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[–]acatnamedrupert 242 points243 points  (41 children)

In all honesty, this, to me, feels like pure nightmare juice ._.

[–]GroteStruisvogel 66 points67 points  (25 children)

Agreed, this thing fucking terrifies me.

[–]acatnamedrupert 61 points62 points  (24 children)

Only that Boston Dynamics dog with a gun would scare me more. But that I at least know lacks the long lasting autonomy this one probably has, and certainly lacks the firepower this one has o_O.

[–]Silent_Samurai 11 points12 points  (3 children)

Wasn’t this a black mirror episode 💀

[–]notjohnbigbooty 8 points9 points  (1 child)

The only one of those that I can't get out of head is the pig fucking one. What sick mfkr thought that up?

[–]WarrenPuff_It 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It was inspired by reality...

[–]NDjake [score hidden]  (0 children)

It reminds me of Maximum Overdrive.

[–]clownind 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I would just tame the gun toting dog and have a good boy bodyguard.

[–]mavigogun 6 points7 points  (16 children)

The arms merchant reports 4 hours with payload, 10 hours without. There might be a case to be made it would be better to just run people over for 10 hours than to tote a cannon around, in some circumstances.

[–]DarthWeenus 5 points6 points  (10 children)

But all you have to do is snipe the optics and the whole thing is moot.

[–]LordCrayCrayCray 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Which requires money to fix but not the lives of a soldier which is worth a lot more.

[–]UnionGuyCanada 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not in Russian military doctrine...

[–]mavigogun 6 points7 points  (1 child)

That's the case for everything, really- engines, treads, canopy, guidance, be they of jets, tanks, missiles, drones... or soldiers.

[–]featherhatfelon 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Exactly what i was thinking. It would similar to soldiers being sent to battle and the other side going what are they stupid all we gotta do is shoot them in the face. Dunno why this guy is trying to act on the contrary for the sake. Where they got an answer for everything

[–]KimVonRekt 1 point2 points  (0 children)

All you have to do is snipe the MG operator and the whole squad is moot. The problem is hitting a moving object while being suppressed.

[–]Forbden_Gratificatn 0 points1 point  (1 child)

That's why you keep it moving. This would be a fast, assault vehicle. It's low, which also makes it much harder to shoot without totally exposing yourself. I can't imagine it has a stabilizing system which means I think it would be better to through an automatic grenade launcher on. A semiautomatic shotgun system could also be very effective at trench assaults where it would get close in and fire buck shot into the trenches.

[–]KimVonRekt 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Have you seen the trench systems? How do you imagine a wheeled vehicle driving over a trench? Driving over the trench is THE BEST way to get rocketed into oblivion from the side. Also, it's really hard to drive over a fallen tree if you don't weigh 10+ tons

[–]BibleBeltAtheist 2 points3 points  (1 child)

That would be a monumental fuck up on design. Companies and the US military are certainly capable of it. With that said, I can't imagine under normal circumstances that they wouldn't have several failsafes in that regard but before you know it, it's all

[–]mavigogun 3 points4 points  (0 children)

While it might be guided without optics, performance would be left to luck. Every system has critical components, and most aren't redundant. 'Stupid military neglected to give their soldiers 2 heads' is a silly complaint.

[–]KimVonRekt -2 points-1 points  (4 children)

Run over people in trenches? Or do you mean peaceful protests by some circumstances?

Because noone is allowing this thing to run them over. Trench, car, tree, building, telephone pole, anything will keep you safe from getting run over. Ignoring how easy it's to hit something moving with 0 angular velocity when not being suppressed.

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (3 children)

You've made a list of things that will block most vehicles. (It is also not a submarine- surprising "swimming pool" didn't make the cut.) Yet, despite this, people continue to get hit by vehicles. Silly people.

[–]KimVonRekt -1 points0 points  (2 children)

Soldiers who are at war or people living their lives?

Also there is millions upon milions of cars and yet there are relatively few car-pedestrian deadly accidents.

Can't you differenciate between an armed soldier looking out for things that want to kill him and a kid walking home from school that's looking at a smartphone?

[–]mavigogun 0 points1 point  (1 child)

I won't be consulting you- a common choice, no doubt.

[–]The_Environmentalist 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The guy with the hockey stick would be fucked if they ever give them guns... First guy to been killed when the robot uprising happens.

[–]Compote_Alive [score hidden]  (0 children)

Those things don’t need guns. Just glue explosives and shrapnel to them. Have them run into the front lines. Or crowds.

[–]thedeuce75 9 points10 points  (0 children)

The future is here, and it's scary AF.

[–]fcavetroll 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Imagine getting massacred by that thing because you couldn't surrender to it since the human operator was too busy jacking off.

[–]thedeuce75 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hey, I can multi-task like a champ!

[–]WorldTravellerIOM 1 point2 points  (1 child)

They need one a little smaller and narrower that can just drive down the trench lines. It also needs wheels that can pivot 90 degrees for the culverts in the trenches.

[–]KimVonRekt -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Russsians start put planks across the trench at knee height. Your machine is now useless.

There is a reason why the best weapons are grenades, bigger grenades (mortars) and biggest grenades (artilery) and not RC cars with guns.

Drones carry grenades and got pistols for a reason

[–]Forbden_Gratificatn -1 points0 points  (2 children)

I assume it's relatively cheap since the Ukrainians built it and not the U.S. defense industry. It's small and ,I assume, fast, which makes it hard to hit with RPGs or antitank missiles. If it has enough armor to withstand small arms fire, it will be somewhat hard to kill then. If they put an automatic grenade launcher on it, that can point at a small negative angle, it would be devastating for drive up to trench edges and peppering a trench line. That could save a lot of Ukrainian lives and quickly collapse trench line defenses.

[–]KimVonRekt -2 points-1 points  (1 child)

Fast in mud and broken trees? Fast when 3m from a trench? That's a good way to catch an rpg from the side.

Also this ignores the fact that a grenade fired upwards that falls into a trench is 100% better than one fired at a downwards angle unless you're 1m from the trench and wish to catch your own shrapnel

[–]Forbden_Gratificatn [score hidden]  (0 children)

Drive up along side of the trench and fire them down the trench line.

[–]spicybuttholenachos -1 points0 points  (1 child)

Can you fucking imagine this thing rolling up and starts spraying the area in 50 cal. Nothing to shoot back at. Fuck I wonder if it's hack-able.

[–]KimVonRekt -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Hackable? Too many movies Jamable? If it's using civilian tech then 90% answer is YES

Btw. It drives up and gets the same RPG treatment every other vehicle out of concealment gets

[–]babbler-dabbler -2 points-1 points  (3 children)

This vehicle controlled by a Tesla FSD AI. and put a bunch of Tesla bots with machine guns in the back.,.. yeesh we're already almost at Terminator level war tech.

[–]acatnamedrupert 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Mmmmm if true that might not be the best idea. Musk might go even crazier and shut them off or make them shoot Ukrainians instead.

[–]Anomaluss 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Tesla AI is the worst AI.

[–]Ashamed-Rooster-4211 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Fuck tesla, fuck musk. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

[–]PM_ME__RECIPES [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm looking for Ivan Kyleovich Коннор

[–]shikodo 107 points108 points  (6 children)

I'd love to see drone footage of this in action.

[–]PostitiveImagination[S] 42 points43 points  (2 children)

Me too, looking forward to seeing some videos of the ruzzki terrorists receiving it's penetrating gifts.

[–]deezalmonds998 6 points7 points  (0 children)

it's penetrating gifts

oo tell me more

[–]Coin_Enjoyer 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–]AhKisin 84 points85 points  (14 children)

It looks like an aggressive version of WALL-E!

[–]liquid_at 9 points10 points  (11 children)

Is what I would assume southerners use to drive to wall mart...

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (10 children)

This us-them mockery has to stop before we end up like the Russ and Ukrainians.

[–]liquid_at 0 points1 point  (9 children)

so you think the nationalist rhetoric of "We are all the same" that Russia is applying isn't contributing to it at all?

You think that nationalist thinking of "we have the same passport, so we are the same" is not fueling international conflict?

Imho, being able to ridicule people of your own country and point out the differences is a great way to show that democratic nations aren't cults that follow a common pattern of behavior, but loose gatherings of individuals with a similar idea of how a country should be run.

If you want to beat "us vs. them", start with acknowledging that there is no "us" and that there is no "them".

[–]mavigogun 2 points3 points  (8 children)

What a load of BS, attempting to laden your vapid pejorative with social merit. Gratuitously making people feel "other" foments division for petty pleasure or personal advantage- it makes no difference if you are Putler singling out homosexuals, a Klansman singling out ethnicity, or you spouting bigoted noise.

[–]Mazerguru 0 points1 point  (2 children)

I love good humor and "Is what I would assume southerners use to drive to wall mart..." was funny as fuck. I gave a thumbs up the second i read it. Funny is what funny does.

[–]mavigogun -1 points0 points  (1 child)

Regardless, your pleasure comes at a cost we all end up paying.

[–]helpadingoatemybaby -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

That ship sailed long ago Mavi, thanks to Russia and social media manipulators. To win that, you have to win against Russia and national actors, not some guy making a joke.

[–]SealMealVeal -1 points0 points  (3 children)

Wow southerns get so damn sensitive when people joke about them, yet without batting an eye they will go on at length trash talking California.

This whole guies conservatives put on about "let's not make it us vs them" when they don't have their guy in office, but then when they do it's all about owning the libs and "fuck your feelings snowflake".

It's like an abusive relationship where the guy says "look what you made me do" after beating his wife, "look what you made us do on Jan 6th because people made fun of people in flyover states!"

Get a leash on people like Gatz, Margorie, and Bobert, have some accountability and couth.

[–]mavigogun 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Your presumption is a fine example of the problem. I am not a "Southerner". Hailing from California and living many years in the South, I am painfully familiar with people who personify the stereotype you've focused on. However, being a progressive in Mississippi/Georgia/Tennessee/Texas, I've seen first hand the diversity of people, values- and how would-be allies for positive change may be alienated by such bigoted rhetoric.

Pride is a feature of all of our natures only a fool chooses to ignore. Doubt that? What was your reaction to the use of the word "fool"? Warm and receptive? Not so much, eh?

Identity is a powerful force. Pushing folks to choose between identity and positive change is destructive- no matter how justified you feel your castigation. Indulging in that impulse is selfish, and not very smart. Odds are that last sentence made you feel even less receptive to consideration, right? Not a constructive choice of words- but an apt demonstration of the power of pride.

Alienating folks is an impediment to confronting our problems, and bigoted blame part and parcel of discord. Individuals must be condemned and held to account for their actions- but not an entire people, however defined. Continue on this path, and Putler will be gratified.

[–]helpadingoatemybaby -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Mav is right -- you shouldn't make fun of southerners any more than you should make fun of the mentally challenged.

[–]Narrow-Presence-833 -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

We don't think about them at all in California. It pisses them off so much it's better here and we don't care about their broke, uneducated asses.

[–]VitaminRitalin 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]TheAlchemist-1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It looks like a mini LAV/APC with a massive turret.. 😆

[–]OverallNotice5247 39 points40 points  (1 child)

Jesus fuckin Christ... that thing looks like fun... when you're on the right side.

[–]SealMealVeal 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Needs 2 scouting drones, like DJI M3eThermal, and then a pair of switchblades that can take coordinates from those drones.

[–]WonderfulPotential29 32 points33 points  (6 children)

Its sad but fascinating how war drives development. 2 years ago... who would have though we would see combat ugv in action... i honestly didnt.

[–]nomnivore1 10 points11 points  (4 children)

DARPA prototyped a larger vehicle like this in 2006. UGCV "Crusher"

[–]WonderfulPotential29 3 points4 points  (3 children)

There are a lot of prototypes and concepts yes. Milrem robotics has a light tank thingy for example... non really ready for combat. I wonder how things will unfold now....

[–]DarthWeenus -1 points0 points  (2 children)

Idk, the caveats are just too high. Sniping the optics out, jamming the controls, hijacking it with a cellphone who knows. Its going to take alot of battle testing and failings to get things right, but once they do its going to be scary. Cause these things always trickle down to civilian life. I'm already visioning stop lights all having FPV drones on them for 911 operators in the future.

[–]WonderfulPotential29 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Only in murica 😅

[–]samplebitch 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well isn't it the UK who has speed cameras set up to send you a speeding ticket automatically? (Which has led to people covering up the cameras or stealing them outright)

That being said, it's not a terrible idea, but 911 operators are overworked as it is. It's more likely (should such an idea ever be funded to begin with) that AI will monitor the hundreds or thousands of camera feed covering intersections and can detect that an accident has occurred and then notified 911 with a screenshot/video clip for review..and probably a macro all set up to dispatch the appropriate agencies to respond.

"Looks like we just witnessed an accident. Dispatch paramedics and police?"

Yes / No

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

who would have though we would see combat ugv in action...

Many- this has been a long time coming.

[–]KermitFrog647 17 points18 points  (6 children)

There have been a lot of pictures and videos of different cool looking drones, but no videos of reports of any combat action yet, so.....

[–]EmpireLite -1 points0 points  (5 children)

So……? What? Like y’all know uploading or leaking it online is like not the number one priority when you literally roll these out in their maiden year.

The level of impatience is wild.

[–]Sfriert 1 point2 points  (2 children)

No but seriously, we've seen plenty of stuff in the past year and a half but I'm left wondering as to how many of these end up never seeing the field of action because of various reasons (practicability, logistical, etc.). Could make a compilation one day.

[–]DarthWeenus 2 points3 points  (1 child)

The footage of their effectiveness is highly unlikely to be released, just as we've never seen footage of an Archr blowing shit up, France doesnt allow it. Theres certain systems especially the newer ones where combat footage isnt supposed to get leaked out. Its a testimate to their discipline these days that alot of it hasnt found its way online.

[–]KermitFrog647 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Most of these things are tinkered in ukraine, so they do not have to keep it secret if they dont want to.

And they absolutetly like to brag for example with the succesfull sea drones.

[–]mavigogun 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I believe these have been "out" since 2016, at least. I suppose the interest of the manufacturer in having performance videos released is obvious; for Ukraine, the propaganda value would be high, too, I reckon- a real moral killer for the orcs.

[–]EmpireLite 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Unless the video shows them get stuck 50% of the time, missing targets, or getting in bleu in bleu accidents.

Like some of these could have been fielded too early. That’s the great part about a live conflict. You get to accelerate trials. Issue is you don’t want video evidence of it’s shortcomings, if they happen.

[–]Additional-Land-2947 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Tell me this doesn’t look like those new mongoose from Halo.

[–]Medical_Jicama_9798 11 points12 points  (16 children)

Dropping this in a trench and just slowly clearing it out without risking real lives sounds pretty good.

[–]PumaArras 20 points21 points  (9 children)

This won’t fit in a trench lol

[–]theBlunt0ne 5 points6 points  (8 children)

It doesn't have to. All you need is 10 of these around a trench and you risk zero lives to clear all of them out. The trenchniks will get hungry and thirsty way sooner.

[–]KimVonRekt -2 points-1 points  (7 children)

10 of those sitting still in a field when surrounded on 3 sides by RPG carrying Ivans? Because when you surround a trench then you have more trench on both sides and the rest of the enemy army in front :)

[–]theBlunt0ne 0 points1 point  (6 children)

Sure, why not. It's not like 10 vehicles cannot cover 360°. Hell, a single machine can cover 360° with an all around sensor. It's the vehicle operator hitting the trenchnik quicker than the trenchnik hitting the vehicle. I'm pretty confident the machine will aim a gun faster than a trenchnik will aim an RPG. With infrared technology you can make the machine aim at the trenchnik automatically and almost instantly. I can code that in literally two hours. Even without infrared and with just video feed analysis I can code it so that the machine aims the gun at anything that resembles a human almost instantly. You're never going to beat that speed with lumbering human flesh trying to aim an RPG from close range out of a trench. The machine can almost certainly achieve aiming time of under 0.1 seconds. Good luck beating that with human speed, and when the trenchnik learns what this thing is - good luck finding trenchniks that will be willing to try. And finally, it's just a machine for a number of killed enemy combatants. I'm incomparably happier sending tens of these machines into an attack rather than sending live Ukrainian fathers, husbands and brothers.

Look at this:
That's for a bloody game done by an enthusiastic cheater. What do you think can be done using a military budget? Good luck beating that speed with human reflexes.

[–]KimVonRekt -1 points0 points  (5 children)

The issue is that soldiers don't fight alone. A single soldier would be hopeless but they fight in squads at minimum.

You can shoot at someone 10 in front of you, sure. But can you see someone 50m to the right?

Also no, you can't make that program. You'll run into lack of training data before you get anything close to being combat ready. And then they will put pots with brooms on their heads and your program will do nothing. Rain? Stops working. Snow? Unlucky. Russians change uniforms? 5% drop in accuracy.

If google can't do it for photos, neither can you for a shaky combat footage.

10 of those? Sure. The Ukrainian front is 1000km long. Let's say you need one robot every 50m. 20000 robots. They you need some antitank models. Let's say 1 in 10. 22000 in total. Then you need mechanics to maintain those. You need depots to maintain the robots. What's going to happen? The depots get shelled.

A Leopard is infinitely better than 10 of those drones and yet they seem to not be the solution for this war.

[–]theBlunt0ne 1 point2 points  (4 children)

In fact yes, a robot will spot both movement and infrared signature of both the soldier 10m infront and the one 50m behind and the one 500 meters behind almost instantly. The code for infrared spotting is almost trivial. An 8th grader with a year of coding experience could do that. You're thinking human eye. Think this:

You cannot hide from that when it scans both visual and infrared spectra. And it can calculate the bullet trajectory and aim and fire in under 0.1s.

Pots with broom on the head will not confuse an AI scanner. Not even close. Look at this:

AI scanner will work much better in rain than a human eye. In fact, in any obstructed environment, AI will recognize stuff much better than a human eye will. Because while you see the thing on the right, the AI sees the thing on the left and you're dead:

I wasn't commenting on the feasibility of these things on the large scale. It's obvious that nothing is bullet proof and an instant and easy win of the entire war. But if you face off 1000 mobiks in small batches against 30 of these machines that are really well programmed I wouldn't bet on mobiks.

[–]KimVonRekt -1 points0 points  (3 children)

1) Zoom comes at the expense of FOV. You can see far == you can't see to the side. If you see something 50m in front, you can't see something 50m to the left

2) Facial detection in normal circumstances is trivial. There is a lot of datasets of people in plain clothes in offices. Now have one of those people wear a balaclava and some branches on their head ;)

3) Thermal is great. True. There are no datasets of combat thermal footage. Or do you want to fire on everything that's 30-40C and moves? Because that's a great way to shoot your own soldiers, civilians or a surrendering Russian.

I really wrote those things. It's not hard to make a system that recognizes people. It's hard to make an accurate system that recognizes people who want to actively destroy the system and don't want to be recognized.

Any of those can be fooled with a ghillie suit and some burning trash

[–]theBlunt0ne 1 point2 points  (2 children)

  1. True, but most trench combat is under 200 meters and there are wide angle lenses - certainly much wider angle than human FOV. There are even 360° angle sensor systems.
  2. You don't need to recognize. All you need to do is detect motion and heat sources and aim at that and let the human operator squeeze the trigger. It's not perfect but it is waaaaay better than human ability.
  3. I don't want to fire on everything 35°C-42° but I do want to bring it to the attention of my human operator. Especially if it moves.

Remember, the goal isn't perfection. Being vastly better than human combatants while not being perfect is absolutely fine. If you can get, through fine tuning, to a 100+ kill score before destruction all you need is a thousand of these and an entire army is gone in due time. What do you think an average kill score for a Mavic is before it is destroyed?

And you cannot fool a scanner with a ghillie suit if you're moving. Just a trivial motion sensor that counts changed pixels in an image will catch you moving an arm in a millisecond. Obviously, it will also catch branches and leaves and anything else moving so it needs to be an AI but the ghillie suit will fool only the human eye.

[–]KimVonRekt -1 points0 points  (1 child)

1) But you have no zoom then. Also those are fisheye lenses meaning that they distort proportions AND unlike a human you can't measure distance. Btw. Humans reach 200° FOV. The periferal vision resolution is low but if you put your hand near your ear you should see it's there.

[–]mavigogun 9 points10 points  (4 children)

At a 10 MPH max speed and half meter of clearance capacity, this thing has serious mobility issues. Not a bad run-time, though, at 4 hours with cargo, 10 without. I reckon its primary utility will be taking point and flushing out positions.

[–]Airy_mtn 1 point2 points  (1 child)

This thing needs to go airborne under a heavy lift drone.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And why would that be better then driving? What happens when your heavy, large, loud drone starts getting lit up from an MG?

[–]Uninformed-Driller 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Half a meter is really good. That's 1foot 6 inches. My shoulders are wider than that.

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Not width- depth.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And then there is Ivan with a shovel put horizontaly at knee height and you have no way of driving forward untill someone drops a grenade/Molotov on you.

Or some Sasha drops a towel over the optics. A tank/ifv is waaay more powerful and yet they are unable to clear trenches. Why?

[–]r4be_cs 2 points3 points  (2 children)

So whats the application? and cost of 1 unit? Because that camera looks like it will crumble under small arms fire so you probably would not want it to get too close to the enemy

[–]curtathegreat 2 points3 points  (1 child)

long barrel on that gun, wonder what kind of gun it is... Muzzle hole doesn't look that big.

[–]devilsownbutthole 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Looks like an M2HB

[–]dottydot123456789 6 points7 points  (4 children)

Add artificial intelligence and we have the makings of a great film! Seriously though. This is a major shift in warfare and how wars will be fought in the future.

[–]coder111 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Honestly the whole USA Drone war on Afghan/Pakistan border tribal areas looked like a cyberpunk nightmare looked from the right perspective.

You live in the tribal area, your mobile phone metadata is collected and correlated with known militants by an AI/statistics software. You accumulate enough of "enemy combatant" score, and you get shot at by drones in the sky you cannot see...

[–]TheSkyPirate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Very charitable to say they were using AI scores. More like a lawyer with an excel spreadsheet and a checklist.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How wars will be fought in the future?

With trenches and artilery barrages unless one side has a massive advantage.

From WW1 to Ukraine a lot changed but the most important thing is still a lot of big guns.

Drones are such a massive thing in Ukraine because they give unprecedented info not because they drop some grenades.

[–]ckal09 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Shades of RoboCop

[–]sykotickamakazi1 3 points4 points  (6 children)

I wonder if that box of sensors (its eyes amd ears) can take a bullet without rendering the whole system blind.

[–]westbamm 0 points1 point  (5 children)

I seriously doubt the designers made a single point of failure.

But it has some weird design choices, considering there is no need for a human driver.

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (4 children)

Really? Do tell: what design choice feels like a vestige of human payload? Any complex system is bound to have multiple "single points of failure"- an Abrams is replete with them, why would these not be?

[–]westbamm -1 points0 points  (3 children)

The space behind the eyes/head and the railing.

That is where a human would drive, there is even still some space for the legs.

The one freaking cable behind the head, wtf.

This really feels like a modified quad, and the steering wheel is replaced by a machine gun.

[–]mavigogun 2 points3 points  (2 children)

The railing is for cargo, not people. Sensors needs be elevated, and most of the vehicle is necessarily not behind them- so "space". Given more than a glance, this machine does not resemble a modified quad, articulating in the middle. Your reflection doesn't match. You've ping-ponged from "I seriously doubt the designers made a single point of failure" to " one freaking cable behind the head, wtf"- they seem hasty conclusions with little consideration in the moment.

[–]westbamm 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Just wait for the second generation, to see an even more scary non human design.

That single point of failure, if that "head" is compromised, I seriously doubt/hope, that the vehicle is not a total loss.

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Your hope is more nonsense. Disabled? Likely. "Total loss"? No more than a tank loosing its treads. Your standards are as erratic as they are unrealistic.

[–]Kimmynius 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Reminds me of the Goliath from Homefront

[–]No-Split3620 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Looks like something out of Mad Max 2.

[–]Kirkanpolttaja 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Master Chief approved hardware.

[–]hyp_gg 1 point2 points  (0 children)

modern warfare!

[–]Highw4ySt4r 1 point2 points  (0 children)

We have had jetski drones at sea. Now quad bike drones on land. Nature is marvelous.

[–]Slight-Employee4139 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Can u imagine 4 squads of 20-25 of these attacking from different points on target?! Yikes.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Different points? There is a trench line, there is only one direction, the front. 80 machines in a single point? How many of them will get stuck in mud, branches, drop into a trench?

You might as well have a tank and an infantry company.

[–]metroscope 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Why not just drones and grenates? More of them.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Because you can't compete with the civilian drones on price

But you can make 5 of those and get millions of dollars :)

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Video of the thing performing:

[–]ianlasco 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They can learn and adapt alot of things from this. I hope they also give the camera more protection since the orkz are probably gonna prioritize to target it.

[–]brokenmcnugget 1 point2 points  (0 children)

mini halo warthog

[–]Rabbit117141 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So am I the only one getting Bo2 vibes?

[–]Independent-Bug-9352 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This innovation and determination is why Ukraine will win, and also why I advise anyone to donate to: — the official Ukrainian government donation point.

[–]notjohnbigbooty 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Right out of Halo

[–]fatboy-slim 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Where can I buy one?

[–]Wallynine 1 point2 points  (0 children)

R2D2’s evil brother

[–]Laidaak_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Skynet is awakening and we are once again another day closer to Judgment Day :D

[–]wigglemonster01 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]vBDKv 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I cant wait to see some videos of this thing in action.

[–]funyunrun 1 point2 points  (1 child)

From my 30 second look:

  • P2P microwave antenna installed on the back (interesting)
  • GPS antenna on the back
  • crappy VHF antenna installed (why?)
  • either FLIR HRC-U IR camera or some version installed for IR/night Ops.
  • on the farside, looks like an EO camera (maybe a cohu)

I wonder if the optics are on their own PTU system or if they are tied to the turret.

They will need a network to support these .. doubtful StarLink is being used given Elon’s previous stance on this war.

I would suspect these are networked back to a command center with operators controlling… would be a waste to have a soldier on the front line controlling (just out the soldier in it at that point).

Curious what the turret speed is…

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why would a soldier on a front be a waste? If you are going to have an engineering squad follow this thing and you MUST, then you might as well have them cotroll it. They know the situation better. Even a simple thing as "Ohh, it rained yesterday so there can be still some mud" is something that someone 100km away can miss but someone living in a trench will always know.

[–]Dogethedogger 1 point2 points  (5 children)

There will be a future where there are literally thousands of these hundreds of them deployed in a region at once, and eventually controlled by AI so it doesn’t even need an operator

[–]mavigogun 2 points3 points  (2 children)

In the here-and-now, I reckon their utility is in taking point, flushing out positions, and reconnaissance in close support of troops.

[–]Dogethedogger 1 point2 points  (1 child)

True I also envision these machines being able to allow infantry battalions or other mechanized forces to approach positions while computer operated assets are providing suppressive, fire, etc..

[–]b33t2 2 points3 points  (0 children)

stuff like restocking food and drink, imagine automatically picking up food/ regular supplies(in a standardised container), and driving to follow GPS waypoints, dropping supplies off and returning to base for the next one, quick/auto swapping internal battery for one that was charged keeps it in constant movement, humans only manually take control when the bot fails or errors or considers a threat. wouldn't take a lot for a determined mind.

[–]TheSkyPirate 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Why make elaborate metal contraptions when humans are so cheap?

[–]Dogethedogger [score hidden]  (0 children)

I disagree, each soldier costs millions to train and equip especially modern western ones.

[–]cyrixlord 0 points1 point  (2 children)

this will be incredible to see when the drone footage starts coming out. I can imagine it creeping up to a trench and then, pointing the barrel down, 'BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT'

[–]mavigogun 3 points4 points  (0 children)

No- that would call for flame throwers.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No, it's creeping up to the trench and then BOOM and feed stops. Your slow drone just cought a RPG to the face.

What you're describing is exactly what the British did with tanks in WW1. It was impractical a few years later. Its suicidal now.

[–]yinzer1969 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Needs a couple big speakers to play Flight of the valkyries as it approaches.....for effect!

[–]iamadirtyrockstar 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This looks like they took a 4wheeler, put it on steroids, made it remote control, and turned it into something the opposing force's nightmares are made of....

[–]Formal_Management974 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–]NJDevil560 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Skynet is coming

[–]Mazerguru 0 points1 point  (0 children)

WTF, i want one.

Excellent for clearing my local traffic. lol.

Slava Ukraine.

[–]tonguefucktoby -1 points0 points  (4 children)

Put these in Transport Drones, fly behind enemy lines, drop dozens or hundreds of these and then watch the Vatniks run in terror

[–]mavigogun 3 points4 points  (2 children)

The comms range is reported to 5000 meters- so possible. Also possible to loose hundreds to signal jamming, the tool returned as a hostile.

[–]tonguefucktoby 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Hmm damn but in theory definitely something worth pursuing further. Until then these drones will cause less human losses for ukraine and definitely be a moral factor

[–]mavigogun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's the hope. I heard today that the age of the average Ukrainian soldier was over 40; anything that slows losses and avoids a general mobilization is direly needed.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why? Because a single attack helicopter will hunt them in a single day. Or just a single enemy IFV with a 30mm cannon. Or a minefield. Or some guys with rpgs hiding in a forest.

Vehicles MUST be protected by infantry. If a Leopard/Abrams can't do it then an improvised drone can't either

[–]Alex_Lannister -1 points0 points  (0 children)

the west is making ai robots to defeat russia and chinas army

[–]Little_Pen1918 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Won't be long till all ukr have identification tags on and this sort of thing charges head on using ai tech just shoots whatever it detects...obviously still a human with overall kill switch incase it gets into a civilian sort of situation but you get my point!

[–]jaklbye -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

This is actually terrifying and I do not like it as a concept. This is what they made movies about in the 80s

[–]Memory_Less 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Video please!? I so want to seen if it is effective and how much.

[–]Striking-Giraffe5922 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Does it just drop on the heads of Russians?😝 I want your clothes, your boots and your washing machine!

[–]CurrentWrong4363 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is this a dump truck?

[–]ttanawat 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Imagine a future war fought with drones, while human operators remain in bunkers or trenches. They may not be safe like 100%, just from the aerial drone is dangerous enough to wipe the whole squad. The land itself is a battlefield filled with automated combat drones. It's a terrifying thought just to contemplate.

[–]KimVonRekt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And who maintains those drones? Tanks are over a century old and they need more care then ever.

Then the whole war is about chugging artilery shells/rockets at the maintenance depots.

[–]Unlucky-Hamster-306 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Some CoD Black Ops II kind of shit.

[–]xman747x 0 points1 point  (0 children)

now make one that walks

[–]sonofthenation 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Tow it in place with an ATV, turn it on and let it ride. Slava Ukraine!

[–]Icy_Demand_8420 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Bad fuckin ass, I want one

[–]Googenheim2032 0 points1 point  (0 children)

wonder how many run over kills this thing will get

[–]Jslatts942 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–]PackTactics [score hidden]  (0 children)

Why the fuck are the Ukranians making shit humanity should have thought about making in Halo?

[–]WindEquivalent4284 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yeah but how many