all 111 comments

[–]gboostlabs 61 points62 points  (25 children)

Stripe made an update a few months back that affects content like this. I don’t understand it in full detail, but here’s a summary from an article I found: “Essentially, Stripe wants to avoid being used as a middleman for transactions where the value is primarily in the form of exclusive access, rather than the transfer of ownership of digital goods.“ I find it pretty confusing, but maybe this new policy has something to do with the issue you ran into.

Sorry to hear about your situation though, that REALLY sucks. Not sure what you can do in this case :/ try calling them out on Twitter or something?

[–]AICulture 44 points45 points  (10 children)

"where the value is primarily in the form of exclusive access, rather than the transfer of ownership of digital goods."

Sounds like this could potentially include any Saas business with payed tiers subscriptions... What?! What am I missing?

[–]gboostlabs 15 points16 points  (7 children)

This applies to content creators. SaaS businesses should be fine. Sorry, should have probably mentioned that specifically!

[–]AICulture 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Oh right, I guess they are trying to fend off "influencer courses". I see a lot of "I made 4.5eth in 0.42 seconds, I teach you how" ads on youtube and elsewhere. I guess they don't want to facilitate these dishonest tactics. Some people definitely have legit content but get hit as collateral damage. That sucks...

[–]lead-indicator[S] 14 points15 points  (3 children)

They shut down my SAAS as well. I cant accept payments on it, cant do re-billing, nothing. All my recurring payments have been shut down.

[–]meaowgi 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Are you going to pursue them in the courts for their theft?
What alternative payment processors are you considering?
I'm just about ready to launch my SaaS (stripe for payments) and this the last thing I wanted to hear

[–]gboostlabs 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah but it sounds like you used your SaaS business (the lead gen company right?) Stripe account to process payments for this course business after they locked down that course business's Stripe account. So if there was any way for them to connect both of those accounts back to you, it could be seen as you trying to circumvent their ban and ended up in them just shutting down your SaaS business account too.

I'm not taking their side, but that's what I would guess happened and why it ended up impacting your SaaS business account.

[–]tluyben2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What did the SaaS do? I might replace stripe with a more personal option that I can just ring or visit when this happens.

[–]Business-Coconut-69 0 points1 point  (1 child)

should be fine


[–]gboostlabs 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I mean compared to content creator type businesses, SaaS businesses are "safer" to operate on Stripe. Stripe is SaaS, and they started out serving primarily SaaS businesses. It's in their DNA. But not every type of SaaS business will meet their terms. And I don't have an exhaustive list, so I think it's fair to say most SaaS business "should be fine."

But it's also not just about the business type. If you have a legit SaaS business that explicitly meets their terms, but a bunch of people start submitting chargebacks, Stripe will probably shut you down. They have to bend over backwards to appease their banking partners because if not, Stripe goes out of business and can't process anything.

What sucks is that Stripe has to be super protective and can't feasibly investigate every single complaint manually. So it seems like they just default to assuming the worst for even the slightest issues. And good merchants end up getting lumped in with actual criminals :(

[–]briznady 8 points9 points  (0 children)

SaaS is access to a service, not access to information. Also, looks like online courses have twice the risk of chargebacks vs typical SaaS. Ref:

[–]pocketknifeMT 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Literally any club works this way. This is a good working definition for the concept of “dues”.

I buy exclusive access to the sportsman club every year.

[–]SatoshiReport 17 points18 points  (3 children)

For that amount of money it sounds like it is lawyer time.

[–]lead-indicator[S] 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I agree. But think about that, I have to use lawyers to get my own money. Screw Stripe. Never again.

[–]gboostlabs 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I agree, but I’d also be worried about sinking more money into this process that I might not get back.

[–]meaowgi 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Whatever excuse they're making for not doing business with this guy, they stole his money and aren't returning it. That's straight up theft; I'm just about to launch a SaaS with stripe, i'm looking for alternatives now.

[–]Hntzera 1 point2 points  (1 child)

In a same boat.. But still considering the crebility of this story. We haven't had any proof what he says is true

[–]meaowgi [score hidden]  (0 children)

In any case, it's good to have options, and shouldn't take forever to code support for a different payment gateway APi.

[–]lead-indicator[S] 23 points24 points  (3 children)

Even if I am considered a banned category, fine! Stop doing business with me. At least pay me out what my customers already paid me!

Or if they aren't going to do that, at least refund the customers!!! They aren't even refunding the customers!!! They are just keeping the money and shutting down the account!

That's not to mention my primary account has been in good standing for 2 years with customers that I have on auto-pay. That has NOTHING to do contact creation. Why the hell do they think they can keep that money!

[–]No_Influence_4968 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Exactly, this doesn't bode well to me either. All the praise that we all have had for stripe over the years can be undone in matter of minutes with stories like this.

Please keep us updated!

[–]Wooden-Box3466 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Hey man. I would love to see your website and its landing pages to see what they thought as risk.

[–]AICulture 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah for sure, there's gotta be some way of whitelisting users based on record or idk what.
Keeping the money is definitely a problem... Sorry about your situation.

[–]fantastiskelars 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Im pretty sure its because the increasing amount of scam related exclusive content you find everywhere these days. Especially within AI and LLM everything seems like a scam these days. Learn how to do X for just 99.99 for lifetime access to my course. The course is literally copy pasted from other scammy course vendors or just copy paste of some docs.

Not all if like this, but i guess they had enough of it since they just close accounts down left and right

[–]FocusedAlmeida 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I have an MVP almost ready to go, its one of those apps that allow you to create a paid telegram group.

I'm glad and sad at the same time after reading your comment with that article, sad because I will have to find another idea an will have build another app all over again, but glad because it will save me a lot of headache.

I would likely run into similar issue, even tho I would be using Stripe connect, my own account would probably be fine I guess, but my customer's account probably get closed, thus affecting my revenue as coleteral damage.

I think it's a wise deicision to not invest time/effort into that app, will look for something else.

[–]Single_Efficiency509 20 points21 points  (7 children)


My pal has like $80k locked on stripe but he talked with someone inside & he made it work.

Pain in the butt.

[–]Andrewofredstone 15 points16 points  (4 children)

Why would anyone leave that much in stripe? Do daily payouts!

[–]mrdingopingo 4 points5 points  (0 children)

/u/Andrewofredstone facts, stripe ain't a bank account tho

[–]Wealthyshezzy1 3 points4 points  (0 children)

They want to show screenshots 😀😀😀

[–]Single_Efficiency509 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I mean courses guys launches a course & gets a lot of transactions into their stripe + they like to show their stripe as if it was their students results :)

and I guess from these lies he'll get back bitten by stripe.

[–]sysarcher 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maybe it was yesterday's payout 💀💀💀

[–]lead-indicator[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Do you know who he talked to?

[–]Single_Efficiency509 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I was not that much connected with him that much, so unfortunately no.

But I have seen it a lot in the info product space, stripe doesn't like courses.

[–]DogecoinArtists 24 points25 points  (3 children)

Scary and worrying. I’ll consider switching.

[–]kurucu83 4 points5 points  (0 children)

What options will you consider?

[–]ysl17 0 points1 point  (1 child)

What are some other payment methods we can use?

[–]WoodooRanger 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Square, and many others.

[–]LimpAd4773 11 points12 points  (1 child)

This is their automated system kicking in for an LLC. I made an LLC and tried to register for Stripe but each time they'd close my account after just one day mentioning the same reason. Then when I contacted their support they'd say that I'm on MATCH list, a list of blocked merchants made by MasterCard. They said they can't tell me who placed me on the list and to contact any previous payment companies I used. I contacted Payoneer and Wise since I had accounts on them but they would say that they didn't place me on any list. Finally, after months of back and forth support emails with Stripe and threatening to sue them they finally paid attention and realized that they had made a mistake and I wasn't really on any list at all and my account was finally approved and active. However my trust in Stripe has eroded and I don't trust them that much anymore but we don't have too many options sadly. All competitors are worse than Stripe and Stripe has a monopoly.

[–]VirginiaBarExamTutor 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Hi there 👋🏻 single-member LLC owner here. Using stripe for over 8 years with zero problems.

[–]JmoneyBS 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Folks need to remember that when no proof is presented, every post can be a guerrilla marketing campaign.

[–]clickyspinny 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Op has at least 3 accounts posting the same. Probably more. If this gets legal, stripe lawyers will see and use all of these posts. Not sure what OP thinks these rants will accomplish. It seems to me like they’re trying to prove they’re right to a group of strangers. We don’t have any context op, nor are we hearing stripes side of the story.




[–]Engineer_5983 17 points18 points  (2 children)

This doesn't sound right. Stripe doesn't have a 5.6 section in their service agreement. It isn't the way they work anyway. They will however cancel if they feel it represents a high risk of money laundering, embezzlement, illegal trafficking, tax fraud, mail fraud, chargeback risk, etc... I'm not an agent or employee for Stripe, and I use a different payment processor, but this sounds like an online vent. If you've had a recent rash of chargebacks, they can hold money until the risk is over but they can't hold it forever.

[–]nderagephilosopher 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What payment processor do you use?

[–]Engineer_5983 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I use  The chargeback fees are less.  Square and Clover are great for POS systems if you need that.  

[–]VirginiaBarExamTutor 21 points22 points  (4 children)

So I’ve had only good experiences with stripe in the over 8 years I’ve been using them. But of course, your post was concerning. So, as a lawyer myself, I went straight to their service terms for stipe payment and was not able to locate a section 5.6. Their tos goes from 5.4 to 6. Perhaps OP had an innocent explanation for this and can just link to or screenshot the relevant TOS section? Or post a screenshot of the entire email from Stripe, including the headers?

[–]kueball87 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I question the credibility of this story since multiple people have now mentioned this 5.6 issue, and OP isn’t answering them. OP stated the emboldened section is a copy/paste, but I don’t believe a formal message of this nature would cite a TOS section which doesn’t exist.

Maybe this whole post is just… a lie?

[–]tertain 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Could easily be an automated bot that hallucinated. Can’t reach a real person at a lot of tech companies today. Don’t know if that’s the case for Stripe or not.

[–]ryosen 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I speak with CSRs from Stripe regularly. They definitely exist.

[–]BakGikHung 21 points22 points  (1 child)

  • why are you using a throwaway account ?
  • why are you not posting your website url ?

[–]half_man_half_cat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I swear this keeps getting spammed here

[–]Top_Half_6308 4 points5 points  (0 children)

For everyone having trouble finding section 5.6, here’s a great thread about the contents of it and why you may not be able to find 5.6 in your terms of service. Reddit thread about section 5.6 in the ToS.

[–]coopmaster123 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Genuinely asking then where are people shifting instead?

[–]Neither_Factor_5296 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to you, especially because a very similar thing happened to me this morning but with Paddle. I woke up to an email stating that my account is scheduled for closure following an in-depth review of my offerings by their risk team. I'm running an AI business that utilizes various generative AI models. Users who upgrade their accounts will unlock additional features inside the application. None of my customers requested a charge back on their transaction. When I asked support about the nature of the issue that warranted such an action, I was told they're unable to provide any more information beyond what was stated in the email. Thankfully, I won't be losing a bundle of revenue, but I'm still upset about the whole situation. I'm now in the process of migrating to a different payment processor and am saddened to see that Stripe could also pull something like this on me.

[–]akash_kava 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It’s safer to have multiple payment providers configured. Also the real problem is switching them. So ideally I would recommend having 2-3 providers and distributing payments equally so one of them closing doesn’t affect.

[–]Ok-Slip-290 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Gets one account shut down. Decides to move payments to main account.

Why? You were literally told “no” and went and did it anyway.

[–]__VenomSnake__ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There is a guy on this sub who is making stripe competitor and launching next year.

[–]redditdeebz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Starting to see more of these situations pop up, it's scary. Thinking out loud, do you think it would be best to do daily payouts? To reduce the amount they hold should you find yourself in the penalty/review?

[–]PurpleEsskay 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sorry but I don’t buy this story at all. For starters an almost identical story keeps getting posted on various subreddits every month or so. And just like in this case, it’s from a fresh account and any attempt to get them to share their domain is ignored.

I’m calling bullshit and this is some sort of vendetta or attempt at badmouthing a competitor.

It’s also not the first one to say they now use which is a super odd choice for SaaS products.

[–]patmayndk 1 point2 points  (5 children)

You found a cursed gold doubloon, and brought it to you and your friends cabin. And the pirates tracked it down, and killed everything inside.

You then though. “Yo what if i just bring this this cursed gold doubloon to my own fruitfull and beautiful home. What could possibly go wrong”.

That is on you not Stripe, you should have been able to see the risk in that.

I agree the money you are owed should be paid out, no doubt about that.

But at least admit that it was a stupid decision, to just use your working primary agreement, thinking that everything was gonna be fine.

[–]xasdfxx 1 point2 points  (0 children)

But at least admit that it was a stupid decision, to just use your working primary agreement, thinking that everything was gonna be fine.

It screams scammer. Getting one account shut down and migrating to another with the same product.

[–]HunterK76 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Dead Snow 3

[–]phyn4jellyfin -4 points-3 points  (2 children)

Can you read?

He doesn’t mind not doing business with stripe. All he wants is the money owed.

Seems you just wanted to make this your comment and ignored all information in the post

[–]patmayndk 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Did you read the actual title? His other comments on other posts.

If you have any reason to think this dude wants to continue using Stripe, you are the ignorant one of us.

And the only thing im inferring is that he is writing it like they closed his account for no reason.

My man brought a nuclear bomb home, and is now oblivious as to why the government raided his house.

Ofc he should still have his money. That’s not what im talking about

[–]JakeRedditYesterday 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Someone really should build a Stripe competitor.

[–]ReachingForVega 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Then sell it to stripe for bank! 

[–]XalAtoh 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Isn’t Braintree the stripe rival? Sure it doesn’t work as well…but there is alternative.

[–]pocketknifeMT 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Braintree predates Stripe. Stripe is actually the disrupting force in payment processing.

[–]PcisT 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m in the exact same situation with $50k they are holding. It’s quite unbelievable and sad

[–]Beginning-Comedian-2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It seems like Stripe is great until there’s a problem.

Then they go for the nuclear option and cut off all access. 

[–]bettereverydamday 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That’s really bad. We do a lot of business either stripe. Looks like I’ll keep an eye out for alternatives. They should be challenged. I hope they don’t go down the road of paypal

[–]neotorama 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Stripe: no support given after we banned you

[–]anonthe4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–]DullAd6899 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks for this. I was about to use it for my new business, I'll consider using something else. 🙌🏻

[–]DataNerdling 0 points1 point  (1 child)

what are the alternatives?

[–]ashbakernz -1 points0 points  (0 children)


[–]zeloxolez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

probably a good idea to prep setup other providers when possible. that way you can swap them out.

[–]EnvironmentOptimal98 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This happened to an older business of mine during the early image generation boom. Only had $500 in the account, and did manage to get access to it about 6 months after it was frozen.. but seriously, screw Stripe.

Looking for recommendations for alternatives (not PayPal)

[–]MenuBee 0 points1 point  (0 children)

With all due respect to you & your suffering, Please try to reverse the seat & think from the point of view of a multi-billion dollar company and then think:

Would you take such a risk when one of your clients tries to bypass the ban by using a second account? I doubt it.

Suggestion: Try calling their PR/Legal team and talking one-on-one to mitigate the issue. Human touch, honesty, and mutual respect can take one out of the worst possible situation. If nothing else works, talk to them by visiting their offices. Keep your customers informed and be upfront with them. Use this to your advantage. Good luck. You can do it, I am sure.

[–]Last_Inspector2515 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's alarming; have you considered legal counsel?

[–]Sensitive_Teacher_93 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It seems to be working fine for my AI saas so far. But it’s scary man, to wake up one day and not being able to collect payment. Probably we should think of integrating another service as a backup!!

[–]dev902 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Dude can you share the link to your website, product or anything that is regarded to your banned account with Stripe? If you mind sharing then something is bad that you are hiding from us!

[–]CobblerUnusual3123 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So, what alternative of stripes , we can use?

[–]clickyspinny 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How many accounts do you have OP? u/Steelsixactual



[–]juxstapositionis 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I always just funnel the cash straight out of the account. No idea why someone would leave that much in stripe. Maybe I’m missing something

[–]FunctionFunk 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I have used Stripe for 6 years now and love it. I have nothing but good things to say about it

[–]the-atlas-ai [score hidden]  (0 children)

Hands off! Wont use stipe ever in my life
But what are the better alternatives?

[–]kid20304 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Skill issue

[–]Ready_Vanilla_6730 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Stripe has the worst customer service I have ever experience and they will steal your money and not give it back for 6 months. Literally without ever having a chargeback. I make cabinetry and never had a chargeback and when the ticket price suddenly went up they just closed my account despite providing all documentation.

[–]solebug 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Stripe has always been ass, and I have refused to use them primarily since 2016.

I was VERY HAPPY when Silicon Valley Bank went under, and I hope Stripe does the same. Fuck them.

[–]syediquader 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Bitcoin fixes this 😆

[–]HuguesLB -3 points-2 points  (9 children)

What're your alternatives to stripe then ?

[–]sueca 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Haha, OPs alt account talking to himself

[–]No_Influence_4968 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Wtf seriously?

[–]HuguesLB 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No. I use Stripe to process my $0 MRR from my 0 paying customers on my solutions and I'm very satisfied with it so far.

It's a classic shilling method though, and OP's account is not his main, so fair guess.

[–]sueca 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There's been several posts in this past week where someone complains about stripe and someone else chimes in with that other service specifically as a good alternative. It's definitely a very common shilling method on these subs. The OP has some problem/issue, and then a commenter just happens to have a good recommendation.

[–]lead-indicator[S] 0 points1 point  (2 children)

I have moved onto which is backed by visa and ties directly with my business account.

[–]meaowgi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How did you find integrating with Do they have a good API?

[–]HuguesLB 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Checked their trustpilot reviews. Looking pretty scary ngl

[–]ashbakernz 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–]reddevils2121 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Sorry to hear this man! I was going to consider Stripe, I guess we are dodging a bullet.

One question, what is the name of your business that does SEO for home services. We r launching a business within that area, so got interested.

[–]BanhShark -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Have you guys looked at MOR model FastSpring?

[–]AutomaticFox1455 [score hidden]  (0 children)

What are some good alternatives to use instead?