and I need support from my family in UK right now as I have none here in Australia. I am applying to take my son who is nearly 2 with me, he is an Aussie citizen (I am a PR). I have written consent from the father that I can travel overseas though I haven't included that in my application, I didn't think to at the time. What I have included is a support letter from the women's domestic violence service explaining I should be granted compassionate grounds to leave and a letter from my doctor explaining my distressed and vulnerable state. So that is just 2 pieces of evidence. I have not received a request for more evidence or a rejection. Does anyone have any advice or words of wisdom for me? I don't need to tell you how stressful this whole thing is! Thanks so much for any help and best of luck to you all still waiting.

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that my exemption for 4/06/20 was granted a few minutes ago on 2nd application. Keep trying and do not give up. Provide as much evidence as possible to substantiate your case.

Good luck to all

Good to hear that byronbay , did you provide additional evidence this time or you just submitted the same request and described more your situation ?

YEAH! congratulations!! that's wonderful news

Congratulations you must be so relieved.

Thank you - I have made so many calls to various Ministers' offices, lawyers, but the only person who got back to me this morning regarding the case was my local MP (I am not going to disclose his name for privacy) but it would be worth trying this avenue.

Good luck to all and keep at it !!

I did provide termination of lease in 2nd application (I had planned to go to Europe on 31/03) and stayed in temporary accommodation since then.

When I spoke to someone at Home affairs Ministry, they had also advised me to do a stat dec at the police station... I suppose it adds weight to a statement !

Good luck

Congratulations, @byronbay for your the relieving result!

If you don't mind telling me, what do we put in our stat dec regarding this situation? Honestly, I have never come accross a situation where I needed to make one


Hi byronbay, as you have done I have also spoken to my local MPs office. I'm also going to speak to the police station for a stat dec, they are also aware of my DV situation. Can I ask what it is you ask them to write please? Is it basically that they support your request for a travel exemption? Thanks so much.

Hi all,

I really feel how frustrating it is to deal with the situation where we need to fly to be with love ones but we are completely stucked here. I am in similar situation. And I find this thread very useful not only to share our experiences but also to get the idea and insight on how to make the best outcome of our application.

My situation is I'm an Australian permanent resident, my husband is currently on visa subclass 820 (Partner Visa). We are trying to fly to Jakarta to be with my dad who is now in hospital. He is terminally ill, even doctor say they currently can only treat to make him feel comfortable, but unable to cure his illness.

I submitted my 1st application on May 11 morning. I attached my husband's passport with my form because I'm the sponsor of his current visa application and we plan to fly together.

We initially planned to fly on May 16 with return tickets that already booked since last year in order to celebrate Eid Mubarak with families in Jakarta. Who would've known dad became more ill and getting worse, so we were desperately trying to fly only to spend last moments him.

I applied based on urgent and unavoidable personal business (because I thought my dad's condition was really urgent). I got reply within an hour saying they needed more supporting documents, including eg. birth and/or marriage cert. to show relationship, letter from medical professional/hospital records, statement on when individual intends to return to Australia (with this one, I assumed they wanted to see booked return tickets).

Second submission was on May 13 with additional requested docs. Since then, no reply at all. We canceled our tickets, luckily the airline gave us credit to rebook later.

I phoned DHA 2 times. First was on May 15, the lady whom I spoke to was friendly and helpful. After checking my details, listening to my current urgent situation, and of course putting me on the line for a very long hold several times which I did mind at all, she said my case has been escalated to the review team. Unfortunately she was not the decision maker, and unable to give me time frame for the result. I just need to wait. On May 18, i phoned them again. Stating that I really need to fly ASAP because of my father condition, he could be 'leaving' anytime soon. But the officer could not give me more information about my case. It's just a matter of waiting, he said.

On May 30, I sent another form, same reason. No reply at all.

My question is:

- Have I chosen the correct reason to travel from the supplied options?

- Apart from the booked ticket for May 16, I did not give evidence for traveling date. I only gave email from airline about the credited ticket, however I gave newer date to plan to fly that is June 6 (this Sat). is it sufficient?

- What is my chance to get exemption as I do not plan to leave Australia for good? I will definitely return to Australia as our life is in here now. I'm planning to stay in my country as long as it takes to be with my dad, but only God knows until when.

- What other documents I can supply to DHA? I'm thinking of submit another form with most recent letter from hospital about my dad and a new flight schedule.

I have never been this desperate to travel and it really breaks my heart everytime I call my dad and he's asking when I can come home.

Can anyone help me with some suggestion?

Thank you


:(((((( That's so messed up. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your father. It's incredibly unfair that they don't give you the nod within a day of your application for an exemption. All the best at this awful time.

Thank you so much, @sq or qf

Good morning everyone,

Finally there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Brightest one. Yesterday evening I received the most wanted email, exemption to travel. I'm extremely relieved and happy.

I didn't supply other documents apart from what they asked. Was going to do stat dec in front of police and supply more documents (recent hospital letter, new flight schedule, letter from GP), but the result came in first.

I reckon they don't only give exemption to those who are moving outside Australia or leaving for several years, they do see people case by case with consideration, as I intend to return to Australia for sure.

Today I will book my flight for flying this Sunday, and organise other documents required by local government in Jakarta. Hopefully everything goes well.

I wish everyone the best of luck if still waiting to get the exemption, and able to join your loved ones very soon.

Thank you!

That's great news parentsa! What departure date was on your application? We have tickets for coming Monday and have departure date as Monday so was hoping to get something back before we intend to fly...

Hi @neto,

It was 30th May. My original ticket was 16th May, then I had to cancel and got credit from the airline. I submit the airline cancelation email as an evidence that I had ticket before and would be able to rebook a new date.

Hopefully yours will come in soon with satisfying answer and won't be too much hassle to use your current ticket!

Hey I am trying to travel with my husband to Greece we have submitted 2 to exemption letters from the 12th of May we got a reply from the first one to put more information in we were traveling on the 28th of May but we got no reply and we are still waiting. My father is very sick in Greece and he has no one to look after him he has had heart problems and I am afraid this time he won't make it. any help would be great since now there are no flights to Greece after waiting so long I need to get back to help him if anyone knows how the system works please help us Thanks Anna

Hi Anna,

So sorry about your situation and your father's condition. I completely understand how you feel.

I know it seems very grey and cloudy while we're still waiting for the answer, but based on what I just went through, supply them with requested and correct documents. It doesn't have to be abundant, but enough to support your reason. Not really sure how their system works, but I did try everything to contact them and show how more and more urgent the situation was for me to travel.

Hopefully you get your result soon and able to see your father in no time. There is nothing more precious during this time than reuniting with our loved ones. Good luck.

Did you get any further reply from them?

i also have to leave to india to take care of my mother

which phone number did u use to contact MHA? give me that number

to Wanttotravel2020

I haven't actually had to do stat dec. Was going to do it today as i expected a refusal on 2nd application. I guess using strong wording, stating urgency in front of police will help.

Good luck

I see, thank you so much for responding.

Hi Guys,

I got a email today saying "Unclassified" for my exemption and to provide a little more information about my relationship.

The lady was nice and listed extra information I needed. This is my 2nd time applying for exemption but both time i'm aware i did not supply enough documents and i do think i should of been more considerate of their time- only my non-finished visa application. My flight date is on the 19th of July so i think they are trying to help people a little earlier. I am going to add details like my resignation letter, emails confirming, my paid in full visa app, vignette which will have a 30 day time stamp if i receive etc. My issue is I don't know how to prove my relationship - we've been together for 2 years but my UK partner was paying rent/bills etc but all were under his main roommates name. The only thing i have is many photos, instagram stamp date proof and bank transfer details and a letter from his father stating i would like to move to the uk and live with them.. so fingers crossed when i get it all together!!

So hopefully my 3rd time lucky i can get exemption!! just waiting to get all the correct details as I do not want to waste home affairs time as they must get so many applicants who do not supply enough details which would maybe cause the slowing of their processing.


Also, can someone who has exemption advise what they did for the "Statement on when the individual intends to return to Australia". I do not wish to return, and i feel like mentioning this might hurt my chances? i wrote in the statement i do not wish to return.

Any help would be immensely helpful!!

Hisholynvberkele got the same problem! I dont want to come back to Australia...ever! Just want to go home!

I guess it depends what situation you're applying under. We are migrating, so I did say we don't plan on returning for the forseeable future as this visa is a permanent residency visa overseas...

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for the reply! :) so I'm applying for a youth mobility visa but after will apply for defacto visa with my partner, we permanent plan to move to the uk.

Hi all,

This is really frustrating.

I have dual citizenship. I submitted an exemption form last Thursday because my mum just found out she got cancer with few months life. My intend flight was 03 June.

I attached her medical reports, document that showing the relationship between me and my mum, my two passports and my 8 months old son's passports because I am brining him with me. And of course I explained why I need to travel overseas. I called home affair to ask them to put my case as urgent and they did. I got the respond on the day before my flight, around 8pm. They rejected me and saying that "applicant must provide medical evidence which clearly outlines the need for travel in this circumstance". I wasn't sure if they meant myself need medical evidence or my mother needs a medical evidence which I did provide her medical report. So I went to see a GP indicated that I am currently suffering mental health. I reapplied with extra evidences on this Wednesday 03/06 and asked home affair to put this as an urgent because my intend flight is on 05/06. And today is my flight, I haven't heard anything back yet. This is really killing me watching my mum getting weaker and I can't be by her side.

However, I spent hours reading this thread and you guys give me some hope and ideas. I am preparing more evidences now while I am waiting for the respond just in case they ask for more. But hopefully they will approve my exemption very soon.


OMG this is crazy, while I was typing and about to submit this post, I got the approval at 7:50pm!!

My flight will be 10pm. However I will still miss my flight tonight because the departure airport is in Sydney and I am still in Brisbane (I did spend $600 for one way ticket to Sydney, but I didn't catch the flight. I have a 8 months old son with me it'd be too risky if I didn't get approved). My next flight will be next Friday in Melb it will still be upset for me that I have to wait one more week, but at least I know I can go back to my family, what a relief.

Also, I have read some people were talking about you need to reapply if your port is changed. The letter I received says "you do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change". Hope this information will help some people.

Good luck to every one!

Congrats! May I ask what number you had called to get hold of the right person at Home Affairs? Thank you!

Hi there

The number is 131881 then I select 1 or 2.

I won't say its the right person to talk to because they are customer services team not the actually officers who are dealing with the cases. But you might be able to talk to someone who's trying to help! Good luck!

Hello Everyone ... just wanted to tell you that I received an exemption after a 3rd request finally for a travel on the 7th of June. But the thing is that my destination airport opening date was on the 7th and now got delayed for early July. I know the authorization letter states that I don't need to reapply if my flight details change , however , does anyone know if there is an expiry date for this letter ?

hi EB81BA,

somewhere on this thread it was stated that the exemption is in effect for 3 months (same departure port).

Looking for help from anyone.

Daughter has a uni/elite ballet school offer in UK starting in (early) September. she will be there for 3 years, hopefully more if she gets employment after (limited opportunity in australia) She is born australian but I have got her a full british citizenship to UK because I was born there. and passport of course.

- Has anyone used university offer as reason to travel successfully?

- What documentation supported this?

- Anyone know if requirement will last till September 2020?

- Has anyone (dual citizen) tried just arriving at airport and only showing UK passport?

- many people are using the qantas flight form perth. with connection from (melbourne) what is the departure port in this case

- Some people have mentioned lawyers and other advocates in here? Can anyone give any reccommendations. Most advocates seem to specialise in immigration - although the experiences here suggest its the same beaurocrats turning their 'skills' to making it hard for people to eave for a change

Hi drogers34,

We are in a very similar position. My 17 year old son is an elite Australian representative athlete selected for the U19 World Gridiron Championships, USA 2020 and the over 19 Mens National Championships, 2020 (both postponed due to Covid-19 ) He has been offered enrollment at a school in Texas and a position on an exceptional senior Varsity American Football team (not available anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere). The course and training is a spring board to US university entrance on an athletic scholarship. He is the first Australian to ever play for this school and this unique opportunity is only available to him this year due to his status.

We intend to initially use our valid ESTAs so that we can enter before the student visa kicks in to allow time for self isolation and preseason training prior to the first game and the start of the academic program in August.


1st May -Applied for 16th July travel

6th May - Unclassified request for a letter from the school in Texas

12 May - New application sent with the letter

21st May - Attended emergency visa interview at the US Consulate approved B2 tourist visa for me and F1 Students visa for my son (awaiting processing)

22nd May - Put in joint exemption request for me and my son to travel 2nd June

No rejection, no request for more information. Nothing since 6th May

I am stressing now as it is almost a week past the travel date I gave them, so worried that we might get a rejection even though we will not be back until the end of December. I supplied the following documentation and I don't know what else to send if they ask for more:

My son's - Official documentation

·School application payment receipt

·Verification of enrolment letter at School in Texas (including course start and end date)

·I-20 form issued by School (including course start and end date)

·I-901 SEVIS payment receipt

·F1 Student Visa confirmation page

·Visa payment receipt

·Emergency visa appointment letter from the Consulate

·US Consulate receipt for F1 visa processing

·Son's Birth certificate

·Son's ESTA

·Sporting Champion grant letter and Award – Andrew Hastie MP

·Outstanding Representation grant letter (Sport) City Council

My - Official documentation:

·Long service leave letter

·Leave without pay letter

·Visa payment receipt


I hope this is helpful for you and anyone else in a similar position.

Please everyone, let me know your thoughts on what you think our chances are of getting an exemption.

Good luck everyone

You have certainly supplied plenty of information, I don't see how they could refuse you and your son from flying to the US.

I just can't believe we have to get permission to leave our own country. It is ridiculous. Let us know how you get on. Annie

I know it's insane, particularly for those of us planning to relocate overseas permanently or stay out of the country for an extended period of time. None of us here are applying for exemptions to go on holiday, it's just so frustrating.

I will certainly keep you all informed of any developments.

Hi have you had any luck with approval my son is currently attending college in cali for gridiron. Also played in world cup 2018. Hope it all works out. We are hoping our son can reenter as ordinary resident as he started 12 months ago. I have booked a flight 1 way 15 july


There's not currently a compelling reason to suppose this ban will have been lifted by September. So I'd focus on compelling evidence which will help to get an exemption granted.

When you apply for her exemption, can you give ABF a copy of her enrollment at the ballet school (citing that it's a 3 year course)? Better yet, can you get something in writing saying that your daughter MUST be in the UK ready for classes as of a certain date? All that will help your cause in demonstrating both urgency and the fact that your daughter won't intend to come back just yet.

A copy of the UK passport will help as extra evidence.

Also, do you have family/friends in the UK? Can you get them to sign an affidavit saying that they're happy to put your daughter up? In lieu of a lease agreement, this might help.

I'd focus on getting that sort of paperwork. Then, for good measure, you can contact your local MP and cite your application number.

Hi there

I don't think she can only show UK passport at airport. You have to show passport you entered country on. I live in UK and have both passports, so they checked my Aus passport, made a call to an immigration official and confirmed that I spend most of my time in the UK. There was another man there who initially showed a UK passport but was then asked for his Aus passport and was not allowed to fly - I don't know his exact circumstances but I think he was told he had to apply for the exemption. Good luck!

hello everyone,

does anyone know if the Manila, Philippines is open to foreigners? my exemption was approved this morning but now im worried about not being about to travel to Manila due to my relationship being only of De facto status and not married.

For some handy tips to get an exemption, the evidence i included was : copy of mine and partners passport, passport stamps from previous visits, both mine and my partners birth certificates, photos of us together, screenshots of bank transfers, screenshots of call logs, screenshots of messages i also got a lawyer to write my exemption letter which was $70 online. the first time i applied i was asked for more evidence and handed all of the above in except for the birth certificates and the 2nd time around i handed in the birth certificates and added to my letter that i wouldnt be returning to Australia till at least 2023.

I hope this information is helpful to someone and best of luck, dont give up.

Have a look at https://www.smartraveller.gov.au, there should some information available there.

Hi! Congratulations on getting your exemption! I am in a very similar situation and keep getting denied even with 56 documents of "proof" along with our registration of a civil partnership (de facto relationship) in the ACT. Would you mind sharing which lawyer you used to have this letter written? Im supposed to travel in 10 days and getting desperate! Thank you!

Hello everyone,

It is so good to read all the comments and see that most people do get the permit. It makes me hopeful. Needless to say that this whole permit process is mentally exhausting and so unnecessary. I feel with all of you.

I am a danish citizen with PR in Australia and I want to return home for good. My husband (who's Australian citizen) and I have planned to move back to Denmark for a while now. Our flight was supposed to leave 4th of may but of course it got cancelled. (We had prepared for the move before travel ban started, so we are homeless and jobless at the moment).
Last month we found out that Qatar airways still fly on a daily basis so we immediately applied for permits to leave Australia, that was on the 14/5. I didn't know how much information they actually needed so I just send in a small description of our situation together with our marriage certificate. Two days later I got an email asking for more information, so we reapplied same day with more evidence (end of lease, copy of danish passport, marriage certificate, redundancy letter, proof of all our furniture sold). Both times we applied we put in a departure date for 7/6. Today is the 7/6 and we still haven't heard back from our second application. Of course we have called home affairs a bunch of time without any luck for more information in regards to our applications.
I'm just so over waiting around to get permission to move home!

My question is if we don't hear back today, should we reapply tomorrow or are they sometimes getting back to people a few days after departure date, and if so how many days after? (also with public holiday tomorrow I'm not sure how that affects the applications).

Also is there anybody in here who has applied for the same reason as us? (Should we expect to get the permits?) I mean we are not coming back again in the foreseeable future so no chance of us bringing covid back to Aus.

All help is appreciated, the uncertainty is draining me.

Hi Katharina,

That is very frustrating and upsetting for you. I don't quite understand though - was your flight for today (7th June)? If so, did you go to the airport or change your flight date because you hadn't heard from Border Force? Annie

Yes flight was today but still haven't heard anything back yet in regards to the permit so obviously had to reschedule. So fustrating! :(

Hi All, EXEMPTION APPROVED. I followed previous posts advice and input a flight date 3 days away and we received our approval today. We had previously put in our application 6 weeks ahead of our flight. Got the initial rejection with request for more information same as many people. We uploaded a tonne of documents supporting our case to fly and heard nothing back for 2 weeks.

I put in another application on Friday 5th June with a flight date of June 8th. I received an almost immediate response on Friday requesting for more information which I supplied and we got our approval afternoon of June 7th.

Its very clear that any cases with a flight date more than a week out do not get responded to or looked at and approvals seem only to come at last minute.

Our case is fairly simple in that we are relocating back to my wife's country permanently where I also have residency. We supplied all documents showing giving up of our house, car sales, shipment quote as well as some proof of relationship between my wife and I.

Each case is obviously different but key to getting response besides correct documentation is proximity of flight date.

Hope this helps.

Hi another similar story to above post

My wife was trying to join me in NZ after I had taken a permanent role just prior to the lockdowns

We had all the documentation for an exemption to travel secured - my wife had given up job, booked her car for shipment and we have all evidence of a permanent move to NZ - we are both NZ citizens

Initial application sent in 2 weeks before flight, got a rejection and request for more information as nothing had uploaded on the 2nd June when the flight was on the 6th - re submitted and had another response saying only one document had uploaded. I resubmitted application on different browsers and then had no response. We tried calling the home affairs department to find out status and if the documents had been recieved but not one person could assist.

By Thursday the 4th still

How many days is the exemption order valid? any one can answer me?

@manumenon I've read above, it should last 3 months they've said a couple of times :)


Was wondering if anyone would know where I can post a question about travel exemptions to travel into Australia?

Or if anyone with the same issue would like to connect?

thanks for your time.

@chrisneilio I'm also searching for this!

My partner is Tanzanian, and we applied for a regular tourist visa (before the pandemic was really a thing in february). We applied on paper as his nationality requires, to the Australian High Commission in Kenya - everything we were supposed to do. It was for him to meet my family in April as we are pregnant with our first child. As the pandemic hit and we were still awaiting to hear about his visa, which we were advised was still being processed, I was diagnosed with a high risk pregnancy and returned to Australia for medical care. Our initial application was at least 60-70 pages long, because of his nationality we had to prove alot. We have since applied online for the exemption, noting our original application. I have called immigration in Australia twice, and both times have been referred to the High Commission in Kenya (which is closed! and has been since late March) and they cant even tell me that they actually have the application. It's like it has just disappeared into thin air - although of course, they have taken the money for the application fees..

I know we are all in emotional times here and our circumstances are no more special than anyone elses. We now need to make the decision that I birth alone in 2 months with him missing our first baby entering the world and the first couple months, or I travel to his country to birth (where I'm accepted with open arms) and my life is at a great risk. I am an Australian citizen, with Tanzanian residency. We don't want to stay in Australia where he is clearly not welcomed, but are begging for just a little compassion over the next few months.

hi Nomes

Gosh that is hard situation to be in. Given you are having a high-risk pregnancy Id stay in Australia, unless you can access good medical care in Kenya. Hopefully over the coming 2 months the Kenyan Embassy/High Commission will open and your partner might be able to get here.

So sorry to hear of your stressful situation and the difficult choices you are having to make.

That's super kind of you - thanks for taking the time to respond to me.

Not the ideal time to be pregnant, and to a black partner! For sure our lives need to come first. Thanks again for your support Gillian43

My advice to anyone applying for exemption is to keep applying but input a flight date that is no more than 3 days from current date. We got our exemption on second try using this method. Our first attempt failed after supplying more documentation and then hearing nothing for 2weeks. Over the 4 emails I received from ABF they were from 4 different people. There seems to be no connection between cases and case officers at ABF.

Everyone seems to have no problem getting an immediate rejection and request for more information. However after supplying more information if flight is longer than 3 days out it seems all replies just get lost and not followed up on.

Its sad that we are forced to game the system but people are missing flights because of the system HomeAffairs put in place which is clearly inadequate.

I have the same experience! Still waiting for an exemption for the travel date of yesterday. So reapplied today with travel date tomorrow. Hopefully they are working on public holidays.

Ive put a date down for tomorrow as well. I put an a new application on Thursday.... I really hope we can get out of here! I'm sure they are working today, Queensland does not have a public holiday today and they might have a team processing it from qld.


Thank you for your words of support, I tried to include everything I could think of, I had to convert all 18 pieces of evidence to reduced PDF format so that I could upload them all :-).

My employer has been very understanding and has given me the option of deferring my long service leave if we don't get our exemptions. However, that door is closing, due to the delay in getting a response from ABF they have had to advertise my job just in case we get the exemption and they are left in the lurch. Once the contract is signed that's it I have to take my LSL even if I am stuck here for the entire 7 month period.

I certainly hope they make a decision sooner rather than later for all of us.

Good luck with everything. Please let us know how you go


Does anyone know if dual nationals need an exemption in order to return to their other country? I can't seem to see any mention of it other than "if you're ordinarily a citizen to another country" etc.



In some cases yes. There are a few dual nationals on here, it's worth scrolling up and reading their posts to see what they did to get their exemptions.

Good luck

Yep, just spent an hour reading through those. Seems like everyone is in the same boat regardless of circumstance and "right." Seems like a considerable amount of time has passed from some of these posts though, has the processing by HA seemed to improve?

Alright, at the airport and got our exemption as a family! Not an easy process, we applied and used an agent. We applied about three weeks ago for departure today the 8th. Also booked our flights for the 8th three weeks ago. Only put in one application with a lot of documents. Lost my job, cancelled lease , responses from several interviews that they weren't hiring at the moment, documents showing we shipped everything to our house in France, ownership documents translated stating we own our house with some local French bills. On top of that a lot more. Our agent was very confident we would get it, but this morning we hadn't heard anything yet, nor had our agent. So we called home affairs general number and very luckily got someone very helpful on the line (previously spoken to people that wouldn't help a single bit so you have to get lucky with whom you speak to) and he told us we got approval on the 6th already. Still, no email or other communication from them. Plus it turned out we're 4 but my eldest son he couldn't see an approval for even though the application was linked so we had a chance we couldn't travel. We took our chances at the airport and in the end they got us the papers even though we didn't receive the email, but could see in the system we got approved. Still, a very stressful day, but if you haven't heard from them by departure date it might be they just didn't send the email address or not at all. Anyway, we're off in a few hours! All the best to everyone, I just hope not everyone will send 10 applications as you are just delaying the entire system and make it more painful for everyone as HA will just get swamped with requests they can't process all in time... Consider putting application earlier than actual departure date, but we didn't want to do this as the departure date wouldn't match our booked flights. Still, you are entitled to a full refund if you book Qatar and you don't receive the exemption by the departure date so you can wait longer for approval or make another attempt...

Whoa! That is so fustrating that they didn't email you back! But great that you can leave now!

Did you put in separate applications for all of you? I'm trying to leave with my husband and we put in separate applications but am not actually sure that it is necessary as you have to state in your application if you leave together with family.

Used an immigration agent to help us out, four separate applications, but all linked. Our agent told us it was necessary to put in separate applications. Good luck all, and again, please don't put in a dozen applications to increase your chances as you just stuff it up for everyone

hi Neto

How did you link the applications for each family member?

Well done neto.

Regarding your French documents - house ownership papers etc. - may I ask if you had them translated, and if so how?

I also have French documents that I need to submit - house ownership (my parents), their ID cards, and assorted medical documents (the reason I am trying to go).

Hi all,

I put a new application on Thurs 4th of June, with a date of intended departure on 9th of June (Tuesday) which is today. No news.

I was supposed to move to Sweden late March and booked a flight ticket back in Feb. I have residency in Sweden based on family ties to my partner which I haven't seen in over a year.

This would be my third time applying. First time they asked for personal effects moved which I included in my second request, however with a intended date of 04 July, so I haven't heard back. I put in a third request with a new date and new departure port from Brisbane. Sweden is now opened up to people with "family" visas from non-EU countries so I need to get there asap.

This is really annoying, as I need to get to Sweden now to keep my residency... in normal times you need to be there within 2 months, of course there will be leniency now but it's been 4 months since my visa has started and I'm getting a bit worried.

I'll leave an update as to whether my application has been approved or not - I'll probably give a call today or tomorrow to home affairs, but by the judge of these comments I wouldn't be surprised if I don't hear back today.

Is there any possibility of making contact with Border Security at the Airport to check if you have been given the exemption. It seems that not everyone is getting email confirmations, and I have found it difficult to get information from the Dept of Home Affairs.

In terms of personal effects - not everyone wants to ship stuff. I have moved countries a few times, and after the last move I decided I would not ship furniture etc again. I hope this isn't being used as a criteria..

how did you get on SACA, did you get a flight out? Did you get assistance or information on the progress of your application?

Hey Gillian,

I never received any confirmation yesterday or this morning. I've just got off the phone to home affairs and they couldn't help me, they didn't even ask for my reference number to check. They pretty much told me to wait and that my application would be at the top of the que...

It's making me question that maybe I put a wrong date in? Or just that they are handling it with massive delays...

When I told him that it's been over a day since my intended flight date, he did seem to indicate that I wasn't the only one to not hear back by the intended travel date.

I see there is another thread on Whirpool: https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/36pn5lk3?p=9 where one person didn't ship anything but wrote a lengthy reason as to why no personal effects have been shipped. May be a possibility to get around that criteria.

This experience is scary and stressful. I am a dual British and Australian Citizen. Until this point I never realised that Australian citizenship could be disadvantageous. It cost an arm an a leg to obtain it...maybe it wasn't worth it.

I think its a huge oversight that there is no option for "permanent relocation back to country of other citizenship"/ "emigration" or similar, in the list for reasons for travel exemption. I am torn between selecting 'essential business' or 'compassionate'.

I guess there is some sort of international law, that says I am considered Domicile of Australia as I have been for the majority of the past 12 months, and therefore they may be responsible for me should I get into trouble overseas. However, I am financially secure and not planning to return or call on Australia for assistance, provided I am in England, where i have citizenship.

My plans to move back to England started in Dec 2019, but its not a quick process and after selling my home, car, furniture etc, I wanted to secure my job in the UK before moving back. As of April my daughter has a place at a School there and I have a job which includes residence. Its a dream job for me, and a fantastic school for my daughter. We need to be there by August absolute latest.

My worry is that as a single parent I have previously had immense difficulties with the Dept of Home Affairs - in terms of passport renewals. While my daughter's British passport is renewed in a under 3 weeks, her Australian one has often taken up to 10 weeks, and included substantial red tape. I am concerned of similar difficulties with the travel exemption.

I put in an exemption on 26 May, but that was when I had one-way flights booked for 2 Aug. I am now going to fly out in July. I can't take the strain of not knowing. And its an awful situation, as many have found, to be trying to immigrate and not knowing until the day of the flight.

Has anyone been successful able to get an exemption recently. I have read through this entire blog, and its sounds as though since June things are getting really difficult and much slower. But I hope I am wrong about that.

Hi Gillian,

I think you just need to focus on building your case and sending it off to be approved for exemption at an earlier date. So far everyone has used a date which is earlier then their actual date. Most people on here I've seen have gotten exemption with persistence. I'm waiting on my visa application to hopefully go through, I'm moving to the uk with my boyfriend and I've already got 35-40 documents ready. I think you should also try calling home affairs and be honest you want to move and hopefully they will feel compassion. Another idea is a stat declaration confirming your story - signed by a justice of the peace/police or solicitor.

hi Sholynvberkel

Thank you for your message.

I submitted my application for travel ban exemption on 26 May. I included the following documents: Letter from Employer confirming job and residence included. Letter confirming daughter's enrolment at school. Letter showing she is unenroled from her Australian school. And a copy of the air tickets.

I can't show shipment of furniture, as I decided to sell most of it, and intend to take just 2 suitcases. The job comes with fully furnished accomodation.

Thanks for suggestion of getting a stat dec for myself - I will get one this week. And I am currently waiting to get a stat dec from my daughter's father (Brit cit, in uK) to confirm he supports the move.

I am finding this whole process stressful as well as bewildering. I feel so trapped, and I am not sure i will ever trust Australia after this experience.

I am in two minds about putting in another application, and or an earlier travel date as I don't want to clog up the system - but I think I will have to as I need to include the Stat Decs, and I guess also scans of our British passports. I will wait one more week. It worries me to hear that some people are putting in upwards of 30 pieces of documentation.

I have linked my daughter to my application, and I haven't put in seperate applications for each of us. She is 14 and we travel as a unit. Have any parents put in one application for parent and child?

Also, for those ask for further info, can you update your original application, or do you have to submit a new one from scratch?

How did you go? I am wanting to do the same.

hi Melbourne,

I have not put in a second application yet. Partly, I am worried about clogging up the system, but also concerned since there seems to be inconsistencies in approvals - so I don't want to be in a situation whereby the first application is approved and the second is declined - or something like that. I have decided to wait until 18 June, this is the date when I believe the travel ban will be reviewed. Though it seems likely that the travel ban will be extended. It feels as though Australia is trying to be in the same position as New Zealand.

I would be happy to sign a Stat Dec or similar to say that I would not call on assistance from Australia in the first 6 months after leaving (which is possibly the time frame that I would still be considered a domicile of Australia) - or whatever the legal requirements.

I have written to my local member of parliament to ask that 'Emigration' or "emigration of dual citizen" be added as an option for Travel exemption application. I think the system would work much better if this option was available, as they could perhaps have a seperate team working on these applications.

Can't believe I am currently trapped in a first world democratic country!

Hi Gillian 43. I feel exactly the same as you. I feel like a prisoner..when all i want to do id go back home to uK. Its totally put me off australia and I never want to come back here again! UK are waiting for us all with open arms...and Australia stops us. Yett they bent over backwards to bring Australians home....to be with their loved ones! Im putting in my second application next week and praying it will be accepted. I have 3 married children there...7 grand children and my first great grand child on the way.plus..my mum..who's nearly 91. I just cant understand why we have to beg to leave! Its honestly made me hate Australia now. Good luck my friend. X keep us posted

hi Mirfield1955,

Its a hard way to leave Australia under these circumstances, because its so stressful and its hard not to have negative feelings. I feel a bit that way myself.

It would be good if there was some transparency - perhaps an explanation as to why emigration is prohibited - is there some legal obligation that the country has? Or why?

Good luck with your application :)

I really empathise with your plight. This is a very stressful and frustrating situation and only makes me feel resentment and anger towards the government, the media, and the small but vocal throng of red-necky uninformed sheep that keep screaming to keep the gates locked.

Taking a hopefully not too optimistic view... Perhaps the dept of HA knows something we don't, and international flights are about to open in July so they are not bothered about the massive backlog of requests, knowing that it will be a moot point once the door opens. Perhaps too hopeful, but one can dream.


I have applied for my son aged 17, to go to the USA for 6 moths from June to December for an elite sports program and Year 12 high school diploma. So he is the main applicant and I am applying as his official guardian.


1st May -Applied for 16th July travel

6th May - Unclassified request for a letter from the school in Texas

12 May - New application sent with the letter

21st May - Attended emergency visa interview at the US Consulate approved B2 tourist visa for me and F1 Students visa for my son (awaiting processing)

22nd May - Put in joint exemption request for me and my son to travel 2nd June

No rejection, no request for more information. Still nothing since 6th May

Its so scary, and the thing is that I have read through this forum and I see that there is evidence that applications are being processed according to flights, but firstly it would be ideal to have one or two more options: for e.g. "emigration" and perhaps "essential education". I think it would help the process if there were a couple more options as teams could be developed in the Dept of Home Affairs (DHA) to work in specific areas.

As much as I understand that the DHA need to process in terms of flights, I actually feel that there should also be some accomodation for those of us putting in a application early. Because so much is riding on this, we need to know early.

I would like to spend my last few weeks in Australia soaking up all that I have loved about the country, rather than feeling anxious, and angst ridden by feeling trapped.

I hope your son gets the exemption. Even if you can't go (which I hope you can) - at least I hope he can get out. Its so stressful isn't it?

Thanks Gillian,

Problem is that he is considered to be a minor as he is under 18 and attending high school. It's a private school but non boarding, he is not staying with a host family so if he doesn't have an official chaperone he won't be able to go.

So unbelievably stressful no word for over a month now, it's crazy.

Hope you get a response soon, fingers crossed for you :-)

Thank you. Fingers crossed for you and your son.

My daughter needs to start her GCSE's and she is already behind due to the different school systems. She needs to get there by Sept.

I really hope you and your son can get the exemption. So important that he doesn't miss this opportunity.

Thank you, I will keep you posted :-)


For travel on June 12th!

I called the 131 881 number this morning they said they couldn't help me, but who knows, maybe it bumped up my case?

I am so stoked

Failed firstly on humanitarian then got it on urgent and unavoidable!!!

All the best everyone

hi guys, just got my application approved, the answer came in about 24 hrs before my departure, although i waited a month for the answer.. this was my second application. Does anyone here know if at Melbourne airport what the departure procedure is, do they check your supporting documents etc, do i need to bring them? cheers

@pattbb, under what circumstances was your approval?

work and to be with my partner (had planned to live overseas for th next 6 months )

hi Pattbb

That is sounding promising. As I am applying on the basis of permanently returning and taking up a job in England (and my 14yr old is enrolled in school there)

If I get the exemption I am going to print out all my supporting documentation and take it with me - just in case.

Are you a dual citizen?

Lucky you!

Are your circumstances too personal or can you share the documents you provided?

I provided proof I no longer have a job in Oz, that I have a job offer in France, that my furniture was shipped, that I was changing residency... but not sure if they are expecting anything else...



Please explain that travel exemptions are being prioritised based on the applicants intended travel date and their circumstances. Ms X can expect to be contacted when a decision is made which is generally 48 hours prior to the intended travel date.

If Ms X does not receive an outcome within 48 hours of their intended travel, you have confirmed that their request is complete and that they feel that they meet a current travel exemption, please feel free to contact the PLN. We request that any enquires outside of this scope be managed by your office with the information above. However if you have a specific question concerning this process or an enquiry that is unusual please let us know.

If an applicant has been refused a travel exemption it is because the circumstances and evidence presented were assessed against the current grounds for exemption and found not to meet them. Whilst an applicant can lodge a further travel exemption request with additional supporting material, if they have already provided all relevant evidence and their circumstances have not changed, it is unlikely that they will receive a different outcome at this time and will need to consider deferring their travel until the restrictions are no longer in effect.

Above is the response provided by the Dept of Home Affairs to my local MP in response to my request to look into the process for those emigrating. Its not overly comforting.

So whats the chances if Aus opens up a 'bubble' with NZ that people start using that as an escape point?

unfortunately.. won't help those us trapped in Queensland, thanks to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk..

Unfortunately it seems to be a competition between states and political movements to ensure we have no cases and pray and hope we have a vaccine to be able to distribute by 2022 to the population.

As DR Ian Frazier university of qld (hpv vacciné) has noted, we will slowly need for those less vulnerable to obtain the virus At some stage , whilst protecting the vulnerable. Are we prolonging this? Flattening the curve seems to be something to hold onto and was used not to drown the health system . There is nobody in our icu's.

The data was are using is incorrect to create our models, which has also managed to play into the decisions around the full travel ban.

The 0 people with the virus is rubbish and something for politicians and the media to champion.

New Zealand is practically virus free and as far as I can tell is not banning citizens travelling overseas.

In fact its countries like North Korea which have this

Hi all,

I finally got an exemption! 2 days AFTER my intended travel date for 09/06. It was approved 7.45pm on 11/06. Not really sure as to why my application was processed in a delayed manner.

Ctrl + F my username to see my circumstance from previous comments.

Now I can finally reunite with my partner who I have not seen since feb last year, I'm so relieved. Don't give up!

Hi Saca - I read through your situation as it is very similar to mine. I had plans to move back to my home country in April to reunite with my partner but due to the lock down all plans have been put on hold. With your personal effects document, can I pls ask if you provided quotes of shipments or receipt of confirmed shipment? I cannot ship my goods until I hear back from ABF but I have taken some quotes.

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone had received an exemption for a loved one coming to Australia?

I'm applying under health reasons which I believe exceed by a mile compassionate reasons.

Any advice, stories or suggestions would be much appreciated!!!!

Thanks for your time!

Good to hear that a few people got their exemption yesterday! I am still waiting for a response with the travel date for the 7/6. Reapplied with a travel date for the 9/6 and got that application flagged as urgent, still no response. Ended up buying flights for tonight and called home affairs to let them know yesterday, they said they would write it on my file and that they normally get back to people before their booked flight. I still havent heard anything! I'm starting to think they're ignoring me.

Some people in here got their approval for flights on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th (which is great, I am happy for you) but why havent I heard back for my intended travel date on the 7th yet???

There seems to be no system whatsoever!

Reading through all of these comments shows just how distressing having to apply for a travel exemption is. I understand the need for Australia to protect its borders and not wanting people to travel overseas for holidays, however insisting that citizens and residents need to ask permission to leave the country (which is a human right) to see sick relatives, take up job offers or migrate and having to supply very personal information in order to do so is just wrong. The fact that many people have not even heard if they have been granted an exemption by the date of their flight is incredulous. I can't imagine how stressful that would be.

I have therefore sent an email to Peter Dutton, the Home Affairs Minister, outlining the above factors and directed him to this article and the comments to show him how people have been affected by this. I have asked him to consider scrapping the ban and instead introducing an advice of 'do not travel' like New Zealand has in place.

If you would also like to email him and do the same, please go to the web address below


"insisting that citizens and residents need to ask permission to leave the country (which is a human right) to see sick relatives, take up job offers or migrate and having to supply very personal information in order to do so is just wrong."

Couldn't agree more!

Thanks Lough, I am just so furious that we all have to go through this process. People are going through such a stressful time in their lives and having to deal with this just compounds it.

The government need to scrap the travel ban and introduce a 'do not travel' advice only, and if people choose to go overseas for holidays and return in a few weeks time (easily proven by looking at their passports and database), they need to enter quarantine hotels and pay for the stay themselves.

I agree that this process is really frustrating and makes me annoyed too.

I guess the problem is that if people go on holiday and come back with the virus than its not just the costs of quarantine (which they should definitely pay for themselves) its the cost of the 0.4%?? that get really sick from the virus and the resources required for putting them in intensive care.

I wish the Dept of Home Affairs/Board Security - could have more people working in there though, and that instead of thinking its ok to give an outcome 48 hours before - they were under guidance to give it 7 days before (at least).

emigrating to another country is stressful enough without not knowing if you can get out until only 48hrs before. Plus -- how safe is the huge amount of personal information that we are providing?


"however insisting that citizens and residents need to ask permission to leave the country (which is a human right) to see sick relatives, take up job offers or migrate and having to supply very personal information in order to do so is just wrong."

It is a human right to leave one's own country but it's not an unrestricted human right. By international standards, the most relevant treaty on these specific human rights is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). It deals with the right to leave one's own country in Article 12. It establishes that right, then makes a very important qualification, giving the state a provision to restrict the right to leave one's own country during a public health emergency, among other things. So a pandemic clearly activates that particular provision.

The reality is that COVID-19 has destroyed lives throughout the world and, in some countries, destroyed healthcare systems which has led to plenty of otherwise preventable deaths. We're very fortunate in Australia to have avoided this. In Sweden, a country with has less than half Australia's population, well over 4000 people have perished on account of COVID-19 and its complications. Swedish cities have considerably less population density stats (by area) than Australian cities. There, 472 fatalities per million have occurred.

Imo, the travel ban (with the possibility of getting an exemption) is necessary. I genuinely don't think that all of Australia can be counted on to heed mere guidelines for not flying. The government needed to enact measures to genuinely weed out non-essential travel. This, they've done. And so far quite successfully.

A few close family members of mine work at doctors in Australia. My understanding is that they're very happy with how this has been handled (having been especially pessimistic about the Federal Government). There's another doctor in this thread who has said similar - they appear to agree entirely with the travel ban.

It's unfortunate that people have to furnish ABF with personal details (albeit necessary). I think where ABF deserves criticism is for taking so long to grant exemptions. I don't think it's fair to wait until the day of a person's flight to give them the nod. This thread has revealed that a number of people have genuinely needed to go overseas or leave Australia. I think they should have been permitted to leave, far earlier. They clearly have had compelling reasons to leave.

But, on the whole, I think that the way Australia has handled COVID-19, even with the travel ban, has been excellent. When it comes to human rights (in other areas), Australia deserves a TON of criticism. But not for the travel ban. That has worked.

PS - read your other comment. All the best to you and your, son. Hopefully his exemption is granted soon.

There lies the problem, you think Australians can't be trusted to heed guidelines. I thought we lived in a democratic country, but It's the nanny state mentality that creates mistrust and makes people rebel.

I guess it's like the lockout laws that killed sydney as an international destination for young people.

NZ don't have a ban and trust the advice of the medical experts and their leader and they seem to be able to follow guidelines. I would like to think we would do the same.

At no point should all these people have to go through this process and share such personal details and beg for an exemption.

It is also really hard to take when we will let international students in the country as part of phase 3, but continue to allow families to be separated from each other. I do understand the economic implications for universities, but this does't really sit well with me knowing this happening.

Sweden has taken their own approach and cannot be judged for another 12-24 months. The people of Sweden seem to be happy with their approach and have only conceded they could have done better with age care facilities, which is the same in Australia and throughout the rest of the world. The low numbers Australia has seen was helped by the fact that our tourism industry was killed last summer by bush fires.

The rest of the world may still be sitting there hoping for a Vaccine that may never come, by that time media outlets will stop pumping us with incorrect data models and we won't care to have this conversation as they would have moved onto their new shiny toy.

I had an initial intended travel date of the 16th July. Asked to provide more info on the 6th May. Sent requested letter on 12th May with revised travel date to the 2nd June and I haven't heard anything since the 6th May. I have entered subsequent applications for travel on the 5th June and then for today 11th June as our situation changed due to visa status and the course start date changes in Texas where we are heading. As of 10am on 11th June (Our reported flight date) still nothing :-(

It's interesting to read everybody's experiences. My daughter is a permanent resident of Australia, and a resident of the Netherlands too. She is studying at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and lives in a flat in Rotterdam NL. She came to Australia at the end of March when the University closed due to COVID-19. She wants to return again in August. I cannot see that she needs an exemption (she ordinarily a resident of another country), but somebody at Flight Centre told me that she may have to. She's applied and is waiting for a response.

hi Annagreen

It depends how many days your daughter has been resident in Australia over the past 12 months. I believe that if its less than 6months, then she will be able to fly without an exemption.

Do you mean she wants to attend University in Netherlands in August?, or do you mean she just wants to go to Netherlands for a few months, then return to Australia in August to attend university here? - cause that is a whole different ball game, and probably best to stay in Australia

HI Gillian43

Thank you, that is very helpful information. Yes, she wants to go back to attend Uni in the Netherlands in August 2020, or late July 2020. She will remain there to complete another year of study, and then only return to Australia in July 2021 to complete an exchange program. She will only return to live in Australia upon the completion of her studies in 2022.


Thanks for sharing. I've had a similar experience. My first application filed about four weeks ago received no response. My second application was approved yesterday for intended travel today. I called the home affairs twice before my second try. Not very helpful responses from the customer service. My application materials include my container arrival notice, password, lease for temporary accommodations, employment contract, work and residence permit in another country and intended flights. My main reason to travel is to take my job overseas. It's been stressful time for everyone involved. Thanks!

hi Ben,

I am in a similar situation. Pls let me know when do you need to start your job? For mine they want me there by start of August. But as this is such a big opportunity and I can't stand the stress of not knowing, I have decided to bring my flights forward to next week - and spend July with my cousin in England. So my question is: when does you job start and how much time before it starting are you arriving.

Thanks for any info.

Hi Gillian43,

For my job overseas there is some flexibility. In the application I stress that I need to travel outside of Australia to get employed. No employment in Australia now. Hope it helps. Good luck and thanks!


Just a follow-up message. I departed Australia via Sydney last week, with a last-minute change of my departing port of Melbourne. Only the change of flight tickets. There were only four international flights departing from Sydney on the day. The airport was eerily quiet.

First, I went to counter A to show my exemption to travel email. An officer checked out the details and provided another piece of paper. Then I went to the Emirates counter to check in. A health declaration form was filled out. My luggage was checked through to the final destination. Someone on the forum mentioned that checking through was not possible. From my experience it's possible now. It's required to wear masks on the flight. In Dubai airport I was reminded to wear the gloves, too. Emirates sent out masks, gloves, sanitizer and cleaning wipes for passengers. Overall, it's an unusual and maybe new normal way of traveling.

At the Sydney airport one old gentleman wanted to move back to his original country in Europe after forty years in Australia. He did not know it's required to get an exemption to travel outside Australia. His son or grandson applied for an exemption on his mobile phone...

Good luck and thanks for sharing!

I applied for the online " Request for travel " on May 6th for a flight out of Australia to the United States on June 12th 2020.
I received Authorisation to fly out today (June 11th )from Home Affairs today ,via email.
I booked my flight the same day as i applied for the "Request to Travel " The flight was from Sydney To Manila , with a connecting flight to JFK New York for June 12th .
On May 21st , the first leg of the flight was cancelled , and on the 27th of May the connecting flight cancelled too.
So i will not be flying out on the 12th June obviously .
Due to my circumstances i am now looking at flying out to the US in the month of August or September .
Does anybody know if there is a certain time period in which i must fly out ? After all i was granted to leave at a certain time ????? Beneath i have posted a copy & paste portion of the email i received pertaining to this .
It does not specify time periods per see .
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help , much appreciated

Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change.

Just spoke to Michael at the Office of Home Affairs. Really nice guy, tried to be helpful took my reference number and asked questions about my case. Although he said that the Department is trying to respond before the applicants reported travel dates they are swamped at the moment and sadly the bottom line is that we have to put our lives on hold and just wait :-\

Hey ACE1,

I have literally spent most of this morning trying to find this exact answer. I'm an AU permanent resident, with a Dutch passport who has been living in Scotland since 12/2018, but got stuck in AU while on a holiday. I've been told to play it safe and apply for the travel ban exemption, which I did last week, but have not heard anything further and am growing anxious as I had hoped to catch a flight on the 26/6. (I'm starting to wonder how likely that will be.. ) Which number did you call? I've been looking everywhere for one.


Hi @NataliePK

My daughter is in a similar position. AU permanent resident & Dutch resident. She normally lives & studies in the Netherlands but came to Australia when the Uni closed due to COVID. She wants to return to the Netherlands in July/August to continue with her studies. I can't see that she would need exemption but she was also told to play it safe and apply.

Somebody replied to my comment saying that as long as you haven't been in Aus for longer than 6 months you won't need exemption. But I prefer having something on paper confirming that.


Hi NataliePK

I saw another post somewhere where someone in a similar situation to you went to the airport and the Border Force was able to check how long they had been in Australia - and as it just less than 6 months, they were allowed to fly out (without an exemption). Risky I know.

You do NOT need an exemption as you have spent less than 183 days in Australia in the last 12 months. Don't listen to what others tell you. read the info on the Australian Border Force website. It is very clear that the ban does NOT apply to people who are resident overseas. Resident overseas is defined as having spent less than 183 days in Australia during the last 12 months up to the date of departure from Australia.


I called 131 881 and chose selection number 4. He wasn't really able to give me much information but it was just good ta talk to someone and confirm what I suspected.

Good luck

Got my approval today after eight attempts! Such a relief! Good luck to you all! Just don't give up!

That's awesome!

what category did your request fall into? Was it under "urgent personal business" or was it "compassionate or humanitarian"?



Great news! Congratulations :-)

May I ask, was the exemption in relation to your most recent application or one of your earlier ones?

The most recent one.


Can I ask if you received a decline each time?

no. only got one response to my first request asking for more info then no news for the subsequent 6 requests. called Home & Affairs on 9/6 (not really helpful though) and re-submitted my request same day with a 12/6 travel date. won the lotto yesterday.

Hi all,

I'll begin by saying how important this discussion feed has been in keeping me sane and giving me hope. Even when you read all the ones that have been successful and they say 'Don't give up hope.' but you feel like giving up, DON'T. It WILL come. I finally received my exemption today after a very stressful couple weeks! Here's how my experience went.

I am relocating to the UK to be with my partner (planned well before COVID hit). I provided my UK visa, original one-way flight ticket, job termination, UK tenancy agreement and the fact that my entry window was closing on the 26th June.

I put my initial application in on 26th May for intended travel on 22nd June on compassionate grounds. After a week I didn't hear back, called HA and got the usual response and the suggestion that I could put in another application as they process them according to date.

I put in a second application on 6th June with intended travel on 11th June on compassionate grounds and beefed up my explanation. Hadn't heard back, kept calling and was helped by quite a few at HA checking if I was on the approved list but to no avail, with the answer of just sit tight.

I put in a third application (3rd time lucky, right) on 9th June with intended travel on the 12th June this time on urgent personal business. This whole stressful process of not knowing when I'll see my partner, not knowing if I'll miss my entry window and anticipating I'd have to pack my life up in under 48hr. . . has been exhausting and the last few days I've just wanted to give up but persistence pays off! I called HA this morning and got through to the lovely Christina who listened to my situation, asked the normal questions but continued to ask even more questions. She put me on hold and then told me to check my emails, and there it was, the golden ticket! My third application (on urgent personal business) with intended travel date of the 12th June had been approved.

I don't think there is a right or fast-tracked way to do this. I don't think this whole process was thought out at all and I don't think it is fair. What I do think is that if you persist, if you stay positive and if you chase up with someone at HA (maybe on the day of intended departure??) you will get an answer. Good luck to everyone, trust in the fact that IT WILL COME, I empathise with you all and I hope that people continue to write their experiences here because it certainly was my saving grace.

@OutboundAL hello!! so happy you have been approved. I must ask you why did you change to compassionate to urgent personal? what did you write to make it personal business? I'm in the same position as you, im waiting on approval of my visa, but I am relocating to live with my boyfriend in the UK. Would my vignette be a reason for personal business that is urgent? as it would be 30 days time limit to enter the uk to get my BRP. They responded to me on compassionate grounds to supply more documents. I'm just unsure if i should reply to my old application and try there or complete a new one under urgent.

Thanks :)

I changed to personal business because I was desperate and figured I may as well try something different.

I'm thinking maybe you got knocked back because your visa hasn't been approved yet? I did say it was urgent because my vignette entry window was coming to a close so that could've been why they approved it.

Definitely give HA a call and see if you can talk to someone, otherwise, I reckon try another application under urgent business.

@OutboundAL omg that makes me soooo hopeful!! I am nervous my visa wont be approved, but i did it last week so once it does hopefully get approved i will reapply under urgent personal business as i will have the same vignette window :(

perfect I'll call HA once i've submitted it. Did they give you info on how long the exemption lasts for? ive heard 3 months on the forum. I'm also freaking out because if i do enter the uk my vignette will only have 10 days to pick up right? just confused as we will be 14 days quaratine ?! oh well.. thanks again though so helpful :)

I think Visa centres have started opening up and it will get processed but there might be a back log. I did my UK visa in January and i think it took about two weeks. They didn't say anything about how long the exemption is valid but I wouldn't worry about that. If it had an expiry date, they'd mention it. I think by the end of this month, it could be a lot easier to get an exemption. With the BRP pick up, it does state 10 days but I'm pretty sure you can apply for someone else to pick it up on your behalf (I think) otherwise I did read somewhere that I think they are making a concession on the pick up because they know that you'll be in quarantine.


Hi!! Would love to know how you went or are going with this? I applied for my visa just recently and will be trying the exemption to be with my partner in the UK so I definitely want to hear how you get on with it and what documents you are going to provide.. praying we can get over there but this thread is certainly helping with the stress!

Hi Bianka,

I'm still waiting on an answer for my Youth mobility, I did pay $10 to email Uk government to find out how long exactly it will take, I also paid for SMS notification & courier service etc. They did mention it was in their hands and was under consideration which Im hoping is a good thing! when are you planning on flying? I'm going to attempt to leave as soon as I can get my exemption but my Visa date is 20th of July so its tough as I wish I could leave earlier. I've got over 40 documents ready to submit to ABF, but the sort of documents I have is a letter from my boyfriends parents confirming my stay, a lot of detail of our relationship (instagram, 3 FaceTimes a day log, photos of me with his family, my vignette, the application etc. It is hard, my boyfriends grandfather just had a heart attack a few days ago so I'm so stressed. But I feel we will all be able to leave if we have true, good reasons to leave. the Australian government I feel are more nervous of people coming in but it is possible I'm sure for all of us xx.

@sholynvberkel ahhh you sound like you are in the exact same position as me. I just applied for my visa and had my biometrics appointment on Monday, I'm also curious to know how long it will take however my visa date is 19th August. The documents you mentioned are the same as mine, it's hard for us because we have never lived together so there are no supporting docs like a lease in our names, bills or joint bank accounts it's really hard. We were planning on starting all of those things and our life in the UK together this year but then this happened. Our relationship is usually spending months at a time together at my place in australia or holidays but we don't own things together it's not easy to prove.

I'm so sorry to hear of your boyfriend's grandfather, I really hope you are able to leave. I don't know if this is allowed but I would love to email you direct, it helps to know you are in the same situation as me and are waiting on an answer. Fingers crossed for both of us. I am slowly gathering documents but am going to apply once I have the visa approved. I did just book my flight though and have been approved to work from home over there so just hoping it all comes together.

haha we do sound very similar!!! you can also get a statutory declaration confirming you story aswell :) i think justice of the peace, solicitor or police can sign this. you can download document online. Thats so similar to me, ive been with my partner 2 years but I was living in his flat where he was paying the rent and i paid for food so no real evidence that side. I am also uploading a screen grab of transaction history, we have a long list of me transfering money for food etc so thats another thing you can do :) oh ofcourse your very welcome to email me! Sholynvberkel@gmail.com I'm just waiting on my visa to apply for the exemption again.

I have hope for both of us, a girl above had her exemption approved i think on similar grounds. another good idea is also googling "evidence of relationship" through government website for defacto, that can help with finding more to confirm your relationship :)

Hi all, hoping I can get some advice :( I applied for exemption for compassionate grounds to go to US to spend time with my partner for july 7th. I haven't seen him since october 2019, the stress is causing not only mental fallout but i also have multiple sclerosis which is triggered by stress and subsequently it has set off problems with my heart. unfortunately my partner cant come here so desperate to get there as i am completely alone right now, it's a slippery slope with this disease so it is imperative that i have some relief and he be able to take care of me at this point. my question is, should I apply again? i need to purchase my fights asap. i haven't heard anything back, no request for further evidence but i definitely can't wait until the day before to hear anything and lose money, these are the only flights we can afford. is it worth applying for an earlier date to get a response but then flying on my original date? thanks much in advance. i don't want to clog up the system but my health is not in great shape, the less stress right now the better. has anyone in a similar boat had any success? :/

I think put in another exemption with an earlier travel date and also call HA. It really helps talking to a real person and they might be able to bump you up on the queue.

Good luck, keep persisting because it will come through.

Hi All , just had a very worrying call with someone from HA. He claims that you can't apply as a family even if you are travelling with someone under 18 and you have to put in separate requests. Is this true?

I'm sure I read on here that others have been granted exemptions for all family members or partners to travel together if they applied on the same form.

Please comment if you have any thoughts or experience of being granted an exemption as a family unit or as joint travellers.


Hey all,

I just wanted to let you know after being on hold for 25min I got through to HA today and the gentleman informed me that, with my situation (AU permanent resident, with a Dutch passport, who has been living in Scotland since 12/18) and as it states on the website, I didn't need to apply for the exemption to travel (perhaps that's why I haven't heard back yet?). I told him I had my suspicions, but that there has been talk of people still being turned away so I was weary. He said as long as I have as much evidence on me as possible (e.i. proof of residence, proof of employment, etc) I shouldn't have any issues. Even after hearing this (and having secretly recorded him, not that it will necessarily help me in any way other than feeling like I have a sneaky card up my sleeve should all go to hell!) I'm still anxious...

There is only one, 1-stop flight left leaving from Brisbane on the 30/6 and that is also the day my furlough ends, so I guess what choice do I have left other than to bite the bullet and pray for the best?

Go for it. I hope it all works out. Let us know if it does. Good luck.

hi ACE1

Thank you for this post. I am did read someone else on this forum who said that they were advised by an immigration lawyer to put in seperate applications for each family member. They did that and got the exemptions. And another post where a guy put in seperate, but only got emails for 4 members or something, but then went to the airport and the 5th member was allowed through after some checking or something..

I put one application in for myself and my daughter.. but now with your post, I think I better put in a seperate one for myself and another for my 14 year old daughter.

This stress is ageing! argh..

Hi Gillian43

I was stressing out so much that I had to call back and speak to someone else who took a real interest in my case when I told her how long I had been waiting. She said she would investigate further and see what she could do. I was on hold on and off for a total of 25 minutes where she took all my details email, phone number, address, passport details. She really built my hopes up as she was so thorough and kept going away, then coming back and asking more questions. She still just ended up saying sorry you just have to carry on waiting :-(

Anyway don't worry about your application she said that you can put in applications all together on one form or separately. Apparently it is purely a matter of personal preference which seems strange but everything about the whole process is strange.

On a more positive note, I emailed my local MP to ask if he could just look into the process and find out what is taking so long and I got the automated response about response delays from his office but then I got a personal email from him within minutes asking for my phone number. Seems promising but we shall see.

Hi I applied for myself husband and 2 kids all on one application and was successful. Good luck

Hi All

I don't want to pretend that I am a legal expert (I'm not) but I did some research and the term "ordinarily resident in another country" has a specific meaning in terms of the law. My interpretation stems from the definition described in this article:


Of specific interest is this: "An individual who is not an Australian citizen is ordinarily resident in Australia at a particular time if and only if:

(a) the individual has actually been in Australia during 200 or more days in the period of 12 months immediately preceding that time

So my interpretation is that you would be considered as "ordinarily resident" in another country (and therefore need not apply for an exemption) if you have not been in Australia for 200 days or more in the 12 months immediately preceding the date that you will be leaving the country.

In other words: Counting back from the day you want to fly out - if you haven't spent 200 days or more in Australia, you don't need an exemption.

I hope that helps?



Looks like QLD borders are opening on 12 July. So likely that the Trans Tasman Bubble will be operational by then, if not earlier in July. I wonder if leaving from New Zealand would be a possibility for dual citizens (who are not NZ)?

Oh boy! I posted an update but looks like it didn't upload.

Anyway good news! WE GOT IT!!!!!!! This was my final exemption submitted on 8th for flight on the 11th June.

Don't know if it was the 3 calls to HA or my MP whom I wrote to yesterday and received a very speedy personal response from but finally the waiting is over. So stoked, can't wait to share the good news with the rest of the family when they are all together.

Notice the policy change re departing port changes. This should make things easier for people having to contend with flight cancellations and should also help to clear the back log.

The very best of luck to you all, hang in there it will come :-)

For those of you new to the forum, ctr + F my username to see details of my exemption, timeline and documents submitted.

That's great news, happy for you. I am applying for a flight out next week. I have brought my plans forward as I am getting too anxious to wait until Aug. I just want to get to England and get settled in.


Thank you :-) Applying for an exemption with a flight date a few days after the submission seems to work, very best of luck with your application.

Bad news. The Australian government extended the overseas travel ban today until the 17th September. Hopefully in response they will increase the number of staff working on exemption applications so people find out sooner and are less stressed about the whole process.


After 4 applications never hearing back from any of them (under compassionate reasons) we finally got the exemption today after applying for a 5th time yesterday (under urgent personal reasons).

We had originally applied the 12th of may for a intended travel date on the 7th of june. Like mentioned above, never heard back until this last attempt.

We bought flight tickets earlier in the week as we heard it might help speed up the application process. Not sure what helped in the end. The persisent trying again and again, changing the box to personal reasons or that we bought flight tickets.

I broke into tears when we got the email earlier today. Now we are at the airport all ready to go. Good luck everybody.

Katharina I am so, so happy fo you. This has caused you so much unnecessary stress and anxiety, it must have been such a relief to receive that elusive email.

Wishing you all the best. Take care, Annie.

hi everyone,

I have rebooked my flights on Qantas Frequent Flyer, to use up my points (first time I have done this). Does anyone know how to get the e-ticket (I don't want to accidently 'check in' as the flight is soon). I need to copy of the ticket to attach to my application. I guess I only booked it recently, so it will probably come through on my email soon.

Doesn't matter now. The flight got cancelled this evening..

In desperation I booked with Singapore Airlines - but it has an 18 hour transit at Changi airport.. So I think I might try and cancel it and see if Emirates offers any alternative flights.

Between getting an exemption and flights (that actually fly).... this is stressful!


Fantastic news! so happy for you. I yelled, fist pumped the air and shed a tear myself when we got our exemption yesterday at 7:45 am. I was still in bed at the time, I woke my poor hubby up and scared the life out of my dog :-D

Oops! previous post meant for KaterinaK :-D


any advice on people applying for an exemption to leave Australia for a visa? Im currently on a Youth mobility tier 5 which was approved back in 2019. Applied for an exemption to leave on this basis however no response. Im not sure what else to do. The UK GOV told me that my vingette is extended till the end of the year but no one has processed that for me...no response from the UK Coronavirus Team. My girlfriend is in the UK too.

Are there any changed exemptions on Visa holders leaving the country? Is there something im missing? I mean im not coming back for another 2 years! I have no idea why i cannot be allowed to leave..

What date is your flight? I was told they aren't getting back to people until within 48 hours of their flight.

What date did you tell border force your flight was? Based on a lot of the comments, border force aren't letting people know if their application was successful until two days before or even the day of their flight.

Hello TokTraveller, please keep us updated cause my girlfriend is in the same situation. She is in Australia and will apply for a youth mobility tier 5 visa as well. We planned that as soon as she gets it she would fly here in the UK.

Wondering how it will go for you ! Best of luck.

What did you provide for them with regards to documents? Your visa only?


Travel date was on the 13th of June, thats long gone. I applied for the exemption 3 weeks ago from the leave date. I didnt want to book any flights incase i didnt get it...

My next plan is to find a job in the UK and sign a contract for a lease, once i find a job and start a lease i can provide both these elements as evidence... This is the only way in my opinion.

@Nrbish i wish your girlfriend luck!
I provided most documents like Visa, passport, birth cert, license etc

Good luck @TokTraveller.

Let me know how it goes. My partner is going to apply for the youth mobility visa on Tuesday and she's also looking for jobs at the moment in the UK.

We will have a shared tenancy agreement as well and a proof of address for her here in the UK so with all these things I am hopeful that they would allow her to come here.

God bless

I received my exemption yesterday, 18 hours before my "intended" flight date and time. I did one application 2 weeks prior, which included my wife and children. As previously stated, the email says that no need for another application if the flight details or port change. Hope this helps some people!

I am an Australian citizen but US permanent resident. I have been stuck here since March (staying with family) but need to return home to the US for my job in late July. I intend to apply for an travel exemption to be on the safe side. My itinerary is Adelaide-Melbourne-Doha-USA. My question is: Is my "port of departure" Adelaide or Melbourne? I would guess Melbourne, but it seems from other posts that ABF check your exemption status at check-in, which would be Adelaide.

Any insights much appreciated.

hi lachlans

Yes I have wondered this too. But it seems that recent exceptions have stated that flight date and departure port are not fixed. Whereas earlier exemption (in May) stated departure had to remain from the same Port. So my guess would be to put Melbourne (provided the state borders are open between Adelaide and Melbourne).

Lachlans - I put mine as Sydney via Adelaide. It let me type that.

I was approved a few days ago, and yeah below is right. It can change so doesn't matter so much what you write for that.

Gillian43 and getmeout2020 - thanks, that's very helpful.

getmeout2020 - can I ask how long your approval took, and how close it was to your departure date? My flight is July 31, but I plan to apply as soon as I have the documents together (copy of greencard, letter from employer and proof of residence).

I just off the phone to Dept of Home affairs to check on my application for flights out this Friday, and they said it hasn't been reviewed yet, and won't be until 48 hrs before the intended flight.

So you might not have your application reviewed until middle to/end of July.. but still a good idea to put in at least.

Hi there,

It makes me feel a little more at ease that everyone is struggling with communicating with the department. I have called a couple of phone numbers on the website but haven't been helpful. Does anyone happen to know if theres average of how long the exemption form takes to be approved or denied? Is there an email at least to contact them about this exact matter. I am a student hoping to begin my university studies in the US in August. Does anyone happen to know any stories of students trying to study overseas. Obviously if my exemption is denied I need to let the university as soon as possible. Any help at all would be great


My son (elite Australian representative athlete) and I have just been granted an exemption to study in the US (he is 17 so I'm going as his adult guardian) Our exemption is for him to complete year 12 study and to participate in an elite High School American Football Program. It is for the final semester of year 12 so he couldn't defer. It took around 6 weeks from the 1st application to our 5th one which I submitted on the 8th June to travel on the 11th June, came through on 13th June. I called HA twice the day before it came through, they basically said I have to just wait but they took all of our details, passports, reference number etc. I don't think they can do much though, was probably just a happy coincidence.

Best advice I can give you is apply early, submit 3 days before your nominated flight date with as much paperwork as you can (see my list below) put a date before you actually need to travel as approvals seem to be coming through after the nominated flight date. I think you will be fine as the Government is on the verge of allowing international students in so I'm sure they will let you out.

Good luck :-)

My Son's- Official documentation:

• School application payment receipt

• Verification of enrolment letter at School in Texas, USA (including course start and end date)

• I-20 form issued by the School (including course start and end date)

• I-901 SEVIS payment receipt

• F1 Student Visa confirmation page

• Visa payment receipt

• Emergency visa appointment letter

• US Consulate receipt for F1 visa processing

• Son's Birth certificate


• Local Sporting Champion Grant – Federal MP

My - Official documentation:

• Long service leave letter

• Leave without pay letter

• Visa payment receipt


• Emergency visa appointment email

All the best over there


Thank so much for you kind wishes.

US visa approved, just waiting for processing to resume so we can get the pages in our passports - And so the waiting begins again :-/

Hi - has anyone been successful in getting an exemption by not providing a confirmed ticket itinerary rather stating a date only when applying for an exemption? I don't have a confirmed ticket but want to apply by putting a date and attaching other supporting documentation.

Yes, I got our exemption by putting in a date with the intended flight number. I only bought my ticket AFTER getting confirmation. They state in the exemption email that a new application is NOT required if the flight date or port change.

Thanks for your response drechung. May I also please ask at which attempt you got exempted, that is at your first or after?

It was my first attempt at an exemption. Put it in 2 weeks before an "intended" date (but actually didn't book flights until after getting exemption).

That's Awesome. Thanks for letting me know

Hey , I got my approval yesterday however I needed to postpone it for 2-3 weeks. Will the exemption be valid by that time. How long does the exemption is valid for?

The exemption is valid for one time and no expiry date in the letter, until you use it one time, indefinite validity until you use it one time.

mine doesn't say any expiry so i'd say there isn't one?

please sign and share this petition to let people leave australia without begging.


Done. Thank you for organising this.

No one should have to ask permission to leave their own country. Even New Zealand don't have an overseas travel ban in place. Maybe the government should scrap the ban but in order to deter people from going overseas for holidays, keep the two week quarantine on return and charge those people who use it.

There are also frustrated people on the Facebook - "UK in Australia British High Commission in Australia" - might be another good place to add the petition link. On this FB page the British High Commission is advising about flight availability, seemingly unaware that dual citizens are struggling to obtain exemptions to permanently leave Australia.

Thank you for organising this.


Has anyone had any luck with either:

a) an exemption to enter Australia because they have not immediate family - aunts who are unwell

b) gained an exemption to leave Australia due to personal business - a new business that was recently started up in Sri Lanka?

Any help would be great!

I understand the exemption is granted closer to the date but I would like to know if anyone has had luck with either being exempted to enter Australia or to leave on these grounds.

The exemption to enter is for me, the exemption to leave is for another person.


I am desperate to find info on getting exemptions to enter Australia.

Have you any updates here?



Well as far as I've learnt it's that you have to place an exemption request on compassionate grounds etc and you have to provide evidence of why you need to travel now. I'm trying to desperately be able to travel now too and it's quite difficult to find out info! To my knowledge they don't respond if they think your request isn't valid enough either...

Have you had any luck?

Hi, Can someone here who has got the exemption and left to the US please tell me the current process at the airport?Where do they check your exemption? What happens with checking visa's/reason for visit etc. now? Thank you

Hi getmeout2020

I need this information too. I'm trying to get to the USA and would love to know what the situation is at Sydney Airport, but also what it's like when you get to the US.

@fillystar got their exemption and made it to the US and has posted some good info (Thanks fillystar!!) If you could tell us what the process was like at SFO airport I'd be grateful.

for any of you that have received exemption and have travelled on Air NZ to LA, any airport tips?

Hi all, has anyone been able to depart at a different airport than the one submitted in their application? I just got back to this discussion and I realise from everyone's latest comments there seems to a new process now where we don't have to re apply if flight details change or departing port changes. But I notice for exemptions received earlier in May there's no mentioning of the "departing port changes" part. I'm quite confused!

I got my exemption early June and it says the departure port has been notified and that I do not need to reapply if flight details change, but doesn't mention anything about the port either way. I see now people are getting exemptions that specifically say they don't need to notify if the port changes...so must've been a policy change in the last week or two.

Thanks Stephanie for your reply. It seems so, they have changed it to include departing port changes as well which is a great as a lot of people have to take transit flights at different airports. Do you know for us receiving the early exemptions if we have to apply again if our port changes? I called HA and everyone has been really nice but they weren't able to give me an exact answer. They kept saying we wouldn't have to reapply if flight details change, but when I ask what about departing port changes they seem to keep repeating the answer that the exemption would still be valid even if flight details change...Can't confirm if departing port belong to flight details.

oh my gosh, I am so stressed that I am feeling almost tearful. every time my email notification sounds I leap up to see if its anything from Dept of Home Affairs.

By tomorrow I will be within the 48hrs window before my flights. My actual flights which are booked (not thru Qatar and not that easy to change). a window of 48 hours for moving back to another country.

I really wanted to spend my last days in Australia enjoying this time, and relishing memories with family that live here, instead I am so anxious I feel my face is drawn and my back is in knots.. My family in England is waiting on baited breath too..

Please can I get the exemption soon..

Sending you positive thoughts Gillian. Fingers crossed for you!

Oh GIllian, it's so stressful and unfair, you should not be feeling this way. Shame on the government and border force. Be positive. I'm sure you will be fine. Annie

Hi Gillian,

Would you like to try calling HA to ask for acceleration of your application? We put on our flying date for today on urgen personal business (moving back to Taiwan) and havnt heard anything from HA since late May. However, we called them again this morning and told them that we were within 48 hours before our departure (my husband almost lost it on the phone). The lady on the phone applied for acceleration of our cases in the end. Still havnt heard anything from them though, but it might be worthy. Good luck! Hope we all get our exemtions in the next few hours.

hi Katchao

I phoned Dept of HA on Monday, and they put me on hold for about 8 minutes and checked my application, when they came back online they said that it 'has not been processed' and they advised to put in a seperate application for my 14 year old daughter - which I did later that day. Yesterday when I phoned I was told that they provide an immediate response via email once the application has been processed, and that therefore, there was nothing more that they could tell me on the phone. As of today (Wednesday) i am in the 48 hour window, so I will try them again today, but I'll wait until the afternoon.

It sounds like Dept of HA needs to be provided with more staff. At least here in Australia (with limited community spread) these depts are operational.

Fingers and Toes Crossed.. for all applications in the works. Good luck.


Thanks Gillian. We feel the same.. HA really needs to have more staff at the moment. People have been missing their flights and have to rebook because of the slow process of HA...

Hi Katchao

I really hope you will receive the exemption soon! It's such as stressful process from applying till waiting for the result just a few days before departure...


Thank you so much. The whole process has been really stressing.. We are flying on Friday morning and so far havnt heard anything..

@katchao Hang in there I hope the approval comes today!

hi Lough and Annie,

Thank you so much for your support.

I still can't believe I am finding myself in this situation. It will leave an indelible mark on my experience of Australia if I miss those flights on Friday.

I would just like to share my experience. I have received my exemption to leave Australia on compassionate grounds to go to greece (i am only an Australian citizen) everything online had said that Greece were open to Australia from the 15th of june. When i got to the airport, got my exemption checked off by the ABF and attempted to check in, Qtar told me that greece had extended the ban of non eu nationals till the 30th of june. Point being if you are not a national of a EU country Qtar will not let you go on the flight even if the country claims to be open like greece is

Hi pattbb, I am also applying to travel to Greece on compassionate grounds. May I ask if you have immediate family in Greece? And did u provide them when your intended return date is? How long did it take for them to approve your application?

Also did Qatar end up rebooking you in with no charge?

I am also booked in with Qatar on July 1st however have not received my exemption to travel.. so would like to hear more about your circumstance and how u get approved

ive been applying for 2 months i got my exemption a week ago

Hi pattbb - Sorry to hear your departure got stalled.

However, I'm really interested to know what you believe the key was to your successful application. Was the request based on moving to Greece, or visiting a relative in need, or being with a partner...?

If you don't mind sharing, just high-level, I'd love to understand the general context of your application.

Thanks so much.

Visiting my partner in medical need.

Hi pattbb

I'm talking about the home affairs application. I know Greece will open by July 1st as I rung the consulate however I'm having issues getting my approval, or still waiting from home affairs.

Did you have to prove your relationship and what documents did you provide? Also they ask your intended return date, what date did you provide to them?

Did Qatar air tell u when Greece border will open for Australian citizens?

i would not be so sure about that, i have also visited the consulate and there is a high possibility that the EU could make greece push this date back even further, i also spoke to the foreign affairs office in greece, lets hope that is not the case though.

For home affairs i got approved on my 4th application, and yes i put my intended return date which was 6 months from entry as i would extend my shengan visa after the first 3 months was up. Qtars information was the 30th, and they rebooked me for the 29th, but they also said it was the 3rd time it had been pushed back. it was a very stressful experience at the airport.

supporting documents were holiday photos dating years back, reg relationship in australia, lots of random things but nothing completely offical, but i did start applying for this 2 months ago.

Thank you..! Please keep me posted once u know when u can fly. If u get to fly out 29th, don't forget to send me a message to keep me posted! I have my flights booked for July 1st!!

@pattbb I have received my exemption today..! Now just waiting for Greece to let Australian citizen to enter. I have my flights booked in on July 1st.. I've read that you have yours booked in on 29th. Are you just going to show up at the airport and try to check in? Did Qatar charge you change fee to RE book it a later date?

Also are u allowed to bring carry on bags in Qatar? Etihad didn't allow carry on except for laptop bag.

Paid a fee $60 to change. No carry on only laptop bag. Will do. Hopefully we will get an annoucemnt before then

Hey there pattbb, 

Thanks for your post - I'm in a similar situation and your insight might be helpful. 

I am looking to move to Belgium to join my partner. It looks like Australians are permitted to enter on the tourist Schengan visa for 3 months. Once I am there I can apply for a long stay residency visa with all the evidence of my relationship. However, like many I am uncertain if my exemption application will be approved. We also aren't married or registered relationship in Australia but have evidence of our relationship, his visit here and meeting abroad for holidays in the last year. 

Did you apply for the exemption with the intention to return after 6 months with the schengan visa already granted or were you going to get it on arrival in Greece? Did the Australian Home Affairs accept your application for exemption on the basis that you were joining your partner but you were entering on a schengan visa?

Just curious - i know the exemption to travel must be for trips of minimum 3 months but everyone on this blog seems to have been granted one way trips to migrate - and your situation seems different.  

Thanks in advance

Thank u pattbb,

I am in similar situation however I am not legally married and was asked to provide marriage certificate. I could only provide a lease in both names and also travel tickets of us traveling together, I'm unsure if this will be sufficient. I'm concerned my application will be knocked back due to this reason.

Also, did u tell them when u are expecting to return?

what application are you talking about? I had no issue with the home affairs application. my problem was that Greece advertised they were open to AUstralia, when infact the whole EU is closed 3rd country nationals. Qtar airways tried to send some info to athens border security but it wasn't enough

do you have an email address i can contact you on? i just spoke to Qtar at melbourne, he changed my flight to the 30th , he also seemed not very conninviced that the date wouldn't be pushed back

Hey Peanut88,

Did you end up being successful? I have even less official evidence of my relationship and wondering what my chances are? We have travelled across the world for each other but no legal documents as such. 

Btw guys, I've read somewhere New Zealand have closed exemption to travel due to travellers who brought coronavirus with them into to NZ (their reasons were to unwell family so totally understandable). But I do urge if people aren't feeling well with cold symptoms or are aware they know someone close who has coronavirus or symptoms to please wait or hold off your travels until your clear. There is so many people who are trying to get exemption, and all of us cannot risk it seems to miss the opportunity to get exemption.

The article I read was that NZ are ceasing exemptions to exit the mandatory 14 day quarantine early (no changes to travel exemptions /borders). Those two ladies from the UK, apparently left quarantine before the full 14 days as they were given an exemption to join family who were mourning the death of a family member.

But you make a good point, about being really careful about travelling and hyper-aware about any potential symptoms.

Hi all, I was wondering if any Australian citizens had been granted permission to leave Australia in order to take up a job offer overseas in a "non-critical" industry (ie not in the medical / scientific research industry)? I have received a job offer to work overseas starting in August and I was wondering if you had advice for me on what supporting documents to submit? I have already left my job in Australia to undertake this overseas post. I figure I ought to apply under the exemption "travelling for urgent and unavoidable personal business". Thank you.

You could check out my post on this forum. I don't know if education industry is critical or non-critical. Good luck!

JJust letting you guys know I applied for flights this morning STILL nothing. I highly recommend people don't purchase tickets! My intended date is actually july 7th, this was my 2nd application with earlier flight as I've had absolutely zero response. It's one thing to put this ban in place, but to not even process applications by the fly out date is ridiculous. I am trying to see my fiancè who I haven't seen since October last year

Reading this comment thread is very stressful! It shouldn't be taking so long for applications to be assessed and applicants should know their outcome long before their flight date.

I don't usually use twitter, but have tweeted Peter Dutton (Minister for Home Affairs), Scott Morrison, Greg Hunt, Jacqui Lambie and Pauline Hanson (although polarising, those two always seem to care about the little people!) as well as various news outlets. I have also contacted the Home Affairs and Border Force offices to let them know how long the process is taking and the stress and worry it is causing. It's probably useless but at least I feel as though I am doing something. Please join me. If we make lots of noise maybe they will make some changes.

Executive Traveller, is there any way that you could let these departments know that the ban is causing undue stress and anxiety amongst applicants?

I feel the same way! That's why I tried getting that petition started. It's up to around 130 or so singatures now... not huge but it's an indicator that a lot of people feel this is an untenable situation. Particularly seeing as the government quietly pushed the travel ban date back even further recently. It's enough to send me into therapy. That's not even a joke. :(

That's great. I've sent emails to a few journalists from Sydney Morning Herald and The Age as well as to 6 local MPs. The more we do about it the quicker it may change. If Executive Traveller could write something about this issue that would be helpful too.

Hi guys. This forum has been very helpful to me, so I thought I would post my experience.

I am an Australian citizen, but I normally study and reside in the USA. I am also a European citizen and my girlfriend lives in Spain. I want to travel to Spain and from there back to the USA.

I didn't want the uncertainty of having to argue for an exemption at the airport, so I applied under "personal grounds" but made it clear in the application I was really applying because I am ordinarily resident overseas.

I sent in lots of documents showing I have lived overseas (bank statements, USA visa, european passport etc). I made two requests. I am not exactly sure when I want to travel. One request yesterday for early July travel. But then I read here that they seem to only process requests in the 48 hours prior to the intended flight. So last night (16/6) I submitted a second request with an intended travel date of this Friday (19/6).

At midday today I received an email saying:

"Your request has been assessed as meeting the following exemption criteria:

  • Ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia

A discretion from a delegate of the ABF Commissioner is not required in this instance.

Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change."

So this is much better than just showing up at the airport and hoping. So I encourage everyone, even if they don't officially need to apply in advance for an exemption, to do so for peace of mind.

I also seemingly got lucky in how fast it was processed. Best of luck to all

Hey there, thanks so much for this info because I am in the same position. May I ask which reason/purpose you chose when filling out the exemption form? I am flying next week so also dont want to be rejected at the airport! Thanks so much for your help!

The problem with advising people to 'apply ahead of time for peace of mind' - which I totally understand - is that it means that those of us who actually do have flights out this Friday aren't getting processed. I have flights booked, they are not easy to change, I am 2 hours from the airport (a 4 hr round trip). I really need my application processed because I am ACTUALLY flying out this Friday. I understand wanting the peace of mind, I really do, but please. some of us really are flying out in 48 hours.

By 'ahead of time' I meant ahead of arriving at the airport, not months in advance. I will travel sometime in the next week, but now I have the exemption I can book. I do not mean to encourage people to blatantly lie about their travel dates to jump the queue. I hope they respond to you soon.

I'm sorry Erckle, and thanks for your response.

I am so stressed right now. I am not against the travel ban per se, but I really wish it was more efficient. So that it would be possible to put your exact travel date and get an answer at least 5 working days prior to departure.

I was on hold for 45 minutes this afternoon. I was told by the woman on the other end of the line that she was unable to process my application, but that she would request for it be be processed as a priority. I have also asked for help from my local MP and they have been very kind and supportive and said they will push the matter tomorrow.

This is without the worst possible way to leave country. I lived here for 14 years, and this has left such a bad taste in my mouth, I really don't think I will be able to feel positive towards Australia after this experience, not for a long while at least!

My 14 year old daughter is so stressed, she doesn't know when to say her last goodbyes to friends, she doesn't know if she should pack or not. This has been her home country for nearly her whole life so far. I should be supporting her with this transition, instead I am so stressed and upset that I am struggling to manage my own feelings.

As I say, I understand the rational for the travel ban, but please can the Govt support the Dept of Home Affairs so that they can get through the applications..

Hi everyone,

I am a Dutch citizen and Australian permanent resident. I want to fly out to the Netherlands within the next month or so. I don't want to purchase flight tickets in case I don't receive an exemption which will be on personal grounds (depression and anxiety).

Can anyone help answering if I can apply without having purchased flights? Can I put in an expected travel date and do I have to travel on that date should I receive an exemption? Has anyone else applied for a similar exemption and what documentation did you submit? Would a Dr's letter suffice?

I applied without having purchased flights. And the exemption says that it is valid even if your travel plans change, so you don't have to precommit to fly on the date you indicate in the application.

Can't help with the personal grounds though, as mine was due to normal residency overseas. I hope they let you though.

Thanks @erckle

So there is no expiry date on the exemption? Or any other restrictions?

The text is: "Your departing port has been notified that you are able to depart Australia. Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details change."

Seems to cover different dates. But not completely specific


I'm sorry to hear of your circumstances. Have you written to the NL embassy to ask them to make representations on your behalf? Even a letter from them, included in your application for an exemption would be something.

Your situation (being an Australian PR, but not citizen) is, imo, more difficult for the Department of Home Affairs to justify.

@sq or qf

Thanks for your response, I really appreciate it.

I'll be contacting the NL embassy today to see what they can do. Fingers crossed...

Does anyone know which airline i should be booking with if they got their exemption? Etihad is my usual but noticed they don't do flexible ticket........ so annoying. I was going to book with Emirates but noticed i had to check in separately for my flights including collecting my baggage which makes me nervous as prior to this ive never traveled alone let alone had to get my bags half way through, is Singapore airlines worth a try? nervous emirates will do that for all flights.

hi sholynvberkel

Not sure which port you are leaving from. Here in Brisbane, Singapore is only flying on Fridays for the time being, and there is an 18hour layover at Singapore airport. They allow for free change of ticket, or to cancel completely costs $130 per person and can be done right up to flight departure. I need to cancel tickets with Singapore.

I am booked with Emirates this Friday, I didn't notice that I had to collect my baggage and check in separately (Im going to check my tickets - thanks for the heads up). Can only check in at the actual airport with Emirates. I've already had my first lot of Emirites flights cancelled, which makes me a little nervous.

Qatar seems to have a good reputation and I haven't seen it getting cancelled much, and someone posted that they allow free changes.

Hey Gillian,

Thank you appreciate your reply! So far it seems a fair amount of flights leave Sydney to uk, I will maybe book with Emirates as I have noticed on sky scanner they are Flexible tickets. The flights I looked at were in July, maybe type the dates in for your flight this Friday on skyscanner to see if the note comes up, but in July majority say whole new checkin on the 2nd leg needs to be done :( amazing I will look into Qatar, I did also see on Etihad's website flexibility to tickets. Good luck this Friday!! Please post the experience.

I'm a dual citizen, with partner overseas in my other country. I've been trying to get out of Australia, applying for this exemption on different grounds, for over two months now. Provided all docs that I've got, including Statutory Declarations for what I haven't. Got 7 rejections for 10 applications, still counting. Missed two flights bookings. Called DHA, wrote to Peter Dutton, Scott Morrison, my local MP, Ombudsman, various news outlets, the Embassy of my other country, and Australian Human Rights Commission. Thinking of writing to International Right Commission, complaining of violation of ones fundamental right to enter own country of citizenship, by preventing from flying there by Australian Government. It should be possible at least for dual nationals to leave Australia, to go to their other country of citizenship.

Otherwise, running out of ideas where else to seek help, anyone?

Hi GK09,

So sorry to hear that :( that must be so tough. Can I ask under what grounds you are applying for an exemption?

urgent and unavoidable personal business, compassionate or humanitarian grounds, response to the COVID-19 outbreak and resident in a country other than Australia. For the last two, the Embassy provided a letter that I was to travel as part of my government provided citizen repatriation program due to COVID 19, as I was a citizen returning to my other place of residence, with my address listed (my partner's, actually).


Sounds as if you've given them a lot of documentation. Just in case you haven't provided a couple of things to ABF, I'll share my thoughts. If you have done all these things, then all I can do is wish you all the best.

Do you have a job overseas? If you do, I suggest asking your employer to write a letter saying that you're urgently required back in the other country (preferably by a specific date).

If you don't have a job, do you have a partner (or a friend or family member) abroad? Can you get them to sign an affidavit stating that they're prepared to provide for you. Then give that to ABF.

Do you have a property abroad or a lease agreement? If so, that's something to provide the ABF with. If you don't have either, can you get a partner/friend/family member to include in the affidavit that they'll put you up?

You can write to organisations dedicated to protecting human rights. But since the right to leave one's own country (even as a dual-citizen) is not an unrestricted right, they would probably be sympathetic but little more. According to the ICCPR, the state can prevent its citizens from leaving their own country when during a public health emergency. So, at face value, human rights aren't being violated in this instance.


Thanks for your thoughts and advise.

My idea was to complain not about violated right to leave the country, but the right to ENTER the country of citizenship. Australian Government's travel ban prevents me from entering the country of my other citizenship, especially when the other country provides support to return. Would that make sense?

As for collecting the docs from overseas, it was too complicated and in many instances impossible due to COVID19 related restrictions and quarantins, as all needed to be translated and notarised to be submitted, and offices closed around the world. Besides, I really don't need to quit my job, or sell property, or ship anything overseas, as I've been living in both countries for few years, and have everything set up and in place. And I seriously don't believe that ABF is concerned about who would provide for me in the other country.

Also, it's still not clear if there is a need to submit anything for returning residents in other country, and at what point. It says that there is no need to apply at all on that page.

Again, thanks, I really appreciate the discussion.


Apologies in advance for the long post. There's a lot to address.

"I seriously don't believe that ABF is concerned about who would provide for me in the other country."

I beg to differ. I think you're approaching this from the wrong angle. The ABF mightn't care, unduly, about your wellbeing. But they do care about you NOT coming back in the near future. They can't stop you from coming back. Their power is to stop you from going.

If you don't have a job or somebody to provide for you or independent wealth (which renders work unnecessary), the ABF are likely to act under the assumption that you pose a risk of needing to come back. They can't stop you from coming back.

To that end, it's sensible to try to prove you have one of those things. You need an ironclad case to make it clear that you won't be back and your life is abroad.

"As for collecting the docs from overseas, it was too complicated and in many instances impossible due to COVID19 related restrictions and quarantins, as all needed to be translated and notarised to be submitted, and offices closed around the world."

With all due respect, a lack of this type of documentation may go a long way to explaining why your request for an exemption hasn't yet been granted. I don't know what your other country is (or its circumstances), but I would strongly advise trying to obtain such documentation. The MANY success stories on this thread tend to have certain things in common; evidence of employment overseas, evidence of a dwelling overseas and/or evidence of a relationship overseas.

"Besides, I really don't need to quit my job, or sell property, or ship anything overseas"

I do not suggest doing this. Just to be clear.

"Also, it's still not clear if there is a need to submit anything for returning residents in other country, and at what point. It says that there is no need to apply at all on that page."

How many days out of the last 12 months have you spent in Australia? If you've spent 183 days or more in Australia in the last 12 months, then you'll almost certainly be regarded as an Australian resident (by Australian law). If you've spent fewer than 183 days in Australia then you MAY be regarded as a foreign resident. HOWEVER, it's not always clear cut. Owning a property in Australia, among other things, can complicate matters.

"My idea was to complain not about violated right to leave the country, but the right to ENTER the country of citizenship. Australian Government's travel ban prevents me from entering the country of my other citizenship, especially when the other country provides support to return. Would that make sense?"

It makes sense but I don't think the argument has the legs. Even though the ICCPR could lend itself to that interpretation, it's typically not interpreted that way (to my understanding, at least). Where the ICCPR cites the right to return to one's country, it's usually understood as meaning your country is obliged to let you in (i.e. the obligation rests with them, not so much the country impeding you). Additionally, if you're in a country that recognises you as a citizen, its laws take precedence over the laws of the other country of which you're a citizen. So, given the provisions of the ICCPR, it's drawing a long bow to find a human rights violation in this. But I'd be interested to hear if HRW or Amnesty International think an infringement has occurred.

Thanks a lot for your insight, I really value your sober look at these things.

I realise that at some instances I didn't help my situation just by letting my anger and frustration out, I should probably just bite my tang once. But I don't have any confidence in competency of the replying officers from this Department, and by now they too overflowed with all sorts of applications, and care even less then usual for individual situations. Their responses always read automated and impersonal, using the same wording over, like rubber-stamped. And the endless requests for evidence to supply are getting weird and sometimes, unrelated to my case at all (or maybe I'm just going crazy here).

I still don't understand why I'm encouraged to quit my job and sell everything. It is not a requirement to leave now and "never come back". The provision is that I return to my place of residence. And as I've been residing there for some years, I sure have my living arrangements all set up and established, and I am actually asking to go the on one way ticket and stay indefinitely. Owning property in Australia haven't been a problem even for foreigners, why would it be for a citizen? I may understand the term "resident" loosely as in my mind it's possible to live in more that one country, spending large chunks of time in every country that not just holidaying. But it hasn't been defined there as strictly more that 183 days, or for taxation purposes. And by the way, the reason that I may spend less than 183 days in the last 12 months away from Australia is obvious and not of my fault, God know I tried. If the borders haven't been locked for 3 months now, I could have. And now, as the travel ban was extended till October, and there are talks of keeping borders closed till well into 2021, this 183 days rule is to be addressed by many, for all other sorts of reasons too.

But what pisses me off in the situation, it's inconsistency, double standards and hypocrisy of this Government in handling the situation. It keeps changing rules as they pleased, telling us to make sacrifices, and accusing of trying to put the community in danger, leaving innocent people suffering for month away from families, plans crushed, flights and other deadlines missed, and money and opportunities lost. And it's all in order to get OUT of the country. But in the same time it's apparently safe and all ok to allow American troops and International students back in hundreds, because it brings money and is "good for economy". Please don't tell me how overly concerned they are about health and safety only, I find it hard to believe in their total sincerity.

I never thought that it would come to it, and it's very sad that it's in Australia I'd be struggling for my rights and liberties, of all countries.


"Please don't tell me how overly concerned they are about health and safety only, I find it hard to believe in their total sincerity."

I didn't tell you that. They receive their orders from the Department of Home Affairs. Their priority is to ensure that the ONLY people who go abroad either do so for extraordinary reasons or do so with next to no likelihood of coming back in the short-term.

It's not a question of sincerity or caring. It's a question of risk assessment. Without the documentation to show your life is well and truly established abroad, they'll assume you pose a risk of needing to come back.

"Owning property in Australia haven't been a problem even for foreigners, why would it be for a citizen?"

It's not a problem. I merely mention it because it can have implications on Australian residency status. If you own a property and (attempt to) rent it out and you spend more than 183 days abroad per year, you're usually considered a foreign resident by Australian law.

By the way, this applies equally to foreigners.

Nobody is (or, at least, should be) advising you to sell property for the sake of gaining an exemption to leave Australia.

As for the 183 day thing... The question is to establish whether Australian law will consider you a foreign resident or not. If not, you definitely need an exemption. So the task is to get that exemption. There's little or no point in trying to fight the requirements for what constitutes an Australian/foreign resident.

I understand that you're livid with the situation and the double standards.

Gotta pick your battles and try to game the ABF by asking yourself what they're looking for.

"I never thought that it would come to it, and it's very sad that it's in Australia I'd be struggling for my rights and liberties, of all countries."

While I, personally, think this is more bureaucratic indifference than an infringement of human rights (by international standards)... take nothing for granted where the state is concerned. Australia has a track record of illegally locking up people who are seeking asylum (as is their legal right) and is currently trying to prosecute an intelligence officer whistleblower and, worse yet, their barrister in a closed courtroom. There are lots of great things about Australia. But its human rights record is hardly the cleanest. Where genuine violations occur, we have to fight them.

ANYHOW - most importantly for you, you need to think logically about what paperwork you can get to secure your exemption. Pick your battles.

Hello all,

Long time reader first time poster. I want to start by saying a massive thank you for everyone who took the time to post their story and experience. It has helped me out a whole heap. With no one else helping us its great to see this small community gather and help one another out. Also those of you who can not see their loved ones, i feel your pain. I too am wanting to see my fiance, which i havent seen in close to 5 months. Believe me it hurts.

I submitted my application 2 days ago. It was 1200 words long and everything i claimed in my application was backed up with evidence supporting it (21 items). I will post my outcome once i recieve a reply.

I know its easier said then done but, everyone try to stay strong in these tough times. I wish you guys all the best.

Ps...love you babe and missing you like crazy !!


My partner is a dual citizen too in Australia and is also a citizen of a low covid risk country, has anyone had any luck with submitting exemptions for travel on compassionate grounds so they can be with family and their partners? If so, what documents were used because this would be to be able to be back home and reunited with family for the remainder of the year and to continue a new business!

It's such a stressful situation not knowing what to submit or when you can be reunited and this whole process needs to be done better if they plan on keeping Australia closed till next year (not to scare anyone but that was mentioned by the tourism minister today)!

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I know someone who applied to go and look after sick mother, as her health condition worsened. Needed to provide a doctor's certificate, a birth certificate, some evidence that no one else there to look after mother, etc. Also, a return ticket for next year. Got the exemption on compassionate grounds, took three attempts.

Hi GK09, how did that person prove they had no one to look after their mother? And was that person applying for an exemption to leave Australia?

Yes, she was a dual citizen living in Australia, and needed the exempltion. She is her mother's only child, and her mother is a widow, so took some sort of a letter from local authorities who has the information.

Thanks @GK09!

I'm guessing the exemption took a few tries though?

Has anyone had luck with personal business? The two grounds seem unclear in terms of distinction between the two...

She's got her exemption on third attempt.

My guess is, the cases for compassionate and humanitarian grounds mainly concern with illnesses, providing care and support, or worse...

Hi everyone,


Applied for travel exemption on 26 May

Grounds: Compassionate

Dual Citizen (British and Australian)

Reason for leaving: Permanent move back to England

Flight Dates: Friday 19 June.

I have had some fantastic support from the MP for the Wide Bay Area, Queensland. I didn't want to leave Australia with negative feelings towards the country, and this support has helped to alleviate those feelings. So that I can go without bad feelings towards the country my daughter has grown up in (to this point).

Throughout this process, I have had moments of complete panic, but then also conflicting feelings, thinking about what actual refugees must feel like, people in places like Syria who have no safety and so few options. Sometimes I felt guilty for being so upset and desperate to leave Australia (a perfectly safe place) when people are trying to leave deadly war zones! But like everything in life its also always 'relative'! For me, it has been essential to get the exemption. Getting out means so much because it means a job and schooling for my daughter. And access to a type of education (fashion and arts - link in London) that she couldn't get here.

The letter I included in my application was 915 words. It had headings with short one or two lines under each. For example, Heading: "Job in England". I have secured a job in England, please find a letter from employer attached confirming this. Please see the letter confirming my resignation from my job in Australia attached. Or, Heading: "My daughter is enrolled in school in England", please find attached her cancelled enrolment for School in Australia and a letter confirming her admission at xx school in England. I actually ran the letter through Grammarly, to make sure it was as clear and concise as possible because I reckon those guys working at Dept of HA are really under pressure. I also kept all emotion out of it.

To show that I was moving back to England permanently, I provided the following scanned documents:

British Passports

Australian Passports

Letter confirming my resignation from a job in Australia

letter confirming my employment and letter confirming my accommodation in England

Letter confirming my daughter's cancellation of her school enrolment in Aus

Letter confirming my daughter's school enrolment in UK

Letter from family supporting our return to England, Plus scan of his ID documents

Copy of the daughter's birth certificate

Sale of House in Aus - settlement document

Proof of sale of furniture through gumtree (we are just travelling with two suitcases of clothing - I decided against shipping my furniture)

E-tickets for myself and my daughter to confirm our flights.

I hope that this gives some info for those applying as Dual Citizens, who wish to return to their other country based on work and education.

I received my exemption to travel today, and I have tickets booked for flights out tomorrow night.



True, there's nothing like a bit of perspective, but it is indeed, all relative! You've been super supportive of so many others on here so I'm stoked you got your positive news. Maybe Australia wanted to keep you just that little bit longer :) Best of luck to you both with the move.

Thanks Nomes,

Hope all goes well for the birth of your baby in a couple months :)

Gillian, I cannot express how happy I am for you. You must have screamed with relief when you saw that email! I can't even imagine the stress you have been through. I mean you were moving countries for goodness sake not going on holiday. It should not have taken up until the day before your flight to find out if your exemptions had been approved. I am appalled at how this doesn't seem to matter to the ABF. The whole process needs to be reviewed.

My son has not yet applied for an exemption as he doesn't need to be in the UK until the first week of August to recommence his job, but I am feeling very nervous about it, but surely they cannot refuse when he has a work contract, a visa, a place to live and is working in a school, but who knows?

I wish you and your daughter all the best. Have a safe flight and enjoy reconnecting with your family.

Take care, Annie x

Thank you so much Annie,

Is your son watching to see that there are still plenty of international flights in late July?

Safe Travels x

Hi Gillian43

I've only read a couple of your posts here but I want to pop in and say congratulations! You must have felt so relieved and happy receiving the approval today! I am also applying on compassionate grounds and I am also moving overseas so I can relate to the stress and uncertainty you have been having. All the best and have a safe trip tomorrow!

THanks Bella.br9

Hope you get your exemption:)

Safe Travels.

Hi Gillian43,

So happy that you got your exemption, I felt sure that you and your daughter would be approved after my son and I got ours for him to go to school in the US.

Wishing you and your family all the very best :-)

Congrats Gillian!

I'm truly happy for you. To hear your good news actually brightened my day. To have seen a small snippet of your journey on this forum and then to see it have a happy ending was just brilliant.

All the best and safe travels!


Congratulations. I'm very happy for you. It must be a huge relief.

Also, lots of respect for the sense of perspective and compassion in your post. Good luck with everything!!

Long time reader, just made an account this morning

Happy for you.... :)

Same as many here applied back in May got an email in 2 days that more documents supporting the application are required and I reapplied with all documentation uploaded on compassion grounds no response back for weeks.

Flight date passed reapplied with today flight dates Monday not answer yet flights at 9pm today Friday 19th

I don't know what to make of it

I called Home Affairs 3-4 times they never took my name or reference no to loom in to the files

I'm a dual citizen and planning to go to Europe to stay with my father sisters and brother for 12-18 months

I made a statement that I won't return

No response

My home here is rented out on contract

I have a question

Did anyone RECEIVED A NEGATIVE ANSWER A REJECTION OF THE APPLICATION? Apart from the general email that we all get 2 days after first application to supply more documents

It almost makes me think that if it's a NO they just let us stress out and die slow and stay in this misery for weeks?

Any ideas ?

Hi Gillian,

I just saw your post! congratulations :)

I was wondering did you write 900+ word letter in the " Please explain why you need to travel outside Australia"

or did you attach it separately ? I'm confused are we suppose to write our lengthy reasoning in that box or attach it separately with other supporting documents and write the exact simplified reason in the "please explain why you need to travel outside Australia" ? so confused

I am currently employed by a HK company and have applied for an exemption to travel to HK to work on 22 Jun but so far there is no feedback. I have supplied a company letters saying that i must report to their office. I am a AU/HK dual citizen so there is no problem for me entering HK. Have anyone been rejected for similar reason?

Hi guys

We are NZ citizens wanting to travel to Australia as we found a job in Melbourne before all this chaos.

we applied for an exemption under critical worker criteria as we are engineers and gave all details but its more than a week but no outcome.

we selected our travel date as 26/06 but nothing till now

please give any suggestions



I posted before about our experience with getting an apporoval for my husband to return permanently to USA where we are citizens. He got his approval on the 4th application and flew on June 9th. I am coming back to say that not even once anyone asked him for his approval letter. They were more concerned with his status in US and if he is a citizen, asked him couple of times even though he showed them his passport. But nobody was checking the permissions to leave the country, which was super odd as I read here that they are doing that in Sydney. He flew from Melbourne, so may be they have different procedure but just wanted to share with you our experience.

Next month I will be starting the same madness with applying to leave with our kids to go back home to him. I hope it will be a little bit easier as he is already there and we will have nothing left in Australia to hold us back.

Hi everyone,

Thanks a lot for all the tips! I was wondering if anyone is in a similar situation as I am and has been granted an exemption.

I am in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend, who is an Australian citizen and I am currently living in Spain.

We wanted to apply for an exemption for him to come visit overseas to Spain and stay for 4-6 months, depending on how long it takes for Australia to open up it´s borders so that I could then go back with him to Australia with a Work&Holiday Visa.

Has anyone applied for an exemption to go overseas for such a period of time and has been granted the exemption? And which documents do you think we could present other than our phone record, individual letters and an invitation from my family for him to come over?

Everyone, thank you so much for sharing your stories and giving me hope. I've read almost every post here just clinging to any evidence that if we keep trying, we will eventually get an exemption.

I am a US citizen engaged to an Australian, and we've been apart now for 6 months. I am alone here and my mental health has been in a downward spiral since March. He has applied twice to leave Australia to come to the US and support me, submitting tons of evidence of our relationship. He was rejected once and asked to provide more details on why his travel is "urgent", so we added letters from my doctor and my family (who live far away). Then he never received another response, despite an encouraging phone call with someone from HA who told him she had "escalated his application in the queue". He is now 5 days past his intended flight date (Sat June 20) and we are beside ourselves.

What do you all think? Should he just apply again? Keep waiting? Are things really that chaotic in the office that they are misplacing or ignoring tons of applications?

In my distress, I have applied for a visa to enter Australia class 600 and am applying for an exemption on compassionate grounds to travel next week. I wish there were a page for people trying to get INTO Australia during all this, but I have seen a few people post that they were successful. We are desperate to be together, so I hope there is no harm in submitting multiple requests...I just don't know what else to do. Hugs to everyone who is going through this nightmare and separated from those they love.


I called DHA yesterday, asked the same question. The lady there told me that they don't throw cases away, and still processing them even with passed departure dates. Don't expect to be compensated for missed flights though. They suggest not to file new application to avoid clogging the system, but nobody know how long it may take exactly. I was told that they can't track particular applications to check on progress, so just wait. But I know that some applications haven't been replied to for weeks after, and people just filed another one.

Sorry, but no definite answer.


Pretty much in the same situation as you, I've got an Australian visa in that subclass and I'm in a low risk country with no community transmission and I'm trying to get an exemption to enter Australia. I've been working from home since March as well... My partner is trying to get an exemption to leave Australia and come home as well but no response yet. He's got his entire immediate family and me here and a part of his business as well... Just need any advice on documents and stuff for anyone in this situation and whether you chose to go with compassionate grounds or urgent personal business for leaving. I'm applying for myself on compassionate grounds but I don't know what other documents to put in...

Trying to stay positive and hope that we all get exemptions!

Sorry, I incorrectly posted his flight date above - it was for Saturday June 13! He was able to cancel the ticket without penalty but we don't know whether to rebook or not...

@gavilan I'm an Aussie engaged to an American, haven't seen him since October last year. The stress has actually excarbated my Multiple Sclerosis and now triggered a heart disease, as well as getting diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I've submitted two applications to get to him with medical certs, haven't even heard back. The latest was for flights this Wednesday just gone. If you have any luck let me know. I think any reason other than leisure travel should be automatically granted. After this ordeal it's made me realise Australia is veering off the path of democracy the travel ban strips citizens to their right for freedom of movement, the stories on this thread are heart wrenching. I feel for you and your partner, you're not alone :(

Hi melbelle,

So sorry to hear about your situation, it must be horrific. I am too coping with anxiety and depression. I have started medication but I am still deteriorating. I have just submitted my application with a letter from the psychologist. I put in an intended travel date and flight number but I haven't actually booked flights as I'm reading so many comments where people have lost their flights due to delayed response from the DHA. I don't know if the DHA want to see you have actually booked flights? I hope you get your exemption soon.

thank you melbelle and evelienrijkers, I will absolutely let everyone know what happens in our case. I think I will also apply to enter Australia. I feel bad clogging up the system but maybe it will help having two applications in the mix. I can't say anything good about the way my country (the US) has handled this situation, but it's incredibly cruel to keep people apart who are more than willing to pay astronomical amounts of money and time and hardship to be together. Please stay safe and keep us posted.

Hi I just read this and wanted to share my experience- my partner lives in the US and i got an exemption to see him based on compassionate grounds due to mental health conditions. I;ve had a history of it and I got my therapist, GP and psychiatrist to write detailed letters and i feel like that's what helped! good luck!

Jayce123 that's wonderful news! Travel safely and please take care of your health - mental and physical!

Hey jayce123,

How did you prove your relationship?

How long of a trip did you apply for? My fiancé and I are in the same situation.

I have recently applied for an exemption for my daughter to travel to the US to start university. I received a enquiry receipt number, but don't know where to go if I need to update her application. After reading peoples experiences on this forum, a number have added information to help their application.

Could someone please direct me with a link where I can access my request, form to update it if required.


Hi @CB67

Unfortunately there is no way to access and update an existing application. If your information or situation changes you need to submit an entirely new request and they seen to process the most recent one in the system.

Good luck

Thanks ACE1, appreciate the feedback!!

Same as many here applied back in May got an email in 2 days that more documents supporting the application are required and I reapplied with all documentation uploaded on compassion grounds no response back for weeks.

Flight date passed reapplied with today flight dates Monday not answer yet flights at 9pm today Friday 19th

I don't know what to make of it

I called Home Affairs 3-4 times they never took my name or reference no to loom in to the files

I'm a dual citizen and planning to go to Europe to stay with my father sisters and brother for 12-18 months

I made a statement that I won't return

No response

My home here is rented out on contract

I have a question

Did anyone RECEIVED A NEGATIVE ANSWER A REJECTION OF THE APPLICATION? Apart from the general email that we all get 2 days after first application to supply more documents

It almost makes me think that if it's a NO they just let us stress out and die slow and stay in this misery for weeks?

Any ideas ?

@evelienrijkers sorry to hear about your woes also :(

I highly highly recommend people DO NOT purchase tickets, it even advises on the website not to until you get excemption. I didn't purchase because I can't afford to lose thousands of dollars, and they still haven't even responded to my request for Wednesday flights. The problem is they either ignore requests or respond on the day of flights, so people are messed around either way. The flights have increased astronomically for August onwards so if i cant get my ticket for july there's no way I'll get to my fiancè. The system is broken, I don't think people sending in multiple applications are to blame at all, if they processed them on time or even at all, we wouldn't need to reapply. It's a big mess.

Also you can't check your application reference online, there's no accountability whatsoever for the incompetence. Since when is it okay for a government department to operate like that?


it is only fair to tell you what i did and hopefully it helps someone get to see their loved one.

i applied on the 16/6/20 to travel on the 20/6/20. my reason of travel was to be reunited with my fiance who resides in Serbia. I already had plans to relocate to Serbia. im an Australian citizen. i dont have a visa. i did apply for for Serbian citizenship earlier this year and am waiting to receive it. both parents are of serbian decent so im automatically entitled to it. i told them once there i will be applying for a temp stay visa until i receive my citizenship. i do not wish to return to Australia until all borders are reopened and it would only be to visit family. havent seen her for close to 5 months and it started taking its toll on me (its been really hard no bullshit) i applied on compassionate grounds.

EVERYTHING i claimed in my application i had supporting evidence:

invitation letter from fiance, proof of funds from my bank showing i can support myself as i dont plan to work, birth cert, her birth cert, we registered our relationship under common law marriage in Serbia, deed to my house that im building here in Australia and plans to rent it out once completed, tickets that got cancelled due to Serbia closing their borders earlier in the year, psychologist letter and GP letter certifying how this is affecting me, hers and mine ID cards, my passport stamps showing ive been in Serbia for 187 days in the previous 12 months, proof of her apartment ownership, stat dec claiming everything in my application to be true and all documents necessary to apply for temp stay visa once i arrive.

some of the documents had to be translated from serbian to english by a court authorized translator. we have prob spent around 500 aud to gather all documents that were needed.

my application was 1200 words long explaining from start to finish. i hope this helps atleast one person cause i know how much this sucks being apart.

god bless you all and good luck

any questions dont hesitate to ask

I think because you have proof that you were in Serbia for more than half of the last 12 months means you automatically get approved. That's my understanding from previous posts on this forum.

Congrats all the same, and safe travels.

Hi Mazda rx7,

I'm in the same boat as you were - seperated from my fiancee in Serbia. I've got citizenship and even lived there for 15 months until I came back to Aus in Aug 2019. Would you mind sharing with me the specifics? Happy to chat over email if you would like to share. It would mean so much to me - I was meant to move over in May to be with him.


The only way we can help make the process a faster one or even have the travel ban scrapped is to make some noise. So far I have written and sent tweets to Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton, Greg Hunt, Kristina Keneally, Jacqui Lambie, Pauline Hanson, various news outlets - The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, news.com.au, sky news, 2GB, nine news and seven news to name a few. I explained that the application process involves people providing very personal information - bank statements, job offers, medical records and proof of relationships in order to leave our own country. I also explained that many people are not told the outcome of their applications until the day before or the day of their flight.

This morning I filled in a complaint form to the Department of Home Affairs: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-and-support/departmental-forms/online-forms/complaints-compliments-and-suggestions

suggesting they employ more staff and process applications faster.

I have never done anything like this before, but every time I read a comment I become more angered and frustrated. If we want to change things we need to let the people in charge know how they are affecting people's lives. Please join me and let them know.

I saw earlier that someone had posted an online petition as well and seven news comments section regarding the overseas travel article were full of complaints as well regarding this whole process!

At the very least acknowledge the application and set up a tracking system so you know which stage the application is at and when you can expect a response!


I'm totally with you here, trying to knock on all doors, getting more and more frustrated. May I ask, how did you manage to file a complaint from the website? Have you got a reference number for your complaint? Could you please describe you steps, and what points and boxes to tick? Whatever option I tried ended up with a message that "this option has no forms to attach", and left just buttons Cancel and Previous available to use. The Feedback bot informs that it used for suggestions on how to improve the website, and not answered to. And when I tried to write to Ombudsman, they replied that I had to file a formal complain with DHA first, get the ref number for it, "give them an opportunity to resolve it first", and if they didn't within their timeframe, then to apply to Ombudsman again for investigation. I called the number they suggested 133177, and the officer there said that they don't file complaints, suggesting that I did it through the website! On my request, he's got someone to check the website, and confirmed that yes, there is a problem, but nothing could be done for now. All I could get from him is a reference for the call and confirmation that it was recorded. But all that calls are not good enough for the Ombudsman to start an investigation, apparently.

Of course I can. I went to the website I posted above. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click next; check the two boxes - security and privacy statement; do you wish to report fraud or suspicious behaviour - check no; do you require technical support - no; do you have an enquiry or seek a status update etc - no; select the subject of your feedback - travellers (arrival/departures); does your feedback relate to fines or seizures etc - no; does your feedback relate to pre-floght screening - no; type of feedback - complaint; do you wish feedback to be anonymous - elect either yes or no; client type - traveller; nature of feedback - queue delay; next; write the nature of your complaint; submit form

I hope this helps. The more people who do this, the more chances we have of making a change.

Annie, thanks a lot for this. Wow. You know, I've never seen anything beyond Travellers (arrival/departure), it's never expanded further for me. There was only choice to push Next again, and after that see the message "There is no forms to fill for this selection". And the guy on the phone checked and agreed with me that it wasn't working properly, suggesting that the page hasn't been updated since March and didn't have anything for my option. Now I'll try again. checking every step with yours

I wonder .who's handling the complaints within the Department. and if we are writing to the same people who make decisions about our applications.

Hi Everyone, I have been following this post for months now and have been on an emotional roller coast hearing about those that have been applying for exemptions. Congrats to everyone that has had success! and fingers crossed to those that are still trying.

I am hoping to go to Denmark to be with my fiancé. I have just got into a 2 year course, and I am hoping that will be enough to get me the exemption as in regards to my relationship I don't have any hard documents like shared rent or bank accounts that demonstrate our relationship. I am putting together documents for my application, do you guys think this will be enough:

- my course accept letter

- my dual EU passport

- my lease termination in Australia

- my fiancé's Danish residency, confirmation of his university degree, his passport

- a letter explaining my application

- would a copy of my bank statement, where I have about 2 years worth of Australian minimum wage, to show I can support myself over there?

thanks :)

Hi Anna,

I was requested to provide additional documented evidence of my relationship with my partner ("such as translated written correspondence, telephone records etc supporting applicant's statement that they are more than friends" - citation).

Hi guys, would really apprecciate a little help here

Got the 'provide more evidence letter'

I've attained a letter from a doctor just now (strange request lol)

But now what i need is one of those 3 below, as of now i cannot provide any sufficiently as i 1. am on a casual rental 2. am not moving any furniture/goods (barely have anything other than clothes and laptop) 3. stopped working a month before all the covid stuff occured

What would be the easiest of the 3 to provide ? Is there some way to officiate a casual rental

Unfortunately, you have not provided sufficient documentary evidence for an assessment of your eligibility for exemption from the current COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Please lodge a new request and provide more information about:

·Letter from a doctor or hospital indicating why the travel is necessary (states he has been suffering from mental stress)

·End of lease agreement, shipment of goods/items invoice/quotes, termination of employment (if working).

Is there anybody who's hoping to enter Australia as a de facto partner of an Australian citizen - immediate family member? I have lodged my form on the 2nd of June, setting my intended travel date as the 26th of June, and I haven't heard back from them. I attached the NSW relationship registration certificate and all the documents to prove our genuine relationship, but my patience is wearing out as the flight date is coming up... I gave them a call and they repeated to wait. I have to make this flight and I'm so frustrated now :'(

More than 300 foreign students are set to be flown into Canberra in July. Hang on, you can't have international students coming and going before Australians. If you let them in, you can't stop them leaving, cos only citizens are subject to the ban. You can't have temporary visa holders with more rights than Aussies.


I've been checking in on this comments section everyday for the last few weeks. This is my first time posting.

I've sent in 6 requests to travel to the USA to be with my partner - the last just yesterday with 10 pieces of evidence attached, a statement from my partner and a lengthy statement from myself. I've been trying for over a month to get approved.

Does anyone have any information about what the airport situation is like upon leaving Australia but also arriving in the USA? I've read that some people were asked for health certificates to prove they don't have the virus.

Does the USA require anything upon arrival or is it business as usual?? I plan on flying into San Fransisco airport, then to Chicago O'hare.

What is the process like at Sydney Airport?

I'd be grateful for any information at all.

Thanks so much.

Also, it's been awesome reading people's success stories. So happy for all of you.


I have a question

Did anyone here received a rejection a negative outcome to their application?

Reading every post so far makes me think that if it's a “NO” they just let the application without sending an email

I personally got an email 2 days after my first application asking for more information, but after submitting that I have been only waiting and nothing

I reapplied after scheduled flights dates passed and still nothing

My first three applications in May received responses asking for more evidence.

On Sunday June 14 I sent in my best application yet with flight dates for yesterday. Did not receive a response. They might still get back to me about that one but I sent in another one yesterday. But no, in the six applications I've sent I've never received a straight out 'no'. Only requests for more evidence.


Hey Jane

I'm literally in the same situation. Have been desperately trying to get to the US to be with my partner. I've submitted multiple requests with flights booked and everything and received no response. I had attached accommodation reservations, bank records, phone records, ESTA visa waiver approval, flight tickets, statements from friends to confirm my relationship. No response.

I finally couldn't handle the stress and anxiety anymore and contacted my local federal MP and the gentleman on the other end took down my details, dealt with an emotional female, and contacted the DHA directly. I received a rejection email within 1 hour.

The rejection email stated:

The ABF Delegate has stated that:

Travel is only considered based on exceptional circumstances, which are outlined on the website. This applicant has not demonstrated exceptional circumstances. Applicant has not provided formal evidence of relationship. Applicant must provide medical evidence confirming claims if she wishes to claim travel based on health issues. This has not been provided

A day later I received another rejection:

The ABF Delegate has stated that:

In consideration of the facts demonstrated to me by the persons I am of the opinion exceptional compassionate circumstances do not exist to approve the applicant to leave Australian territory as the travel is not urgent or pressing.

While we understand this is a difficult time for the family, under the current global pandemic international travel is highly restricted to critical reasons only.

I am of the opinion the travel is not appropriate to the risk posed to the Australian community.

At this point I have completed a statutory declaration to "formally" prove my relationship, presented myself to my GP with symptoms of depression and anxiety, attended my first therapy session and have asked the therapist for a statement proving my exceptional and urgent circumstance, and asked my partner to write a statement. I will be writing to the UN to express how I feel I am being held against my own will (I know this probably won't get a response but I want to show the ABF that I am serious and desperate), I'm also going to argue in my application how this assessment is not based on an objective standard or criteria, rather it is case-by-case thus is subjective, so they should consider our personal reasons or release an objective criteria. Furthermore, they are assessing based on our circumstances so they should consider circumstantial evidence. I will also be linking this article to show that the people are restless and are being negatively affected. I'll also link the petition.

Honestly, your best bet is to get your local MP involved. I might also ask them to write a statement for me.

It seems like there's some plain Jane sitting behind a PC deciding our fates and happiness without really caring for the people who are desperately making these pleas. Do they think we want to beg to be let out? If we're applying it's for a desperate reason. Not too fond of having my life, happiness, livelihood and relationship in the government's hands.

I'm waiting on my therapist to get back to me then I will make another application.

I hope this has provided you with some insight and ideas, and all the best.

My Fiancé and I are in the same boat and trying to get him over here ASAP. I just called border control yesterday in the U.S. and as of now, you just need your usual ESTA to enter, no special documents. Hope this helps.

@Jane I'm trying to get to my fiancè in Seattle via San Fran. I checked the border patrol re covid, no certificate, I think they get all incoming passengers to fill out a form before arrival stating if they have any symptoms or if they have visited countries on the banned list. From what I can tell only people from those countries are subject to temp checks and thorough interviews when they arrive. You do have to wear a mask at all times when you're in the airports and transit areas though. Australia is not included in the proclamation so unless you've visited the other countries in past 14 days should be fine.

Thanks for this @melbelle, really appreciate it.

Somebody on here said they had trouble at an airport in Australia because they didn't have a health certificate so if I get approved I'll get one of those just to be safe.

Also, sounds like we're in a similar situation. Lets stay in contact in case we can help each other at all.


Hi Jane

My daughter just travelled to San Fran 2 weeks ago , no need for health certificate at Sydney airport or San Fran she wasn't even temperature checked or advised to quarantine in US . Honestly she had more trouble with border force giving her a hard time in San Fran! So mean and rude!

Good luck with everything

Thanks, Mish8. I'm so glad to hear your daughter was approved to go.

I just read your previous comments on this page. What do you think was the thing that finally made them say 'yes'??

What kind of documentation did she provide? I'd be so grateful for any info you have. I'm trying to do the exact same thing as her.

I've applied 7 times since early May.

Thanks @Mish8


Hi mish8

im set to leave on monday- did they give her a hard time in san Fran when asking how long she was staying etc? was everything ok ?

@adri I put in first application three weeks ago, then another one a week ago, absolutely zero response. No rejection or anything else. Last one was for flights out on Wednesday just gone, so they're not processing applications by fly out dates either

I'm honestly starting to think that if it is s a rejection a negative outcome of the application they don't email the applicant, if that's the case it's just not on

Everyone needs a response so we can move on with the travel or sorting other things here for few more months

I never in my life have tought I'll have to beg Australia to let me travel to my other country of citizenship where my family is

Hi Adri,

I had a couple of rejections, they looked like this:

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is not authorised. Your departing port has been notified of this decision.

The ABF Delegate has stated that:

·While we understand this is a difficult time for individuals, however, under the current global pandemic international travel is highly restricted to critical reasons only. As the requested evidence has not been provided (on repeated submissions) I am of the opinion the travel does NOT meet the compassionate or humanitarian grounds circumstances.

Thank you

Did you finally get accepted?

@jane I know which comment you mean, they were traveling to a different country that required a certificate, the airline wouldn't check them in. Not the usa :) from what I've read the US are only turning away people flying in from countries on the banned list. If you arrive safe and well, hopefully it is much the same process through border control as always. Which is nerve wracking enough with those dudes in the tinted glasses lol

And yes, keep me updated :)

Ahh... ok.

Thanks so much for your replies.



The processing of exemption applications really is a farce. My father is on his death bed in Europe, I have the tickets to travel hopefully in time to say goodbye, I lodge an application and very promptly receive a request for more information (most of which was already provided), I immediately respond then ... crickets.

There is obviously a triage of applications, so surely it's not too much to ask than genuine urgent cases be handled same-day. If they need more staff get them to meet this reasonable expectation on service level. Surely there are a lot of ABF staff sitting around not doing their normal job at the moment who could be trained to help.


Sad to hear you're experience hopefully you get an answer soon :(

I am so sorry to hear that Pete. I can't imagine how you would be feeling. I agree the whole process is a complete farce and it is disgusting that we have to apply to leave the country.

As I posted yesterday, we need to let the politicians, the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Border Force know how we are feeling. Please raise a complaint with the ABF via this website:


Then contact Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton, Greg Hunt and the ABF via their facebook pages, twitter and email addresses. We need to let them know that they cannot treat people like this. We need lots of people to make some noise and maybe there will be a change.

sydunipete I am in the exact same situation. My mother is being admitted to a hospice in the UK and does not have much longer. I submitted my request on Wednesday night 17th June with a travel date of 22nd June, I then got a phone call from my father saying her condition had declined dramatically. I called the DHA on the 18th explaining what had happened and that, although I had put the 22nd on my request, I now need to leave as soon as possible. Heard nothing back. I called the DHA again on the 19th only to be told that my request had been put on the 'urgent' list for the 'processing team' and there was nothing more they could do. Can I ask how quickly you received back your request for more information, as I have not had any kind of communication from them whatsoever?

I am stressed out beyond belief and desperate to get home to see my mother. I can't believe that there is no apparent transparency or accountability around this process.

I got the request for more information within an hour.

I agree that it is the unaccountability and lack of transparency that are the most frustrating aspects of this pointless policy. Incoming quarantine - no problems - I can see the value that adds. Nobody is travelling in these times just for kicks, make us sign an indemnity when we leave that we won't bleat to twitter or start a Go Fund Me page if we need help. Because of their DFAT travel advise I can't get travel insurance but I'll take a punt because the country I'm going to has reciprocal health care.

I hope you get a favourable answer soon.

Thanks sydunipete. In fact I got the email informing me that I had my exemption granted on Saturday night 20th June at 730pm. From reading this forum (and thank you to everyone who has contributed as it has been very useful) this would appear to be a very quick turnaround; however unfortunately it was not fast enough for me as I then had a call on Sunday morning to tell me that my mother had passed away Saturday night. Had I been able to fly when I wanted to, with no restrictions, I would have got to say my final goodbyes. I hope you get your exemption through soon. I now fly out tomorrow night.

@JosefK - I'm so sorry. You did the best you could.

I still don't have an answer just hours before my flight.

Thank you sydunipete and ACEI. sydunipete - I had heard of someone in a similar situation who, still having not received their exemption went to the airport (not sure which Australian city this was in) with their reference number and all supporting paperwork, and was able to get the Border Force at the airport to approve it and get on their flight. I had been prepared to give this a go, until I was overtaken by events - it might be something for you to consider. Good Luck and I hope you can get back in time.

I'm so sorry for your loss JosefK, reading this really broke my heart. This system is just horrible, people in your situation should not even need an exemption.

We finally got permission, 3 hours before the flight was due to leave. I called twice to see where the application was at and just got a bunch of sympathic nothings. When I asked an agent what should I do, she suggested I go to the airport anyway. I suspect the decision may be made by the departure port (I have no evidence the back this up).

Some info for others travelling to the US. Travelled Sydney to San Francisco. On arrival at Sydney Intl. you are asked to show your ticket / passport to enter the terminal, then down the line asked about your resident status. Not a Aussie citizen/PR so was asked to proceed through. From what was happnening I would guess if you are, you get filtered to a separate line and confirm with the officer your exemption to travel.

At the check-in counter in Sydney was asked questions about whether I had COVID symptoms and resident status again. No requirement for health certificates etc. at San Fran, just standard customs forms. You have to wear a mask on the plane (United) (so either have your own or you can get a free one from the airline).

Anyone here received a rejection to the application? Apart from the email asking for more supporting documents

Yes, my husband received one request for more information and one rejection. After 4 applications with pretty much the same documents and narrative they finally decided to let him go. He was returning permanently to our home country. One way ticket and all. Still not good enough for ABF.

thanks for the info! how was the spacing on the plane?

Hi everyone,

I am a dual citizen with Australian/Spanish citizenship. I always had plans of leaving Australia after finishing my (highschool) studies and had bought a ticket to leave in late July (but it was cancelled). My partner lives in Germany and all my extended family lives in Europe too. I had plans to go to university in Europe after my highschool studies (which finished a few weeks ago - I go to a french school in australia) and I got accepted in several french uni courses. But my boyfriend and I thought it through before covid and we decided to take a gap year to sail to from germany to the Canary Islands (where I have family). He bought a sailboat a few weeks ago and is now waiting for me. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I really don't want to miss out. Furthermore, my grandfather died of cancer throughout covid and now my grandmother, 85, is living alone. She has other family members but I would really like to see her and it hurts me that I can't at the moment. If I manage to get to europe, I would have no intentions of coming back until the borders are open and only to visit people.

I was thinking of asking for exemption but I'm not sure if my case is strong enough. I can't provide documents proving that I'm moving to europe indefinitely since I'm still living with my parents (so don't have end of lease doc), don't have a job and was planing to live with family/boyfriend in Europe (so no proof of me renting an apartment, etc). But I do explain that I don't want to come back and would be willing to sign a document saying so and that I would be willing to pay for any quarantine. I was thinking of providing:

- my 2 passports (australian/spanish)

- end of highschool paper, admission in a french uni course (but I reject it), old flight ticket

- letter from my parents confirming my plans, documents proving that I live with my parents at the moment

- letter from my partner confirming my plans (unfortunately I don't have any documents proving that we're together except from a friend's letter confirming we're together)

- boat ownership and documents proving my boyfriend is quitting his job

- my grandfather's death certificate, my grandmother's passport proving we're related (& maybe letter from my grandmother confirming my plans)

I'm stuck as to what else I can do. Would anyone be able to give me advice?

I am getting ready for my trip to greece next monday after last weeks fail, does anyone have any details on what the Qtar flight is like?

Hi Pattbb,

My partner went to foreign affairs in Athens and they have said that at this stage it will be open for non EU on July 1st. If there are changes it will be announced by end of this week.

I rung the consulate today as well and same advise.

I spoke To Qatar air today - hand carry is permitted all the way to Greece..

let me know if u have any other information :)

Where are u traveling to in Greece?

Yea sweet i spoke to all the same offices, some said the 29th some said the 30th some said the 1st... athens border security website said the 29th.. and qtar airways told me on their system they are allowing people to fly on the 29th, subject to being changed of course, i really hope it's not/

Okay good to know about about hard carry.

Athens for a week or so and then to Ios.

Hi pattbb, any news re your travel? Good luck for Monday! What time are u flying out?

no news, but have been following that has been happening in brussles very closely, looks like they are due to open the EU as planned 1st of july, and thank god AUstralia is on that list they cut the list from from 40 to 20 yesterday. But its not offical yet so who knows they could still come out and extended the ban another two weeks, but yes hoping to fly monday, thinking maybe i will have t change my flight to Tuesday, interestig times. How about you

If they open July 1st you May need to fly June 30th.. I'm flying out July 1st And arriving July 2nd. In Greece the news is saying July 1st but again things are quite fluid at the moment. Hopefully no changes. Don't forget to drop me a message here once you have checked in!

I got an email notification and read your comment but couldn't seem to find it here! Did Qatar airline recommend you to change it to 30th? And how will you find out if you can check in - by going to the airport? I think may be a good idea to ring the consulate Monday 4pm and see if they have any news. My e-mail is peanutmiki at gmail dot com

I had a massive shock yesterday!! I received a rejection email saying my port has being notified. THANK GOD it was my old application which was the first one i ever sent in April - the flight date was for the 26th of June (so guess they gave me 5 days to sort my situation out). During that time I had not applied for my visa or even mentioned it in my exemption nor supplied any documents. so it makes sense i was rejected. Its now been 12 days since my youth mobility application was sent off... eagerly waiting.. I'm going to have to ship a giant box of my things to my boyfriends home to get the documents for that and defiantly a statutory declaration confirming i am permanently moving over (we will apply for defacto once we've lived together for 2 years). Everyone make sure to think of everything!! I feel almost silly applying with no documents. I feel like anyone who has a huge amount of documents should be 95% chance of approved? hopefully? haha.


Can anybody please tell if they had an exemption to ENTER in Australia approved?

Hi there,

I am also desperate for information around this?



Me too.

I applied for the travel exemption to enter Australia as an immediate family member of Australian citizen on the 2nd of June with the travel date of 26th of June. However, I haven't heard back at all from the DHA.

I gave them a call twice but was given a response that there's nothing I can do but waiting.

It's so strange that they didn't get back to me at all for three weeks...

Did anybody request a travel exemption as an immediate family member?

We got our rejection today and today was also our listed travel date

Hi guys, I'm so so happy to be able to write this comment.

I just got an email saying that I'm exempt to travel into Australia.

I applied as a de facto partner of my Australian partner on the 2nd of June with the intended travel date of the 26th.

I'm buying a flight ticket to see my love. I wish the best for everybody !!

Ah Hailey congrats!! You must be stoked. Super happy for you!

Would you mind sharing what you did? I can send my email if privately is better for you?

Congrats Hailey! Happy for you.

Would you mind telling me which country you reside in?

Thank you, FarDer and Nomes,

I reside in South Korea, and I submitted the relationship registration certificate along with the documents that could prove that our relationship is genuine and serious. Joint account statement, flight itineraries, email with the apartment strata in sydney, our photos, the certificate from my university that explains why I had to be overseas, etc. Given that other documents are not so legally effective, I assume the relationship certificate was the most powerful evidence. I tried to explain why I had to be away and how we've been committing to one another for two years with evidences.

I hope this information helps!

Thanks for this information, Hailey! My Aussie partner and I (US citizen) are trying applications in both directions to be together, as de facto partners of 2 years. I see you submitted a relationship registration certificate and I was under the impression that this was only needed if you have been together for less than 1 year. But perhaps I am mistaken and we should obtain that immediately, in addition to all the other evidence? At any rate, congratulations on being approved to travel to be with your partner!

Hey hailey, could you supply the link of where you can apply for a relationship certificate? My fiancé and I have been together a year and are not considered deacto

Hi Hailey, that's awesome news!

I'm in the same boat, trying to get my partner over here. What visa would you be traveling on and did you have to apply for that alongside the travel waiver?

Hey guys, I had my exemption approved but the problem is that I made another application with no evidence before this application with a later dare . What if that one gets rejected, does it wipe out the one that is approved already ?

Hey guys, i havent seen my partner in over 5 months now and need to go over to czech republic to see him asap I know this isnt a strong enough reason so i was either gonna apply with the fact that i need to assist an elderly person fly back to czech because of their health issues and lack of english or i was gonna apply with the fact that my grandmother needs my assistance because she is struggling with poor health (this is true and i have evidence) and there is no one else to take care of her. Which one do you think would be more likely to be accepted?


Hey guys, I got approved for studying overseas!! I just want to thank everyone on this post, there have been many helpful suggestions and I am really thankful for this community.

for the European country I am entering I need to have negative covid test result 72 hours from arriving in the country. Has anyone been in this situation? Given it will take 24 hours to get there, I need to get a really quick turn around with my results, is there a private facility that will provide very quick results?


Hi annal12345, I have the same requirement in order to enter the country. I called my local medical centre and they referred me to a pathology which will turn around results within 24hours. This is in Roseville, Sydney. According to a friend of mine who is a doctor, a PCR test can be received within 24 hours as long it is not a friday.

i will. dosome research into the fastest test for you! may i ask which country you are going too? and do you have an EU passport ?

thank you rdha4611 and pattbb! I am living in Melbourne and have an eu passport. I am going to Denmark :)

no problem. May i please ask on which grounds you got exempted and what docs you provided annal12345.

rdha4611, I applied on compassionate grounds and provided my uni acceptance offer, my eu passport, my lease termination, my partners' accomodation details and his passport :)

Hi guys, has anyone had any luck in getting an exemption when submitting a marriage certificate along with other proof of relationship to be able to relocate back to their home country?

Hi, I've been a long reader here and would like to share our recent experience of getting the exemption moving overseas from Australia.

I'm a Taiwanese citizen with Australian permanent residency, my husband is Australian citizen and our daughter is a dual citizen. We applied for our first exemptions on 15 of May and got the response back through email in 3 business days, which told us that we needed to submit more evidence. We applied for our second ones and this time we actually submitted 3 exemptions for my husband, my 4-year-old daughter and myself. Since then we hadn't heard anything until 26 hours prior to our intended departure date, which was 19th of June. We submitted quite a few documents such as my husband's emails with his future employer and job offer from Taiwan (in education), my husband's employment separation certificate in Australia, cease of residential lease agreement in Australian and Airbnb payment receipt showing staying for 1 month in Taiwan after arrival, one-way flight itinerary, shipping invoice, our marriage certificate, my daughter's birth certificate and household registration from Taiwan (for proof of relationship), our passports and my husband's special entry permit given from Taiwan embassy.

At Sydney airport, BDF firstly checked if we are citizen or PR, and asked for our passports for some checkup, and gave us three exemption letters for checking in. We are so relief that we finally got our approval and also really happy for people here got theirs as well. We just wish the DHA could have given us more DETAIL information on their website and could have been more helpful when we called up deperately. It would be much better if people can get their notice earlier, rather just few hours before departure. Hope our experience helps. Good luck everyone!

Hi Jayce123,

I don't know if that would work for me as i have no history with mental health, but I think this long distance thing is starting to cause some things but i dont know if thats enough to get me there but thank you for your advice! How can people do this long distance thing its driving me crazy!

Seeking help

Hi Guys,

Im hoping somebody will be able to assist me in what evidence I should provide to apply for travel on compassionate grounds

My partner is in the UK and I am desperately wanting to go and be with him. Prior to the outbreak I was just about to apply for my working visa so that I could go and be with him.

And since the outbreak and border/immigration suspensions I am unable to begin this process. I am hoping to go over to the UK on a 6 month tourist visa.

We had all these plans to be together and since COVID19 my mental health has been significantly impacted ☹ both my GP and psychologist have both advised they are happy to put together a report on my health for me.

I know we aren't “officially in engaged” but my heart is completely broken being away from him and now knowing when we will see each other again.

Please please can someone help me with advise ☹

Hi amandacini,

I'm also a long time reader and haven't posted before but your situation is very similar to mine except that I am moving to the US. My lease is ending in less than a week and I am really hoping to be able to get my exemption for the 30th as I have no support here and self isolation has been very difficult alone, I also won't have anywhere to live once my lease ends.

In my first application I got a response after 2 weeks asking for more evidence so for my second one I supplied the below:

  • Statutory declaration from my landlord confirming I have been subletting in the spare room and the termination date.
  • Statutory declaration from a friend who have known my bf and I confirming we are a couple.
  • Email notification from landlord of my move out date.
  • Travel itineraries and tickets my bf and I have purchased over the years
  • Joint bank account statement
  • Old psychologist letter (proof of my history with mental health)
  • My ESTA approval (to travel to the US for 90 days)

I don't know if I will be approved with what I supplied but if I'm not I don't know what I would do.

thank you so much for getting back to me i really appreciating it an am wishing you all the very best with your application.

Let me know how you go :) I applied for my youth mobility visa today so hopefully this will also help my application

Hey @amandacini and @cc123, you both are in similar situations as myself and my fiancé. He is trying to come to the US to be with me for 90 days and then we both plan on permanently returning in November to quarantine together to save money and live. I have similar proof that you submitted. Will you keep me updated on if you get approved? Thanks!

Hi CKohl, yes of course i can keep you posted. Im just waiting to receive my visa (submitted this last Friday) before I put in my application.
Are you guys planning on coming back to Australia in November? from what i have read theyre a little bit funny on allowing exemptions to people who advise they plan to return to Australia shortly after. :(
I dont plan on return to Australia for the foreseeable future (which i was state in my application)

Hi! Im in the exact same position! have you found anything out?

I Desperately need to find out

Hi, I am a dual citizen and also in a similar position and plan to come back after 2 months. Did you have any luck?

Hi congrats to anyone that got an exemption and safe travels!

Has anyone made an application to get a relationship certificate? Bit confused cause it asks for the relationship registration date is that the date that I'm applying for the certificate?

Hey can someone tell me the procedure at the airport ?

Hi All! I've just submitted my extensive exemption. I didn't want to waste mine or ABF's time by submitting my application without sufficient evidence, So I waited. For everyone who are waiting on Visas - I got my visa today! I attended my biometrics app 12 days ago, really recommend you guys pay for the courier services as it got expressed delivered to me from Manila. I'm applying to fly 3rd of July next week, so fingers crossed so I can finally be a youth mobility visa holder overseas AND to be with my partner I haven't seen in 3 months or more. I think I probably provided way too much documents, as I hit the file combined size limit. I'm praying I get exempted, I've spent way too much money for this to all fail. I will probably call Home affairs next week as it seems everyone above has had to do that. I think I will be in bits if I get rejected. Fingers crossed for me!


Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know all about my experience. My son needs to return to the UK to recommence the job he has at a school in the UK (he had to come home to Australia in March when all the schools shut down). After applying last Friday, he received his travel exemption today - we were so relieved!

His reason for exemption was: People whose travel is essential for the conduct of critical industries and businesses.

In the section that asked 'Please explain why you wish to leave Australia', he stated * that education was an essential service in the UK * he wanted to recommence his work contract that he had started back in January * his residential address in the UK * he was registered with a local GP * and a spiel about the fact that he had already formed a relationship with the children at the school which would help them to readjust returning to school after being in lockdown and away from school for five months...

We provided as evidence: * a letter from the school principal requesting he return to school in July * his original job offer letter and contract (both stated he would be residing at the school) * a copy of his BRP, Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa and passport. * copy of payslips

His travel date was Saturday 27th June. I actually did two applications, the first last Friday and the second one yesterday when we realised we hadn't attached the BRP (Biometric Resident Permit). I received an email this morning at 9.15am which stated:

Thank you for your enquiry.

Please note that we have your previous request (dates 19/06/2020) and this request is being processed.

The Department is managing a high volume of requests and we are working hard to improve our response times. The Department prioritises exemption requests based on intended date of travel and with regard to any compelling or compassionate reasons that may influence the reason for travel. Please do not make firm travel arrangements until you have received an outcome on your travel exemption request. We aim to respond to all travel exemption requests at least 48 hours before intended departure date. Exemption requests are currently being processedwithin 48 hours of travel dates. Please do not submit further exemption requests if you have not yet received a response to your first online enquiry.

At 1.30pm, I received the approval email. I hope this helps anyone that might need to leave for employment reasons.

Good luck everyone.

We are ordinarily residents of Hong kong but as we only moved to HK last year we need to apply for a travel exemption. We applied both under compassionate/humanitarian reasons and unavoidable personal business. I have supplied documents supporting our case such as school enrolment, job letter, utility bills, rental agreement, evidence we moved our furniture with a shipping company when we moved last year to HK etc and still not heard back after 3+ weeks. We have already missed a few intended travel dates. I can definitely confirm that they are not working towards intended travel dates. I don't actually understand their system at all. No rejection nor response. You would think if they are so overwhelmed, they would hire more people to review applications! I have called the hotline and Mr Dutton's office and no-one can help me. There is no one to ask about my application and how its going! Come on The Home Office Department really needs to step up and process these applications pronto! They are unwittingly causing so much unneeded stress. At-least acknowledge the application and provide updates. What a shambles.


Congratulations :))))) Happy for your son and you

Hi guys, congratulations to everyone that been exempt and free to continue their lives as much as you can!

I am a British citizen and Australian Permanent Resident and my partner is overseas. I have worked on and off overseas for over 8 years and within the last 24 months have been outside of Australia for 15 months. Am I exempt to travel as I reside outside of Australia?

I am desperate to leave and information is very contradicting!

Thank you for your help!!

I'm not sure but I think if you've been outside Australia and residing outside Australia for 6 months or more you are exempt. I think a few people have had this situation a bit further up in the thread!


In the past 12 months, how many months have you been outside Australia? And do you own property in Australia?

I've been outside Australia for 7 months on a work contract dancing professionally, left September last year and had my contract cancelled so I was forced to return in March :(

No I don't own property, I'm currently living with my parents because I'm now unemployed and have been in and out of Australia over 8 years.


That's encouraging. Imo, the fact that you've spent more than 183 days outside Australia in the past 12 months and you don't own property in Australia SHOULD mean that you're not regarded as ordinarily an Australian resident. With that in mind, you then shouldn't require an exemption.

However, to be sure.... I'd try to get in touch with the ABF and get them to confirm that you don't need an exemption to leave.

Omg I honestly hope so. I will call tomorrow ASAP, thank you very much for your help.

My husband is desperate to return to Italy. He is a permanent resident here. We are separated but have to live under the same roof, as he has no income here and cannot rent somewhere. It is extremely difficult. In Italy he owns a home, has family and can apply for engineering contract work. He has a 1 way ticked booked 19th July. We have done 3 applications, each one more dramatic, although I just read that you should not apply again until you have got a reply, but they leave the replies to the last minute so it is so stressful. Does anyone think that he will be allowed out of Australia to go home?


Your husband's situation is, imo, very difficult for the DHA to justify - he's an Aus PR, not citizen.

I imagine that when you applied for exemptions, you furnished ABF with documentation to show that he has a property and can get work overseas? If not, that helps his cause.

Did you and/or he submit an affidavit stating that you're separated and he has nowhere to live in Australia, other than with you? That would also, likely, help. Additionally, it would be helpful to have a letter from a medical practitioner or psychologist expressing the opinion that continued sharing of a house would be detrimental to his and/or your mental wellbeing. Therefore, securing an exemption is really important.

Also, has your husband contacted the Italian Embassy? Imo, he should DEFINITELY do that. It would be good if they can make representations, on his behalf, to the Australian Government (outside of the exemption). If your husband can include a letter for them in the request for an exemption, that's helpful.

Nice gentle diplomatic pressure.

Many people have commented here that they have been asked to provide further information soon after submitting their application. You haven't received an email like this so you have most probably provided sufficient evidence.

Home Affairs seem to be processing applications by flight date. Because your husbands flight isn't until the 19th of July, you probably won't hear anything until the 18th. They don't seem to understand how difficult it is to organise your life with only 24 hors notice.....

Although many people don't agree, you could always submit another application with a flight date listed in a few days time. This will give you some breathing space (and relieve the stress) as the approval is valid for as long as it takes you to use it.

My husband and I are affected by this travel ban and we cant have our family together. It's awful and I know many of you all are suffering too. 

There is a petition started by Lough. 440 people have already signed it. Look for the link in previous posts.

thanks Adi, the more the merrier.

The more noise we can make about this issue, the better.


I applied on "urgent and unavoidable personal business" as I am an Australian permanent resident, but we decided to move back home permanently. I was rejected on my first application but approved on our second one. I applied 8 days before our flight and was rejected at 1pm the day before (flight was 7am the next day) because they said I needed more evidence such as marriage certificates and birth certificates. I quickly reapplied and got my approval at 9pm. I didn't realize a marriage certificate and birth certificate would be necessary in this situation, as I was traveling WITH my husband and baby (not trying to reunite with them) so didn't think I would need to prove the relationship. So, my advice would be to submit every piece of documentation you can, even if you think it is not relevant.

These are the documents I submitted:

-job offer in my husband's home country



-end of lease / cancellation of internet and electricity

-proof of address abroad

-payment/confirmation of shipping

-resignation letter

-son's birth certificate

-marriage certificate

-statutory declarations claiming we do not intend to return to Australia

-hotel receipts while we were waiting for approval

(On first application I did not provide birth certificates, marriage certificate, resignation letter, hotel receipts, and statutory declarations – figured it can't hurt)

My email said it does not matter if the flight info or port changes.

We shipped all our things and stayed in a hotel so that if/when we got the approval, we would be ready to go. It definitely was a bit risky, but we figured it would help prove we were serious about moving.

Also, I know it is super stressful waiting for the reply, but it seems from this blog that most people get it the day before, so try and stay calm if you haven't heard yet (I know easier said than done!). Also, if you get rejected and reapply within hours, you may still hear back the same day if your flight is getting close…at least that worked for us. Supposedly they process it based on when your flight is.

The airport procedure was pretty smooth, but definitely allow more time. At the doors to the airport, you will need to show your letter, then wait to see a border force officer, who has to fill out some hand written paper work. It took about 20 minutes in line and another 20 for paper work. will check your paperwork wherever your international flight departs from, not the domestic flight if you have one. Also, we flew from Melbourne to Sydney and they would not check our bags all the way to our final destination…you must pick up your baggage in Sydney and recheck in. We actually missed our connecting flight out of Sydney because of all these delays.

Good luck everyone!


Just wondering what you had mentioned in the stat dec... have put through an application to move overseas already however just trying to put together more docs just incase

Hi Samantha

When did you apply and fly out? I'm in a similar situation and submitted similar documents but still waiting after 3 weeks. I've missed a few intended travel dates already

Hi everyone, I'm Colombian and my partner is Aussie. I left Australia in late Feb to visit my family and couldn't make it back. We have been together for 1 year and a half now but we don't live together. We submitted the travel exemption as de facto partners for me to get back to Australia but got rejected.

We'd be very thankful for any advice if someone is in the same situation as us!

Hi CR, I'm going to be honest your reasoning isn't strong (might be why you were rejected). In regards to you wouldn't count as a defacto. You'd need a defacto visa or been together longer then a 1 year and a half to be able to get defacto (2 years). I feel like your situation would be much harder then people who are leaving the country as opposed to entering. Your better off trying to obtain a australian visa, and then entering and also including your boyfriend lives here as a citizen. Most people on the page has supplied many documents (myself I supplied 45 documents). If you can build a case you will more likely get approved. If you already have a regular visa then shouldn't be a problem, if you don't have a visa it will be extremely hard for you to enter.


So happy Ive found this community.

Has been so helpful reading all the information.

My partner is australian, and is going to start the process of applying for a travel exemption.

He has 2 option:

1. Applying for medical reason: he has got a medical diagnosis and has often been seeking medical assistance abroad in the past.

2. Work abroad. he is looking to import some things from greece to aus, but needs to go and see them before.

Which one of the reasons would you assume that is the most likely to be granted the exemption?

Would really appreciate your opinion.


Hey guys!

I want to apply for an exemption to go to Czech republic to be with my boyfriend. My mental health has completely depleted since this covid as i was originally meant to fly out to be with him on the 19 of june. i have no mental health history but will be seeing a psychologist soon hopefully so i was hoping to get letters from my doc and psychologist as well as family to prove my mental health state but im unsure of how to prove our relationship as we have been officially together for under a year. Photos will definitely not be enough so i was wondering what else i should add?

Please help! I need to see him asap :(

Hi Luc,

I'm in a very similar situation my partner and I have only been together just under a year and I was supposed to be moving there this month :(

Along with my doctor and psychologist reports re mental health (as I Suffer from anxiety and depression) I have my parents writing a letter as evidence of the relationship as well has his housemate in the UK. Also am including our flight tickets from past trips we have taken together. Also including evidence that I have sold all my belongings etc.

Also looking for more advise on what else I can submit as I desperately want to be over there with him :(

Hey Amanda,

Oh im glad that someone is in it with me (but not because its a crappy situation)

We have never travelled together but instead back and forth between us do you think those flights will be something i can show? I can get a letter from his family maybe? but i feel like these aren't very official pieces of proof :(

Yeah of course it still proves that you were traveling to see each other :) I totally agree I'm going to get my documents signed by a justice of peace to prove that it is a legitimate document that might help. All we can do is hold onto hope.

Being in love with someone shouldn't have to be defined by how long you are together. Love is the most powerful thing we have and when you know you know

Such a hard situation greatful we have this community

Hey I'm in a similar situation.

I'm providing statutory declarations, statement from my partner, statement from friends to confirm we are in a relationship, statement from therapist stating that a relationship is time spent together so what I have is very much a relationship, letters from therapist and GP, bank transfers, call logs, message statistics, booked flights and accommodation...

I'm compiling all my documents first before I submit another application. I've been rejected twice already. If you search my name you'll see the reasoning.

I also suggest calling your local federal MP as soon as you submit your application so they can push it through for you.

Best of luck to all of us suffering because of this.

How do you get access to your message stats?:)

I use discord to communicate so I've messaged them for assistance with that but I've also taken a screenshot of a search that shows how many messages I've sent and how many he's sent.

I'm attaching all these to a statutory declaration.

Hi Luc44,

if you google, Defacto/proof of relationship (under government websites) this actually can tell you what thing you'll need to prove a relationship. I think the biggest issue is if you don't have a visa you may need to apply for one. As realistically if you are only going to be with him for a short term then return they will very likely reject your application as they wouldn't want you bringing coronavirus in. I ended up providing photos of me with his family and friends, but also instagram photos displaying the time stamp. This can help display then length of your relationship.


Can you please explain how to justice of peace would help or what they are? I don't really understand, sorry!

I am holding on to hope as much as i can but it's getting harder and harder.

EveW, do you just explain your situation to your local MP and ask them to talk to ABF?

Getting a JP or lawyer or medical practitioner etc. to witness a document would be them saying it's true and factual. Just gives it more weight.

My therapist told me to provide the message statistics coz although we can't formally prove our relationship e.g. joint bank accounts, joint tenancy agreement... she said a relationship is based on time spent together. And if you're sending messages every single day and spending time like that, it's a relationship. Which she is willing to state.

And yes, call your MP, tell them what's up, give them the reference number. And hope for the best. I pretty much broke down on the phone the first time because I was just at breaking point. I don't recommend that but let them know how urgent it is and how desperate you are.

do you think that some how showing our messenger history would help? or our skype history?

Ok thank you, i will get my doctor to witness my document. And will definitely call my local MP, can't tell you i wont break down though, its very likely (unfortunately) :D

When submitting our conversation history will i have to have it professionally translated?

I saw another comment here that said they needed their documents translated.

I think all you'll need is statistics of it. How many messages have been sent within X period of time type thing.

I'm providing screenshots of conversations where we've discussed moving to live together to show our commitment. Anything like that, go for it.

My statutory declaration is based off the requirements for a spousal visa. The ABF never actually explained what formal evidence of relationship is and I can't find any information on that. So I'm setting out how we met, how the relationship developed, significant events, how often we communicate, future plans to be together...

Hope this helps.

Is there a way I can get statistics of messenger? I can supply a few screenshots which are translated too.

Are you just writing your relationship history out in a document?

Messenger like Facebook Messenger? I think it would be best to contact the support for whichever app you use. Hopefully they can help.

I'm putting my relationship details in a statutory declaration - declaring that it is a committed and established relationship. The statutory declaration is a legal document once signed by a person that is listed as being allowed to sign it. So it should be formal evidence at that point.

Yes Facebook Messenger.

I was going to just use the JP, that should be enough right?

Thank you so much for all your help by the way! I really appreciated, being 19 this is a big, new scary world for me (im sure im not the only one)

Hopefully that'll be enough!
I'm not 100% sure what would work best, but I think it's best to be safe than sorry. Cover all bases.
I don't think my mental health can take another rejection lol

And you are most welcome. I'm in early 20s myself and I've been so stressed about this. I check this thread religiously for some form of hope to hold onto.
I hope we can all get what we need. That's what the ABF needs to recognise, for a lot of people it's a need, not a want.

Hi there. Got my exemption. here's what i did as someone who lives abroad and trying to return home.

Been living in UK for 2 years, came back to aus to renew visa. Got stuck.

Submitted on Friday midday, explaining story i.e don't live here and got stuck.

Attached: letter from employer, bond letter for apartment, tenancy agreement, gym membership, phone bills, bank statements going back to 2018 from UK. Got exemption email Monday afternoon.

Essentially, explain in easy terms and attach a million things. Confidence is key.

Good luck travellers x

I've been reading this feed every day, hoping to see a success story of a similar situation to my own. There appears to be quite a few of us in long-distance relationships (without engagement/marriage) who are longing to be with our partners.

I am an Australian citizen (located in Sydney) who has been in a long-distance relationship (LDR) with an American citizen for the last 2.5 years. The last time we saw each other was December 2019. I had flights booked for a visit with a departure date of 26 March 2020, which had to be cancelled due to our borders being closed the day prior (how's that for timing?!). We then had plans for my partner to come here in July and for me to go back for a longer period (when I could get more time off work) in Sep/Oct. We are both 38 (so not spring chickens) who also had serious plans to try for a baby this year and for me to relocate to the USA when my long service leave becomes available next year.

When the borders were first closed we weren't too stressed as we thought I would be able to get over there by summer and although difficult, 6 months apart is doable for us. As this border closure continues to be extended with no end date in sight, my mental health is declining rapidly. The thought of not being able to share space with the person I love and our future being put on hold for an unknown period of time is too much.

I have decided to put in for an exemption to travel to the USA for 3 months. Given there is no assessment criteria and applications are assessed on a case by case basis, I am hopeful that my application ends up on the desk of someone who has a heart.

Honestly, none of us on here are desperate for a holiday. We are desperate to see loved ones, start new careers or education in a new country etc. All reasons that a completely valid and should warrant an exemption without having to jump through so many hoops. We all understand the importance of keeping Australia safe, so wouldn't be applying if this could wait.

I have compiled the following to submit as supporting documentation:

- A letter from my GP stating my history with depression... something that has been under control but now spiking thanks to this separation. She also states her medical opinion (providing my medical records) regarding fertility.

- A letter from my psych also stating the sharp decline in my mental health due to this separation and the uncontrollable stress associated with our future plans being turned upside down.

- Declarations from myself, my partner, members of both of our families, mutual friends in Australia and the USA all detailing our relationship and their personal relationships with us individually and as a couple.

- A letter from my employer detailing their flexibility in accommodating my LDR over the last 2.5 years.

- A letter from my employer confirming my approved leave.

- A copy of my partner's passport, licence and birth certificate.

­- My cancelled flights for March 2020.

- A copy of my last ESTA listing my partner's details as the contact in the USA.

- Several other flight itineraries of our travels to see each other, previous accommodation bookings containing both of our names etc.

- Photos that document our time spent together over the last 2.5 years - holidays, quality time with our families in both the USA and Australia (2 x Thanksgiving's in the USA and my sister's wedding in Australia) etc.

- A signed proposal from me offering to pay for my own quarantine in a Government selected hotel on my return to Australia. Something I am more than happy to pay upfront, before departing.

At this stage, I feel like I am on the verge of a mental breakdown and fear I won't be able to take rejection from the ABF. Therefore, if anyone has any suggestions on what else may help my application, I would be eternally grateful?

@EveW, have you heard anything back yet?

To all of you still in the process of applying or waiting for an approval to come through, I wish you all the very best and keeping my everything crossed for all of us that we will be reunited with loved ones soon.

Hey guys,

on the home affairs website it says that to be considered ordinarily resident outside Australia you must be out of the country for more time than you've spent inside for the last 12-24 months.

WTF does this mean?? I've spent more time outside in the last 12 but less time outside in the last 24, i asked on the phone and they told me just to go to the airport and hope for the best, are u serious?? Can anyone help me with this one because i'm not having any luck with this exemption stuff

Hey I am right there with you.

The ABF needs to understand we're not doing this for some type of joy ride.

I'm yet to submit my application again as I'm still waiting on documents from my therapist. My GP has just come through with her statement and referrals to psychiatrists to show the severity of the impact this separation is having on my mental health.

I wrote to the Prime Minister yesterday because I want to show how desperate and serious I am. The email showing receipt of the message is going to be attached to my application. I hope I get a response, but if I don't then that's too bad.

It's a really hard one. I'm putting off applying for jobs because I'm holding onto the hope of being able to travel to be with my partner and I don't want to start a job only to quit a week later.

Do update me on how your application goes. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you and everyone else trying to get an exemption.

Best of luck

Wishing you the best of luck with your application too @EveW. I will keep you posted on my outcome :)


Thank you for sharing this. I have been reading every comment on this blog like you over the last few weeks. I share your pain and uncertainty.

I am in a very similar position and circumstance. If you could share the outcome of this application when it comes through, i would be incredibly grateful, as would everyone else i am sure.

Take care and thanks again.

Hi Despot93, I am hoping to travel in August, so will be submitting my application over the next couple of weeks. I will definitely keep you posted on the outcome. You take care too :)

My fiancé and I are in a very similar situation and are currently trying to compile documents to apply for exemption. I was forced to leave my time with him in AUS early to go back to the US due to the outbreak. Your post has been helpful and please keep us updated on any progress. I did notice however that you said you attached pictures onto your application which the application says not to do. Should we include pictures of our engagment and time spent together?

Hi @CKohl, Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, but I missed your message. I have compiled about 20 photos on 3 pdf pages with details underneath each photo - people in them, where it was taken and the date. These all correspond with multiple attached travel itineraries and letters from people supporting the application/confirming our relationship. They are all relevant to the application and therefore, strengthen it. My guess is they don't want their systems clogged with large jpgs. I have been waiting for a few more medical reports before submitting. I pick up the last of these documents tomorrow and plan to finally submit my package over the weekend. Will let you know how I go. Good luck with your application. Sheree x

My flight date is tomorrow noon but until now I still haven't got any feedback. I have job offer from a Hong Kong Company, submitted all documents included employment letters, proof of residential address in HK, resident card, but still no luck! Will have to cancel the flight if there is still no feedback by tonight.

Hi Kel - did you hear back from home affairs? My flight date is tomorrow and I haven't heard back yet. Wondering whether to call?

Hi rdha4611, no response from them so far, i changed the flight to Friday and send in another application this morning. I am also thinking to call them if i still dont get any feedback by today.

I didn't receive my approval email until 2pm the day before my intended flight date. Maybe wait until 3 or 4pm and then give Home Affairs a call. It is so ridiculously stupid.

i just received an email from them:

The Department is managing a high volume of requests and we are working hard to improve our response times. The Department prioritises exemption requests based on intended date of travel and with regard to any compelling or compassionate reasons that may influence the reason for travel. Please do not make firm travel arrangements until you have received an outcome on your travel exemption request. We aim to respond to all travel exemption requests at least 48 hours before intended departure date. Exemption requests are currently being processed within 48 hours of travel dates. Please do not submit further exemption requests if you have not yet received a response to your first online enquiry.

Hi kel - its has been more than 48 hours for most of us let alone for months for some. There is no basis for their auto response. Did you try calling them?

Hi kel - I have just received an approval. Maybe its worth calling home affairs if you haven't already

Congrats rdha4611, i still didnt get any feedback from them, maybe i should give them a call.

Hi Sholyn,

Thank you for the advice. Where do i write all the info they ask for? in a statement of my own? For czech republic you dont need a visa if you stay less then 90 days which is what i will be doing. On the exemption page it says that they do not expect photo evidence>

Hi Luc44, you wouldnt need to be defacto :) I'm not defacto, but I goggled it to find more details, for example I googled "How to prove my relationship officially". Those website detail alot of things you can use to prove your relationship. Anything you can think of will be able to prove your relationship but just note I've provided 40 something documents and I'm still not getting a response and I have a visa for the uk. So it may be quite tough.

Im not in a defacto relationship and i dont have most of those things to prove, such as the fact that we lived together or any financial statements or anything like that. Does that mean i dont have a chance?

I too am not considered to be in a de facto relationship, not in the eyes of the law anyway. That's why I am detailing my relationship in a statutory declaration. Provide as much evidence as you can of a relationship. Ask your doctor to write a statement saying you have told them you're in a relationship and they believe it to be genuine and committed.

It sucks for people like us who don't have that proof. It's entirely unfair for the government to decide whether or not my relationship is legitimate. We live in a technologically advanced era where online dating and long distance relationships are not uncommon. It's archaic to not acknowledge these relationships as genuine.

That's what I'll be saying in my application.

I recommend you provide whatever you can.

Hey EveW,

Is it okay if I grab your email or something? I just have so many questions and youve seen such a help? No stress if you would prefer not to!

Hey for sure, we're all in this together.

Evedwh at Gmail dot com

Hey Sholyn, yes I am putting as much as I can in the application. I have so far got, some our our messages dating back, our joint google calendar, letters he has sent me, instagram posts, skype call history, flight tickets for both of us back and forth, a list of things we had planned together is there anything else i can add?


Does anybody know if travelling out of Australia in order to take up a permanent job offer in another country is exempted from the travel ban under the 'travelling on urgent and unavoidable personal business' exemption that is mentioned on the official government website page (https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/leaving-australia) ?

As I noticed that on the same page, in the list of the different types of evidence that needs to be provided to support one's claim for an exemption, it says 'proof you are moving to another country on a long term basis such as leases, job offers and evidence your goods are being transported'.


Hi all,

I have been following the forum regularly but have chosen to post today as I prepare my travel exemption documents to submit. My husband is stuck in Australia and we have just been issued with a UK Spouse visa. I have collated around 30 documents to demonstrate the permanency of the move as he moved to UK indefinitely. He has been granted 2.5 years work permit. He has signed a contract to end his tenancy, resigned from his job and shipped his belongings. We have a good amount of savings and I have a steady job in the UK to support him. He does not yet have a job offer. Just wondering whether you would suggest we apply on compassionate grounds or on urgent and unavoidable personal business grounds? His vignetted stamped in his passport expires on the 10/09/2020.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions

Hey L O,

I'm going to be in the same boat as you soon - my partner and I are applying for a fiance visa (he's in the UK, I'm in Aus), and whilst I won't have a job lined up, he has a steady and very reliable job with the NHS which can support me in the interim, plus we have savings (and I'm a nurse so I can't imagine I'll have too much difficulty getting work!).

If you don't mind, I'd love to be updated on your progress and which grounds you choose to apply for an exemption. Best of luck!


Hi Meg,

We applied under urgent and unavoidable personal business grounds. I submitted many of the same documents that I used for the visa including resignation letter, passport vignette, letter of approval of visa, letter of invitation from myself, Tenancy contract for my current property and landlord letter stating no objection to him staying, savings account to show adequate financial stability, receipt of all visa payments and his end of lease where he is currently staying. All in all we had around 25 documents. I applied yesterday for a flight on 3rd July. Still no news yet, but we will be ringing early tomorrow to chase it up.

I will keep you updated on the progress

Hi Meg,

Just to let you know we've had our exemption approved 2 days ago. We applied for my husband to join me in the UK on a spouse visa. If you have any questions feel free to contact me

Yesterday the Department of Home Affairs updated their web page about leaving AU, and it is getting worse:
You should apply for an exemption at least 4 weeks,

but not more than 3 months before your planned travel.

It's a nightmare. How they expect people to wait 4 weeks for a result ?!

I waited 2 months for mine! it was an absolute joke, and obviously had to push back flights for months. considering i'm moving permanently overseas, there seemed to be no consideration in the turnraound time!

Four weeks! That is ridiculous. If I have to apply a second time I'll need to apply for a date a few days away or it'll be too late.

I have been following this forum quite closely so wanted to share my experience.

I just recently received approval, I was looking to permanently migrate to the UK, I selected a flight for tomorrow and applied yesterday selecting personal and unavoidable personal business.

I attached the following items:

- Resignation letter

- Job offer

- Passport which gives me working rights in the UK

- Shipping quote

- a letter stating i currently staying with family

- Original flight itinerary - was due to fly out late March.

- Stated that have no intention to return for at least 2 years.


I'm confused, did you say you have received approval to leave already?

Yes, i received it yesterday around midday.

Oh that's fantastic news! Gives me hope :)

I'm trying to get to Ireland for a permanent job that I was due to fly out to in March.

I was in born Australia and lived here most of the time but I hold AUS, British & Irish passports.

I applied 2 weeks ago and my flight is this Saturday. I received an email 2 days ago saying I need to submit further documentation.....All I could think is what more do you want???????

I had already submitted the following:

- Official employment separation certificate (resignation) from my job in AUS

- Original Job offer in FRANCE

- Updated job offer in IRELAND (same job but have to start in Ireland first due to restrictions)

- Orignal flight itinerary (March)

- Address where I will be living in Ireland

- Copy of Irish passport

Anyhow, yesterday I sent another request and included everything again including the other docs they have asked for which were:

- Job Acceptance letter

- Informal tenancy agreement with my daughter (I still own a property in AUS)

- Storage facilities invoice (stuff in storage until I settle OS)

I'm praying this will be enough to get the 'OK' but the waiting is stressing me beyond belief.

Anyway, good luck with your travelling!

Hello, apologies in advance if a similar question has been asked before:

I am a permanent resident of Australia and I would like to see my father in Germany (my home country) before he dies. I would like to go ASAP, 10 July earliest.

I applied online for a request to travel and only attached my passport as the department of immigration has all my other details on file. Also, I haven't booked the flight yet as I am thinking I need the OK from the department first. Finally no letter from the doctor in Germany mentioning the health status of my father as I couldn't get one anyway, due to doctor's confidentiality.

Received an email from the department asking for more documents but unfortunately they didn't tell me what documents. I rang them but the guy wasn't helpful at all unfortunately, very generic.

Applied again as they asked me to and included the question "what specific documents do you need?"

To speed up the process I am wondering if some of you know what they might ask for so that I can start getting these documents today.

Yes, I was very naive thinking that explaining the situation would be enough...

Thank you.

This is a wonderful resource. Thank you everyone for your contributions, they have been very helpful.

Since being granted my exemption, my circumstances have changed and I now wish to travel at a later date. I just wanted to clarify something. If my exemption was granted on the 29th June, I have until the 29th September in which I can travel. Is that correct? Thanks everyone.

Hey Guys,

FOR ANYONE APPLYING FOR A VISA: I got my youth mobility visa in 12 days so if you are waiting it shouldn't be a long wait!

I am super nervous though. I applied for my exemption last week. my flight is for this Friday. Should I call home affairs again? I've already called Monday and the lady was absolutely so lovely and said she was going to push it to the front to escalate and she ended the call with "Safe flight". which I guess gives me hope. Its now Wednesday night and I'm literally going to be SO devastated if they reject my application. She also did say to me exemption would be granted prior to my travel date as she was little surprised when she heard my flight was 4 days away, but unsure if she was talking about in general. I spent months gathering all my details, and the detail I went through I cannot accept a rejection. will break mine and my boyfriends heart. I feel like I'm holding on to a tiny bit of string for hope its horrible.

The worst thing is I'm not planning on returning to Australia, I just want to live my 2 year visa out with my uk boyfriend and then apply for defacto. Im hoping my vignette is a push for them to approve me.


Hi Sholyn

I've been reading your posts and I do really hope you receive your exemption to travel for Friday, I don't see why they wouldn't!

I too am in a similar situation to you, my youth mobility visa is being processed at the moment. Please keep us updated with how it goes, hoping the best for you :)

Hi Jiy24,

Thank you I appreciate it! Ive noticed some people have gotten it with less documents then me except they have “job offer” letter. I've been with my partner for almost 2 years, and we want to completely move to the uk for good. So Here's hoping I don't need to collect anymore documents.

It's so tough isn't it! You'll get yours really quick I'm sure for your visa, I paid for courier and it got expressed delivered to my P.O. Box in 1 day from Manila. I will defiantly update if I get it! I'm also willing to help and email anyone who needs help if I get it. I just feel like In this situation any help is appreciated.


Cann i ask does anyone know if you should purchase your airline ticket prior to applying for you exemption does that help? or should you wait to purchase it? Im happy to purchase it for my expected travel date and just ensure that it is flexible but would love to know what everyone else is doing ?

Hey Sholyn,

I'd love to know how you get on with your application! I'll be applying for an exemption in the coming months to be with my partner in the UK as well - we're just in the process of applying for a finance visa in England. It's so tough - I have zero intention of coming back to Australia beyond visiting my family and that can definitely wait until the virus eases up!

I have my fingers crossed for you, and hearing other people's success stories gives me hope :)


Hi @bmorrow21 & austouk !

I will update forum if I hear anything. I'm still eagerly waiting! I put my application in Friday last week. My flight Date I have is tomorrow at 9pm. I did call them twice, the First Lady escalated it and ended the call with safe flight on Monday. Then 2nd man I called today was also lovely and said that my application is with ABF atm and they are processing it this afternoon and will need to wait for the email as he cannot do any further which I understand :)

Ugh I feel so nervous! I don't want to move my flight date!! I feel like my documents are so detailed!

Thank you. I totally understand your nerves! I am the same. I will keep my fingers crossed for an approval for you!

Hi Sholyn,

Any word yet? I put departure for Saturday so naturally I guess I will have to wait for Friday at the earliest. I called today and they said they could not see any 'notes' on my file so guess they have not processed yet. Did you try and call them?

Hi Sholyn

Massive congrats on securing the approval!! Can i ask on which basis you applied? Compassionate ground or urgent and unavoidable personal business grounds? May I also ask if you had a job offer after securing the youth mobility visa? We have recently secured a UK spouse visa for my husband.

Many thanks

Hi @ L O !

Thank you so much appreciated! Most wonderful feeling. So I applied under personal unavoidable urgent business, as I had a time stamp on my temp visa to collect my legitimate Visa card in the uk. Also no I did not have a job offer :) financially I've saved a lot and so has my boyfriend, we are staying at his rents place so we got very lucky in this time. I feel like a spouse visa you should have no trouble obtaining the exemption :)

Some interesting information, goes someway to explaining the delay in processing.

It seems that the initial exemption request is accessed by general staff before it is elevated to the ABF commissioner. A very important factor appears to be official, supporting evidence. That was definitely key to our exemption to travel to the USA being granted along with a very long and detailed statement which took eight weeks from May 1st to be approved.

Greens Senator Nick Mckim is pressing the Home Office to release details of the criteria against which exemptions are being assessed.

Between March 20th and June 1st

40,000 requests for exemption to enter submitted - 2074 approved

33,000 requests for exemption to leave submitted - 5972 approved

These figures DO NOT include exemption requests which were not elevated to the commissioner so many, many more applications in the system.

Good luck to you all

Hi Amandacini,

I recommend you purchase your flights after you have been approved as there is no statement saying you must have purchased flights to be approved. I have seen in emails from the ABF that they actually recommend not securing your travel plans till after you have been approved. :)

Has anyone had any success regarding moving overseas to a fiance?

I am an Australian Citizen and my fiance is Finnish, he is waiting for me in Finland. I plan to immigrate there and we will apply for my residency after wedding. I can stay in Finland even while it is being processed. We are getting married in early October and I must be in Finland to process the final paperwork for the examination of impediments to marriage.

We have had a LDR for over 18 months now. I visited Finland 3 times last year and also attached those flights to my application. As we have never officially lived together we do not have both our names at his address there, I spent almost 6 months last year in Finland all up. But missed out on 'ordinarily a resident' by a few days :(

I put my flight date at 4/07 and still not heard. Probably will actually book for late July / Early august to make my appointment.

I attached:
Our wedding ceremony booking

Examination of impediments to marriage appointment in Finland booking
Email from Finnish Registry Office saying I have to attend in person with him a few weeks prior to wedding
Copy of my forms I am submitting to Finnish Registry to show there is no impediment to the marriage.
Both our passports
My flights to Helsinki over the past 18 months
An official translation of his mortgage payments as proof of his address and a statement from him stating our intention to live together
Copy of Finnish Immigration information stating that I am able to apply for residency through my spouse and it can be done in Finland
I do not need a visa to enter Finland initially
Proof of sitting exams in Helsinki over the past year while still doing my online degree (proof of long visits there)
Shipping possessions to Finland receipt
End of Lease here

As we do not have joint bank account yet but will do this in Finland and we also register my name at that address when I am there, will the fact we are actually getting married and have prepared all be enough? Surely getting married shows them enough that we are serious about our relationship.

I have not seen him for months and we do not want to postpone. We had planned much of this prior to COVID-19.

I will update my outcome for anyone else in a similar situation.


we have similar condition, I havent seen him like a year and our wedding suppose to happen last June.

so have you get your exemption yet?

Hi everyone, my husbands ticket is for Sunday, now are the offices open over the weekend or should we have had a reply by Friday? Does anyone know? Thanks

My flight was for 9pm Saturday night and I received my approval email at 2pm the day before (Friday). They are leaving everything to the very last minute. I wouldn't worry if you haven't heard anything yet. But I wold probably give them a call on Friday morning just in case.

EVENING!! I FINALLY GOT EXEMPTION!! I've moved my flight as I was too nervous to fly tomorrow and get the email.

ButWow its been so stressful! For everyone who hasn't caught up on my story: I'm an Australian citizen who got a youth mobility visa last week. My boyfriend of 2 years was living in Australia and had to return due to all of this! its been 3.5 months since we were split from this. After many attempts with no documents I was rejected (but I knew they would considering I didn't provide much) PLEASE NOTE: me and boyfriend DO NOT share a lease. So if you don't have a lease together do not be as worried as you think. (we lived with each other for 1.5 years but the apartment was under the main tenants name). I provided my vignette as I have 1 month to get into the uk to collect my bro card and heaps of weird stuff like images of my boyfriend and I on each others instagram (screen shot with the time and date stamp).

WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST, my best day of my life will be when I land in the UK and see my boyfriend again.

Sholyn xx

So happy for you! You give me hope! Have a wonderful time in the UK with your boyfriend xx

Hi bmorrow21,

I 100% think you will get approved. You will defiantly need to call home affairs, it really helps the lady did move it to urgent! So honestly call them tomorrow morning :) they may approve it or bump it to urgent. I called twice cause I was really pressing for it and I think it helped. Be prepared they will ask all the questions like about leases etc.

Thanks! I hope so, I called just now. The lady on the phone was nice enough but not as helpful. She just told I need to wait and there is not anything she can do (no moving it up to urgent or anything). She also asked me alot of questions about my situation in Finland but could not tell if any of the my answers were sounding good to her. She also asked if I have somewhere to stay in Australia as I said I was already leaving my place here and had posted stuff to Finland. I told her NO I cannot stay here I have an apartment in Finland with him so why would I stay with someone here. She asked if I had employment in Finland and I said no as I am freelance Graphic Designer so that is something I will work towards myself there. As I am applying for a spousal visa there I have to wait for that one in Finland and in that time I cannot work until its approved. But the requirement on that visa is my husband is a "sponsor" so I do not need my owns funds... So nervous now....I hope they do not knock me back based on employment as that seems unfair considering Finland does not even need it for me to stay there...

I'm so pleased for you!! All the best and safe travels! :)

First congratulations on your exemption Sholyn, I'm so happy for you!!!

I'm sure you are so relieved and so as your boyfriend, finally you can resume with your life and make beautiful memories together :)

I found your email in the comment section. I feel there is hope now, If you don't mind I may email you in a few days to ask you advice about my situation if thats okay?

Hi Jiy,

Thank you appreciate it! My flight is 2 weeks from today so I'm over the absolute moon! Just hope no Victoria cases come here... don't want it to affect my chances of leaving.

Yes you are welcome to email me!


Hello everyone! I have a question, maybe someone has gone through something similar or has heard of any similar situations...

My boyfriend is an AUS citizen living in Sydney. I am a Spanish citizen in Spain. We understand that in order to get a travel exemption, they are looking for the person leaving AUS to have a long term visa. Problem is for him to make an appointment to get a long term visa to come to Spain, we would have to wait till the first available date which is October 1st. Then it would be another month of waiting till he got the visa. And then another month till we got the travel exemption (since we now have to apply 4 weeks before flying). That means we would be able to see each other in December or even January next year. We have been apart since February, and things are getting very difficult. We just want to be together through this confusing times.

Has anyone been granted an exemption on a 3 month visa? I know it´s not long term, but it´s the only way he would be able to come to Spain soon, without having to wait till December....

Thank you all! Any advice or suggestion are super welcome

HI Angelajdl,

Is it possible for him to apply for the long term visa in Spain? As he is an Aussie citizen he can go to Spain without a Visa first for up to 90 days and sone countries let you apply when you are there. If so, I would try that way and show proof that Spain allows application from within Spain? And say he will apply there. Then he would need to show proof of moving such as end of lease in Australia, sending stuff to Spain, letter of terminating his job ect. For example I know countries like Holland and Finland and some other EU countries you can apply there for longer term visa/working holiday ect. Just check some sources or contact immigration in Spain they may have some option.

For 3 months would be difficult unless there was some urgent reason like you were very ill. For visiting I have noticed weirdly enough it has been easier for people to come into Australia?

Hi bmorrow21,

Thank you so much for your answer! It was a great idea and I directly went to check and contacted the embassy to ask if that possibility exists in Spain, it sadly doesn´t, so I guess our best chance now is to wait till December or for me to get a Visa to come visit in Sydney. Do you know by any chance if people who managed to come into Australia were also traveling with long term visas?

Thanks a lot for your help, I appreciate it :)

I am not sure about people coming to Australia I have been following closely for citizens trying to leave. Is there perhaps another country in EU he can apply for a visa to and then from there visit Spain? I mean EU is opening up anyway and some countries are easier to apply for visa and have a faster turn around. I know it is a long shot and maybe a little extreme but that is all I can think of? However ofcourse you would want to keep your application honest so yeah I do not know how that can tie into everything. I am unsure of what visa's we have here in Australia that Spanish citizens are eligible for. Have you considered registering your relationship in Australia? For some registered couples they were able to get their partner into Australia even for a visit I have seen but I am unsure of what documents they presented and under what circumstances :/ I am still waiting to hear the result of my own exemption.

No worries! :)

Hey bmorow21,

I am in a similar situation - However, my partner is in Belgium and they do have the option of applying for long stay visa once arriving in the country on a Schengan visa. However, I would be applying for the exemption on the basis of my intention to not return for 1 year, even though I would only have a 3 month visa. 

Do you think that would suffice for compassionate circumstaces for the exemption? 

It seems very tentative to be putting in the application for exemption with only a 3 month visa! Should I apply for the schengan visa prior to departure because normally you can get this easily on arrival? But I would need to show return ticket which seems contradictory if my return date will be after 1 year? Or I could buy onward ticket to Africa. 

Sorry for my rambling questions 

Thank you everybody for sharing all of your stories. I have been following this forum for ages.

Could somebody please confirm that my girlfriend who is an Australian citizen does not need an exemption to leave the country, provided that she actually spent only around 100 days in the past 12 months in Australia? Also - border control can check her passport history in order to confirm this, is that right?

She called Home Affairs and they told her she doesn't need one but I just don't trust one persons opinion cause ... you never know.

She is waiting on her youth mobility visa at the moment and has flights booked for 10th of august.

Thank you so much in advance and if anybody could let me know it would be awesome.

Good luck all!

Hi Nrbish, if her passport states she spent more time out of Australia than inside in the last 12 months she will be considered ordinarily a resident elsewhere and she should be able to go. As the do an electronic check of this at the airport and then she will not need to provide proof apparently. However, they can only do this at the airport when departing so I was told by ABF just to go to the airport and take a chance. I ended up applying for an exemption because with my calculation I only just spent more time here.

I hope this helps, Home Affairs could not check my passport for me before booking flight/going to aiport, just take a chance but if you are sure by quite a lot of days she was overseas more than in Australia she should be fine to leave. Good luck!

... and in the meantime AU gov will allow businesses to bring migrant workers
(read on SBS news: Australian businesses prepared to cover quarantine costs to recruit migrants who can fill skill shortages)
So, we'll have students and migrant workers coming here but citizens will not be allowed to leave (because only the citizens pose a health risk...), how about that.

The hypocrisy is palpable. It's a sad state when you feel like you can't trust the government anymore.

If they give businesses the green light on this, they must offer citizens the same option. If you can afford to pay for your own quarantine, why should they stop us from leaving? Implement a system that exemption is granted upon advanced payment for quarantine. I'm sure many of us on here would be 100% happy to comply with that arrangement...

HI any help would be appreciated. My son is an F1 visa holder in usa for past 12 months. Attends college where he is recruited to play football. His studies are not online starting 1 Aug. We assume he is an ordinarily resident. Has bills and accommodation in usa along with employme we have i20,visa,letter from school transcripts with address. Would you recommend applying for exemption. We have purchased 1 way ticket on July 15. I am very stressed as what to do. He is flying from bne to Syd and customs in Sydney would Sydney be his port of departure?

Hey Nrl, my son is the same, squash player at college in Connecticut, we applied this week but he's not due to leave till end of August so goodness knows when we will hear anything. I can't figure out it this living in another country for more days than here would refer to students or not. It won't do any harm to get your request in though,

Hi @Nrl

Snap! My 16 year old son also plays gridiron. He was selected for the U19 2020 Australian National team, A squad. World Cup was cancelled but then he got the opportunity to study and play for a state championship US senior varsity high school team. We got an exemption for the two of us to head to Texas from July for 6 months; US college is the next step.

Your son should be OK having spent so much time outside Australia but it might be worth applying anyway. Just include all the documents you mentioned and then give them a call (131 881) the following day. Ask them to check the progress of your application so that they take your details. They will likely say there is nothing they can do but a number of people (us included) received their exemptions the day after the call.

Very best of luck to you and your son.

Has anyone heard after their travel date a reply from Home Affairs? I had travel date for yesterday and I have nothing not even a rejection. I even called Friday and they said to just wait for the email.

I am in the same situation as you, my flight suppose to be last friday, called them and they just ask me to wait and there is nothing they can do, i think this mean a rejection.

Hi Guys,

what was your reason for the exemption? I feel like compassionate takes a lot longer as most applications would be under this.

With my situation I was under personal business and unavoidable (my vignette has the 30 day time stamp) If I'm being honest I know that's probably why they approved me, not because of all the other stuff I wrote. I gave them a week and 1 day to give me my answer, so if you are giving them short lead times it may be hard for them to keep up as below a writer wrote 40,000 applications have gone through since march. Be mindful swell they did add on the website 2-3 days ago (please apply from 4 weeks prior to your trip) so I think this was a buffer for them to approve people more accurately.

I know this is hard guys!! just keep trying, you will get the approval if you have a legitimate compelling reason which shows you're not planning on returning. I'm not sure if this helped me but I had a real flight (which is now 2 weeks away).

Hi Sholyn, I'm very happy you received your exemption at long last - what a relief! I noticed in an earlier comment you posted that you were planning on flying Emirates to the UK. Are you still doing that? If so have Emirates mentioned anything about quarantining on arrival to the UK? I know that Australia has been exempt from quarantine, however the United Arab Emirates isn't exempt and with your flight stopping over in Dubai does this mean you will have to quarantine on arrival? Hopefully not - it would be ridiculous if you did.....

Hi Annie,

I actually decided to fly with etihad! They are through Abu Dhabi. The man and another women Over the phone from etihad said as long as my layover is less then 4 hours then I won't need to. My layover is 2 hours :) but honestly I would rather be in quarantine for 2 weeks in Abu Dhabi then be stuck any longer!!

I'm so confused! That is great news that Etihad staff actually told you that, however I just saw a facebook post where someone had asked the question to the British High Commission. They replied that because he was travelling through a non-exempt country (UAE) he falls under the regulations for that country, even if he doesn't get off the plane. The only non-exempt country Australians can transit through is Hong Kong. If you transit through the Middle east, Singapore or the USA he would need to self-isolate when he arrived in the UK (according to the BHC). The whole situation is ridiculous and no one seems to know what is happening....

Hi Annie!

Apologies I misread your message, I thought you said self isolate in Abu Dhabi haha!!! and was like oh no!!

So I'm transiting fine through Abu Dhabi, but you will need to fill out a form 48 hours prior to your flight to the UK which specifies your address you'll be self isolating to, and your mobile number. Honestly self isolating doesn't bother me! I'm going to my boyfriends family home which is rent free so very happy with that, but also it will be nice to just spend time with him and his family :) sorry about that haha!


That's fine - we are all losing our minds having to deal with this whole process! You did say that you had spoken to two Etihad staff members who said you didn't need to self-isolate in the UK if your stopover was less than four hours. Is that right?

Hi Annie,

No lol, they said I wouldn't need to worry about my transfer in Abu Dhabi sorry.

no matter what you will need to self isolate for 14 days in the UK unless the government says otherwise.

bmorrow21. Same here. I rang them. They had me on hold for 35 mins..then just said..you'll have to wait for an email. Still nothing. I've given up my house..and have to be out this week. I'm then homeless. I've got a house in UK waiting for me...but I still can't get out! The stress..daily..is beyond a joke. No one helps...the government don't address the situation..ever. I can't believe it!

I have attached them an urgent letter from my employer, still doens't help, i am thinking if there is any legal action i can take against the ABF since this is inhuman

@bmorrow21, i finally got the approval today at 3pm, didnt expect they work on the weekend. I think you will get yours this week.

You are so lucky, and it is interesting that they sent the approval today. The whole thing is crazy!!

Hi everyone! This afternoon at around 5pm I finally got my authorisation to travel! I am very happy and I hope that we will soon hear some more exemptions for all those who are still waiting. I did not have show I already had a visa in Finland yet I did show evidence of all my possessions being sent, lease ending, purpose for being there ect. Just show as much as you can so they know you are not intending on returning soon. My exemption was 2 days later Than intended travel and I won't travel until a few weeks yet. But if you don't hear by date of travel or even the day after just beware it may take a few days longer and seems to be getting longer. They did not flag mine as urgent or help anytime I called, it was always just wait. I will continue to post and give advice to others! X

My partner also had an intended departure date stated for 3rd july. It is our first application and we submitted on the 1st july. Rung them on the morning of the 3rd july and they said they would move the application to decision making unit and we should get an email later that day. We have recieved nothing since. We made another phone call friday evening but was just told to wait on the email. It seems to be slowing down unfortunately :(

My intended travel date has passed as well and I am yet to hear back.

Would like to finalise my travel plans but how can I when I don't know when I will be allowed to fly?

I applied on compassionate grounds.

Hi everyone im currently a year 12 student and has dual citizenship of AUS and HK, and I booked a flight to leave aus sometime in late Nov after exams back home to hk, as the current situation worsens should i apply an exemption under personal reasons to leave aus? (as they say international borders should reopen late oct but since now idk if the ban will extend?)as ive been stuck here in aus for the last 12 months ( didn't want to leave and not able to come back to finish VCE exams). any suggestions of what I should do or any idea if the ban on travelling will continue? also will it help that I am a minor, and I came to Melbourne for schooling in year 9 as a boarder so i will have no where to go after i graduate?

thanks so much , Ally

I don't think the boarder will reopen until mid 2021 or until vaccine are available. The exemption is more like a one way ticket, if you can proof that you have an oversea job/university offer and won't be returning in a short time, the chance are higher for the approval.

So it doesnt matter if im born in HK and wanting to go back home? even tho I have no where to stay in Aus? and should I apply for exemption asap or wait for a bit to see whether the ban in extended?


Hi allyfan, as long as you are an AU citizen or PR, you need an exemption. If you are a minor and your parents are oversea, maybe you should get a letter from them explaining your situation, like you'll be returning to HK to continue your study or jobs etc, but you do need supporting documents to back you up, you can't just travel for holiday atm.

Ally, seeing as you are not leaving until November I wouldn't worry about applying for a travel exemption just yet. The travel ban will be reviewed on the 17th September so I would wait until then before even thinking about applying.

As you are a school student and are planning on returning home to Hong Kong you would need to provide your HK passport, HK residential address, a letter from your parents stating you have been at boarding school in Australia and will need to return home after your exams are over and I would also include a letter from your school Principal also stating that you are a boarder, exams finish on whatever date and that you need to return to Hong Kong.

If you are under the age of 18, you will most probably need to get your parents to apply on your behalf. I would get them to call Home Affairs on 131 881 and ask them if this is correct and what evidence you will need to provide to get an exemption. But don't worry about applying just yet, wait until the 17th September and see what happens.

thanks so much Annie! this really helps to put my mind at ease until sept 17 !! thankss

The expectation of a one way trip (if that is there) is a problem for those of us who need to go overseas but also need to return after a short time.

With the 14 days quarantine I don't think anyone would be planning to go overseas who didn't have a genuine need to go.

The lack of explanations of the criteria certainly don't help.

You can have a situation which you believe fits multiple criteria and yet their internal explanations that they don't publish can say that it doesn't fit any of them.

Hi guys,

My husband submitted exemption request on 1st July for travel on the 3rd july. It was our first time submitting for an exemption. We have applied on the basis of urgent and unavoidable personal business as we have had a successful UK Spouse visa granted with 2 months remaining to enter the country. We have submitted around 25 documents in total including proof of end of lease, resignation of job, the visa vignette and proof of of savings. My husband rung on the 3rd july and was told the application would be put forward to the decision making team and we would hear back the same day. We didn't hear anything back so he rung back again in the evening and was told there was nothing they could do. Im confused as to what to do- if we apply again for a exemption what if they approve the original one and then we get a rejection the second time round?Has this ever happened to anybody? Can anyone suggest what to do?


That's what we did for my husband. We applied in total 4 times, got one request for more information and one deny. After the denial I applied again, not noticing that they actually denied one of my older applications. They approved the last one I placed in, so we ended up with one extra application which I guess they discarded after they approved him for travel, who knows. But I was dreading it until he actually boarded that plane. This time I am not risking it for our approval, I will wait for their response first and they re-apply.

it really is a bad process.

The outcome could be quarantine on christmas island, which would nut out the leisure travellers or house quarantine with an ankle tracking device, with 6 month jail or 20k fine if it was breached. This would only be used for people going under 3 months and not for one way returning PR or citizens. They would continue to quarantine in hotels.

Hi everyone,

I received my exemption on the 5th July which was also my intended travel date. I didn't book flights so luckily I didn't loose them but something else has come up and I won't be able to travel until about a month from now. Although the exemption authorisation e-mail from home affairs doesn't say it will....does anyone know whether the exemption will expire??


i'd like to know too, but mines the same and doesn't say. we were meant to travel in June but that couldn't happen now we're trying for August...hopefully all is okay with it

Also need to know if there is a time frame on the exemption or if the exemption is attached to a plane ticket? What if the original ticket you have booked gets canceled and you must rebook at a later date? Do you have to reapply?

Congratulations to all who have received their exemptions!

We are still waiting - I applied last week for intended travel date July 9th. We are returning to our home country and my husband and the kids' father is already there, waiting for us. It took us a month to get his approval to leave back in May. I am hoping we hear tomorrow for our travel, so I can relax a little.

I'd like to start dialogue on those who are attempting to leave Australia from Melbourne. I am, by definition, ordinarily a resident of another country (US) so I am not under the impression I will need an exemption (I have only been in Aus for the past four months of the last 12 and five months of the last 24). I purchased a flight out of Sydney to LAX but reside in Melbourne, but now my travel plans are disrupted by the new border closure. Does anyone know yet if (assuming flights are still flying out of Melbourne) an exemption to travel to NSW is needed for layovers in Sydney from Melbourne? If so, is anyone aware of exemptions being provided for transit through Sydney airport? I know its all fresh and so far there is limited information out there. Hence why I am starting dialogue now for anyone in a similar predicament to myself.


Side comment: Funny that it is easier for international travelers from corona hotspots (USA) to enter NSW than it is for Victorians to fly through Sydney. Maybe a similar policy would be helpful?

Hi guys. I made an account to post in the comments as there's really no one else to talk to. My exemption date was today and I have still heard nothing. The flight is gone. My case has been escalated but there is no time frame. I have canceled everything including rent, sold my car, the shipping company has taken my stuff. My daughter has been pulled from daycare etc. I am at a loss as to what to do now. Has anyone else had their case escalated and how long from then did you hear anything?

Hey @AustoUSA91
Have you tried calling your local Federal MP?
They should be able to help push things through for you.

All the best!

Heya, congrats on the exemption

Could you tell me what documents you attached to your application?

Im in the same boat, travel date is tomorrow

Hi guys! Another question. I just got my approval and it says I can leave Australia etc etc which is very exciting. However when I look down it says

Departure port: Sydney
Destination country: Australia

My destination country definitely isn't Australia and it even says I am leaving Australia above it. Should I be concerned about this?

I have been told from August onwards those who got exemption and arriving within few days or months will be scrutinized including verifying details. With recent quota system any airline other than Qantas is risking flight cancellations.

Jkerz, I don't quite understand your comment. What do you mean by ‘...and arriving within few days or months will be scrutinised'.'

Where are they arriving from and who will be scrutinising them?

Hi jkerz, can you please let me know where you got that information from? Was that officially announced and what are the penalties?

We still haven't received our exemptions. Travel date is July 9th :( I can't take this insanity anymore. Got locked down for another 6 weeks. All my plans for having one last trip around the countryside in Victoria and the coast got cancelled. Not only that but the boys can't even see their friends before they leave. I am ready to just hide under a rock and never come out.

hi everyone! im submitting my exemption tmr and i wanted to call my local MP but im not sure what to ask or say. Has anyone done this? if so what did you say?

Has anyone used an immigration lawyer to either write their statement for the travel exemption, or help them through this process? If so, would you mind passing along the contact info? I am trying to go from the US to Aus as a de facto partner of an Australian citizen. We've applied 3 times now and been rejected twice for "not enough proof of our relationship." We sent in 56 documents of various proof of our relationship (INCLUDING our certificate of a registered de facto partnership in the ACT) for our 3rd app. I just feel like the 3rd app and 2nd app only differ in that they have a letter from each of our therapists explaining the mental health toll it has taken on us both. Im out of things to add and I have no idea what else I could possibly do to get a "yes" out of them.

I am a U.S. citizen hoping to get my Australian partner over to the US for a 90 day period. We have also considered an immigration lawyer. We are currently gathering documents for exemption application including letters from my therapist. Will you keep us updated if the therapist letter made a difference in your exemption?

I will let you know if this helps us. We are now trying to get him to the US and me to Aus... we will see which one (if either) pans out. I hope you have more success than we have had so far!

Hi everyone!

I have 2 questions and would appreciate anyones help

Firstly, I'm confused with the section "please explain why you need to travel outside Australia"

Is this the section where i write my around 800 word letter with the reasons + reference to my supporting evidence and my situation?

Or is it asking for the short reason and we attach the longer letter in the supporting document section alongside the other supporting documents I intend on attaching.

Secondly, for the intended return date, what do we select when we have a one way ticket and no return date? They don't have any option but to select a date and continue.

My letter was just a two Pages one ,

write you essential information only in a simple and easy way for them to read ,

they are extremely busy with heavy work load , try to make their lives easier and hopefully they will appreciate it

just put a date in one year or two if you don't know when to return

Congratulations on your exemption! I still do not understand....Did you attach this 2 page letter in the "supporting documents" or did you write it all in the box where it says "Please explain why you need to travel outside Australia" ?

Hi all ,

I would like to say thank you for every one that has posted any information on this thread , it was extremely useful

Just got my approval today

At first I was rejected last Tuesday 7/7 , sent them more documents the same day and got the approval on 9/7

the same day my Flight is

my advise is send them every document you can think of , birth certificate , hotel receipts , Job termination notice

Evidence that you left your residence ,

write a stat deck about anything you want to tell them ( return date , covering your own cost , left you job , left your accommodation , etc....

and write a detailed letter

All the best to every one hope you will be united with your loved ones


I am an Australian citizen, I left my Malaysian wife in Malaysia in March and havent seen her since. I am hoping to get back to Kuala lumper by November for 3 months to see her. Has anybody been in a similar situation as myself?

Hey everyone,

I am a dual citizen of Australia and Germany. I've been living in Australia over the past few years but grew up in Germany and always intended to go back to Germany to live and especially go to university there. Through Covid-19 I am now out of a job in Australia and intending to start university in Germany in October. I am therefor NOT planning to come back to Australia any time soon (at least 5 - 10 years). My bachelors degree is a minimum of three years.

I'm really worried I won't get an exemption and won't be able to study and leave. Does anyone have experience with a similar situation? If so any tipps on supporting documents etc?

Hey Crsbe,

I am in a similar situation but instead of Germany, I plan to move to Sweden where my girlfriend is located. I am also a dual national and I have no plans to return to Australia, I have only been here for 6 years and it has been the worse experience of my life. I hate to say this but I actually wish I didn't have Australian citizenship or permanent residency, the fact they're locking their own people in the country, having no freedom even though now when you return to Australia you are required to pay the hotel quarantine fee for 2 weeks, is mind-blasting and ignorant. I am yet waiting for my job offer from a big company back in Sweden and have been in strong communication with the boss, therefore I haven't applied for an official exemption yet but plan to when I get that job offer. I have read most posts on this feed and staying active, what I learned is that you should provide as many documents as you possibly can proving that you will reside in a country other than Australia: that involves scanned photos of Australian and other national passports (German in your case), a letter from the university back in Germany with proof that you have enrolled in the course and require in campus studying, proof of rented/bought property that you will live in or if you are living with a family/friend then a letter from them proving that you have made an agreement to stay at their place. Also, any information proving that you won't return to Australia for a while, possibly proof that you have been fired, sending your goods to Germany, bank account closure, and much more. Overall, try to imagine that you are trying to persuade an individual that you no longer will live here. I wish you good luck my friend and I hope to stay in close contact with you as we manage this grand obstacle together!



Hey JDsvensk,

mate it's ridiculous and I am so angry and frustrated I don't know where to begin and what to do. I'm not sure if I'll be giving up my lease here whilst waiting for an answer and then potentially have no place to stay if they reject me. Most of my family is in Germany and the little family I do have here is in a state I can't enter.

Depriving someone of their personal liberty is a crime with a penalty of up to 3 years in prison for an individual, and its just SO DANGEROUS when states start doing this. It sets a precedent that they will never be able to come back from.

I know that Australia has always been a nanny state that raises its citizens to be mindless drones and the power government has over here is very far off from a free country. Unbelievable. This COULD never happen in Sweden or in Germany.

I am also thinking of just giving up my citizenship if I get rejected as I can't ever imagine wanting to come back here.

Anyway, I wish you all the best and good luck. Really nice to be understood.


I am also a dual citizen and agree that Australia is a nanny state. I have received my exemption to travel by providing all the documents to show that I will not come back in the near future. A job offer, apartment lease in another country and shipment of personal belongings may help. I was fortunate to be able to work from home in Australia while sorting all the things out.

And it may not be easy to renounce the Australian citizenship.

Good luck!

Hey Ben,

Congratulations on getting the exemption, I've noticed in the trend of those getting accepted is simply by providing as many documents of proof that you are not planning to return to Australia and will reside in another country. I am still waiting for my official job offer as the boss went on holiday, but this hasn't given me more time to focus on obtaining other documents first. With Victoria screwing up, I feel like the human affairs might get stricter with what documents should be provided but hopefully, they're willing to help people that provide decently enough information.

Thank you,


Hi Jon,

The one-way flight ticket may be useful. A screenshot from an airline website would be fine (e.g. Emirates, Qatar and Etihad). I did book one-way ticket but not at the time when I applied for an exemption. I had phone calls to Emirates customer service when the situation in Victoria got worse. It's not helpful since I was told that the flights were still confirmed and no change. My decision to change the departing port from Melbourne to Sydney with change fees worked well. It gave me a peace of mind and I finally arrived at EU. Interestingly, the EU country is open to travelers from Australia, but we are not allowed to travel outside Australia. There were only four international flights out of Sydney airport last Friday.

Good luck and have a new life overseas!

hi all we will be flying from melb to LAX via syd. Obviously these new border restrictions in NSW are another obstacle. Has anyone transited through Sydney (withou the need for 14 day quarantine)? I've called a number on NSW health/gov website and they seemed unsure, so wanted first hand experience. Also, we got our approval from MElbourne but obviously have to now change to Syd, so assuming they're correct when they say it doesn't matter if the port changes?

Hi all! Long time reader. I just received my authorisation to travel and wanted to share my story with you all. I applied on compassionate grounds in order to relocate permanently to be with my partner.

Originally had planned to move permanently to Belgrade, Serbia in May. Covid happened and those plans went out the window! Postponed my flights and applied for the exemption - provided proof of flights for both myself and my partner to and from Serbia and evidence of relationship. Got rejected within 24 hrs of applying. They requested proof of sale of property or ceasing tenancy agreement and a job offer. Was extremely disheartened and disappointed.

Left it for a few months as Serbia closed their borders, and had to wait it out. Today I re applied, I provided the information they wanted - bar the job offer as I don't have one, and don't plan on working. I put in my intended departure date for this Friday 17/07 and submitted my application at about 4:30pm today 12/07 (Sunday afternoon), and received my authorisation at 7:30pm!

What a feeling of relief!!! All I can say to you all who are in the same situation - give them what they ask for, or provide proof of the reason you can't provide what they need. I think my problem was I started to overthink the application and today a girl I met told me to just keep it simple.

Don't give up! I hope you all get your exemptions soon, sending out all of the good vibes!

Hello guys,

I'm flying in one week with Etihad Airways. Does anyone know if they have any restrictions or things I need to do prior to flying? My friends mum couldn't fly Emirates due to Melbourne I think, but she thought she needed a negative covid test. When I looked online I believed it was only UAE residents or citizens? Does anyone know the process of flying through Abu Dhabi? I called Etihad twice and on both occasions said no need as my transit is under 4 hours.

Its just all very confusing!


I applied for exemption a week ago but haven't received reply. I put an estimated flight date (early August) as I don't buy the ticket until I get exemption. However, I do need to leave asap for a oversea job. It seems like they process the application based on how close your flight date is. My question is, can I apply again with an early date before I get the result from the previous application? Anyone has that experience? Thanks!

Hey hwrat,

Im in the same position. I'd love to know too! I regret not putting an earlier date instead of the actual planned date.

Guys put the earlier date. I am flying on the 28th of July but put my intended flight date on 12th of July. I heard from the government on 12th of July. I applied for three times, I don't think it matters how many times you apply. Put the date early, however, you need to have lots of supporting documents. :-)

to answer you both, yes.

you don't necessarily need to - i got my exemption to travel in sept within a week or so


Yes, apply for another exemption with an earlier date. I first applied on June 15 for an Aug 1 travel date and hadn't heard anything at all so rang, and the person I spoke to said I was welcome to apply again with an earlier date. She said they were basically triaging applications based on date of departure. I reapplied on July 6 with a travel date of July 20 and received an exemption on July 10for the earlier date. It stated that we did not need to reapply if our departure date or port changed. Hope this helps. I was hesitant to clog up the system with another application but what can you do when you need to book flights!

Is there any FB group about travel ban / leaving Australia?
Please let us know if you know any so that people can share their experience.

Yes. There is a private Facebook page called Travel Exemption Australia- Travelban Covid 19.

Home Affairs has changed the wording on its website from when this article was first published. For those who spend time overseas there is a general exemption "if you are ordinarily a resident in a country other than Australia" and ...

You are considered ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia if international movement records show that you've spent more time outside Australia than inside for the last 12 to 24 months.

This is a vague statement. I've spent more time outside Australia if measured for the last 12 months and also for the last 24 months. But if I measure it say for the last 18 months the answer is no hence I must apply for an exemption which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

Why couldn't they make it a clear cut rule easily interpreted by a layman and does anyone have visibility or experience with a similar scenario? I'd hate to assume I'm ok, buy the tickets then turn up at the airport to be turned away. Thanks.

Great news, my husband got his permission to leave for Italy. Write clearly your reasons, and attach all the documents that you can. His permission was in his junk mail.

JP2020 Banned

Just wanted to share my experience leaving Australia as this conversation helped me a lot, basically the situation went down like this:

1. Lived in Aus all my life, left Aus for Germany in July 2018 for an internship

2. Stayed in Europe until December 2019, when I went home

3. Accepted into a German university in March 2020, and booked a flight for March 23 ( which was then cancelled)

4. Applied for an exemption for personal reasons, where I claimed I needed to leave Australia to attend exams in person, and as evidence attached enrollment certificates, confirmation of classes etc. Even as of now I have never received any response from that application.

5. Exams in Germany were scheduled for end of July, so I bought a ticket on a whim late June for July 12 anyway

6. Applied for another exemption, I again said I had to leave for exams - although this time I included my 2018 rental contract in Germany, a reference from my internship supervisor, and my current rental contract in germany (which I was paying for all this time...).

7. got an email back after 3 days saying I will be allowed to leave because I am not considered resident, and that "A discretion from a delegate of the ABF Commissioner is not required in this instance"

8. 8th of July, Qatar cancelled my flight for the 12th and Victoria went into lockdown - I scrambled to buy a Etihad flight for the next day.

9. Got to the airport, the border force lady took my passport and made some calls, said they couldn't find my exemption. They asked if I was non resident, and when I said yes they made some more calls and "found some notes attached to my passport in the system". This was enough for them.

10. Etihad took another 15 minutes on the phone to get "overides" to let me into Germany, as their systems also said I couldn't travel.

11. Eventually let on the plane... and enjoyed a lovely flight with only 14 people! Entry into Germany was an absolute breeze and took all of 20 seconds...

Good luck to everyone else, I've really appreciated being able to read through this conversation for ideas.


This site has been helpful to me so I wanted to share my experience. I am an Australian citizen normally resident in the USA but arrived here just before the lock down and decided to stick it out. While perhaps not required, I applied for an exemption in mid June to travel back to the USA at the end of July. I was not expecting to hear back until just before my departure date, but received approval a few days ago, more than 2 weeks before I leave. So, its not always last minute.


I waited 2 months for a exemption to travel due to personal business. Was Approved!

I need to know from those who already went through customs what exactly does the ABF have on their list? as I need to change my travelling route to see my 96 year old grandmother before my intended destination. Does the ABF have the destination on their list? what happens at the airport? I don't want to re - apply and run the risk of getting knocked back if its unavoidable. I see that the email says you do not need to re - apply if flight details change but just want to be sure.

Thanks to everyone!

Hey PSmith,

They do not care about your intended destination, as long as you have an exemption to leave Australia, you should be just fine! If your flight dates or destination changes, then you do not need to reapply or contact anyone, simply arrive at the airport and show them your passport and the exemption in a hard copy.

Have a safe flight!,


Yesterday the gov quietly changed the cap on international flights. From Monday only 30 passengers will be permitted per flight into Sydney International Airport, that means only 350 passengers a day.

Hi everyone, this forum has helped my Fiance and I incredibly and couldn't thank everyone enough. This is our experience with myself getting over to the US.It took 4/5 attempts to finally get a last minute response. We purposely put our intended travel date for last friday and heard no response, so we kept calling home affairs and finally reached someone who cared after 2 hours of being on hold. It was sad to hear that the supervisor didnt care about our case but we eventually got a hold of the most patient and caring representative on the phone who put our application on URGENT. Then within a few hours my fiance got the email of his exemption. This process was more mentally draining than the K1 process but dont give up! I wish you all the best! As in proof, we included both of our birth certificates, our US social security cards (he got one while studying abroad in the US awhile back), termination of lease, resignation of his job, wedding deposits, joint bank accounts, and links to the USCIS website to provide further information. hope this helps!

As this forum has also been an immensely helpful resource for me, I too will share my experience of getting approved to travel. Luckily for me, it was a reasonably easy experience, however, I do appreciate that is not the case for everyone.


I was approved within 10 days of submitting my first application, which I applied for almost 3 months in advance of my travel date. This really surprised me to be honest so I couldn't be more thankful for all of the advice everyone has shared here.


For anyone looking for help, as many others have shared prior, I would suggest writing clearly and explicitly your compelling reasons to travel. As well, taking into consideration that we are writing to a government agency I think it's crucial to think of it as the procedure it is. For this reason, I think that official documents are best however if that is not possible anything that is clearly relevant to your particular case should work. Consider writing to your educational institution, job etc. and ask if they could possibly provide you with a letter. Even though it is a very stressful time I would suggest removing emotion as much as you possibly can. As unfortunate as it is, I don't think that it helps. Clarity and transparency are key.


As also written above I think that as long as you can prove that you have little to no reason to return to Australia within the next year/s, you should be fine. I agree that the process is easier if thought about from this perspective. Even though it seems so difficult to leave Australia, the real concern I suppose is bringing the virus back with you. And once you leave, there is less control regarding your return.


Also, I'll add that I am a dual citizen of my destination so that most likely helped my case.


Good luck to everyone applying!

Hi @arolyat, 

Thank you for sharing your story and your advice. May I ask what your compelling reason to travel was? I posted my story below but I feel that, just as you mentioned, my partner's application may have been denied because we did not make a compelling enough case (as if being separated from  your loved one for 10 months is not enough!). We attached plenty of documentation and I have a prospective marriage visa application pending to come over to Oz, but this does not seem to be enough. I am just curious what arguments have been made or what we can do differently on our next attempt. 

Thank you so much!

I like to share my recent experience with ABF in relation to the travel ban exemption application – particularly with those who are intending to apply for the exemption based on re-uniting with your spouse, partner or other family members. I'm an Australian citizen and a US permanent resident, and my wife is an American.I left the US in Feb, 2020 with an intention to return there in late May, 2020.I applied for the exemption in early May, and booked a flight - assuming my application would no doubt be approved on the ground that we are a husband and wife and have right to be re-united and live together – it's a matter of basic human right.Well, I was wrong – they denied my application (also the airline cancelled my flight anyway).To say to them we are a married couple, love and miss each other badly was not good enough for them.I then applied for the second time with more supporting documents such as our lease contract, history of phone calls, records of email exchange, bank account details and other highly private information.Denied again!It seems when it comes to wishing to re-unite with your spouse, partner or other family members, there has to be some medical reason (or perhaps legal or other compelling reasons) to justify your exemption.My wife has been depressed and very anxious about living all by herself without her husband being around in the midst of this virus pandemic.The rejection of my applications made her mental state even worse with the real prospect that we may never see each other for another year or more when Australia re-opens its borders.She had started seeing a clinical psychologist because of that.After a few sessions, the psychologist agreed to write a report on her deteriorating mental condition, which I included in my third submission of the exemption application.I finally got the authorization a couple of weeks ago, which obviously made us pleased and relieved.However, I still resent the fact that the government has an authority to keep a married couple separate against their will. I squarely put the blame on this government for my wife's poor mental health and suffering. This government has been behaving like an authoritarian communist regime with no compassion and understanding with the application's desperate personal circumstances.To block me from getting out of this country won't benefit this country in any way.I will not be a threat to this country's bio-security, because I will be quarantined for 2 weeks when I return and I'll be payingfor it.So what's the point of this travel ban (other than, of course, those who are going overseas as tourists)?Anyway I wish every applicant good luck and hope you will be able to re-unite with your beloved family as soon as possible.

Is "travelling to get married" a valid reason for exemption ? We were supposed to get married in April. This travel ban is taking a huge toll on our relationship. Any ideas, tips, please ?
How do i officially prove our relationship, other than the chat's, calls, etc., ? I met her last christmas and we decided to get married after Easter.


did you apply your exemption yet? we my fiance about to apply his exemption for our wedding. it suppose to happen last June but coz this condition we decide to postpone to September.

it killing tho havent see him like almost a year :(

Hi all!! This thread has helped in keeping me sane over the past couple of months. I applied for Exemption to Leave Australia in early June under “unavoidable personal business”. I am heading to the UK to complete a masters. I have just received my exemption to leave Australia for the 4th of September (I think they are clearing the back log finally!)

Documents I submitted:

- Passport, licence, birth certificate (no visa)

- My unofficial and official letter of acceptance to study

- Flight tickets

- Tenant agreement and proof of first month rent

- References from industry professionals in Australia

- Scholarship letter

In my explanation, I explained that this opportunity would make or break my career as a young Opera Singer. I mentioned the scholarships I had received and that I could support myself overseas too. Lastly, I expressed that this course cannot be done online as it is very practical, and that a lack of attendance would effect my outcome and put me behind my peers. The fact that this is a 2 year Masters probably helped my case as I won't be back until Covid is under control.

Super relieved and glad I don't have to pack up my life in 48 hours!!! Wishing you all the very best. Stay safe x

Hi Guys,

I am ordinarily resident in another country. I want to hear from those who have been successful in leaving without an exemption.

The Department recently added wording of ordinarily resident as "someone who has been overseas longer than in Australia over 12-24 months" - I want to know that border control are honoring this, with specific to 24 months. Covid has grounded me in Australia and as such pushed my numbers up (not in my control). But over 24 months including couple of month-long visits over Christmas and my unexpected time here in Australia, my number will be 241 days in Australia over two years, with my intended date to leave in September to go home (when the border opens in my country of residence)

I want to hear from people who went to the airport and what the process was - how they checked, did you supply evidence, what did they ask?


HI All,

i see no update since last week from anyone. I am on deputation in Australia and my base location is India. DO i need to get the exemption

Hi all,

This article and everyone's comments has given me hope to re-apply again after I got rejected the first time, which was devastating. My background story, I'm a dual citizen. I applied based on compassionate grounds due to my mother's illness and I wanting to travel back to Europe to take care of my her. I provided them with my mother's medical certificate, proof of our relationship, all mine and hers ID and birth certificates etc. I got rejected a week later on a Sunday.

In consideration of the facts demonstrated, I am not yet of the opinion exceptional compassionate circumstances exist to approve the applicant to leave Australian territory. While I acknowledge this is a difficult time for the applicant, under the current global pandemic international travel is restricted to exceptional circumstances only.Applicant is also required to provide evidence that no other family is available in country to provide sufficient levels of care and support.

I've just submitted my second application providing further evidence, psychological evaluation of my worsening mental state, job termination, end of lease, and a letter from my mother and also I extended the travel period, which they suggested in their rejection feedback.

Fingers crossed and good luck everyone!

I got my travel exemption for the 11/06/2020 approved, it was a relief, but because of border closures it has been delayed. I have another flight booked for 9th Sep, possibly it get's delayed again. Seems impossible to find information or contact someone to ask about this. This page has been the only decent source of information.

If I go over 3 months since I got approved, do I have to re-apply? Nothing in my email granting me exemption says I have to.

Also has anyone changed the method of transport. For example, if I was to go via plane then the last leg via boat? same destination just a different method.

I just got approved - it was less than 24 h after my submission. Good luck everyone!

I arrived the US a couple of days ago from Sydney.I like to share my travel experience with those of you who plan to or want to be flying to the US.

I took the United Airlines flight UA870 leaving Sydney at 10:30am.Here's what happened:

1. At the Sydney airport, I didn't have to present my exemption email to ABF, but I did have to present it to UA check-in counter staff.She then made a phone call to somewhere to verify the exemption email (took about 4 or 5 minutes).Then all was good.

2. The whole check-in, immigration, and security check procedure took only about 30 minutes.There were no queues at all in any of these processes.After the security I found most shops are closed - the only ones that were open were a pharmacy and a couple of coffee and sandwich places.I also noted that there were 9 international departures scheduled on that day.

3. The UA flight was only about one quarter full.I had 3 seats all to myself as with many other passengers.In terms of Covid infection, I wasn't too concerned because all those passengers are from Australia where the infection rate has been comparatively very low.The flight arrived SFO almost one hour ahead of schedule partially because of strong tail wind.

4. At the SFO airport, there was no health check of any kind - not even a temperature check.The entry procedure, i.e. immigration, customs and luggage pickup, was pretty much business as usual except each process was so much faster than normal times.

5. I took a domestic flight from SFO to Dallas, TX,this was a scary flight as CA and TX are two of the most infected states in the US at the moment. Besides, this flight was pretty full - probably about 150 passengers. No social distancing at all. I was wearing a face shield (and a mask, of course).I noticed only 5 or 6 other people wearing a face shield. I'm now in the process of getting myself tested for Covid.

Hope this information is helpful for some, and good luck everyone.

Hi @David2211,

Thanks so much for posting this information.

I was granted an exemption to travel to the USA yesterday to reunite with my partner and the inland flights were on my radar as a concern. Was your San Fran to Dallas flight also with United?

I need to do two Domestic flights to get to my final destination. Do you think it would be worth using points to upgrade those domestic flights to business to get a little more of a Covid shield?

Thanks again for all of your info and congrats on getting back to the States. I hope your Covid test returns a negative result.


Good to know you got your exemption to re-unite with your partner. My flight from SFO to Dallas was with American Airlines. In fact I had to take another flight from Dallas to my final destination, Alabama – again with American. I wouldn't recommend buying a business class seat as they probably would be twice more expensive, if not more, unless of course money is no object to you. I bought an ‘Main Cabin Extra' seat for US$75 from SFO to Dallas, and US$57 from Dallas to Alabama.These seat will give you slightly more leg room, and are probably less crowded than normal economy (as it was in my cases).Have a good trip and good luck.


Thanks so much for getting back to me.

I definitely don't have the funds, but I do have a heap of United points (due to all our flying back and forth between Australia and the states) so can use those to upgrade. My frequent flyer status gets me automatic economy plus, so perhaps that will suffice instead of eating up my points.

Anyway, thanks again for the update :)

Hi guys,

Although I did go through the posts above(not all of them though),I do have a few more queries please. Can anyone please help? I have a new job offer from USA and wondering how to go about applying for the exit permit to leave Australia and I'm done with the stamping of the work visa too. I have to leave as soon as possible as I cannot extend the start date of my employment. Although currently residing in Melbourne,wondering whether there are even any flights now to leave Australia to travel to the states. What kind of permit is to be applied and how, also the documents needed to apply for the permit ? Do we have to book the flights for sure prior to applying for the permit or can we include are intended date of travel? Please advise. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks guys

I just received an "exemption denied" letter. To their credit, the rejection came within 48hrs of applying. That's in stark contrast to my previous application from late June, for which I never got any response at all. Seems they've streamlined or improved the process somewhat.

At any rate, an excerpt from the rejection email follows:

Under current restrictions travel is only considered when accompanied by exceptional circumstances. Considering the information provided with the request, I am not satisfied that the application has enough compelling evidence to support their claims. Further supporting documentation verifying sale of property or end of tenancy agreements in Australia, and details of proposed business activity overseas may assist.

Feeling very imprisoned on this here island.

Hi all,

I just received my approval to travel on first application. This took a week with a status of ‘under consideration' for 5 days in the online portal.

I spent about 2 months putting together my application with 64 pages of supporting documentation to travel to the USA to spend 3 months (the maximum an ESTA will allow) with my American partner. My application was thorough with all supporting information clearly labelled.

I attached the following to my four-page application letter:

1.A formal Statutory Declaration that this application and a true and honest account regarding the reasoning of this request to travel to the United States of America during the COVID-19 border closure.

2.A letter from my Doctor stating my history with depression and confirming the effects of this separation from my partner is having on my mental health, along with another pressing medical issue that also supported the urgency to travel.

3.A letter from my psychologist stating the sharp decline in my mental health due to this separation and the uncontrollable stress associated with our future plans being turned upside down.

4.A letter from my partner supporting our request

5.A copy of my partner's passport and driver's license.

6.A copy of my passport and driver's license.

7.Six declarations from various family and friends (in both Australia and the USA) confirming our relationship and the impact this border closure is having on our mental wellbeing

8.A copy of my confirmed and paid for airfare for my cancelled March/April 2020 trip

9.My travel itinerary from my visit for Thanksgiving – November/December 2019

10.Travel itineraries (flights, accommodation, tour bookings etc) from a trip we took to Alaska July/August 2019

11.A copy of my most recent ESTA approval (about a year old) with my partner's name and address listed as my contact in the USA.

12.My partners travel itinerary for his trip to Australia for my sister's wedding. Stated that if they checked the arrival systems, they would see my address listed as his address in Australia.

13.Two more flight itineraries for other travel we have done together

14.Copies of past accommodation bookings from various trips we've taken together over the last 2.5 years containing both of our names.

15.Twenty photos (in a pdf doc) of our time spent together and with our families in both Australia and the USA, which further supports the legitimacy of our relationship. These photos also corresponded with all supporting travel itineraries and were clearly labelled with dates, location and the names of all people in the photos

16.Approved leave form from my employer detailing the commencement of my leave and my return to work date. Noting that I will work remotely during my two weeks in hotel quarantine, hence the return to work date is the day after I return to Sydney.

17.A formal statutory declaration agreeing to pay for my own hotel quarantine.

I also addressed why we have never lived together – work and visa requirements in each respective country. Highlighted that my partner owns his home in the USA, so no need for leases etc. Something also tells me that the fact we are both in our late thirties probably helped too.

Anyway, I hope this helps those who are looking to apply for an exemption to be able to reunite with their partners. Honestly, you don't need to be married or defacto, you just need to put forward a compelling case with lots of supporting information.

Good luck everyone!


Thanks this is very helpful 

Which exemption category did you apply under? 

@Lough, so sorry the hear that you have received another denial. I am heartbroken for you. Keeping everything crossed that you manage to get yourself a different outcome from round three. Don't give up! x

@SBRIT - thank you, I will definitely keep trying and reapply.

Congrats on getting your exemption! Hearing your good news gives me hope. It is very encouraging that they are taking unmarried partners needing to reunite seriously. #loveisnottourism. :)

Have a fantastic reunion, all the best.

Thanks @Lough.

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Hi all,

I just received my approval to travel on first application. This took a week with a status of ‘under consideration' for 5 days in the online portal.

I spent about 2 months putting together my application with 64 pages of supporting documentation to travel to the USA to spend 3 months (the maximum an ESTA will allow) with my American partner. My application was thorough with all supporting information clearly labelled.

I attached the following to my four-page application letter:

1. A formal Statutory Declaration that this application and a true and honest account regarding the reasoning of this request to travel to the United States of America during the COVID-19 border closure.

2. A letter from my Doctor stating my history with depression and confirming the effects of this separation from my partner is having on my mental health, along with another pressing medical issue that also supported the urgency to travel.

3. A letter from my psychologist stating the sharp decline in my mental health due to this separation and the uncontrollable stress associated with our future plans being turned upside down.

4. A letter from my partner supporting our request

5. A copy of my partner's passport and driver's license.

6. A copy of my passport and driver's license.

7. Six declarations from various family and friends (in both Australia and the USA) confirming our relationship and the impact this border closure is having on our mental wellbeing

8. A copy of my confirmed and paid for airfare for my cancelled March/April 2020 trip

9. My travel itinerary from my visit for Thanksgiving – November/December 2019

10. Travel itineraries (flights, accommodation, tour bookings etc) from a trip we took to Alaska July/August 2019

11. A copy of my most recent ESTA approval (about a year old) with my partner's name and address listed as my contact in the USA.

12. My partners travel itinerary for his trip to Australia for my sister's wedding. Stated that if they checked the arrival systems, they would see my address listed as his address in Australia.

13. Two more flight itineraries for other travel we have done together

14. Copies of past accommodation bookings from various trips we've taken together over the last 2.5 years containing both of our names.

15. Twenty photos (in a pdf doc) of our time spent together and with our families in both Australia and the USA, which further supports the legitimacy of our relationship. These photos also corresponded with all supporting travel itineraries and were clearly labelled with dates, location and the names of all people in the photos

16. Approved leave form from my employer detailing the commencement of my leave and my return to work date. Noting that I will work remotely during my two weeks in hotel quarantine, hence the return to work date is the day after I return to Sydney.

17. A formal statutory declaration agreeing to pay for my own hotel quarantine.

I also addressed why we have never lived together – work and visa requirements in each respective country. Highlighted that my partner owns his home in the USA, so no need for leases etc. Something also tells me that the fact we are both in our late thirties probably helped too.

Anyway, I hope this helps those who are looking to apply for an exemption to be able to reunite with their partners. Honestly, you don't need to be married or defacto, you just need to put forward a compelling case with lots of supporting information.

Good luck everyone!


Congrats on getting the exemption.

How did you upload o many documents when there is a limit to upload only 5 docs for a single exemption ta

Hi @ron121,

Thanks so much!

I merged all docs into one pdf, while keeping it to their specified file size limit.

Congratulations on your approval @SBRIT. 

I am going through a rather similar situation. I am from India and a PR here in Sydney. In India we have something called Arranged Marriages where the family searches a bride/groom. I found my partner just when the lockdown began. She just finished her Dentistry in the US and is travelling back to India. During these months we got very close to each other and have built a good relationship, sadly everything was online as we couldn't travel and see each other. Our wedding date has been fixed in the second week of December and most of the bookings for the wedding have been already done. We cannot delay or postpone any further as the date we booked our wedding is one of the most auspicious date and will be happening with the blessing of close nit family members.  

I have read your supporting information and wanted to clarify what i could provide further. 

1. Wedding Card
2. Wedding hall booking Letter. 
3. All my documents (passport license visa etc)
4. All her documents (passport license visa etc)
5. Her flight tickets and proofs that she is travelling to India
6. Declarations from family members (From US India and Australia) about our wedding.(what should they mention? and my own declaration) 
7. Our conversations and video call recordings. 
8. Any medical proofs i must submit? The wedding has been fixed in December, i am in a total state of depression/anxiety for not meeting her in person. In a situation where i have to be excited for my wedding, I keep getting panic attacks thinking of a rejection for exemption. 
9. Also im not sure how do i show an itinerary for my travel. Most of the people told me not to trust commercial flights and to go for Private charter flights. I will be speaking to them and see if i can get an itinerary but however this will be a temporary date and not a final confirmed date. 
10. I have to go at least 3 to 4 weeks prior to the wedding date where in i will have to quarantine for 14 days India and spend some quality time with my partner before the wedding. 
It would be greatly appreciated if you can provide me with any kind of suggestions. 

Hi can someone please let me know if I need an exemption,

I arrived from England 4 months ago and I have citizenship in England and PR in Australia.

I know I don't need an exemption to leave Australia but will I be allowed to book a ticket to fly back once in England?


I have tried several times for compassionate care for both myself AND daughter due to my aunt having health issues and me and my daughter needing to be physically in the USA to sign some legal financial paperwork. My 72 year old mother cannot care for her any longer. I am 49 and my daughter that I support 100% is 24. I pay her bills while she goes to college. I was denied the first time based on an email from my mother calling both myself and daughter to come back. Realizing I needed to paint a better picture of how desperate this is, I gave a string of emails over the past year how my mother needs help. And so second time in, I GOT APPROVED! However moments later my hopes were dashed as they DECLINED my daughter. I thought, "They must think my daughter is independent." but this is not the case.

And so I write a terribly compelling letter with tons of proof how I financially support my daughter thinking surely this will make sense. On the same day today I got an answer, and for the 3rd time she was DECLINED. I cannot believe this! I explained how she needs to be in the USA to sign this paperwork, explained how I am moving out of the house to put everything in storage because there is a possibiliy when I get there I might have to make the trip more permanent.... Nope!

Monday morning I will be calling the embassy to see if anything can be done. I will not be seperated from my daughter.

Hello Everyone,

I have been applying travel exemption request for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law as my wife is diagnosed with PostNatal depression and has been referred to Phycologist. We have already applied for the exemption 6 times, all the time we have got below response:

"Based on the information provided, your circumstances do not meet the requirements for referral to the Commissioner or delegate".

And for my 7th travel request which was raised y'day, I have got below reply:

"Your circumstances have been assessed against the Australian COVID-19 travel restrictions. Under that policy, the ABF Commissioner or Delegate may advise that certain persons are to be exempt from the restrictions. On the basis of the information provided, the Delegate has concluded that your circumstances do not outweigh the risk to the Australian community".

We had a baby 7 weeks ago and I have resumed my work again, and since my wife isn't doing good it's me who is looking after both and also working for 10-11 hours a day. Things are getting difficult here and after submitting all the documents (stat declaration, letters from friends and family, doc certificate, visa, passport and many other docs), ABF is not approving their travel request.

Any suggestions what can I do for the travel exemption to be approved ? thanks

Hi @ron121

I am so sorry that your current situation and constant denials from the ABF are causing you so much stress.

I would suggest the following:

1.  Providing them with proof that you have nobody else in Australia that can help your wife while you’re working – further letters from the same family members who have already written something stating that their personal commitments here in Australia will not allow them the time to help support you and your family.

2.  You should see a psychologist too.  Have he/she write a letter on your behalf stating the impact this situation is also having on you and your ability to perform your job that support your family

3.  A letter from your employer stating that they need you to be working and that you’ve exhausted your leave entitlements (this doesn’t need to be true, but will add urgency to you application)

4.  A spreadsheet or some kind of financial overhaul showing the financial stress you and your family could be put under should you have to stop work to care for your wife and child at this time. 

Hopefully, these things will help strengthen your application for a yes. 

So sorry to hear that your wife is struggling with PostNatal depression.  It has devastating effects on new Mothers and should not be brushed off by the Australian Government like this.

Good luck and I look forward to the day that I read that you finally have approval.

Hi All

Does anyone know how long the travel exemption is valid for? My husband got his visa to Australia and exemption approved on the 20th of July - but due to Scomo capping Police State Australia - we can not book a flight home until late October (we are currently in the USA) because that is when Melbourne airport starts to receive flights. Are the exemptions only valid for 3 months ? If we dont travel soon, will we forfeit it and have to apply again? 

Hope someone can help 

I am wondering the same thing too @fillystar.

I received approval to travel to the USA with a travel date of 2 September.  I am now looking to delay my departure by a few months due to work commitments here in Australia.  Even though our border closure is being reviewed on 17 September, I can't see restrictions changing until well into next year.

I am going to try to call the Department tomorrow.  Will let you know the outcome here :)

I am wondering the same them to. Mine will run out soon and I am still waiting for flights. There is nothing on the exemption stating an expiry. I hope we don't have to go through the same process just because it is over 3 months.

@fillystar @moto485

I just got off the phone with DHA.  Our exemptions to travel will not expire.  Once granted we are safe to travel, even if it is several months after the original date of travel listed on our application.

We can all breathe easy.

Safe travels x

Thank you kindly for contacting DHA ! I really appreciate that you went out of your way to do this ! Thank you for the helpful information - bless you

Hi @fillystar!

I hope you and your husband have made it home to Oz safely. My partner and I have been separated since January and we are feeling very hopeless. He applied for an exemption to travel to the US and was denied and another shot we have is if I apply for an exemption to travel Oz. I was wondering if you might share the circumstances under which your husband received an exemption to travel from American to Australia? It would be greatly helpful. Thank you!

I got the exemption approval prior to it been an online login, has anyone had issues leaving with the "old exemption" email.

Just didnt want to get to the airport and them not been able to find the details. 

@rdhawan, whilst on the phone to DHA about the above, I asked this question for you.  You will have no issues as your approval is linked to your passport number.  A call is made to the Department when you check-in at the airport, they give your passport number and you'll get the all-clear.  Safe travels :)

Help  please - I want to travel to the UK in December for xmas and my son birthday.  He traveled to the UK in January to travel around Europe but has had to postpone due to corna.  I am 68 yr an Australian Citizen but have a New Zealand passport - I am also eligible for a "Certificate of Entitlement to the right of abode" due to the fact my  mother was born in Scotland.  I plan to leave on 16th Dec and return on the 27th Jan.  Do you have any tips to help me complete the application form.   I am a single mother and my son has no family or friends in the UK and I feel the need to go over to see him.  Any advise would be very welcome.  Thank you 

Hello Marg5291, there is an article here with a lot of practical information on ho many ET readers obtained a travel exemption and what their experiences were: https://www.executivetraveller.com/australian-travel-ban-exemptions

However in all honestly I think that travelling for Christmas and a birthday is not going to sound like a very solid reason to the Government agency in charge of granting exemptions, it's not exactly "essential travel." But good luck with your application anyway, it would be a nice way to end what's been a pretty terrible year!

Marg5291, I don't like your chances. I got knocked back for requesting to attend my grandma's 100th birthday, who has also deteriorated in health recently. So unless you're a professional athlete or politician it seems these approvals are hard to come by and the process is obviously a farce. 

Thank you both very much - just hope this madness ends soon!!  

hi there

has Anyone had a exception to travel to Australia from New Zealand to work in critical industry as a New Zealand citizen? We have tried the online application on the home affairs website but wont let us set up a user name... 


Hi all,

I'm a teacher (Aus citizen) at an international school in Lahore, Pakistan. I need to return to Pakistan in October as we will be returning to the classroom. I have my Pakistani work visa and a letter from my employer on why I need to be in Lahore. What else should I include in my application? Is it best to book flights now or wait for approval?

Hi beekayem, 

Have you been living in Pakistan prior to the border closure? If so, you may not need an exemption on the basis of being a resident outside of Australia. If this doesn't apply, would submit application and not book flights until you have approval. However, make sure you know what flight options, as your exemption would be tied to the chosen port of departure. Both my recent requests were responded to (declined) within 2 days, 1 even within a few hours. I've also heard that requests for heading overseas for a longer period are more likely to be granted than shorter trips. 

Good luck with your request! 

Can anyone who got exemption to be with partner please let me know what documents to attach.

Hi Sam, 

When I applied for my exemption I went through applying to be with my partner but it never worked 100%, so I had my youth mobility as my main reason and then my partner as the second reason. 


I hope this will help and encourage all. First let me say that Border Control has been very quick to respond to requests and none of this waiting I have read. Sometimes within hours.   So I was requesting for myself and daughter to return on compassionate grounds as my aunt that has a hoarding problem has failing health. But more importantly, my mother who is the trustee of my aunt's trust, has called for me to be a co-trustee. We tried to do this last year while I am in Melbourne, but quickly realized legally they would not allow a notary from here (Melbourne). I physically needed to be in the USA. Showing extensive doccumentation of copy/pasted emails into a PDF I was able to show a trail of dialogue with how serious the issue was, but also that Fidelity Investments required me to be in the USA for legal reasons. HOWEVER, they would not grant my 24 year old daughter that I financially support while she is in University, despite emails from my mother asking BOTH to return. We wrote 3 more times as I applied on her bahalf, and denied 3 times.  

So here's what we changed/adjusted.... I had my daughter apply as an independant. The application page only allows 1000 words, which for us was not enough. So we started a .doc file and she wrote a very detailed email explaining how desperate the situation was. ie: Her grandmother is 72 with not great health and is the only trustee to her aunts money, and should her grandmother die, no one would be able to handle my aunt's finances. We attached all the screen shots I had originally sent that got me across the line. But I think the #1 thing that was different was my mother spoke with Fidelity Investments and actually named my daughter in a very official email that stated we BOTH needed to be in the USA to sign these doccuments. This was FROM Fidelity with both our names and explaining why we had to be in country to sign. Within 24 hours she was approved. 

So it is indeed possible, and I want to encourage everyone don't give up. But you really need to make your case clear and present some very solid evidence and get right to the point. And you also need to consider how to return. We are holding fire at the moment despite a house that is almost packed. With a shaky election coming we are trying to put ourselves in the best position anticipating getting a flight back might prove difficult. Also, we might go to Queensland vs. Melbourne. Just keep in mind your 1-2 month trip might be 3-4 or longer. Many unknowns and a big risk. Good luck!

Hi everyone - looking for advice from successful applicants. 

I am a US citizen and met my AUS citizen partner 14 months ago on holiday in Bali. We saw each other in October and again in January (spent 30 days together in US and Oz). We planned to visit again in April but of course could not. We have since been working on a permanent resident application (prospective marriage) for me to move to Australia permanently and are almost finished. Our hope had been that travel restrictions might be reduced by the end of the year but as we all know now that is unlikely. We are desperate to see each other as it has been 8 months now. My partner has applied once for a travel exemption to come here with little evidence (it was a total long shot at the time) and was obviously denied. He plans to re-apply to try to come to the US and I plan to apply to travel to Oz in hopes that one application will be successful. However, it seems from reading these posts that they want us to be married (we can't get married if we aren't physically present with one another), share accounts (we can't join accounts without being physically present) and have lived together (we can't even see each other, come on!).

Is there anyone that is in our situation that has been successful in launching an exemption in either direction? If so, what advice can you share? 

Thank you so much!

Hi @VetJaclyn,

I am in a similar situation, although we are not even at the marriage stage yet.  I was still successful in getting an exemption to travel to the USA.  You must be clear with your intention in your covering letter, provide as much supporting information as possible (eg. letters from family and friends confirming the legitimacy of your relationship, formal stat decs, travel itineraries of time spent together, supporting photos etc) and label these documents clearly in your cover letter.  

If you search my name on this page, you will see my very detailed post (with a list of exactly what I attached as supporting information).  I did a short summary in the details box on the portal which directed them to my attached application.  My application package was 1 pdf file with all my documents merged together, which totalled around 60 pages.  My photos (all 20 of them) were in a grid format over a few pages with details under each photo of where and when it was taken.  I made sure some of these photos featured people who had written the letters of support that I included in my package

Get yourself and your partner to both see a psychologist and get letters from the psychs (and GPs too) recommending that this reunion is vital for your mental health.  I truly believe this played a major part in my success in obtaining my exemption to travel.

Wishing you and your partner the best of luck for your application and let me know if you have any further questions.



Thank you for taking the time to reply. We are super discouraged and given that you have been successful, we are hoping you might have some advice. Since my initial post, we have officially submitted a prospective marriage visa which is pending. My partner (AUS citizen) applied for a travel exemption to come here in Dec/Jan for 4-6 weeks. We attached all documents to the exception that were included in our visa application including two formal statutory declarations, many documents as evidence of our relationship (photos, phone calls, texting conversations, travel receipts, etc), a celebrant letter, etc. Unfortunately, his application was denied within a matter of hours citing that they are not approving applications for relationships. We applied under compassionate grounds. 

I was wondering, did you share that you planned on just a visit and that you planned on returning home? What did you say for your "reason for needing to travel urgently"? I feel that initially intro letter may have been the reason it was denied? I'm wondering what you did differently! We are so desperate! 

Thank you so much. :) 

Hi @VetJaclyn,

Please feel free to email me on misssbrit at hotmail . com as I am happy to try and help you.

Apologies that the email is written like that, but this forum blocks you listing direct contact information.  I'm sure you will have no problem figuring it out.

Chat soon!


Hope someone can help!

I am a dual citizen British/Australian currently living in Oz. I made the decision to retire back to the UK before Covid hit us.

I have just sold my house and I have purchased a one way ticket to leave Australia on the 24th November.

I have looked at the exemption list for travel and can't decide whether I fit into any of the exemption categories. As I was unsure I then started to apply for an exemption. However it won't allow me to submit my request as it is asking for a return travel date and I have no plans to return! Can't phone the Dept of Home Affairs for help as it doesn't haven't an option to enquire about this.

Anyone help???


Applied for an exemption but stated my reason for leaving Australia was to retire to the UK and not return. Put in a return date as 2060! Attached airline ticket and British Passport.

Got a reply back within the hour!!

Exemption not required as leaving Australia for more than 3 months.

This seems to contradict a lot of the posts on this site. However, good luck everyone

Having a british passport helps, 

"Exemption not required as leaving Australia for more than 3 months???,"

Where did you get that from?


To clarify

 The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and the delegate of the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is authorised on the following grounds:

  • Relocating overseas more than 3 months

Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes – an exemption to travel restrictions does not exempt you from these requirements. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change. A record of this outcome is available in border systems, in order to facilitate your departure.

Hi All and @ PaulK

I have received exactly same email and i am planning to travel in November to visit my father who is unwell . Can you please let me know if you were able to travel back or had to re apply . Just for your reference i am AUS PR and want to travel to India to take care of my father for more than 3 months . Appreciate if you can kindly help on this as i called Immigration Home affairs to confirm if i ca travel with this email and they were not providing any such confirmation

Below is the email from Home Affairs on my Application. Appreciation if you or anyone can clarify if i can travel with this exemption or not 

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and the delegate of the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is authorised on the following grounds:

  • Travelling overseas for at least three months

Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes – an exemption to travel restrictions does not exempt you from these requirements. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change. A record of this outcome is available in border systems, in order to facilitate your departure.

Thank you !

Hi all,

Thank you for sharing your experiences - I have just been reading them and I am glad to hear you have got your exemptions.

I am looking at applying for an exemption to leave Australia for 4-5 months.

I have not seen my partner for over 12 months now and I cannot cope anymore. All of our plans seems to have been derailed and after talking to the embassy they said there is a 2 and a half waiting period which sounds very unreasonable. 

Just wanted to get someone's opinion on whether the below would be sufficient for compassionate grounds:

- marriage registration paperwork for wedding in March 2020;

- letter from employer confirming work arrangements;

- stat dec from myself and family/friends confirming the difficult situation including buying a house and having a mortgage the size of Australia which is very stressful in keeping up on my own;

- my GP knows about my mental health and anxiety attacks but I am yet to book in a time with a counselor as they seem to be booked out. I contacted 2 different ones and neither of them were taking on new patients :(

- I have itineraries from past travel 

- photos

I wrote a letter to the Embassy asking for an update which also outlined the difficult and stressful situation i am in.

Any thoughts anyone can share would be very much appreciated.

Also, is there a fee you have to pay for the exemption travel application? I heard you have to do a COVID test 2 weeks prior to travelling as well as you will not be let in to the airport without it.

Sending you all positive vibes :)


Hi Anna, there should not be a fee for the exemption. There wasn't when I applied in July. As you are leaving for a few months it should be ok. But may I ask where you are going to? Sometimes I think it matters where you are going and coming back from. I have not heard about the test for the exemption for departing Australia, what airport will you depart? I would check with them directly.  But your country that you will enter may require this and check any transit countries. Also at the airport of departure in Australia they will check that you will be let in at the other end at your destination (you will need to show there immigration/government restrictions under COVID for Australians entering based of whatever reason you are going there). The Australian government do not want people being turned around and sent straight back. I successfully came to Finland but at Brisbane Airport I had to show Finland would allow me to enter for my reason, as technically Finland is closed to Australians at the moment unless you fit a specific category. I think your evidence for the exemption is enough just remember to bring that with you to the airport when you depart. They turn down people even with exemption if they do not have all the other details sorted that I mentioned above. 

Hi @bmorrow21,

thank you for replying to me.

I would be departing from Melbourne to Italy. I have dual citizenship so hopefully this is enough evidence but I have not heard of anything else I need to show once I arrive. I will double check anyway. I was looking at flights and in the past I have travelled with Etihad and I did read that even if you transit through Abu Dhabi etc you need to COVID test clearance and allow extra time to move through the airport. I will keep a copy of all the documents and application with me in hard copy just in case. It's such a difficult situation and the travel ban got extended until 17th of December.

Hey guys,

Anyone had travel approved in order to attend burial of a parent? Or Sibling?

Hi, it seems likely that Border Force, Dept of Home Affairs, Dept of Immigration (whatever they call themselves) will approve exit permission if you can prove that you are going overseas for more than three months.  If you can state that you need to attend to Probate, manage the affairs of a deceased relative, etc and it's going to take longer than three months, it seems that you've got good grounds for an exemption.  I wrote my reasons on a Statutory Declaration form. I think this helped. 

Hi l2020newlife,

Can you please confirm the email your received and if you were  able to travel with that exemption? Below is my email on the application and not sure if i can still fly

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and the delegate of the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is authorised on the following grounds:

  • Travelling overseas for at least three months

Your departure from Australia is subject to standard border clearance processes – an exemption to travel restrictions does not exempt you from these requirements. You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change. A record of this outcome is available in border systems, in order to facilitate your departure.

I am from India and a PR here in Sydney.  I found my partner just when the lockdown began. She just finished her Dentistry in the US and is travelling back to India (her residence). During these months we got very close to each other and have built a good relationship, sadly everything was online as we couldn't travel and see each other. Our wedding date has been fixed in the second week of December and most of the bookings for the wedding have been already done. We cannot delay or postpone any further as the date we booked our wedding is one of the most auspicious date and will be happening with the blessing of close nit family members.  

I have gone through some scenarios in this comment sessions for supporting information and wanted to clarify what i could provide further. 

1. Wedding Card
2. Wedding hall booking Letter. 
3. All my documents (passport license visa etc)
4. All her documents (passport license visa etc)
5. Her flight tickets and proofs that she is travelling to India
6. Declarations from family members (From US India and Australia) about our wedding.(what should they mention? and my own declaration) 
7. Our conversations and video call recordings. 
8. Any medical proofs i must submit? The wedding has been fixed in December, i am in a total state of depression/anxiety for not meeting her in person. In a situation where i have to be excited for my wedding, I keep getting panic attacks thinking of a rejection for exemption. 
9. Also im not sure how do i show an itinerary for my travel. Most of the people told me not to trust commercial flights and to go for Private charter flights. I will be speaking to them and see if i can get an itinerary but however this will be a temporary date and not a final confirmed date. 
10. I have to go at least 3 to 4 weeks prior to the wedding date where in i will have to quarantine for 14 days India and spend some quality time with my partner before the wedding. 
It would be greatly appreciated if you can provide me with any kind of suggestions. 

Hey, I have the same situation. My fiancé is PR in AUS and lives alone there, his entire family is in India. We are getting married in December for that he needs an exemption to come to India for our wedding. He had applied for exemption but sadly it got rejected. Can you please tell me whether you got exemption by giving your wedding as a reason for exemption? My fiancé is not keeping well as he is living all alone and has been isolated with other people from last 6months so its very urgent for him ro come to India and meet his loved ones. Thanka in advance. 

Im sorry for that, keep trying. May i know what documents have you submitted? 

My situation for what its worth: Couple who both are Australian and US citizens, and UK permanent residents (Indefinite Leave to Remain). In application stated that we did not plan to return to Australia for 6 months

17 August 2020 Applied for exemption online.

19 August 2020: Exemption granted by email based on relocating overseas more than 3 months.

I am Planning to apply exemption due to Permanent move overseas. All of us are dual nationals and we don't plan to return any time soon.

Would u be able to answer a few questions for me:

1. Did u apply for both of u in 1 application. i haven't looked at the application yet 

2. What documents and proof of permanent move did u provide.


MAraza: replies to your queries are:

1. Online application format appears initially to be for yourself, but then has add-on portion at the end to include accompanying others. Upon submission, both of us received immediate emails confirming receipt of the application.

2. Supplied scan of both of our Australian passports which include UK permanent resident visas. Did not supply US passports. Apparently, though, neither our UK residency nor US citizenship were the deciding factor (indeed, having been in Australia for most of past year is overriding factor trumping any other citizenships or permanent residency visas). Rather, the sole decider seemed to be that we would not return for more than 3 months. To be precise, my application said not planning to return for 6 months, but the email granting exemption had express language of 3 months  .  .  . which gives further credibility to the 3-month cut-off as it was first mentioned in the exemption, not in my application.

Further comment: We have decided not to travel now even though allowed because of our "senior" age status and that Australia is one of the safest places on the planet at the moment, especially in relation to UK and US where our adult children live (the one in US did get coronavirus, but mild case). Our concern is that our UK permanent residency status supposedly expires after 2 years out of UK which happens for us next April. At least we know now that we will be able to leave Australia as we get closer to that date. And it appears that we will not have to re-apply as our exemption says that it applies even if we change flight details or departure port. Of course, the exemption rules could change and/or coronavirus worldwide could become worse. In contrast to fast-received Australian exemption, we have received no reply to enquiries to UK government whether permanent residency 2-year out of UK limit can be extended due to coronavirus.


Could you indicate where you were going. I applied with no intention of returning to Aus but was turned down 

Sam: Our application stated destinations of UK, Netherlands and US.

Has anyone recently applied for a transit permit to fly from Melbourne to Sydney and then catch an international flight?

So glad I  found this discussion. Can anyone please suggest anything here.

My kids Dad lives in Singapore as an expat and if he left there to visit them here he would lose his job. I want to apply on compassionate grounds for them to travel at Xmas to Singapore as it would have been 1 year since they had spent time with their father face to face. I can get a letter from a psychologist to support this request for exemption and have birth certificates to prove relationship.

Would there be any special circumstances which would mean that as children they can quarantine at home at both ends of the journey (instead of in a hotel). If it must be hotel quarantine, is it at our own cost? It would be in Singapore I would imagine, however on return would I have to pay for the hotel at this end on their return?

Any comments on the granting of such an exemption? This is very hard on kids, they should be allowed to see their parents.

Many thanks,


Hello everyone

Thanks to everyone who has submitted advice on this site.  Very helpful.

I applied for a travel exemption and received approval less than 24 hours later.  I completed and uploaded a Statutory Declaration and supporting documentation, stating that I would be going overseas for a long period.  I was granted exemption based on the fact that I was 'Relocating overseas more than 3 months'. 
I was not required to indicate a return date; I did not have to provide a departure date; I did not have to show confirmation of flight booking.  I am able to change the date and place of depature, they stated: 'You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change. A record of this outcome is available in border systems, in order to facilitate your departure'.

Please everyone, don't give up hope.  Keep pushing.  It is your right to be able to leave this country.  We must stand up for our rights and not allow this dictatorship government to get away with the some of the most draconian lock down measures anywhere in the world. 

It's time to say 'Enough is Enough'.


Pls is anyone got exemption for compassionate ground to taking care about mother/father? I have only mother who lives alone in Europe (she has not brother, sister around, she is totally alone, she is 77, she suffer from dementia etc..I am permanent resident in AU, married without children, work...I would like to go to my mother during Christmas holiday (in decembar we have holiday and I can collect more annual leave days) and I need to back to job on the end of January ...so what you think  can I get approval for leave in duration of 5 weeks or it is not possible?

You have obviously done something right, to assist others what exactly did you state on the stat dec?, what supporting information did you attach, are you a dual citizen?, do you have a home in another country or relatives?, or a work permit?, there are too many variables.

Hi everyone,

I am a dual citizen but I don't believe that is the deciding factor here.  If you can prove that you will be away for longer than 3 months, you have a good chance of getting approval.  This is what they said:

'The Australian Border Force (ABF) has considered your request and the delegate of the ABF Commissioner has determined that your application to travel is authorised on the following grounds:

  • Relocating overseas more than 3 months'

I think that submitting your information in the form of a Statutory Declaration appears favourable to Australian Border Force since you are declaring that all the details are correct (under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959) and you are guilty of an offence if you make a false declaration.  Give them any applicable information: if you have a house overseas, you may need to go and do maintenance/arrange for sale; if you have an offer of a job, show them confirmation; if you have sick relatives, give them letters from GPs.  Give them anything and everything to show them that you will not be returning to Australia for the forseeable future. 

ABF no longer require you to provide a departure date or show proof of booked flights.  It appears that once approval is granted, you can leave whenever you want.  I would suggest taking a print out of the email confirming that you have permission to leave.  I wouldn't trust their electronic system. 

'You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change. A record of this outcome is available in border systems, in order to facilitate your departure.'

I received approval in less than 24 hours from submitting my request to them.  I think they are starting to understand their process.  Much better than it seemed a few months ago. 

We must all unite and push forward so our basic human rights are not destroyed by this government and their draconian rules.  Stay strong and keep fighting.  Do not give up. 

I am planning to relocate to Thailand. What supporting documents did you have to show that you were leaving for more than 3 months?? Did you have to show any bank statements? Address of your destination? 
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance

Hi -  has anyone have had an exemption and haven't been able to leave the country in the 3 month period. I did not have an expiry with my exemption approval however due to certain delays in repat flights to my home country I have been stuck here.  I got my exemption in July with the hope that I would exit by August. If the three month rule applies my exemption would have relapsed last week. Has anyone gone through this experience?

Hi @rdha4611

I too received an exemption in July for a September departure date.  Due to work commitments, I have had to delay my departure until the end of the year.  I called DHA as I wasn't sure of the expiry situation.  The person I spoke to said there was no expiry.  Once granted, I can depart anytime during the border closure regardless of my original stated departure date.

Safe travels!

Thanks for confirming SBRIT. Appreciate you telling me this.


It doesn't seem that there is a three month rule.  On current applications, you do not need to indicate a departure date.  No departure date indicated equals no expiry of the approval for a specific date.  This is what Australian Border Force confirmed when they granted my travel exemption:

'You do not need to re-apply for permission to depart if your flight details or departing port change. A record of this outcome is available in border systems, in order to facilitate your departure.'

Hi everyone, 

I've just submitted my seventh application/first application through the new system. 

I'm trying to get to the United States on a B1/B2 travel visa and plan to be there for six months. I'm trying to get there to be with my boyfriend. 

Do you think I have a chance? Has anyone been approved who is in a similar situation to me?

Before with my other applications I only had an ESTA so I could only be in the US for a maximum of 90 days. Now that I have the B1/B2 travel visa and will be staying for six months do you think they'll give me the exemption? I've seen some people say they received approval because they were relocating for more than three months.

Would love some of your thoughts if anyone has any.



Hi Jane, I hope your application was approved.  If you can provide all evidence to show that you will be leaving for longer than 3 months, I think you have a good chance of being approved. 

let me know how you go/are going with this... I havent applied to leave as yet, but as things have finally started to relax in Victoria now, I am again getting ready to think about this. I too have a B1/B2 visa.  Would love to hear any updates from anyone in similar position with same Visa who got approved etc...

Hi guys,

I am an Australian PR, and an Indian citizen. I had planned my wedding this year but due to travel restrictions everything has taken a setback. It has been postponed to December 2020. If I go by what in the news these days, international travel will remain shut until late next year.

 I cannot and do not want to wait until that time just to get married. Both families are deeply saddened by this and especially my mother has gone into stress.

 I applied twice but got denied in less than 24 hours. I have provided evidence of my relationship, doctor’s report stating my mother’s heath condition but nothing seems to have mattered to the ABF. This is so shameful.

 Anyone here with a similar situation as me, please share your experiences.

Do you reckon the reasons to travel is strong enough to get an exemption? Please suggest a better way.


I am moving to London with my British partner in January. 

At first when COVID hit we weren't sure if this was possible for an Australian Citizen, but this post proved otherwise.

I applied for a Youth Mobility Visa and was approved in approx 2 weeks.

Three months from our departure date I applied for my exemption to leave, which was approved in just three hours!

I submitted a stat dec and copy of my visa as evidence.

I also submitted evidence of work in the UK and evidence of my partner's Australian visa expiring.

I didn't have flights booked or evidence of shipping belongings. 

I hope this info helps someone - as many of the comments on here have helped me.

Good luck!

Hi jax123, I'm so pleased that you will be able to leave Australia.  I think you will be happy in the UK, I think there is much more freedom there - it's not nice to think that you are not allowed to leave Australia, it's like we are prisoners here. I think we are the only country in the world which doesn't allow its citizens, dual nationals and permanent residents to leave.  It's disgraceful.  I came here 40 years ago, when it was a good country, but when I leave soon, I'll never come back.  The suggestions and advice on this site really helped me to get permission to leave this country.  Thanks to everyone for their input. 


Useful discussions and I have got a lot of insights from this forum.

Can anyone provide recommendations on how to get travel insurance from an Australian provider?  My family and I are migrating from Australia to Germany and will have German public health insurance shortly after we arrive, but would still need to be covered for our trip until our German insurance commences.

I'm asking as the providers I've enquired with either don't provide cover if the country is listed as a "Do not travel" by smartraveller.org.au, or because I can't show return tickets (as I am booking one way tickets to leave Australia).

Thanks in advance

Has anyone recently tried applying for the travel exemption on the leaving Australia For 3 Months or longer and have been knocked back?? I see that they have become way more strict with allowing this. Any advice from anyone on how to approach it now??? Thanks

@Hexican I received my exemption to travel within 24 hours: I had a statutory declaration signed by myself and a letter from my employer confirming they knew and were making arrangements for me to work remotely for the next 3 - 6 months at least.

Good luck!

Cheers thanks for that AnnaH. Did you have to show any return dates? Flight bookings? etc......

I am an Australian exporter.   All of my income comes from UK.  If I can't go to the UK my business will collapse.  I have been allowed to travel to the UK as an exporter 3 times since the start of the pandemic.   My partner lives in Scotland and we own a house together.  (The only reason I come back to Australia is that my teenage son is here).  Inexplicably, my latest application for a travel exemption was just knocked back.   I then reapplied with a stat dec saying I would stay away for 3 months to pursue my business.  I even said I would not come back to Australia until I was vaccinated.  (I am on the NHS in the UK).  This was knocked back too.  Just then.  It seems bizarre.  Has anyone else been knocked back recently?  Does anyone have any advice about what kind of grounds I should ask for?  Thank you very much for your help.  Best wishes, Lisa 

I recently got rejected as well for traveling to HK for business, this is my second time applying for the exemption. They approved me July last year but i returned here in Nov to visit my family. I think they only allow you to leave the country once. 

Clarity on Travel Exemption Forms Needed

I am trying to apply for a travel exemption for my mother and I to leave Australia and go back to Egypt.  We are looking to relocate to Egypt permanently; mainly because of my mother's failing mental health and depression since my father died.  He died whilst we were in Egypt and was buried there.  She wants to return to Egypt in the hopes of dying and being buried with him.  She needs to be around her family there for her mental health and as her carer, I need to go with her.  What do I need in order to do this?  When I try to fill the exemption forms, the first question is "Role of Travelling Party" and I have no idea what this means and nowhere on the Foreign Affairs website or on the net do I find an explanation as to what this means or how to fill this out.  When you call, they don't even know how to answer.  There are a lot of issues with the exemption forms and they are not clear as to what is required for submission.  It's really unfair and inhumane.

Yours is a "compassionate grounds" situation while mine wasn't, but it seems to be common practice that exemption is granted no matter what the special considerations or lack thereof as long as do not plan to return to Australia for at least 3 months. At least that was the situation last September when I applied and was granted exemption the next day.

Thus, if you can't get consideration for your special circumstances or you can't get through to relevant decision maker, you might simply state that it is one-way trip for your mother without a return to Australia and that you will not return for at last 3 months.

Furthermore, this type of exemption application does NOT need a leaving date, leaving flight details and returning date. Apparently, the exemption goes on computer record that is checked at the airport; and likewise when you return, the computer record is checked to to verify that traveler has been out of country for 90 days. I'm speculating about this  last part because, as a senior, I decided that despite getting the exemption, I would wait until other factors are more favorable (safety and availability of long plane flights, safety at destination, and availability of full travel insurance).

Thank you for your insight 

Hi, how does the Australian government know if you are Australian? If you enter and leave the country using other passports (as a dual national not travelling on an Aussie passport) does this mean you wont need to get a travel exemption? Does anyone know if there are other forms or questions to complete when leaving about your nationality? Thank you. 

1. If a citizen of a country, then must enter and depart using that country's passport. It is unlawful to use another country's passport or visa to enter a country when one is a citizen of that country.  This is pretty much universal for all countries; and certainly is in the countries for which I hold citizenship (Australia and US) and permanent resident visa (UK). I.e., I cannot enter Australia on my US passport and visa versa. (Once I was travelling round-trip UK - US without my Australian passport. But upon re-entering UK, I realised that I did not have my UK residency visa because it was attached to my Australian passport which I had left in my London flat. Caused quite a kerfuffle at Heathrow, but after wait checking my visa with Home Office and a stern warning, I was let into the country.) 

2. Some countries are better than others in tracking your moves. Australia tracks when you have entered AND departed.  US tracks when entering but not when departing (i.e., if you overstay a US visa, probably won't be caught until next time you enter). However, I understand, US government is further ramping up collection of airline passenger manifest information to possibly include departure information.

3. Australian international travel ban is NOT based on having Australian citizenship or resident visa. Rather it is based on person spending majority of past year in Australia without regard to holding another country's passport or resident visa. This includes those who do not have Australian citizenship at all, but I am aware of such people (who were in Australia on long-term visitor visa for over 6 months getting exemptions (but that probably was because they stated in application that they would not return to Australia for at least 3 months which in itself is basis for getting exemption). In effect, this means that if one has been in Australia for majority of the year prior to imposition of the travel ban in March 2020, then stuck here until ban is revoked (unless qualify for exemption of one type another).

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