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[–]Chongulator 26 points27 points  (1 child)

This is a great build! It’s not the least bit cringey.

[–]4647484950[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Thank you! It just doesn’t really fit well.

[–]6KaijuCrab9 10 points11 points  (3 children)

Cool concept, and it looks great! Do you have a write up posted anywhere about the build

[–]4647484950[S] 3 points4 points  (2 children)

I don’t. I just made it up as I went along.

[–]6KaijuCrab9 1 point2 points  (1 child)

That's even more impressive then. I tend to do the same. It's a lot of cutting without measuring and freehand dremeling over here. Sometimes, I even get it right.

[–]4647484950[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah! You get it.

[–]project23 4 points5 points  (2 children)

for rebuilding civilization after a global disaster. I’m not saying one is going to happen. Just thought it would be fun to build.

To not be viewed as a 'crazy prepper' I say I'm preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse so I'm just viewed as a 'silly sci-fi/fantasy nerd'. I like what you have done here.

Have a look at the IIAB project for some ideas on setting up a hotspot so many people can access the info on their smartphones (when in range).

[–]4647484950[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child)

This is set to be a server if you want as well for the AI and included wiki stuff.

[–]project23 2 points3 points  (0 children)

A little text to speech plus deepfake Majel Barrett and you have a primitive Star Trek Computer Core. Man the future is going to be cool in so many ways (and I'm sure it will be horrific is so many other ways of course, humans gotta human)

I haven't even touched AI yet (blush of geek shame)

[–]Mr_Bulldoppps 3 points4 points  (5 children)

So how does gpt4all work with this? Can you ask it questions and it pulls answers from the local pdfs or am I way off?

Edit: just read over the gpt4all documentation. Which model did you choose?

[–]4647484950[S] 2 points3 points  (4 children)

I used the falcon model. Your question is correct. You can essentially chat with the PDFs.

[–]Mr_Bulldoppps 2 points3 points  (3 children)

What made you choose Falcon over the others?

How long did it take you to get it all functional?

This is amazing. I have an older miniPC maxed out with 16gb ram that may be perfect for something like this! This gives me tons of ideas. Thank you!

[–]TheGratitudeBot 2 points3 points  (1 child)

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[–]Mr_Bulldoppps 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Good bot

[–]4647484950[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I chose falcon because I tried a few of them. Falcon was the fastest one I could find. That’s the only real reason. I’m glad you’re getting ideas! I’d love to see what you come up with.

[–]modulateddreams 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Please do a write up on what ai and how it's been trained. This is one of the best uses I've heard in a long time.

[–]4647484950[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I appreciate that. There are already plenty of videos and such on the AI part. Just look up GPT4All and you’ll learn way more than what I learned.

[–]modulateddreams 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Cheers thanks for that will definitely look into it.

[–]matt95110 4 points5 points  (1 child)

What are you talking about? This is freaking awesome.

[–]4647484950[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Thank you!

[–]AfroPandaWarrior 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Wow this is super cool! I love the screen choices, they are very original. Finally someone does something new with these builds.

[–]4647484950[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thank you!!

[–]OkTune5910 2 points3 points  (1 child)

That's super cool. It's a fantastic concept with the ai. And as for preparing for the end of the world, it's better to have the tools to help you out and not need them than to need them and not have them.

[–]4647484950[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Thank you!

[–]tyrandan2 2 points3 points  (2 children)

What do you use for mounting components into those plastic hard cases, glue? Tape? Screws?

I'm doing a similar build, and I bought some heavy duty double sided tape for mine but it won't stick, and I'm trying to avoid drilling through the case if I can.

[–]4647484950[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I have everything press fit. It’s just all the exact right size, which is shocking because I don’t really know what I’m doing.

[–]tyrandan2 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ah, I see. It looks really nice!

[–]Embarrassed-Tale-584 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I love it. Love the duel screen layout. Good job. I also like how everything is a separate component.

[–]4647484950[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you! I appreciate that.

[–]billbaudhq 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is great! I also might need to read up on the AI setup you used.

[–]Oscarcharliezulu 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is a cyberdeck - built out of bits thrown together! Also who’s NOT betting on the end of civilisation?

[–]TjWolf8 3 points4 points  (2 children)

What board are you using for local AI? The mix of portrait and landscape displays is really cool!

[–]4647484950[S] 9 points10 points  (1 child)

It’s a very cheap miniPC. In using GPT4All which is CPU only AI.

[–]hiraeth555 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Does it have voice to text and text to voice?